how can someone be responsible if they were asleep edition
how can someone be responsible if they were asleep edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Responsible for what komrade?
As you can see, the reactor is fine and the feedwater delusions have been put to rest.....
*pukes blood in your meeting
It's the gulag for you three.
i always thought Stalin deleted Lenin from history
Was it God?
Please tell me the Soviets are competent enough to get enough morphine to keep all these poor bastards drugged up until they die
Time to take a dump all over your thread
A brief history of USSR naval nuclear disasters. So great that one of the dudes who compiled it was charged with treason
Guy climbing around the UBS a few years back
You don't understand, user, they won't die because there's no reason for them to die. There's only 3.6 dosimeters of exposure.
You're dangerously close to the infirmary, comrade
>mows your roof
what would happen if you had sex with a girl while on that rooftop? would the inside of her pussy and your cock start melting and fuse into a mess of skin and blood and pain?
>giving a shit about pain and suffering
That's very bourgeois of you, comrade.
and Slotin's hand 9 days after briefing touching that same test core
these are hyper disgusting in color but I can't find any versions atm
is this show any good?
Fun fact that may or may not be wrong because it's 1AM and I can't bother to check it. The guys who went through the door IRL probably walked into something like a 50000 roentgen per hour environment.
What would happen if I put feedwater into my bong?
ywn know that feel of having 3rd degree radiation burns over 100 percent of your body and waiting with the rest of the komrades in the 'VI Lenin people's morphine-line'
Theres only 3.6 roentgens, why would they need morphine?
very good
Very, it's easily my favorite Chernobyl show/movie, and I've seen a ton of them
Not great, not terrible
A perfectly normal glow
>What would happen if I put feedwater into my bong?
You become Captain Marvel
This user is asking questions that are not in his own best interest.
Was one of these the fire fighter who picked up the core?
Nonsense, the dosimeter clearly read 3.6.
Not great, but not terrible.
In all seriousness, is the initial burst of radiation not painful? You would imagine walking into an inside-out sunburn would dissuade you from walking further.
Chernoybl diaries is better
I don't know if they tried but it wouldn't have worked even if they did
Guys I puked today, how irradiated am I?
squat one down for the homie
It would be very painful
>not having iodine gloves
What does radiation do to the brain? It seems in most cases it fucks up your skin and digestive system
Human cells don't work fast enough for you to feel it that fast, it takes a few minutes/hours if it's through air contact
Do I need subtitles
they're showing us that cute cat just so it hurts even more when the hunters arrive and shoot down all abandoned family pets after the disaster
i can see it coming from miles away and i still know that i'll cry like a little bitch when it happens, and Legasov's fucking cat won't even be there to get shot as well
no, these were two Manhattan project scientists who both fucked around with a 10 pound core in the 40s and died
The Chernobyl reactor was tons of material
Wait really? I thought they were able to keep Ouchi sedated on morphine
shouldn't, it isn't as hard to understand as the Terror
It depends how you get your lethal dose of radiation. The famous case of the guy humping a tank full of critical plutonium sludge in Japan had the guy pass out (I think). The people who died of Demon Core no Jutsu and some other fun close encounters of the critical kind said it felt like intense heat or a burn.
People who got fatal or near fatal doses of radiation from Therac 25s said it felt like a burn, and in one case a guy said he heard eggs frying, which I believe was actually brain fluid boiling or something along those really unpleasant lines.
Not unless you're grabbing the radiation source directly. Just like with sunburn (ultraviolet radiation), the effects take some time to show.
I'd say it helps with all the gibberish names and terms. They say a lot of memes real fast so having test helps.
It's all in English
Why did Hodor drop his pal in the halls?
It fries every cell in your body
give me soviet professional woman qt
A glow that could happen even under minimum radiation conditions.
>tfw those dudes who saw the reactor core with their own eyes took weeks to die
I'm sure it was relatively painless
It varies by exposure and time. At lethal but not instantly lethal levels, cases; nausea, fatigue, fainting etc are common initially as the damage kicks in after several hours. Often there's a grace period where you appear to temporarily recover for a few hours/days/weeks before the damage re-asserts itself and finishes the job.
you would feel the EM radiation from photons hitting your nerves, but probably dulled or overpowered by the actual shockwave
people who were exposed to the reactor describe tingling on their face
what really fucked up the workers were the neutrons, and you don't feel those as they shred your cell's DNA
Loved that transition
How terrifying is this show bros
There's also a site out there with well organized info about the victims, but I can't find it right now
I imagine it felt something like the guy at the end of Mountains of Madness when he looks back and sees whatever it is he saw
>"I picked the wrong week to quit cigarettes...."
