Was it kino?
Was it kino?
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This was my favorite episode for a while
It's the last good episode. They didnt make a single good episode after this. It's also one of my favorites
Probably one of their best ever desu. It also got me into WoW.
I've never seen anybody portray acne so accurately. it hurts
Literally me.
>It's the last good episode. They didnt make a single good episode after this
Ok buddy
its kinda retarded and it bends the rules of wow A LOT just to get the story to work but eh whatever its an ok episode
Back when the idea of someone spending all their free time online meant they were a freak.
And now look at it, fucking normie cunts.
If you like a single episode that came after this you have horrible taste
Pre-airing Trey thought this was the worst episode he ever wrote and was borderline going to beg the nose in charge not to air it
If you didn't like major boobage then you're the one with horrible taste
Pretty good but outside of top 5.
It parodies WOW players perfectly, which is the intend for the episode. It's not ripping on the game and it's rules are "bent" because it's an episode going to be shown to people that mostly have no clue what this game is, but they likely know people that play it and have seen their behaviour.
Treys kinda weird, and a cuck.
1 Scientology ripoff
2 Warcraft
3 Mecha Streisand
4 Rainforest, getting gay with kids
5 too fucking many episodes from season 1 to 6 that I cant fucking pick
It portrays Diablo 2 and WoW players accurately back in the day. It's hilarious if you were one of those people (I was and did nothing but loot grind in D2 for years).
>no inaginationland trilogy
oh it's up there somewhere in top 10
Deathcamp of tolerance is kino
Literally the next episode is amazing. Mystery of the urinal deuce.
This thread made me realize South Park was amazing until about season 15. Truly the best animated comedy ever.
Even after 15, there are still a few good episodes here and there (like the game of thrones parody episodes). Except for Season 20 - I don't think there is a single good episode in there unless you think 2 scoops is 2 many.
The best part about South Park is how a lot of things they portrayed in the past as exaggerated parodies turned out to be weak versions of reality 5 years down the line.
Unfortunately in later seasons they're just portraying reality instead of predicting it.
I'm not your buddy, pal
It was technically one big advertisement.
But... it's kino.
He's not your pal, guy.
That's the problem though, if for early seasons you could pick 1 or 2 episodes that were meh, but still watchable, while there rest were great.
The latter seasons you get 1 or 2 that are decent and the rest are boring and can barely hold your attention through.
Matt and Trey grew up, what a person finds funny at 25 changes when they are 45. They are no longer the hungry cocky whippersnappers from the Colorado mountains, they live in LA and have almost become what they were making fun of. The show used to focus on the kids doing kids' things in the early seasons, because the creators were themselves very close to being kids in a small mountain town, and probably most of what happened on South Park was inspired by what they did as kids.
When that well ran dry, they went on to do the show from the LA perspective, which is the reason why seasons 1 to 10 you can watch today and still find somewhat relevant and funny, where as later seasons like the Zimmerman episode are completely lost to anyone that doesn't remember the real life events that episode parodied were.
I'm not your guy, friend
>there will likely never be another good south park episode in your lifetime
>when South Park predicted the future
How come we have stupid Simpsons predicting future videos everywhere but nothing about SP?
The elites realized they weren't just toilet humor and were actually influential. So they granted them their wish and made them Broadway stars with their glowing reviews on the New York Times and such.
Now they're in Hollywood's pocket, forever their bitch.
Parker and Stone think this is one of their worst episodes, they also hate "Scott Tenorman Must" and "Good Times with Weapons", + all episodes before season six.
trey and matt are gay for eachother.
>they hate “Good Times With Weapons”
Of course they do those contrarian faggots. Cartman sneaking across the stage is one of the funniest sight gags of all time.
It's several interviews you can hear them say for some reason they hate season 2 and most of the other early seasons.
It gets to you man, fame and money eventually break everyone, even Parker.
Awesome-O is GOAT
He thinks like that about every episode before it airs
Jokes aside.
Go God Go is my personal favorite.
Followed by the one where Butters becomes a pimp.
Butters bottom bitch episode was by far my favourite. The imagination land episodes were pretty good too. Later seasons got some great stuff. Too bad they moved to actual having a full story instead of just standalone episodes, I think I watched the season that was airing in 2016 or 17 and it was terrible.
the lowest points of South Park is where it just takes whatever reality TV show was popular at the time and just does a lazy parody of it for the entire episode.
I think Butters Bottom Bitch is my favorite episode too, do you know what I am saying?
pre scott tenorman there were a lot of shit episodes, the show was being marketed as being 'shockingly funny' because it had kids swearing in a cartoon, sometimes that label was justified as it was all the show had to offer early with the main culprit being cartman.
post scott tenorman, after seeing that cartman wasnt just there for rants and fat jokes, the whole show and range of what was possible changed, it was kino for 10 years after that
Yes. The Christian Rock band episode is my favorite.
I disagree, everything S1 to S4 is pretty damn good, apart of a handful of episodes that aren't AS good, but still pretty fun.
Name the episodes you think are shitty.
The zip lining episode is start of a decline
That was a pretty good episode though, besides the cringy youtube-stars ending.
This episode got me into WoW. Tail end of Burning Crusade until Cata. I miss it but WoW felt like a Job after a while.
Reminds me how drug recovery and education channel got me into amphetamine
Uhh nah 14 is the last good season.. even then there are good episodes dotted around
I have only seen a handful of episodes form that range, while "The Wacky Molestation Adventure" is one of my favorites, "Cat Orgy" is boring as fuck, the Grimm reaper one has good elements it isn't put together well. I can't remember anything from "Cartman's Mother Is Still A Dirty Whore".
Catman of "Cat Orgy" is a completely different character from Cartman in "The Wacky Molestation Adventure".
Based consumerist
It was the most Kino.
The only thing they got wrong was the neckbeard not having a guild filled with 39 other neckbeards and the boys joining them to raid at the end.
>So the closing shots could be Randy staring at them in tier guy going "aouuuwho" then switch to the boys fat and now bearded in cheeto dust
The only video game episode in TV that was done right, unfiltered kinomography
Mecha Streisand is meme
I love how blizzard helped them make fun of their own customer base, figurivly shitting in the mouth of their paying customers and saying, lol this is what we think of you.
Signs of things that were to come at blizzard.
Imagine being that new.
>saying "lol"
dumb fuck, you laugh out loud, that's what you do when you're saying something
Lmao @ this sperg
based bait
Krazy Kripples
Deathcamp of Tolerance
Casa Bonita
Cartman's Incredible Gift
this episode is overrated as fuck, but then again, i don't like WoW. I don't like minecraft either tho, and i thought that episode was great.
by the end, i felt like I was just tricked into watching a fucking advert for WoW
The one where Cartman makes the Christian rock band is one of my favorites. And the one where he is the psychic medium assisting the detectives.
Name a better song from any musical
pet semetary is probably the most kino south park episode outside the trilogies.
butter's bottom bitch
it was a good episode
It's a good ep and a cultural phenomenon, literally everyone was talking about it and quoting it.
Nu South Park is very hit or miss but PC Principal is fucking hilarious. Especially as someone who used to be quite involved in the local music scene and saw these types of people often.
The psychic fight lmao
My man
Also great taste
>old good new bad
Boomer detected. Although I'll agree that at least the past 5 or 6 seasons have been pretty much consistantly trash. Ginger Cow was surprising hilarious though. The live action parts they occasionally do always hit the mark. Makes me wish they gave up this show years ago to make a sketch show. Give they Mad TV for fuck sake.
One of their best made Episode and the ending sealed it.
the "MOM, BATHROOM!" gag is one of the best jokes they've done