This but unironically

This but unironically.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, if you have them chained, otherwise the black people in my city fucking take them

Why are black people so fragile? That stick helps the cashier more than anything. Do black people really love making other peoples lives harder?


it's not that they enjoy hurting others it's that they have no concept of empathy or self control

>Why are black people so fragile?
Years of their victim mentality being encouraged for political gain
>Do black people really love making other peoples lives harder?

They literally throw white kids to their deaths from third floor mall because nobody wants da BBC, and have the gaul to call us fragile.

is that john elway?


Third worlder here.
Why do black people need the grocery divider to the point that they feel the need to steal it? Why do they find its use offensive?
It's understandable that a rushing cashier might mistakenly beep the next client's item.

American Blacks are unique. Blacks in the rest of the world are less indignant/uppity.

There are some American Blacks where ANYTHING negative that happens to them they have to make a huge scene and bitch & moan. I went to NYC last week and some woman sat down in between two people on the subway. She brushed the arm of this black woman and she chimped out because she said "sorry" afterwards instead of "excuse me" beforehand

>white ppl love tht stick
Asian here, we have that thing too to here separate people's groceries.

It's hard to appreciate the plight of the working man when the only experience on your nonexistent résumé is 'hustlin n flo'.

god I hate niggers so much

do black people like their groceries being confused with someone else's? is this what I'm left to conclude?

I see niggers use that stick all the fucking time too.
What even is this fucking meme?

Diversity is overrated. It leads to racial conflict.
Different races of people weren't meant to live together.

Blacks are like dogs, they want to piss all over everyone's territory and personal space and invade it. They also want your money.

Triggered by a stick. What a life.

It's a complex meme you see. Much like 'we wuz spices n shiet' when it comes to anything food related.

Every civilized country has them.

>white people love things that are helpful

Holy mother of dubs.

Reminds me of the time I was talking to an African (can't pin his nationality) immigrant at the delivery service I work for, he loved America and talked all the time about how people need to work... But he also complained about the laws. He thought violations for things like DUIs or Speeding were stupid, that police should "tell you to think about how you'd hurt your family if you kept doing this" and let them back on their way.

It really, really is just different cultural values.

But my dog doesn't want my money

>Comparing man's perfect and loyal companion to those filthy parasitic monkeys

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salty black bitch mad that she can't sneak her items and get whitey to pay for it

I don't get it


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>why are black people so fragile
>"how dare you imply that i use food dividers"

But does anyone really think this way? I'm not American but I've heard stories of Amerifriends being made fun of for using this stick.


bc its gay af

>how dare you imply that i use food dividers
That wasn't the point at all, are you retarded or something

Do niggers really put what little mind power they have into dissecting the greater meanings of grocery store item dividers?

it shows how fucking stupid americans are to not remember what they picked off the shelves.

>White people like something that's only function maintains order.
Why would you not like it tho?

>Why are black people so fragile?
Says the person triggered by an obvious joke
I bet you're offended by that 'whites cant take spicy food' shit

the problem is that the US has glorified nigger culture over trying to culture niggers

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wh*Te people be drinking water
like if you agree

Americans have weird social conventions

The worst one by far is tipping where

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here in switzerland we dont use those because everyone is smart enough to remember what we bought off the store.
i think its just a mutt thing.

Because in civilized places you simply wait for the person in front of you to finish picking their shit up before placing your shit on the conveyor belt

Guess why they hate cops.

>Do black people really love making other peoples lives harder?

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thats not how it works

It doesn't matter. If one black sees a white person do something that they themselves don't personally do, it infuriates them. Their hatred for white people is so great, that they build stereotypes based on a single example.

They're just trying to share their culture with them

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No fucking joke when I DONT use the stick the idiot scanning my groceries ALWAYS mixes them up with the next persons. Even then they still mix them up some of the time.