Anyone taste metal?
Why didnt they just pour ice on the core?
>If only you knew how bad things really are
how do we know the Ruskies didn't shoot people?
like some people who refused to leave or knew shit? seems they would get gone in the clean up operation
I don't get why they didn't commit suicide.
I forgot to mention it again, but that's the remains of a fuel rod
Morphine doesn't do anything for neuropathic pain (pain caused by damage to the nervous system), which radiation burns cause. Ouchi would just have been unable to beg for death during those periods. Several of the lads from the control room were visited by investigators and their wives while they were in hospital so they weren't kept under all the time, I don't know if there are records of how exactly they were treated but at least some of them definitely weren't kept unconscious.
why didn't he just use a mirror on a stick?
too many plotholes in this pleb flick, shan't be watching any more
um sweety
It appears in this scene that their skin begins to burn in a matter of seconds. Would this be realistic or just artistic license?
Why didn't they just drink 4 glasses of vodka?
My friend Yuri told me that's all you need
>implying the core exploded
Watch it, tovarisch
have I been brieposting too much or does iodine qt look similar in this shot?
Can't commit suicide if your arms don't work.
i thought it was the blonde wife at first but then i realized she wasn't blonde
Because he was in massive shock and probably had ARS to a degree already.
Many people wouldnt be able to think clearly in that scenario, especially with a guy escorting you with an AK to your back.
it's a fatal dose delivered in seconds, I'd say it's plausible
You feel pins and needles up to burning.
I see it
realistic, all it takes is a flash of photons
Someones been drinking the feedwater
reposting my ussr defence post from last thread
if you actually look into the disaster
what a lot of people miss is the bottom line
>28 dead
>lots of people sick
>pretty minimal damage
the whole disaster turned into a corrupt cleanup scam where companies would charge tons of money to perpetuate studies that they still need to spend hundreds of millions to clean up the site
all in all it was a freak accident.
the whole incredulity at the core actually exploding? there is no way that should have happened. and there is a general consensus on the events but still no hard timeline of how exactly it happened.
but the guys at the plant did their fucking jobs and sacrificed their lives for the better good.
the soviet response in general was pretty understandable and they handled things well.
>this all happened because of safety safety safety concerns and the actual plant was so safe but they were worried about a fucking 1 minute gap between shutdown and backup power kicking in so the crusade for safety instead of well enough alone is what caused the worst nuclear accident
kinda ironic but also kinda upsetting.
and thats an american opinion.
all that being said the fact they didnt have proper dosimeters and just assumed everything was reading off the charts or best case scenario was beyond incompetent.
there should have been triple redundancy at every fucking level of the people involved.
>hospital didnt stock up on radiation meds either
come on ussr.
and Im gonna keep posting it until all you alarmist faggots wise up about how it was actually handled very well
this shot is so fucking good, lads. i rarely ever say a word while watching anything, but when this man stared at the camera with that expression of absolute anger, exasperation and defeat i just let out a "fucking christ". i hope this guy gets nominated for something desu.
watching kinobyl the day after game of thrones felt like a nice cigarette after holding open a heavy, radiation-rich door for my mates
where's the control room in this photograph? how far from the explosion were they?
This reminds me that I have a few Apollo 1 photos if anyone wants those
*throws up
dont sully my wife
Those are thermal burns, though. The atomic bomb emits primarily thermal energy, not radiation.
Have I been drinking feedwater or are these threads the best thing to happen to this shitty ass board in a long time?
