cant believe this outdated shit was even popular at a certain time
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>being a faggot is ok
go back
Eddie Murphy was only like 21 in this special and like 19 when he was on SNL how is that possible? dude seemed so polished and like he'd been doing comedy for years all by 21?
The 80s sucked.
He’s definitely a talented\funny guy but his stand up sucks, or it’s dated?
I keked so hard
pretty crazy how a teenager had to save SNL, if eddie murphy was never on that show it probably would have gotten cancelled
>and then a big brown shark caaame
Never fails Delirious > RAW
I enjoy a good fag joke but they were boring as shit. I give it a pass though because was just doing what people thought was funny back then, which is apparently just YO IMAGINE IF MR T GOT FUCKED IN THE ASS LMAO
you're fucking deluded if you dont think everything past the first 20 mins is pure solid gold though
was it kino?
i dunno i remember finding the bit about if Mr. T was gay pretty funny. and then the whole thing where his father thought his aunt was a big foot GOONIE GOO GOO! lol that shit used to make me laugh my ass off as a kid, havent seen it in years but it still holds up in my head anyway!
Delirious is as good as stand up gets.
The gay stuff is the best part. Sorry you don’t know who the Honeymooners were.
RAW was better! he had that whole bit about "faggots is mad at me, man!" after talking about how they were all giving him dirty looks wherever he went after making all those gay jokes in Delirious
>I thought I learned some Spanish Eddie
>I went to my Puerto Rican friend and said "goonie goo goo" and he said "what the fuck are you talking about?"
That and the kids catching fish with their mouths are the best imo
RAW and DELIRIOUS are in the top 5
It's eddie murphy man, he was just hugely talented.
You could post clips on /pol/ and they'd be like "Well I do hate all nigs but Delirious is hilarious"
It was Charlie.
How is it outdated? Kevin Hart did the same bit in 2018. That's just how the black community feels about the gay community.
>stand up sucks
so why does /pol/ hate black people then?
>t. didn't get no mcdonalds
And Eddie was a tranny chaser just like every other homophobe
no thats how everyone feels about the gay community but black people arent afraid to talk about it. whats gonna happen a bunch of faggots get beat up?
Tracy Morgan too. remember how he got his trouble for doing a stand-up routine where he was like "if my son if come home and tell me he a fag and like to suck dicks.... man ima stab dat lil nigga to deaf! i dont play dat gay shit yo! i hate fucking faggots, liz lemon!"
Name one (1) decade since that is anywhere near as culturally significant.
I was just referencing this comic. I love Eddie Murphy and the 80s.
lol that totally sounds like something tracy jordan would say
>Implying Welfare Green Pepper burger isn't superior
Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor or Bill Cosby: Whose standup is better?
Eddies was the funniest to me, but the other guys had so many more specials. Why did eddie quit after only 2? Dude was so good at it and every movie he made after the 90s pretty much sucked, shouldnt have quit!
I was never much of a Cosby fan until all the allegations, now hes a based bro! now that i know hes a cool raper guy IRL i gotta check out more of his stuff
>but his stand up sucks
Honestly that’s fucking hilarious, i audibly laughed from reading that
There seems to be a huge difference in generations of blacks as far as how they were raised and disciplined. If they have severe parenting they seem to turn out alright. If they get Great Society'd, they're screwed. Murphy talks a lot about his upbringing in the material and there's no reason to think he was lying. He also seems wonderfully clean and disciplined for an up and coming celebrity.
And God, the Bus Boys. Better than any music act available today.
didnt he also do some bit with Spock and Kirk fucking each other in the ass to the star trek movie? This special had god tier fag jokes anyone who doesnt find it funny is most likely a fag and mad gay fags like them are being made fun of. the 80s were a better time, back when those kind of people were rightfully seen as weird freaks!
I wonder if Murphy's togetherness was a deliberate reaction to Pryor's girlfriend-shooting drunken arsonist sense of fun?
Because /pol/ are a bunch of faggots
*star trek music
MURPHY MARRIES BUSH BITCH is still the best stand up story ever told.
Nah, him getting in a fight and calling his dad. That shit was brilliant.
can't even fathom the amount of pussy he must have been smashing 24/7 during his peak youth in the 80s
Based fagphobic boomer