I swear to god I lose years off my life whenever a knuckle dragging troglodyte fails to use that stick and then complain whenever we mix up their groceries

t. wagecuck

You are retarded. In a queue of up to 5 people nobody waits.

its for the cashier retard we have it in finland

What third world shithole do you live in?

That kid is Buddhist monk tier

why are wh*te losers so fragile? crying about strawman african americans that don't exist

I thought I was being polite when I did that. I'd move up the line as far as possible, put my stuff and that down, so you'd be cued to not have to hold onto anything heavy in your hands anymore.
I'm so sorry.

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yeah the thing is for retards im not surprised they got them in finland too. bet you use them everyday you spastic faggot.

Imbecile, this thing is for the cashier who in no way knows what you're buying and and can accidentally grab wrong item. For a mountain Jew you're surprisingly insipid.

I think it’s just that there isn’t a drop of testosterone in his body

Bullshit, don't pretend they don't have those in Coop or Migros. They even have a divider at the end of the conveyor to make bagging up easier

Goddamn you are stupid LMAO

>people don't make mistakes
It's just something to separate people's groceries, why risk some drunk douchebag placing all his things on someone's else's goods and then holding up the line?

>The worst one by far is tipping where

The cashier doesn't know what you or the other people in line picked

Wtf is wrong with staying hydrated throughout the day?

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In 1st world countries they do

I'm not american

>Why are black people so fragile?

Their entire history consists of other people trying or wanting to colonize, enslave, genocide, conquer or forcefully deport them.

Is jus dey culcha

why you lying nigger? pic related in migros

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>EFF says 'white boy' who picked up rubbish was out to impress 'white cabal'

I couldn't imagine living next to niggers, what a detestable species.

you dont buy your own food

Ummmm its uncool sweetie
Just sip starbucks like the rest of us u fucking weirdo

Which is why we'll never get along.

if a cashier picks up an item from the conveyor belt that you didnt remember picking it off the shelves you simply tell them those arent yours.
americans are fucking retarded to allow their cashiers pick up anything and scan them even if they're not theirs.
fucking braindead low iq mutt niggers needing a stick to remind them of the simplest things. no wonder you retards fail at the most basic tasks.


I actually do that at home but I have an actual kidney problem.
>tfw immediately piss right back into it

>Their entire history consists of other people trying or wanting to colonize, enslave, genocide, conquer or forcefully deport them.
Like other black people in Africa?

im not finnish or an american

White people created order.

Blacks are chaos incarnate and their impaired minds cant wrap their heads around things that aren't bodily functions.

I live in an actual civilized country, where people are polite to each other and allow the ones behind you to not have to carry their grocerybasket for more than they need to, and allow them to have space on the conveyor belt to place their items.

>imagine being a wagie at the age

Great bait.

Among others, yes.

or you can just silently and easily use a universally understood stick of separation to spare everyone the time
do you just use your hands to wipe your ass because you're going to wash them anyway?
do you make a scene when someone uses a straw when they could just drink from the glass?
are you a nigger too? you sure sound like one

>having to do that in the first place
Or you could just us a divider and just skip that awkward conversation in the first place. Moreover, those cashiers go through a couple hundred people a day.

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Ay fuck you, that shit's useful!
t. Hispanic who uses that at his local beaner market.

This is more indictive of the struggle than anything else. We literally should've sent them back to Africa to rot.

Trying way too hard you dumb nigger

>I'm not american
I know. I ask again, what third world shithole do you live in?

Hes just doing the objective right thing, an actual good guy, his decency makes them look even more disgusting woth each repetition. Now its preserved forever as a testament to what these people are. Sorry you cant grasp something so basic because of your angry lizard brain.

I wouldnt have the same composure, I can say that much, but in the end theyre trying to get a rise out of him and its not working. The kid is like a Buddhist monk. I have respect for him.

Seriously, this isnt a concept id expect you to be able to grasp. Its fine.