Today I will remind them
x photons from Sun per hour = sunburn
x^y photons from fizzle about 100 feet away per second= sunburn
The atmosphere is absolutely fucking amazing
Pretty close
duh, it's not radiation or thermal
it's photonic burns
Depends on the severity. A radiation field is a radiation field. You stand 150 feet away and look into that reactor while its melting down and you are going to feel it immediately.
remind americans to build 5 yakima mountains around the country so they don't have to worry about transport issues
also stop fucking around with it and vote it in by eminent domain, fuck the locals for being scared for no reason
just get it done like finland
>thermal energy, not radiation
based didn't pass high school physics poster
I feel like nobody here is opposed to nuklur energy. I don't know ANY leftyfags that are opposed to it. The thing destroying the globe right now is fossil fuel emissions. ANYTHING that can be done to ungoof humanity from the impending existential crisis facing all of us is a good thing.
Coalfags and oilfags will still deny it.
Death is not the only consequence in fucking with nuclear power, and that low mortality rate isn't a default. Thousands of manhours and work went into the shielding and security measures required to prevent damage.
He was just nervous
where was khodemchuk?
Fuck no!
Iodine qt btfo of jughead brie!
I cant wait for monday so we can see more of her lads!
>mfw have to go put out core with water hose after iodine qt gave me some iodine tabs and a kiss
>According to a 2012 Pew Research Center poll, 44 percent of Americans favor and 49 percent oppose the promotion of increased use of nuclear power
i imagine there's an equal amount of fear mongering on both aisles
You know full well what I meant. Atomic bomb explosions aren't all that radioactive compared to a reactor explosion.
So it's like staring at a miniature sun about 100 feet away? I'm probably sounding retarded at this point, please excuse my ignorance.
Yeah I was saying like on seemingly both sides, when you talk to people, everyone agrees with nuklur. The only people really taking a shit on it AT ALL are fossil fuel shills.
>The approach proved so successful that when it came time for the national government to make a final decision on a repository in 2000, officials in Eurajoki, the municipality that includes Olkiluoto Island, agreed to host it on one condition: that Posiva not present the government an option to choose any other site.
finns really are japanese
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Yes, and thousands of manhours and work go into cleaning up weekly oil spills.
how the fuck did they not get blown up too?
I don't get why extremely intense radiation is such a difficult thing to get their heads around. Yes its the same as touching a fucking stove.
>28 dead
at least 600 helicopter pilots died from radiation poisoning you Tankie fuck
because comrade, reactor cannot explode. was no exploding
Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
>Nuclear energy is literally the single cleanest and most potent renewable resources on Earth
>People still think it's some kind of evil go being summoned from the void because a bunch of Soviets did everything so wrong that it'd be pretty much impossible to replicate how bad they fucked up even if you tried.
F ;_;7
Because almost all the the explosion went vertically. All they felt in the control room was some shaking. It's part of the reason why they initially thought it was just the hydrogen tank exploding.
Hey don't get me wrong. Just saying it's important to note that the low death rate in nuclear accidents is because the people working there make damned sure accidents don't happen.
Also should be noted that radiation can fuck your shit up without killing you.
It's not to be taken lightly.
How is it possible for an RBMK reactor to explode? What kind of game are you trying to play?
russia has the big gay lol proof me wrong pro tip you cannot do this task
The safety countermeasures.
I know, >chernobyl >safety countermeasures, but really, there were countless of them. An unlikely combination of coincidences, human error, and negligence caused Chernobyl.
the official position of Hiro is that there is no racism on 4channel
>apollo 1
heck yeah user
Yeah, and that sun is throwing off bullets that make the UV rays the actual sun burns you with seem like ping pong balls.
Someone get this hothead to the infirmary
Why didn't the firemen just dump a bunch of sand right into the core hole to make the fallout stop?
>today i will remind them
>tfw you were on 2013-14 s4s all day everday and then forgotten completely that s4s existed until until this post
Fuck man, I don't even remember what "today I will remind them" tripfag was called.
Anyone seen that NOVA/documentary about them building the new roof for Chernobyl a few years ago? Pretty incredible engineering feat
>Also should be noted that radiation can fuck your shit up without killing you.
what fucking thread do you think you are in????
>because the people working there make damned sure accidents don't happen
literally every industrial building of any kind has this
The state is says it 3.6 roentgens. Not good but not bad either. Everything else is being blown way out of proportion.
Get in the fuckin car, Phelps, Jesus Christ.
