Game Of Thrones can not compare

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nothing will ever compare

Harry Potter is better
But of course LOTR is better than GoT

Lord of the Rings is boring as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

Based and Potterpilled too bad SJW of a author is ruining the series now

When GoT was just coming to HBO, I was very interested. I loved LOTR, and had just finished the Starz Spartacus.
It really looked it could be a hybrid of LOTR and Spartacus.
I couldn't make ti through the first episode. So glad I didn't bother.

retarded and bluepilled

At least Lord Of The Rings focused on key aspects opposed to gay sex and sex scenes like GoT did, its just filler and uneeded

Nah, it's boring as fuck. You just like it because you saw it as a kid.

GoT is terrible too.

No I read the books and enjoyed it as an adult, J R R Toiken is a master writer and his works can not be replicated, so many things he did to create such a wonderful series.

It's still better than marvel but yes, I just love rewatching the original series

Marvel is so shit right now, I hate the MCU, sorry Super Hero movies but you won't reach Dark Knights standards

I wish you a death that is soon and painful

Well I have never read them so I can't comment on them.

He wrote his books like poems and even crated various langauges for certain factions.


They really are bloated messes with bad CGI and halmark channel directing

Yeah I have heard he was a very academic guy in linguistics. I am not doubting his personal talent as a writer and he did basically invent modern fantasy but.... Those films are boring. Or honestly the first one and half of the second one which is all I could stand.

This isn't Yea Forums

Aquaman was something with its practical effects, DC should keep going that route, and honestly I haven't seen a good marvel movie since the first two Spidermans with Toby

I did honestly enjoy aquaman, even justice league as a popcorn flick

Thanks, Sherlock.

Legendary is doing pretty ok, I just an't wait for this newer Godzilla film King Of MOnsters, I loved Godzilla, too bad people want more monster fighting instead of the actual narrative of Godzilla but the effects of this movie seem amazing yet iffy in some parts, Ghidorah I think has some of the greatest moments, Godzilla looks pretty bad at some points.

based retard

He's right though, you actually have no taste and meme like a faggot.

you mean yourself? no, you aren't right. LotR is beauty from start to finish. only zoomer plebs who dont understand subtlety find LotR boring.

Who would've thought

lotr is good but return of the king kinda ruins it
too much dumb shit like the invincible ghost army and the eagles

So to truly 'get' the movies you have to read the books? I agree the movies certainly can't stand on their own.

Agreed. LotR is on an entire new level of camaraderie that ties down epic emotions we have desired since birth. It's truly one of the best fantasy stories ever done.

Dude you say the most cringe tier twitter zoomer pleb shit possible. You're NPC. The only good LOTR film is the first one. Hackson is garbage. Stop thinking he's great

>dude epic

nobody said anything about Hackson, I'm simply saying there's more to LotR than just the story

>>dude epic
Hey why don't you stop being a little fag boy for two seconds and read a fucking book. Those passages were written in for the love and admiration Tolkien had for his mother and the hopes for his daughter Priscilla Tolkien. Not everything is a fucking /pol/ argument. So stop acting like a lowbrow human stain that resembles a melting porter potty.

The LOTR story is legit bare bones
It's cliche and in fantasy terms it's mild

>The LOTR story is legit bare bones
The fuck? Have you even read The Silmarillion? Nothing about the Tolkien Lore is bare bones.

hence why I said >there's more to LotR than just the story
besides if you want a good story go read Tolkien's work, no movie or show can do it justice

gritty grimdark 2010+ dramagarbage like game of thrones isn't even in the same genre as the unparalleled masterpiece that is the LotR cinematic trilogy. why would you even mention them in the same thread.

>You just like it because you saw it as a kid.
literal 14 year old contrarian retard detected

>dude lotr is a cinematic masterpiece
Return of the king is legit capeshit only fellowship is good

>contrarian toddler hasn't read the books
big shock.

>dude look at me shitpost someone please pay attention to me
(you), now run along and play, the adults are talking.

This. I bought a extended bluray pack, all three movies, because my expectations were very high. i really couldn't even finish the first one, it was so fucking boring

You're not an adult if the truth triggers you that much and you don't see the cliche garbage directing and hobbit tier stuff in return of the king

Off yourself for thinking you have taste and are cultured because you like glorified action movies that fucked up their source material

>starts with extended cut
>hurr durr it's boring
you know what, I'm glad I don't have retards like you shitting up my favorite trilogy. Keep doing you man

What does the books being good have to do with the movies being being bad?

