
Tottenham edition

Attached: Marina Sirtis Spurs.png (589x335, 47K)

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sneed trek

>In a just world, this is Janeway

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How long did it take y'all to watch all of Trek?

Attached: Data smoking pipe.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)

Who's that?

I’m new to Star Trek and am just about to finish the original series. Is the cartoon worth watching? Or should I just skip straight to the movies

I still haven't watched all of Trek -- which is strange because I've been a huge Trek fan since I was a kid, I can quote all sorts of dialogue from the films and television series, I know a ton of stuff by heart, and I watch Trek related videos basically every day (and I'm in this thread).
And yet I still have several seasons of Voyager and Enterprise to watch, and basically 95% of TOS as well. And I don't even know if I've seen all of TNG.
Feels good man.

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based anarchist trek fan

I'd skip it. Its not terrible but its something you should go to after you've watched the best material.

I'd say watch the original series films then start in on TNG (keeping in mind the first two seasons are weak) then DS9 then the first two TNG films.

You have to follow ToS with TJ Hooker

>basically 95% of TOS as well


I don't know -- but from the few episodes I've seen it looks great.

Thanks my mman

Attached: 1403767188408.jpg (694x530, 98K)

no problemo

It's not worse than live action Trek

I like this image a lot. Do you have any other similar edits of Seven?

No, but here's a Troi.

Attached: 1439875723008.jpg (678x807, 103K)

Attached: 1366579075864.jpg (472x700, 194K)

Excellent points all around.

I'm a Seven man, dammit. I don't want no goddamn Troi. I knew those images were around, that's why I specified Seven and not just big tits.

Of.course, Trek is my favorite series.

Yes I'll watch Trek all day. Talk about it too.

This seems like it'd be right up your alley.

Attached: 13666961564790.jpg (334x295, 52K)

Usually it's background noise and I'm not really paying attention. I can watch Trek again and again and always find something new .

I got you user.

Bit tit Seven, just like you asked.

Attached: Seven of Nine Cosplay of Shame.jpg (694x1024, 305K)

Mostly I just like listening to people talk and do things and Trek is the most interesting to listen to. Next Generation is the most acoustically pleasing of all the series.

Yep good ol' Star Trek. That's all I have to say about that.


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Watching Star Trek right now and my ass is sweaty.

Why would you do this. It was a simple request.

fuck off
t. amsterdam

This will do nicely, thank you (even if bare skin and not having to mute the stretching sounds would be ideal). Bless Trek fans and their autistic editing capabilities.


*dabs on you*

>mfw the latex stretching sounds

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For the Founders

Attached: Weyoun 3.gif (250x200, 798K)

TOS started when I was three. Spock helped shape my psyche so I could control my emotions. I am sort of cold and emotionless now, but not a weepy faggot

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Hello grandpa

I am a grandfather.
Five blue eyed children and a grand daughter.
I've been here for fifteen years, since the somethingawful diaspora.
I love /trek/ and am here every day.

Attached: trek.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Apparently on the "What We Left Behind" documentary they've gone crazy and are proposing 16:9 for their hypothetical DS9 remaster.

Are they ignorant of how the TNG remaster couldn't not be 4:3, or are they just really confident for whatever reason that it wouldn't have been a problem for DS9?


Attached: RemasteredStarTrekDeepSpaceNineFootage-WhatWeLeftBehindDocum.webm (1280x720, 2.09M)

Attached: RemasteredStarTrekDeepSpaceNineFootage-WhatWeLeftBehindDocum(1).webm (1280x720, 1.3M)

Good thread