>radiation bounces off mirror to your fucking face
really activates my almonds
not enough helo pilots
Holy shit user, why didn't they think of that? IT WAS SO OBVIOUS.
how is it propaganda when it actually happend and portrays the workers and firemen as heroes? plus the government involved has long been removed.
don't be insecure, ivan
>still alive today
They did
Because the core fire was hot enough to melt any sand. Also because they didn't have any.
>You know full well what I meant. Atomic bomb explosions aren't all that radioactive compared to a reactor explosion
you literally couldn't pass Physics 101, so no I don't know what you meant
people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki who got insta-burned got hit by photons from a nuclear bomb
those photons were traveling with less energy than ones being shot from a critical reactor, meaning that insta-tanning someone who made the mistake of entering the reactor room is understandable
besides the basic physics of it, it's also what people reported happening, so that's why it's shown in the episode
I saw that, impressive stuff
yeah, after learning more about it, it sucks so bad they had numerous chances to avoid the situation but they just kept pushing forward.
Get on a fucking rooftop, Vasilij!
Why are you getting so angry? I'm not dissing nuke shit, just saying it's still something you don't fuck around with for obvious reasons.
It's indeed all over the place, though most people seem to oppose it globally. My country (Czechia) is unusually nuclear friendly: 62% support further nuclear plant development and 77% consider it a good potential energy source.
lol you know how much glass that would make
he says its cause he was drunk on vodka that night
>dabs on a fundamental force of the universe
>The fire was extinguished by a combined effort of helicopters dropping over 5000 metric tons of sand, lead, clay, and neutron-absorbing boron onto the burning reactor and injection of liquid nitrogen.
anyone want a movie night with The China Syndrome? I'd host it
3.6 roentgens is actually significant. They should consider evacuation.
That was kino.
That's fucking terrifying; practically cosmic horror to me.
why the fuck did he touch that brick thing
tldr that shit is long
Shut up. You're not here to make policy.
Please only speak when spoken to. We did not want your opinions on policy.
It's just the feed water comrade! State says okay!
don't concern yourself with policy, comrade
He didn't know better and it looked interesting. He literally says, "What do you think this is?"
The average soviet fireman's education of nuclear energy is non existent.
wait, you mean that guy saying "a glass of vodka every hour" thing actually worked?
I've seen worse
my face actually hurts from these threads
idk if it's from the laughing or the lethal exposure to delusion
If the show wasn't accurate the reactor wouldn't have exploded.
t. Nuclear Engineer
Still important to remember the firemen thought it was just a roof fire
Thicc walls and the fact that the path of least resistance for the explosion was through the roof and outer walls because the building was massively underbuilt
Holy fucking wew somehow I missed this
>pretty minimal damage
>Hastening the demise of a superpower
>Ruining the economies of several countries
>Destroying farmlands
>Minimal damage
>Freak accident
In the same way that a time bomb going off is a freak accident.
> there is no way that should have happened
The design allowed for it to happen. The reason there was no way it should have happened is because the reactor as designed shouldn't have been built in the first place, but the Soviets valued cheap power and fast construction over safety
>the soviet response in general was pretty understandable and they handled things well.
After the rest of the planet demanded to know what the fuck was going on and why they were rolling nuclear coal all over europe
> the actual plant was so safe
The actual plant was a complete deathtrap and it's a miracle that another RBMK hasn't exploded since. Their "fix" for the old reactivity switcheroo with the control rods was to completely drain the water from the control rod channels, which admittedly does solve the problem while compromising the cooling and moderating ability of the reactors. Rumor has it that there have been more partial meltdowns like the one in Chernobyl Unit 1 that have been covered up by the plant owners. I don't know how credible it is and all the sources for it aren't in english, but it was entirely plausible.
I'll admit it was handled well when compared to the USSR's storied history of nuclear disasters, but that's only because the usual way of handling them was leave everything where it was and start anew somewhere else, or in the case of naval reactors, drop them in the kara sea.
Incoming then
It's gritty and it gets everywhere.
It's hard to tldr (cont)
Because it looked strange and he wanted to figure out what it was. You normally don't think "oh, it's a piece of the nuclear reactor core" when you're called to put out a roof fire.
Space and the rest of the universe is full of high energy radiation. The environment we have here on earth really is special.
>5,000 tonnes to put out a Coreium fire
Fuck that.