*mutts love that stick
ftfy. we dont have those in europe

Blacks did it to each other. And we don't need you, we didn't build this country on cotton pickers.

fuck Opie

As opposed to anywhere else in the world where people were conquered, enslaved, and genocided throughout history, you heart-bleeding mong?

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yes we do

fuck opie

>fucking braindead low iq mutt niggers needing a stick to remind them of the simplest things. no wonder you retards fail at the most basic tasks.
so this is why whites are so dumb these days.

It's not there for you it's there for the cashier fucking retard. For you it's be just saying "these are mine" and you move on but for the cashier its making sure during every single customer through the whole damn day what is and isnt theirs. You could do that, or just have stick and make life easier for everyone, so why the fuck not.

A lot of boomers don't care about societal status and just wants to do something and make a little bit of money. Respectable. I'd much rather have a white old lady than some young spic who doesn't give a shit.


Nobody gives a shit about europe.

meds created order, whites are the same as blacks

is it offensive? i dont watch tv so i think these days i often do things others find offensive.

for instance i found out saying "you're a credit to your people" to my good foreign friends who are representing their nation well, is apparently offensive?

>Blacks in the rest of the world are less indignant/uppity.
If that were true then there'd be a black country that wasn't a shithole.

cope harder retard

I'm neither black, not American. And thank god for that.

How is this Yea Forums related

No, morons like you lead to racial conflict. Not diversity.


Then place the basket on the counter where it doesn't move, or the floor
Why the fuck would you place your items on the conveyor belt when the person in front of you is not done bagging and paying?
Don't people in your 'civilized country' have any notion of personal space?

Get a load of this dune coon lmao

It comes down to time management, you fucking mongoloid. If I set my shit down on the belt with anticipation, then the next guy can do so as well. It gets us out of the store quicker that way.

Also, it prevents me from having to waste my god damn precious time correcting an easily avoidable mistake. I dont want my time wasted in a fucking store correcting mistakes and waiting around. I want to get in, get the fuck out, and go live my life outside of that fucking store. Holy shit you should have your empty skull bashed the fuck in.

I hate SJWs because they act like niggers have no flaws, they literally enable their shitty gang culture, this bullshit is the reason most niggers will never change, outliers and actual black people exist, but black people aren't the problem, niggers are. Even charles barkley talked about how niggers jump on other blacks for success like its a fucking bad thing or they are sell outs and uncle toms for rising above their station instead of acting like victims all the time.

>This is the only form of segregation we have left

No it isn't.
Leftists are actively bringing segregation back. It already exists in socially important institutions, like colleges, which are still receiving government funding.

Segregation is alive and well under the Left.

Attached: Liberals and Race Progress Segregation at Universities.png (1320x872, 200K)

>lmao just put your food on the floor
pretty gross

>personal space
Oh so you come from an autist country

are you kidding me? he is acting like the topest tier of men with that conviction and restraint.

>Europe doesn't have the stick of civilization
When did you get rid of it? When you imported your Muslim conquerors? That stick is all that divides one man's groceries from total anarchy.

wtf are you even saying
how do you function on a day to day basis

For a second I forgot this is not /pol/
pretty based if you ask me

>Why the fuck would you place your items on the conveyor belt when the person in front of you is not done bagging and paying?
Because there is more than enough room for 2 or 3 people to have their grocieries on the belt. Having people "line up" their own groceries is efficient.
>notion of personal space
I'll have you know I'm from Norway, one of the most autistic countries in the world when it comes to personal space. We stand 2-3 meters away from each other on bus stops, and a 3-person bench is considered full if one person sits on it. Yet we still manage to remain efficient and polite by using a separator so more than one person can ready their groceries.

It's in their nature.

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>All it takes is 1 tweet from a black person to send wh*toids into a frenzy on Yea Forums
Why are black people so based?

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it saves time to crank those items through and the cashier will hate you slightly less if the store is super busy

In Spain we call this the retard stick. Its mostly used by old people who cant remember what they bought. Everyone else just make spaces in between each other's groceries.

