Alita: Battle Angel
General Discussion #486
Previous Thread:
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first for Sneedlita
McTeague's Feed and Sneed
Hello new bread please be healed by Amélita
first for wholesome Alita
This was a crossover I didn't think I needed.
Instant classic.
>sure hope no one makes an edit of the scene where she's smiling while getting bones
fuck that's adorable
everyday, every post; closer to #500.
>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced
angery, I copied and pasted
Oh man, this might be the best crossover yet.
That is absolutely not what I posted but whatever.
Hey VA did you see this earlier
/ALITA/ Meet Up #4
Location: Either Huntington or Laguna Beach
Time: TBD
Number of Anons Going: Possibly 5
Things to Do:
-Get to beach
-Get some food
-Find Fire Pit and chill till sunset
-Maybe go to Denny in the end
I suggest we should vote on which beach to go.
It's funny to me, because it's like K is realizing to himself that he's been surpassed as best crossover, haha
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
which day is it again? The 25th?
Huntington, obviously. Surf City!
Yeah honestly great m8
K will always be best crossover. He was here first.
Didn't we decide on a time already? something like fiveish? Sunset's at 8
Yes I forgot about the date. Shit.
Yeah K was the first and for that we salute him.
Imagine being a eurocuck and not being able to go to an /ALITA/ meetup
The bartender in the movie is just a one line fatass who stays mysteriously quiet after alita wrecks his bar and movie koyomi doesn’t look psycho enough to ride a giant metal centaur to crush the city.i just hope they don’t nerf Den
Laguna Beach is only in games. It's not a real place.
or so I thought until 60 seconds ago
The important thing is that you made your post user.
Yeah but I fucked it up last thread and copied down other yobos that had "reappropriated" it :(
here use this version instead without the white edges. my fuck up from when i originally cut it out for thread.
There's a reason this movie flopped. There's a reason nobody liked it except waifu soi boys. There's a reason the sequels are dead.
You just like to eat this weeb shit up because it stars a "top tier waifu", despite being played by one of the most masculine actresses in Hollywood.
VA can confirm it since I think she originally picked it I think I don't remember anymore
Hahahaha, what an absolute waste of space you are, lol.
would grewishka have been cooler in the movie if he was makaku's size?
Honestly he was already stretching the limits of believable size as it was. I don't know how they would have fit him in Kansas if he was bigger
wow this was extra deranged keep it up user
>he says as he posts his waifucrush floplita
We know your playbook, Jerome.
Get some new material.
Woulda needed a more run down city like in the mango for it to work.
no. Grew is as plausible as he could be considering how over the top and stylized Makaku is.
Anyone got a switch and smash? I wouldn't mind playing a bit online rn with /alita/ friens
I don't think I was the one who picked it, but it's the 25th.
Thanks to last night (well, for me it was night) motorball-user and those ones who shared concepts from artbook earlier
Added everything I could find in the art folder
Also, reply if you have something to add
I've got plenty of different reaction images to laugh at you, boy.
Alita is just hilarious to me. She should be best girl. Those women-empowering SJW clowns get unbelievably triggered by Alita. Essentially, the more they REEEEEEE, the more I lol
>didn't deny his waifucrush is floplita
Sad. This general has appalling taste
This film proved that 2D>3D
I vote for Huntington but either way I’m going
>Those women-empowering SJW clowns get unbelievably triggered by Alita.
to be fair, they would be triggered by anything so it's not surprising or amusing anymore. Their outrage is like clockwork and is ultimately without conviction. Gotta score them wokepoints somehow.
Late fiveish sounds good
We can all arrive at a spot at five ish and then wait an hour for others to show up
Nice work arch.
too bad there’s not more anons further north.. Santa Cruz beach boardwalk would be rad. Beach, arcade, rides. depending on what day id still drive down south though.
I always find funny how the guy who directed Amélie also directed Alien: Resurrection
It’s on the 25th
This. 2D always better than 3D
I'm not going to dignify your autisitc labeling of a fictional character. She's not my waifu and neither is she for anyone else. We just like her as a character and think her design is cute, which it is. You have an appalling intellect not thinking of doing something more productive with your time than troll a general for something you don't like.
Did you see it in 3D?
bruh I'm in SJ. That would be great even though Santa Cruz sux.
I don't know how but I feel like we've actually managed to gain more posters recently.
hello brie-kun, same gif as per usual?