A lot of the dialogue in LOTR was really stupid and nonsensical when it was meant to be dramatic or something.
>ride now, not for wrath, not for ruin, and the red dawn
like what the hell does that mean
>let this be the hour we draw swords together
like my dude you've been in a battle the last 12 hours your swords have been thoroughly drawn

Game of Shit fans are mentally ill. Yeah there are hardcore LotR fans who are similar, but overall not as bad.

>Dude you say the most cringe tier twitter zoomer pleb shit possible

Just like every other post in a GoT thread and beyond.

it's hamfisted and cringey for the most part desu

worst post ITT

And you've been filtered like the little flickpleb you are. Do you really think you have any taste at all, you don't.

Why even make this thread?

LotR is obviously leagues above GoT

>implying harry potter is watchable after goblet of fire


>implying it isn't pure kino after goblet of fire
You have such shit taste it's actually unbelievable. Go watch some more marvel.

>like my dude
zoomer confirmed

It's not hard to be better than GoT, even the camp cheese fest that is The Last Kingdom is superior to it.

Attached: last kingdom fatman.jpg (1242x2208, 199K)

Imagine believing you have good taste and liking H*rry Pootter.Literally Hunger Games but with magic.Dullest franchise ever.

>implying Lord of the Rings is watchable after Fellowship of the Rings


yes i'm an adult who has a job and owns a car and i was born after 9/11 what of it

Imagine actually comparing Harry Potter to a series that has zero cultural impact.
Imagine actually thinking Cuaron isn't a better director than Peter Hackson and any fag directing a Game of thrones episode

Imagine being NPC


Maybe if you are 15 years old.Also marvel is shit too,stop projecting you absolute bufoon

Don't worry, Amazon Prime will solve this problem soon.

Attached: Jamagolas.png (682x1000, 881K)

Plus it is a 3 movies compared to an 8 season show. It is like comparing a video game to a board game.

The Two Towers is godtier as well. Don't deny it.

user it's been kino for a decade, stop posting. You clearly were born after 2000.
You have the most shit fucking taste possible.

No it's fucking terribly paced with back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth, it's a mess.

Just admit you eat up anything that has "lord of the rings" in it's title.

>dude LOTR is such a masterpiece
Instant cringe

Attached: so this is maga.jpg (600x598, 71K)

>Dude you say the most cringe tier twitter zoomer pleb shit possible
the irony.

>implying "cultural impact" reflects the quality of something

Lmao you must be those faggots that unironically say that "Trump is literally Voldemort and we are Dumbledore's Army.

Both Cuaron,Jackson and GOT directors are hacks so idgaf

>he says NPC
>while at the same time defending the most liked shitty saga by the NPC horde


>t. big poppa

Attached: louis theroux-63.jpg (1280x720, 240K)

>he keeps going on

I mean it's okay if you like your childish movies about le ebin wizard kid,but it's anywhere near as kino

Christopher Tolkien was honestly correct about LOTR being plebshit for 14 year olds who like action. You can smell it ITT.

Stop bringing up trump
>the most liked shitty saga blah blah blah
Nobody is talking about marvel or game of thrones though the most shitty liked sagas possible

Stop posting already

>Harry Potter is better
harry potter has the most unsatisfying ending and epilogue of any "popular" series I've ever read or watched. i don't remember Tolkien coming out just a few years after he was finished with his series and going "yea the ending was misguided wish fulfillment on my part I should have just gone with the pairing that made thematic sense instead"

But two of those movies were rated r and had to be cut from R ratings. LOTR is actually more childish and everyone read LOTR and the hobbit books as kids along with harry potter. Stop thinking you're superior. Really it's embarrassing.

Lmao the seethe is real.Stay mad.

Harry Potter is good without Rowling

>harry potter has the most unsatisfying ending and epilogue of any "popular" series I've ever read or watched.
Then you clearly don't watch anything because it's one of the only good series made lmfao
Really I can't even take you seriously

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I think the only valid comparison to GoT is the 2010 adaption of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It's pure kino that attempts to mend literally hundreds of years of Shu-Han dick-riding by making Cao Cao sympathetic. The only valid complaints are that the Wu faction doesn't get enough screen-time and the fight scenes have too many jumpcuts.

>believing Harry Potter isn't for kids because a R rating

Correct, aka the first 8 films that were directed and screenwritten by men.

oh no, someone with incredibly bad taste can't take anyone else seriously. what will we do? how will we cope? retard.