No, we have them in Germany.

every european country ive shopped in has that. either some neet who never bought food or is doing an epin troll

Nice damage control LMAO

I only ever use the self check-out because all the cashiers are niggers.

I love these threads, they're usually around the slump times in my office too

Australian hours man

>Segregation is alive and well under the Left.
Based democrats playing a long con.

>pretending to be a new poster
Dude, get over it. You embarrassed yourself and now you are fighting way too hard to prove yourself right.

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in England we call it the sceptre of order.

Probably been said before but it’s obviously a kid getting his degree to be a boot lieutenant who will probably contribute more in his brief stint in the military commanding at least a hundred or so military personnel then being a forgettable woke “voice” in the internet
The water jug and backpack are dead giveaways

>this thread

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Monkeys are intelligent

t.retard stick user

>It comes down to time management
Nuff said

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me? i simply throw my groceries on the floor, and let the cashier sort through them. in my country we call the conveyor belt 'the retard band' because only a retard would need it

If you start a thread with this image it'll reach bump limit in 10 minutes with people totally not triggered trying to "prove" the obvious joke "wrong"

Your time is over whiteboy is our time now


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black people love stealing

Why did Republicans free the slaves and pass the Civil Rights Act? Democrats were opposed to both and were the party of the KKK.

>that realization when people shoplift to save everyone time

I mean faggots are even worse so

Dare I say BASED and extremely REDPILLED

this kind of stuff is so stupid cause the first thing anyone thinks of is "white people made the internet, it's a white invention. they just allowed us/others to use it"

In Argentina we call it the Staff of Grocerymancy

If you made a fag joke on Tumblr it'd unironically get less triggered replies than this thread

>Go to Walmart
>they have those spinning baggers
>black guy in front at checkout is spinning it suspiciously trying to grab my bags I paid for while he grabs his own bags
>stare him down
>"what you looking at white boy? You think I'm tryina steal yo shit?
>Keep staring him down and say "Yeah, because that one's mine."
>Grab it back
>He looks butthurt that the race card didn't get him out of stealing shit
Why do they always have to be running a scam or trying to steal shit then playing the race card? Gets so tiring. You have to keep two eyes open and always on the alert whenever they're around.

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Republicans are humanists and see niggers as equals. Democrats see them as lesser beings. This is the fundamental reason why they supported segregation in the XIX century and do it in the XXI, although with different flavors.

what does this have to do with television and film?

well yeah cause its just a fag joke, fags have the whole world catering to them and their needs. they arent hit with this shit every day despite being almost perfect like white men are.

Have you actually seen cities in Africa? They arent all shitholes. Nairobi Kenya is pretty nice.

I personally believe that people nowadays have thinner skin so they get upset more easily by anything,but I don't think that it's more common in a racial/sexual group than other.

The fuck is this thing.

I'm living rent free in your heads
how does it feel having someone live inside your head without paying you a dime?

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>ftfy. we dont have those in europe
Yes we do

Cuckasians struggle with humour.

kek we are the only people who can take a joke. we basically invented humour

You are right

Actually it is the gays that were the most sensitive people.

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Most of them are tho.Even countries that are not so shit like Morocco have it's fair amount of shitholes where illiteracy and poverty runs rampant

t.assblasted negrito

Yea Forums - Television & Film

>work as a mall cop
>nog walking around with a big stick in parking lot
>ask him what hes doing with that
>"muh back bad need it to walk"
>went to another section and was trying to scare me off
>got spooked enough he left. guess he thought we called the cops

yes you do dipshit
stop lying to try to bitch about Americans
I know that banter against other countries exists but you going out of your way to bitch about American is just embarrassing

It spins so the cashier can load two bags, spin it and load two more. Then the customer can be unloading bags when it comes around. Nogs use it to steal shit by waiting longer than necessary to grab their bags and they try to grab some bags from the person behind them in line.