There is nothing wrong with anons having waifus. But choosing Alita as your waifu is appalling choice.
these are obviously people who did not see it in 3D
They are talking about 2D girls over 3D girls context is for kings
Fuck you all for baiting me into watching this fucking dogshit movie
hm maybe slightly, or maybe some of the lurkers are posting? Seems more or less the same as usual to me.
> tfw going meet more Alita frens end of this month, and also might break the number of anons that are attending
so is this going to be a not going into the water sort of beach day? i need to know what to be packing/wearing
Lol I cropped it myself because normally I like the white edges but when I posted it I realized it looked weird
i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda? literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day. oh yeah lets not forget about sand hags that totally rule and kick mysigonist manhood ass and this is why its a good thing. makes me sick
You just need to grow up
I thought I my chances were shot for this meet but thinking on it more, I might actually be able to get down to LA. Cautiously optimistic but we'll see. 25th is a while a way still so it might just be enough time to prep. Only hindrance is getting a ride down to the meet.
You're welcome I'm a bit of an enabler
Thanks for watching it user!
I'll certainly not be going into the water, we'll just sit around likely.
We’re just going to chill and enjoy the view
Haven’t been to the beach in years personally so idk what I’ll be wearing. Probably just standard streetwear that keeps me cool temperature
>imagine being an insecure 16yo like this
one day you will grow up
Haha okay anons go see the movie though
I hope you can make it friend! We’d love to have you. All the meets have been incredible so you’re guaranteed to have a wonderful time
Where do you live?
I'm not gonna argue against you that there is indeed media out there that is feminazi propaganda, but this film certainly isn't it.
Don’t do it user! Hugo is pure and not for lewds
VA is ebil and she wants to turn our good boy into a sex object
No one here disagrees I don't think. Some people need to grow up though
hugo is for one thing and one thing only
The CO anons have had fun even as just the two of us so I can't even imagine what a group of six or more would be like
San Jose. I've got a place to crash in Northridge but it's still a bit far from the meet and I don't want to impose on my bro for a ride. We'll see how things play out.
These threads are filled with nothing but lonely horny incel cringelords
I'm asexual tho I don't wanna turn anyone into a sex object
How much is an uber?
Totally unrelated question, how would one go about stowing themselves in a plane? Aside from the wheelwell, would rather not be crushed.
alright sounds good, i'll just be bringing sunscreen and water bottles then
Anyone know the rules there? My beach kit generally is a cooler with beer and water and a tiny grill with the meat and coals and whatnot. I know some beach’s are no beer and strict on where you can grill.
Hugo is not for lewds he’s only for jacking off cyborgs
is there an asexual dating site? It must be hard to be ace...
I use Uber/lyft for all the meets
Last meet I drove three hours and it was about $100 box. Alternately you can book a fast track bus (idk what they’re called) and then use a Uber to get to the beach
Nice! See ya there anonny.
How2become cyborg male (female) for to get hugo
No idea! I'm doing alright for myself at the moment, though. It definitely is, but there are people okay with that out there.
Are ace only into strictly other ace or would be into a gay girl or straight guy or whatever who'd be willing to withhold sexual activity?
lol, no idea. Part of my hesitance to getting down there was because I was unsure if I would be stuck in between paychecks. I'm expecting 'not cheap' but maybe it'll be less bad than taking one to SF. I'll try to figure it out; who knows maybe my brother will be interested in going. He doesn't post here but he liked the movie well enough.
I would highly recommend against it
Hugo's cheap cyborg body, (formerly meatboy)
bus + uber might be my best bet honestly.
Well we'd be driving from CO so picking you up from Northridge wouldn't be hard. San Jose wouldn't work though.
This sounds like a Darwin Award waiting to happen.
The latter. I'm an ace girl who'd date anyone okay with witholding.
Hope to see you there, buddy. We'll be looking for you!
i'm sorry user
biromantic asexual basically
There are lots of ways user. Cargo is pretty obvious. Don't go something dumb like the landing gear as there isn't enough room.
damn, that would be fucking rad dude, obviously I'd throw down on gas/snaxxxx whatever else too. Northridge pickup would be sick. I'll be sure to post reminders/updates whenever the topic comes up leading up to the meetup. gettin' REAL stoked now
>trying to carjack the CO anons
Imaginary, basically.
it's already looking better than ever now:
What's the matter with your head, yeah
What's the matter with your mind
And your sign an-a, oh-oh-oh
Nothin' the matter with your head
Baby find it, come on and find it
Hail, with it baby
'Cause you're fine
And you're mine, and you look so divine
Kek you got me
CO user 2 here, put in for my days off today, hopefully I get most/all of them, or it's gonna be one crazy marathon drive. Hoping to have 23-27 off. It's already a fairly complex operation on my part, but I say, the more the merrier, I don't mind picking up more anons.
all right anons, tired as fuck. Long work day, even longer one tomorrow. so fucking ready to hopefully go a tactical pickup from CObros and finally get to a meetup stay comfy
Fucking based if you all three make it!