What brick thing?
was reading the wiki on one of the authors, had this bit about his son
>in February 2019, Alexander's son, Savva Nikitin was arrested and charged with murder after killing his wife and son. In hospital, Savva confessed that his wife, Maria had found out about Savva raping their 5 year old son and threatened to tell police
>he strangled her and stabbed their son, Mark 62 times with a knife and screwdriver then daubed the message in his boy's blood: 'I gave you life, I will take it.' a quote from nineteenth century Russian writer Nikolai Gogol in novel Taras Bulba.
russians are hardcore man
Shut the fuck up you alcoholic subhuman shit.
>tfw the first space waifu species we make contact with will be made up of highly radioactive shit and we won't be able to fug them
why even dream
I did everything correctly
But it did
this hulk nigga survived
>merely pretending to be irradiated
Are you stupid?
>I'll admit it was handled well when compared to the USSR's storied history of nuclear disasters,
Why was Chernobyl the worst?
>Solar rooftops
It's hard to TLDR because the USSR was innovative in the field of destroying reactors and shipyards, and since it's a fucking huge list because the northern fleet is an absolute joke
I can't find most of the pics so give me a few minutes to extract them from the inquiry and some other sources
>rolling nuclear coal
highly probable that the fireman was faking injury to avoid his duty.
Jesus, she is beautiful.
She literally btfo of all these ugly GoT/capeshit whores on a massive scale.
nah the cat is in moscow
energy just passes through mirrored glass
So did he survive because he stayed back and didn't actually look at the core?
*autistic table pounding noises*
People falling off the roof. They produce so little power they had to extrapolate to reach PWh.
Yeah, go ahead.
Anything else living out there with chemistry as fragile as ours, will figure out a way to shield themselves if they decide to travel.
Ultimately that is what it comes down to, living things have very, very fragile chemistry in the scheme of how violent the universe is.
Day shift reporting, comrade, where's the core?
nigga he was the only thing holding the door open, he was still getting drenched in radiation
You're a nuclear engineer like me, correct? And you're not stupid, are you? So can you tell me how does an RBMK reactor explode? You don't know? That's right, because the auxiliary fuel tank blew, not the reactor.
He's delusional. I'll go up on the roof myself and take a quick peek into the coBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAHHH
fuck what is it about this shit that is so memeable?
like every line is a meme. every frame a painting.
take a look at it from the roof, it'll give you a clear view into the reactor room
good acting and good sets
And good memes
yes where was khodemchuk standing and were was the director who wanted more water giving orders from?
>It's steam from the feedwater!
It's exactly like The Terror threads.
never thought we'd get such memes from a show like this. and we're only one episode in.
anyone else genuinely thought the sand those kids were running around in was some kind of ash or something at first?
sounds good user ill be lurking
Does having a mustache help shield you from radiation?
Reminder that a nuclear reactor can occur naturally without human interference.
Sleep tight day shift
Yes and you say it’s steam from the feed water despite the fact it’s obviously fallout from the core
is ok, we are in bunker meeting room and my wife is here
press X to doubt
Only for 3.6 roentgen.
The door saved him from death and he barely survived
Somewhere near the aerator I believe.
>judging a show by the first episode
I did this mistake in TWD, episode 2 and forward felt like an entirely different show.
>He's already worried with merely 3.6 and thinks there should be an evacutation
I wonder what the reaction will be when they finally realize there's over 10,000R/h near the core.
not good, but not terrible, at least
Finally all the morbid accident investigations I read can be enjoyed by others.
>It's hard to tldr
not worth reading then
>and Legasov's fucking cat won't even be there to get shot as well
Yeeahhh I'm going need you to come in early and check the reactor core *sips* and uhh I'm gonna need you to tell your family to not leave the city. Gotta really grab the bull by the horns in this one comrade mmmkay? Great
Why didn't they send the man with the most duty owing to the roof?
>The night shift main circulating pump operator, Khodemchuk, was likely killed immediately; he was located in the collapsed part of the building, in the far end of the southern main circulating pumps engine room at level +10. His body was never recovered and is entombed in the reactor debris.
where's the aerator?
Getting a chest x-ray.
He had an upset stomach and puked in our bunker. Don't worry I've seen worse.