Aww man thats fucked up

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Explain this thread then. Seriously, it's like you're all offended women in here.

Lol real pizza in Italy cost 1/3 delivered

>Do black people really love making other peoples lives harder?
Have you been living under a rock your whole life

Fuck you

>literally shaking over some dumb shit
fucking americans be whites or blacks they are all drama queens

>we are the only people who can take a joke
>175 replies

>it happened in 2016, that means it didn't happen

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No sex today?

You sound triggered

It's fucking retarded and inconvenient. You can grab it by accident, too.

i think you need some perspective, first see and then consider that the rest of the world is perpetually offended over non pc stuff right now to the point that it makes even the most butthurt post here mean nothing toward your point.

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god I hate negros so much. always bitching, moaning, complaining about the white man. HELLO. why dont you fuck off back to africa. oh wait, then you would have to live among your own kind and not even nogs want to live among nogs. what a pathetic race.

i hate niggers too but desu that was pretty much incel tier i don’t think it had nothing to do with having black genes

But why?

Shut the fuck up wh*toids

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you talked a lot without saying anything at all
gotta leave /pol/ once in a while. it's not healthy

Is /pol/ seriously trying to make water a racist symbol? That's a new level.

>non-whites always complaining about wypipo
>only want to live in white countries

we have a lot of people who use Yea Forums and a lot of those who like to point out and make fun of retards from other parts of the net like in ops pic.

wh*Toids be wearing shorts
like if you agree

>Republicans are humanists and see niggers as equals.

Good one.

no way the mosquitoes bite the fuck out of my paper skin

They succeeded with the OK hand gesture so anything is possible

This is magic hour. Mods are sleep. Janitors can only do so much without them

>point out and make fun
funny way of spelling "cry and get triggered"

>you talked a lot without saying anything.

no but to have read my post and come to that conclusion about it might actually be highlighting your issue. Maybe you've been brainwashed so you can't even read the "opposite side's" opinion?

white man's burden

>takes 3 niggers to beat up a small white kid
>think that's a success for them

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>nuh uh
Imagine having such little self awareness. Like take a step back and truly look at yourself, man.

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>have the gaul

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yeah see thats the problem, im right and you're wrong.

It is annoying when the left thinks the right is triggered over shit just because the left is always triggered though.

Inferiority complex


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its almost as if you're our age.

Dumb whitoid go shoot up a school bc u can’t have sex lmao.

The right literally IS triggered by everything. Look at this thread.

>tfw this tweet was one day into Trump's presidency

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>threads promoting chimps get BTFO
>all these retaliatory threads get posted
>samefagging your posts
Don't project, you fucking snowflake.

I've been to most countries in Western Europe and I can say, yes we do.
England, France, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, Spain, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands.
Every single one of these countries had the stick.

The right is triggered by the breakdown of society, law and order, and the Constitution. The left is triggered by someone not allowing the breakdown of society or someone trying to use a divider at a grocery store to make life easier for everyone.

The Left IS literally triggered by everything. Look at modern society.

Republicucks think they can maintain order through promoting 'values'. Dems were and still are more power oriented. The difference between pre and post 1964 Dems is the ethnic makeup of their internal elite.

totally backwards but your brainwashing is strong I'll give you that you cheeky bugger.

>should've sent them back to Africa to rot.
This video is literally from Africa though. South Africa specifically in case you're wondering why there's a random white dude there.

>mental level of a swede

They're dumb but even they're aware that "black" isn't actually a "thing" and tend to think of themselves as their actual ethnicity.

He's not samefagging but throwing punches in the dark like you are is a big sign of big mad. Calm down, user.

>the virgin sip vs the chad gulp

>go to US exchange student
>every person in the family I'm with weighs as much as my entire family put together
>they have no water in the fridge
>only coke, sprite, "orange juice" and "beer"
>buy my own bottled water from the supermarket
>they're all confused at it and ask me why I'm wasting space and money
Fucking Americans live in bizzarro world

>Do black people really love making other peoples lives harder?