>-Find Fire Pit and chill till sunset
Don't you have to get there really early to get a firepit... especially on a Saturday during Memorial Day weekend
>I'm telling ya people, /Alita/ has the best meet-ups. Tremendous people unlike the SAD Yea Forums posters!
Literally imaginary and a mental illness
Fire pit or not we can just chill and enjoy the view of the ocean
Oh fuck, it's gonna be Memorial Day Weekend? Shit. I was hoping it would be a weekend where it wouldn't be standing room only at any given popular place.
Who cares it will be great
fuck I was going to drive down but maybe not in that shitmess. I avoid that area as is.
We’ll just find the most autistic isolated spot
As is tradition
Dude it will be great chill.
D4 DAMN IT, im gonna get the aids
Cameron knows how to write a female protagonist without the bullshit. Dudes amazing.
Tbh if we see that it’s TOO crowded and just overwhelming we can just go to Dennys and chat there
Last meet we were just going to grab a bite to eat and that meal turned into a six hour+ comfy chat of all sorts of nonsense. It was incredible
B4 for me
thinking about flying now wouldn’t cost too much more I just couldn’t bring my rad beach gear
I don't know why the picked the absolute busiest day imaginable to do this, but it seems like most anons somehow have weekends off, so everyone always wants to do shit on Saturday.
I had this problem trying to go to /k/ meets also, I'm apparently the only person on Yea Forums that works weekends on the regular.
Ok Guys cast your Vote
>sexual preferences are all imaginary
I know you're so starved for sex that you can't imagine turning it down but believe it or not some people just aren't into it in the first place
Screw you cali fags. So jealous.
Aren't you picking someone up
tfw used to work friday and saturday nights for 2 years
but didn't care because had no friends to go out with anyway.
Fly down, user-chan
Shaving your head doesn't make nature or science stop being true
What does shaving your head have to do with anything
Awesome we'll just figure it out as things develop, hopefully it'll be an adventure
Listen, I'm no lefty, but I can logically figure someone not being attracted to someone or someones, or not feeling the desire to have sex, much more than for someone "being" a girl when he was born with a dick and balls and not a vagina and uterus. This is no tranny situation.
Alita IRL.
It was obviously an insult.
>unironically using a reaction pic of a lesbian in this discussion
hoo boy
I wasn't expecting that
Turning someone down for sex doesn't negate science and magically make something else true.
>pic related
If we go early and put some extra time aside we can do some sightseeing on the way/on the way back.
I haven't been on a road trip this long for...well, a really long time.
Still not sure what you're even talking about
>pic related (You)
Based Jimbo posted this
Tranny Conspiracy user is one of the most confusing people on this general, maybe all of Yea Forums.
>It took the Avengers
Fucking man never steps off the gas even in congratulations
imagine if he put zalem in the top right corner of the pic
>Jimbo congratulating the MCU
Good lord I really hope this is just him trying to look like a good sport.
He tries so hard and yet makes so little sense
He added:
>btw you've still got $600M to go before you pass up Avatar hahaha good luck punks
>make a mediocre movie
>have the main character be a cute girl
>general discussion #486
have sex
Good. It took Marvel dozens of movies to surpass what Jimbo did in 1 movie. I don't think that's much of an accomplishment.
He is a good sport about it. And desu the post kind of those have little hints of shitpost
I think there's one genuine troll and maybe one or two anons who have just never interacted with a trans person at all so they're more susceptible to bullshit
... and all the comments about Alita.
It's tradition, I think the first one was when Jaws congratulated Star Wars and since then the previous highest grossing movie always congratulates whatever the next one is.
They'll never forget ourgirl
Haha okay user go see the movie though
I think that’s CO user maybe, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it.
Ok guys here is my plan when the bluray drops. I'm going to buy a motor home and paint an Alita mural on the side. Then im going to drive across north america meeting up with every user and we'll watch Alita. Then im going to just keep driving around the country showing people Alita and spread the good word. Once im on the social media radar, ill start a kickstarter to buy a theater and call it Her Holy Berserker (name subject to change). Once I get the theater, ill have showings on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. Admission is $0.99 and there will be a donation box. After 8 years, ill have made enough money to buy out an imax 3d theater when Fallen Angel is released and then we can all go see it together. Thoughts?