Rowling wrote the books, but after she became the very thing she wrote the evil of the books to be

I dropped this show because the MC is constantly falling in love with a new hole. I want manly shit, not this fruity flirting bullshit.

>defends game of shits
>doesn't think endgame was disappointing either
>seethes about a good series in the process
>thinks he has taste
We caught a big one here
Back to or discord!

kino start to finish

She's redpilled about trannies though and pisses off some sjws - all the /pol/ tears make it glorious too desu

>I dropped this show because the MC is constantly falling in love with a new hole

That's because you're a woman and prefer Harry Potter.

Harry Popcorn is great for putting in when you have a girl coming over so you can fuck her while it's noise in the background. The Lord of the Rings trilogy in an all around fulfilling experience that I wouldn't invite a woman over to interrupt.

>start to finish
The finish was extremely tryhard and gay, literal faggots jumping on the bed. forced goodbye scene at the water where everyone has no actual emotion.

Stop projecting, virgin

Thats at least something she has, good for her

During the span of one LotR movie, Game of Thrones will fill that 90 minutes with cock and short people jokes while making references to Reddit memes. More pertinent plot points happen within 20 minutes of a LotR movie compared to an entire season of GoT.

t. pleb
Both are kino. And in lotrs case the movies get worse as they go on and look like the hobbit in some instances

>>defends game of shits
you''re the only faggot who mentioned game of queers, you strawmanning retard.

>Stop projecting, virgin

Sounds like something a woman would type. Like you. There's nothing more manly than fucking and chucking. TLK is a series women fail to understand. Like you.

>93 posts
>24 IP's
mods just nuke this thread pls

Yes but the way it's filmed and edited is not good, it should have been narratively done different like the books focused on sections instead of having multiple narratives switching every 5 minutes it gets a little annoying you must admit.

It astounds me that people on this board are willing to spend so many posts talking about the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Whats wrong with this thread besides the banter

>muh game of thrones
>muh endgame
>unironically thinks hairy plodder is a good series
>muh reddit discord reeeee

Based and incelpilled

What has she said about trannies?

>disliking the banter

It never annoyed me at all, though. I thought the movies were pretty great. However, The Hobbit films were absolute filler garbage, in my opinion.

The dullest pasta in the history of pasta, still more exciting than bore of the rings

>Stop projecting, virgin
the severely autistic retard says while literally projecting his own complete lack of empathy and inability to comprehend poignant scenes in LotR.

Gollum was the only interesting thing for over 2 hours of TTT. It needed a different kind of adaptation.

Imagine being older than 13 years old and liking Harry Potter.

>inability to comprehend poignant scenes
No nigger, I'm telling you the scenes are directed like the halmark channel is all, could it be more obvious the fake heartstrings Jackson tries to pull? Not really he does it in slow motion everytime!

That doesn't make any sense, a woman would like all the holding and kissing scenes, faggot. Romantic sub-plots are purely for women. When I watch a show about the viking invasions of England, I don't want the MC to be sweet and tender to every goddamn woman he sees.

I was entertained throughout the entire movie. You might just have a low attention span.

"The Lord of the Rings by Peter Jackson was an abomination for 14 year olds that like action"

And guess what, he was right.
Stop getting mad at Potter, retard.

>muh hallmark
>fake heartstrings
like I said, you're severely autistic. nobody is blaming you, guy. you don't know what you can't know.

Imagine not thinking Harry Potter is the only good series with 8 entries. The matrix couldn't even get to 3 movies. Jurassic Park could barely get to 2.

If LOTR was that imagine what's left to Harry Potter.

Even Star wars couldn't do it, Harry Potter managed though

>defends peter hackson
>has no arguments besides you just dont know man
Dude look in the mirror he hasn't made a competent film since LOTR for a reason, hes shit.

You mean movies where the main characters don't quip their kill counts and movies that are paced rather slowly? Yeah they aren't for the capeshit crowd desu most people think they are too slow or boring, that's a sign that they are good. Similar to lotr in a way desu in that aspect, for the ones with the longer runtimes.

>it's just an action movie for kids reeeeee
cry more, potterfags.

Attached: lotr-jackson-oscars.jpg (980x551, 96K)

It's pretty crazy
Right on cue, the lotrfag actually thinks oscars matter, black panther go multiple oscars they mean jack shit

Why do you keep bringing capeshit up? Is it because the only way you could make Harry Potter good is comparing it to trash tier movies?

I saw them when I was 11-13 originally, as did most people, they were for kids. I watched them autistically as a kid.