As someone who worked in the food service industry for many years, I can say without hesitation that the answer to that is yes. At best, you can expect to not get tipped/get met with a shitty attitude, at worst, you need to watch your back. They will also take any atom of opportunity they can to complain for free shit. Especially bad when they live clear across the map, and you have to drive all the way back out to their place for what you absolutely know is a bullshit complaint (too cold when you got it to them in ample time, burned when the oven cooks everything at the exact same speed and temperature, etc).

>Do black people really love making other peoples lives harder?
funny you ask, they actually do. most of their tantrums and random homicides are simply out of spite for humans

>The right is triggered by the breakdown of society, law and order, and the Constitution.

You mean the right is responsible for the breakdown of society, law and order, and the Constitution?

>white people have to clean up nigger's mess even in their own land

Why is this thread still alive on Yea Forums? Isn't this board monitored by people who spend their lives making sure it's clean?

and then everyone clapped

lol look at that Nazi being BTFO

yeah we're the snowflakes here

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>storing water IN the fridge
my fridge has a cold water and ice dispenser, i know techmanollogy is hard for u europeanz

/pol/ does tell people to stay hydrated a lot, but then will start rambling about tap water

From my experience, anyone with "-isha" or "-ante" in their name is a clear signifier that they're a ghetto piece of shit, and as bad as black men are, black women are way worse.

Except for Dante.

The left literally celebrates the breakdown of society on a daily basis. The right is struggling to keep society together. While the left is pushing drag queen toddlers, and being pro-AIDS, the right is fighting hard to keep this world working.

>The right is triggered by the breakdown of society, law and order, and the Constitution
*posts BLACKED porn*

>democrats want you to ignore this reality while simultaneously demanding you pay them money for something that happened to people over a century ago because they were the same race

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Why are all niggers such brainlets

Tap water shit is almost all true. There's unsafe levels of mercury, lead, fluoride, you name it depending on your location.

they want you to "accidentally" buy their shit for them

so glad I wasn't raised that way but I do have a beer problem these days and my mom got fat when she retired her bicycling hobby

This LITERALLY happened to me in a liquor store in DC. I brushed past this guy in a small store and he chimped out on me saying, "Yo, do you know how to say excuse me?"
So I apologized and he just kept making a deal of it. They are so annoying.

Apparently it was some kind of protest, the people in the red are from a far-left political party who were trashing a university's campus for whatever reason.

>duuuuuude, what if we took the insult they call us...and call THEM that insult?
>I'm sooooo clever! They'll never recover from this one boyos!

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>pick up that can

That's just DC though, it's a city of cunts. I went to school there and that shit happens all over the place.

We have prisms

They were confused because their fridge likely had a water dispenser

yeah you show him you're not triggered by being the 4th reply to his post
pretty clever

That is such a fucking bizarre thing to get worked up about.

Yes, the breakdown of society.

The right literally celebrates the breakdown of society on a daily basis. The right is struggling to keep society together. While the right is pushing environmental destruction, and being pro-war, the left is fighting hard to keep this world working.

Don't like it, get carryout.

I live here. Kill me. Honestly it is such a fucking shithole. "Culture" my ass. It's like a real life zombie apocolypse, but the zombies are stumbling homeless blacks that you have to avoid.

be honest, did you pick it up?
>tfw you did

Hell there's a big scandal in Michigan right now because they're finding more and more towns with contaminated tap water. Flint is the worst obviously but nobody really cares about Flint.

why do i suspect that you’re a turk you fuckin thirdworlder

>The right literally celebrates the breakdown of society on a daily basis. The right is struggling to keep society together.

Attached: kronk doesn't make sense.gif (245x140, 360K)

so much triggered clitorises in this thread

Only because they have the white mixture in them to make them marginally smart enough for malice. African blacks are horrible too but they literally do it out of instinct.

niggers hate order

Why are mutts so cucked ?

