Detective tv show

I liked True Detective, Death Note, Mindhunter and Manhunt.
>Tfw no good quality detective show to binge watch.
Recommend something anons.

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The X-Files seasons 1-5 is pretty kino.

Bosch. I just finished watching season 5. Get through season 1 and it gets better.

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Veronica Mars.

>i liked true detective and manhunt
Wow, do you like sex and ice cream too?

Have ice cream


Hotel Beau Séjour. Belgian kino.

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The Tunnel, Luther, The Missing

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My gf loves this show, won't shut up about it. What's it about?

Project Blue Book featuring Aidan "Big Guy" Gillen

Jordan Peterson is in a crime show

Idris Elba is a depressed kind of crazy detective doing detective stuff, I’ve only seen the first season but heard the other seasons are just as good

detective shows are the best shows, prove me wrong

The wire


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nice subtle one user. I see you out here my nigga


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The Night Of is the closest show to all of them

>Idris Elba

She... neglected to mention this was the main star. Weird.

great show.

Watch The Killing. The original Danish version is even better and more consistent.

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Prefer the American one desu for the kino af Seattle setting and solid cast, minus the ugly ginger bitch.

>crime show starring titus welliver
damn how did i miss this

Detective shows are for edgy faggots who think they're smart and superior to other people. Watch comedies instead.

Hannibal is such hack shlock but I love it

I fucking hate that show. Aesthetically beautiful yes, I loved every bit of the visuals but the plot and the acting were retarded as fuck.

Is all seasons are trash?Or some of them are worth watching?

Season 1 feels like a boomer procedural, a lot of serial killer of the week filler bullshit, the overarching story over relies on lazy plot contrivances and tired cliches, and is slow to develop but the core relationship between Hannibal and Will is great to watch
Season 2 has almost no filler, it's really over the top with a lot of plot twists and convoluted Hannibal master plans, characters being dumb just to advance the plot
It has its own theatrical charm and the atmosphere is top notch
It works better if you view Hannibal as a capeshit super villain or some type of Lucifer figure

Maybe the first one is sort of good but the others nah just not for me and I'm a huge detective show/comics nerd.


THIS. Nothing can top THIS

idk man i absolutely love the whole thing
i am pretty good at suspending my disbelief at this show for some reason

Bloodline and quarry. 10/10 underrated

The Wire, not for brainlets though, many characters to keep track of


A detective show? That's, just one more thing...

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Literally this show If you're a Sherlockian detective mystery show, you'll love this adaptation

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not many people are a Sherlockian defective mystery show

Line of Duty
it's an excellent police drama

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