Not him, but King Kong (2005) seems pretty competent to me.

That's because it's based on a Bernad Cornwell series like Sharpe is.
That writer wants to write historical Harem stuff but his publishers keep forcing him to change the stories.

>keeps unironically repeating "peter hackson"
you're not helping your case, autismanon.

>he hasn't made a competent film since LOTR
King Kong and The Lovey Bones were both post-LotR.

They're way too fucking long for what they are. Return of the King is the worst offender in this regard. I also have no idea what Gandalf's deal was after he fought the Balrog and somehow was reborn as "The White" and Saruman dies in an almost comical fashion. I'm a bit angry that the only version I could find was the extended version as I feel like I probably would have enjoyed the theatrical version more. Also Gollum CGI has not aged well in the slightest.

>why do you keep bringing up the movies that people who hate on harry potter post about 24/7 on this shill board
KYS already m80, you sure must have been fun in high school

there is no piece of media with as satisfying an emotional arc as the LOTR films

>20 years after LotR black panther got an oscar for music and costumes therefore the entire 90 year history of the institution was invalidated
literal contrarian retard

>the lovely bones

>King Kong
A huge CGI slog

user there's kill count quipping in Lord of the Rings, nobody was talking about capeshit except if you think LOTR is capeshit

There is capeshit quipping all the lotr movies, the worst offenders are TTT and ROTK though

>Yea Forums is the same person

kys asap

the weinsteins produced lotr thats why they won you dumb american cunt

Most people did see them when they came out originally, yes. Most people were not 12 year old admittedly autistic children when they saw them, no.

>Yea Forums is the same person
But it is, or else this board would not have people posting about MCU 1500 times a day every single day as if nothing ever changes.
Where do you think you are.

>getting this 'tism triggered over your own contrarian retard opinions

And why should I care about the faggots eating Marvel shit up? I dislike capeshit and Harry Potter.

Most people here weren't even 10 years old when they were released. But for younger people who actually saw them in theaters and remember them, they were 11-14.

>it's contrarian to recognize the oscars are shit for decades now
Nope, only if you're actually NPC. The movies that don't win awards and that get no noms to a few noms have consistently been better films than the movies that win the major awards or many awards for every single fucking decade this past half century.

Harry Potter even has timeless soundtracks, it's millions of times better than the soulless trash that's come out of blockbusters since. Sorry you can't recognize something that is genuinely good from something that is genuinely lazy.

>people who saw the movie when they were young were young when they saw the movies
thanks, doc.

>contrarian retard unironically using /pol/ memes
oh boy this keeps going exactly as expected.

>most of the people who claim they are "muh masterpieces" on reddit and Yea Forums and youtube were 11-14 when they saw them and have nostalgia boners

Harry potter had John Williams do the score I think, so that's kind of cheating

I'm not using a /pol/ meme. I'm telling you that you're legitimately a fucking phony for shilling the oscars as mattering at fucking all when it comes to cinema or art. You are a cuck.

Why didn't the "wizards" just cast themselves out of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Attached: 1556595855314.png (734x726, 629K)

>it's cheating that people of talent worked on one thing and nobody of talent worked on the other
This board. Don't even know why I come here desu.

>brie larson
>dull shithead pasta thats stale
Checks out you fucking capeshitter

I'm just in it for the (you)s user

Azkaban was the best of these movies but still isn't LOTR territory.

Azkaban is better than any lotr movie and so was Half-Blood Prince.
LOTR isn't special.

>Azkaban is better than any lotr movie
based retard

Lord of the Rings is The Dark Knight tier in terms of overrated

GoT is better for the simple fact that it is more grounded.

Based no retort retard who has the most easy, lukewarm opinions possible

better than The Hobbit tho

actual brainlets

Peter Jackson made the hobbit and people think he's a great director.
"That still only counts as one!"


>flirting is not manly
I bet you think manly is being a social retard and grunt like Tom Hardy instead of talking to anyone

>The Two Towers is terribly paced
Imagine being this retarded

Attached: shitlet.jpg (680x551, 38K)

>complaining about pace in a 3 hour film

lol look at all these people giving their opinions on stuff like its reddit
nobody fucking cares

>posts a NPC imagine
>literally can't detect HORRIBLE pacing
Massive retard

>thinks the problem with the pacing is due to the runtime
Fucking mong

It is paced perfectly fine, the best paced movie of the trilogy. Why would you say it's badly paced? Did you even watch the movie?