How do we bring back testosterone in the industry?

how do we bring back testosterone in the industry?

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stop hiring liberals


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Its always the same solution to everything ya know

Just let it die. Easier to start from scratch

Believe it or not, millenial women will bring it back. After another ten years of being married to men whose idea of sex is dressing in a biodegradable non-gender conforming furry suit and crouching in the corner wanking as they watch the Mexican gardener grope their wives, millennial women will be begging for a return to traditional masculinity.

we cant. its a ball that we cant stop rolling. the fast food industry has destroyed americans diets and is pumping onions into everyone. Test levels in men has dropped in half since ww2.


women don't know what they want, and they won't have figured it out in ten years

Basado y redpileado, we need new non liberal action heroes

>women don't know what they want
Women biologically know exactly what they want, but they play the same mind games with themselves as they do with men. Boomer and gen-Xer women were able to delude themselves much longer because many of them had men in their lives with detectable testosterone levels. They could indulge their neuroses by ranting about gendered pronouns during the day, then come home at night and satisfy their biological need to be plowed so hard their skulls cracked the headboards. Millennial women don't have that luxury. After awhile, biological drive will crack through the delusion of even the wokest women.

Are you telling me these tacky 80s films were masculine just because they had a weightlifter star?

>millennial women will be begging for a return to traditional masculinity.
They can already get traditional masculinity from blacks and muslims.

You're retarded

You're a virgin

that would cost you bout 6 million

Don't know what shithole you live in but it sure ain't reality.

Whoa, based women.

You just KNOW

w-what are you implying user?

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Why tho? it's toxic masculinity

Voting with your wallet.

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thats gross but hilarious

Won't happen before Western civilization falls, and the Chinks don't have our conception of masculinity.


Remove all jews

Fact: All women are schizophrenic whether properly diagnosed or not

He fat.

Sounds more like you just don't want it to happen

You got me, goy.

>just because
You haven't seen Conan the Barbarian, have you? The character doesn't just get strong from nothing.

Doesn't work and you know it. At least not if you want to actually see the effects within the next 10 years.

Contemplate this on the Tree of Woe.

why are all /pol/tard posts retarded like this?
are they actually retarded or pretending to be?

Conan a fattie.

Imagine being Mel Gibson, 63 years old with chad physique and a girlfriend that looks like a young Evangeline Lilly that you get to fuck every night

Have sex


>Just started reading the Howard Conan books
>Start to see more and more Conan threads
Is this just confirmation bias or are more people starting to take interest sword and sorcery?

People missed that aesthetic of early game of thrones, where it was largely about sword and sorcery. No empowerment, no dragons, no shitty hipster bars

Marvel recently got their rights back to the Conan comics and is putting them out again so chances are the interest is rippling throughout the world.

Wut? Early GoT was a lot more about medieval aesthetics than S&S

That's not testosterone. That's lard.

infiltrate the industry and promote masculine men

fat =/= masculine

kill yourself, npc

have sex, npc

This Entire thread needs to have sex

post body.
>inb4 you don't

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you're also in this thread, incel

why did you post a picture from a movie that has a *stronk* female character and filled with horseshit diversity Asian characters and an intelligent nigger villain?

Lol no. Millenial women are crashing themselves in the sewers with their life choices. They ain't saving shit. They can't even save themselves.

>lusting over high T males
user don't try to act tough when you're clearly just lusting for cock.

I have a 250 pound braphog at my disposal. Can you say the same, incel cuck fag beta?

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>not into
illiterate baboon

Based and red pilled

>horseshit diversity Asian characters
so, no grasp of the source material, eh?


kill all trannies/betas/fags

Women aren't sexually attracted to this except as far as it represents social status. Men need to stop seeing female sexuality through male eyes.

Women aren't viscerally aroused by men in the same way men are, they use sex as a tool to hitch their wagon to a male of adequate status and/or resources or because he is a healthy virile specimen for her offspring's inheritable traits.

Sexual pleasure is the vehicle, not the objective for a woman. Even the more depraved and lustful ones are simply using sex for a psychological fix to daddy issues, self-worth, social signalling, rebellion, ect. Any physical pleasure they may or may not experience is incidental to their reasoning.

Based and melpilled

boomer stfu. you don't know anything about millenial women. unironically have sex.

GoT is not Sword and Sorcery

have sex

get gassed, kike.

The Estrogen consuming males have been targeted for Termination.

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Holy fuck are you embarrassing. Have sex you twink philosopher.

western civilization must fall

Reminder that this guy is being cast to play He-Man

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