>twitter screencap
>264 replies
>all about a fucking shopping divider
Never change Yea Forums. Heres a nice practical joke, replace the divider with a Toblerone bar.

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you dont drink tap water? wtf?

Obviously she hates grammar, as well.

in civilized parts of europe we call you “white niggers”

Depends on the African. Some African nations actually teach their kids right. They might not be the smartest but Nigerians are generally pretty straight. They also hate American blacks. But if you look at South African blacks or some of the extremely low IQ ones from Congo, Ghana, Somlia etc then yeah they're total shit tier. Keep in mid that Africa has like 3,000 different tribes and they're all very different.

Africa has potential. I doubt it will live up to it in our lifetime but parts of it might get their shit together.

Why do people who invent words like microaggression call someone else sensitive?

we just like making fun of and pointing out retards like this

this is the lefts whole technique these days its fucking retarded lol

projecting wont make you any less retarded desu

Even Nigeria is extremely diverse. I don't blame people for not learning the differences between various niggs though.

what even? this is you lol

The left is so sensitive that they only comeback they know is to take insults they've faced and try to turn them around. Doesn't work. They're the champions of sensitivity and fragility and everyone knows it.

>get gangbanged by replies
>s-see you guys are triggered
I can hear you crying LMAO

>Africa has potential
Their low IQs (which are largely due to genetics, not "socioeconomic factors") say otherwise.

They have an entire subreddit dedicated to seething about "the left can't meme," where they just replace it with "right" and post fake straw man comics

The land has tremendous potential, and it will be dominated by the Chinese.

THIS. GAS all of them and their mentally ill friends

Attached: Degenerate Liberal Logic.jpg (600x600, 48K)

I do. I don't expect people to memorize individual tribes but knowing that there's a whole lot of them in each country should be common knowledge.

the funny thing about this is they then fake the reaction too, like when pol loved black panther because ethnostate movie and the left are always acting like pol was triggered over it.

>Do black people really love making other peoples lives harder?

Is that a serious question?

There's like 100 of those subreddits now. Most of reddit is sensitive lefties crying on each other's shoulders all days since 2016. All I can say is 2020 is going to be even worse for them. The Dems are trying really hard to lose the 2020 race by running Creepy Uncle Touchy Joe.

funny, like they can semantically trick you into fucking a man hahaha.

holy shit.

That's a trick question. Women are children.

I always assumed they do what they do what they do because they are stupid animals. It never occurred to me that theyre doing it on purpose desu


>wakanda is an ethnostate

Wtf I love Black Panther now.

No sex this week, user?

It actually explicitly isn't. It's population consists of multiple different tribes.


Attached: 1554887196087.png (500x422, 91K)

Being from a country where in the last century the indigenous were forced to speak a foreign tongue and pray to a foreign god and all the while, the native land and its resources are being harvested for a foreign nation with profits of those sales only going to warlords seems like something worthy of SEETHING about. I'd like to get the hell out of that country too. Can't defend the violence or refusal to integrate to a new nations' culture though

Sounds logical though

Which is funny cause men of the white kind are the least fragile in existance, it's just funny to make fun of them because compared to everyone else they're punching up. Sad


its an ethnostate man, black africans only. until he opens it up. basically pol loved it because it brought the idea of a technologically superior and safe ethnostate to the public.

On top of this for those who live in america and have something against blacks, they believed the film might encourage some blacks to go back to africa or to have some pride in excellence so they become "better people". not my words by i'm also not condemning them.

What channel is this on? Is this a movie? And then they say pol autists arent a plague.


It seems you don't know what an ethnostate is. Even Japan is an ethnostate. Wakanda was actually extreme as they didnt allow any white or asian foreigners at all.

You literally just bumped this thread. Are you complaining about yourself? Are you /pol/?

Holy shit I'm europoor but this time it needs to be said.

And one day for no reason at all...