It's worth reading, I promise.
redpill me on S.T.A.L.K.E.R
i've consumed lots of chernobyl/pripyat-related media over the years, but never vidya
where do i start with these games?
Imagine literally being bullied to death.
redpill me on the 11 RBMK reactors active today
>Why is there smoke coming out of Reactor 4, Dyatlov?
>Ahh, uh- Oh! That isn't smoke, it's steam! Steam from the destroyed cooling tanks!
This was posted by another user from a previous thread
redpill me on the control board
C'mon, it'll be fine. Nothing gonna happen.
RBMK reactors do not explode.
Probably still alive, it's only 3.6.
Their cores can't explode
Towards the top of the reactor building. It's easier to see from the cutaway
got a pic for reference?
I was reading about the goiania incident on (pt-br) wikipedia and there's a sentence that's not on the en-us wikipedia where it says the daughter of one of the guys who had some of the caesium 137 put some of it on the eggs she had for dinner thinking it was salt, depite the fact that it glowed in the fucking dark AND THAT WAS SOMEONE STARTED VOMITING AFTER GETTING IN CONTACT WITH IT.
For fucks sake, can someone please separate the memes from reality and tell me if Chernobyl was ACTUALLY overblown or not?????
Post the pressure suits.
Up to 30,000 actually.
I don't have really any fears. The dark hides you as much as it does a monster, serial killers can be killed, rabid animals can be stabbed, bombs can be outrun and mostly everything is explainable by science. Even though death is an unknown factor it could be all-in-all a pleasant ordeal if you discover there's more shit to do after.
But anons, this radiation shit is giving me the heebie jeebies
Somebody said chest x-rays?
It could have been a lot worse if the fuel had hit the reservoir tank
What would happen if you peed on it? I woulda peed on it.
>tfw you spent months of 2016 trying to turn BvS terry white roofposting into a thing only for it to be relevant 3 years later
>final scene of the series sometime after the disaster
>comrade khodemchuk walks out of the tomb
I'd give it a 3.6
it was the opposite
the soviets managed to hide the numbers so well that we can't give correct statistics to this day.
literally no one can stop you from stating that over 20k people died because of the disaster.
You're a Yea Forums poster like me, correct? And you're not stupid, are you? So can you tell me how does an Chernobyl thread become overblown?
Just a hydrogen explosion and some feedwater exposure, nothing major
can we just appreciate that 3 years ago "get on the roof" was also a meme?
Then clear sky
Then pripyat
Play only with some quality of life mods or you'll lose your sanity to bullets that disappear every 20 feet, teleporting enemies and whatnot
God damnit why are these threads so amazing
Oh my god.
Reactors don't explode
They melt
Get the better tomato meter out of the safe
>In Moscow, Yuvchenko is still recovering from the single minute he spent holding open the door for his friends in the early hours of 26 April 1986. That night, when they put him on the plane to Hospital No 6, he thought he would be in the Moscow clinic for a few days. 'It turned out to take a year,' he says. 'And the rest of my life.'
>The door into the reactor hall had been covered with radioactive dust; Yuvchenko's clothes were soaking wet from steam and escaping cooling water. Where his left shoulder, hip and calf touched the door, he suffered terrible beta and gamma radiation burns. His skin turned black and sloughed off; his left arm was in bandages for seven years. Today his arms and back are scarred violet-red with the results of skin grafting operations so numerous he stopped counting at 15. He doesn't know if the radiation made him infertile, but he and his wife Natalia were advised not to try to have any more children, as a result of possible DNA damage. He still has two weeks of check-ups every year.
>Alexander and Natalia say that the effects the radiation has had on their health aren't as bad as people think. 'The doctors keep telling me I've survived - so I can carry on now without worrying,' says Alexander. 'But when I went back to Ukraine, they started telling me about people who had died. But was it due to radiation? I don't know. I don't understand anything about statistics. But when my friends ask me about it, I tell them: the less you think about it, the longer you'll live.'
It was either the aerator or the pump
Sure. I'm currently going through all the appendices trying to find the ones with the closeups of all the damage.
Not great. Not horrible either.
It's only 3.6 roentgens. I've seen worse.
You're delusional. Take him to the infirmary.
Best thing I've seen from this decade
This show is the best thing to happen to Yea Forums in a very long time.
