French Kino

What are some good movies & TV shows from this country?

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The Dreamers

that one agent comedy show on netflix

Zazie dans le Métro, the only French film i've seen that made me laugh, was a breath of fresh air after a week of watching Goddard films.

La Haine
Rust and Bone
Fantastic Planet
Eyes Without a Face

The 400 Blows

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The movie where everybody is in the apartment. It's like a longer, self-contained episode of Friends but drama instead of comedy.

>Eyes Without a Face

Le cercle rouge is one of my favorite

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Le Samourai

>inb4 "tips fedora"

Le Bureau des Légendes is the only TV show that can be compared to US TV shows. A must watch.

La cité des enfants perdus
Grégoire Moulin contre l'humanité
Immortel (ad vitam)
La Planète sauvage

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Beau Travail
Mauvais Sang
Cleo from 5 to 7
Three Colors trilogy


New SebastiAn single with a Gaspar Noe directed video dropping in 8 hours.

Dropped. Nice entry level shitlist btw

Well it's a good movie

Never heard about it, what is it about?

The Intouchables
Thérèse Desqueyroux
Rust and Bone
The measure of a man (La Loi du marché)
The three colors trilogy
Lucky Jo
Les Doulos
Le Corbou
La Vie de Bohème, it's actually a Finnish movie but shot almost entirely in french and it about the bohemian lifestyle of artists living in Paris, so it counts IMO.

It's about a cell of secret service agents that are specialized in deep cover operations. We follow one of their best guys who goes rogue in a plot about Syria and the formation of a young female agent who is supposed to go in a mission in Iran. French, American, Russian secret services are key players. Also the rise of ISIS is of course integral to the story and plays a major role in later seasons.

All those bizarre french sex movies where the woman is mature even if she is very young and the man acts like an oversexed 10 year old boy.

Wow considering how fucked up their first collab was and seeing the snippet, we've got kino incoming.

l'ascension du chevalier noir

>tfw I haven't experienced puppy love and never will

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Anything by cinema elder god Alain Resnais, my personal favorite is Hiroshima Mon Amour

City Hunter live action

Patrician taste coming through

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NEET kino

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