In Sweden when taking measurements, a nuclear facility had to double check that it wasn't their reactor going wrong due to the level of radiation despite being 600 miles away.
Get back to watching interracial cuckold porn, westfag
You're asking questions that are not in your best interests, undermining the fruits of your labors
>radiation is pure energy in wave form
nah mate. gamma and beta radiation is bouncing off most stuff
alpha radiation bouncing off the concrete
I once got a tour of the MIT reactor, was pretty cool
>It's sneed from the feedwater!
...and that's how we all got here, stalker.
Last time I had this much fun meming with Yea Forums was when Taboo came out. I guess I should watch The Terror like another user mentioned
Did they use the good meter?
top kek
no chill whatsoever
>Not great. Not horrible either.
Found something that could be turned into meme material from somebody more talented than I.
call of chernobyl is good, just use this bugfix mod
the sequel, clear sky is kinda fucked up, up to you if you like it enough to go through it but if you don't the last in the trilogy, Call of Pripyat is a lot more like the first one.
seach for the general on
>beta radiation
Nothing to worry about. It's totally harmless.
>standing in T-shirt and short next to Uranium
Clearly faulty. Mine says 3.6r.
Don't worry, he took iodium pills.
thank you comrades
He's delusional. Take him to the infirmary.
the hospital in pripyat has piles of bandages and gas masks rotting in rooms to this day intensely radioactive
why do i want to go there
>Yuvchenko, now 42, recalls what happened that terrible night 18 years ago. He is a bear of a man, 6ft 5in tall, and a former Soviet champion rower. You can't help but notice his left arm, which is half the size of his right and shiny with scar tissue.
>There is seemingly trivial reddening of the skin at first, but, again after a period of calm, the skin develops weeping ulcerations over layers of dead tissue. Yuvchenko recalls pulling back the sheets, and there being a cloud of black dust - his dead skin. A slime of gamma and beta-emitting nuclides had covered all surfaces in the plant after the explosion, and where his body had touched the door - his left shoulder, hip and calf - their deadly radiation had gnawed away at his flesh, causing the death of tissue deep in his arm.
>E.F.I, a friend of D.F.'s, visited him and with the aid of a screwdriver removed some fragments of the source from the capsule. >These were about the size of rice grains, but readily crumbled into powder.
>E.F.I gave some of the colourful fragments to his brother E.F 2 and took the rest home. D F. also distributed fragments to his family.
>Subsequently there were several instances of people daubing the radioactive powder on their skin, as with the glitter used at carnival time
Will this series cover the formation of the Monolith? Will we get to see Strelok's origin story?
Why do you think vodka reduces rads in every videogame?
Never noticed the control rod before today
Too balance it out: Chernobyl wasn't really that important or bad. Not trying to start a big political thing, but this stuff has happened in capitalist countries as well.
>It's the nerves that get you," says Natasha. For many years, people literally ran away from them, terrified of contamination. The fear of radiation and what could happen, may yet prove to be a bigger killer than radiation itself. There have been nearly 2,000 cases of thyroid cancer, mostly in children, but the predicted surge in other types of cancer has, according to the Unscear 2000 report, not yet been seen. But there have been big increases in deaths from heart disease, alcoholism and suicide in Belarus and Ukraine.
Imagine surviving Chernobyl only to deal with dumbass hysterical assholes for the next decade.
Soviets did a good job hiding it. The truth is, most of the soviet bloc countries affected have increased thyroid and cancer issues because of the whole thing.
The west only found out about the disaster after the radiation cloud hit, I think, Sweden and they registered increased radiation. The soviet populace were told to get iodine pills long after exposure, when they were basically useless.
1) the show was boring
2) the "memes" in these threads are gay
TWD was not great but not terrible from the first episode
Delusional. To the infirmary.
if you want what this entire series is based off of here is the bbc special
Im an aircraft mechanic, thousands of man hours go into. Fail safe/backup systems so airplanes wont crash. Still people are retards+we cant control everything add big company's. Trust me everything made by man is gonna brake sonner or later.
It is kinda annoying to hear the anglo accents, I agree. It would’ve been nice if they did more Slavic accents.
At least theres still a good story and interesting scenes to be had. I try to read posts in these threads in a slavic accent to make up for it.