Unironically based if you actually do it.
I hate this so much.
what a cuck, right?
I’ll support you
I’m wondering how I’d go about telling my girlfriend I’m driving 10+ hours round trip in traffic to an Alita fan club beach meet. She knows I’m a big fan of the movie, just not entirely how big.
He's actually being extremely chill, he could have waited for Endgame to beat Avatar (if it ever did) but he's just acknowledging that it's the first thing in 20 years to top either of his last two movies
>ditching your gf
absolutely based
jk why not bring her with?
Whose rules do you live by?
you'd have my support
well i'm sure she'd have a good idea if she knows how many times you've seen the movie
See Is she your gf or your mom? telling her should not be problem.
>waited for Endgame to beat Avatar
He hints that this will not happen.
based. I’d probably follow for a few states at least.
she's probably a normie that doesn't browse here so she wouldn't fit in or get inside jokes
hasn’t seen the movie. also would tell me driving down in Memorial Day traffic is dumb, because it is. as far as she knows I’ve seen it once. I do like telling her how great it is after I’ve had a few beers and someone brings up any current movies/tv.
You’re free to do whatever you want. Just tell her you’re meeting with some friends to have some fun, which is exactly what you’re doing. She’s welcomed to come, even if she doesn’t get the inside jokes or anything she’ll have a good time.
Basically what I’m saying is don’t be a cuck or overthink it
Mentally ill
>hasn't seen the movie
I'm sorry things couldn't work out between you two
Yeah I'm not pumped about the traffic. Being from CO, I occasionally run into bad traffic if there's an accident, but nothing like the horror stories I have heard from people in the LA area.
I'm sure you know all about mental illnesses
...where? I haven't seen a single one.
I feel like this clown thing is just guerrilla marketing for Joker
Yeah I see this general every day
Yes, they turned out only a dozen.
But everything is upstairs.
And you can add.
Putin pays me only for Alita.
Well than, if you are serious, i will drop everything here and move to the United States, there's nothing for me here anyway
fatal levels of volume there
Why did they gave her those ridiculous big eyes? Why did they waste so much money on all this cgi to make her look like a frog?
And yet you still try to fight it
The mods obviously allow these generals, but why? Why do the mods allow these? Are the mods the ones making them? Daily generals like this have never been allowed
That good.
>tfw they think you look like a frog
Because we promote kindness, sincerity, and acceptance. Mods know who the good guys are.
It's multiple generals a day actually
>tfw you forget your reaction image
You can always email support and ask user :^)
hidden irony?
look at all these frogs
>movie flopped, disney is postponing avatar 2, no sequel in at least 10 years.
Bullshit, This place is nothing but trolls arguing with each other and people making retarded fan fiction about alita. This is worst than a Livejournal group. Everyone has talked the movie to death, all you have going on are those stupid meet ups. Move on already.
>move on already
oh the irony
Based jimbo, rubbing it in their faces now. Ahahah
>implying he wasn't instructed to do this by Disney
Goodnight friends
Across the UK: May 9th at 1pm'ish: 60+ Seniors club screening at a whole bunch of theaters. At least one user is sneaking in with a beard/asking nicely to join.
3D: Berlin, Germany UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz, Friedrichshain: May 9th, 10th and 12th
Neufahrn, Germany: May 10th, 12th and 13th
Kaufbeuren, Germany: May 10th and 11th
May 13th: Paris, France. Warning: Dubbed
May 18th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino.
June 1st: 3D Imax in Oslo, Norway (confirmation pending)
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air kino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys
That most of the Avengers logo is under water ....hmmmm
>Implying that Cameron bends to the mouse.
Night fren
It happens when you get a gun pointed at your head, but generally, jimbo would never do something like that
La pelicula de Alita fue muy chevere y me gusto mucho. Alita es muy hermosa y los effectos fueron muy bien echos. Me gusto mucho la relacion entre Ido el papa y Alita. Hugo es muy bonito y me gusto mucho. Esta pelicula se parece mucho al anime y espero que hagan otra muy cerca
>Alita's sequel and triquel? Production of two films at once? Good, but we need concessions. Bring your Avatars, praise the Avengers and....
What and?
Will jimbo stick with Disney for distribution on the Alita sequel? Considering he is working with them now on the Avatar sequels
I have no intention of moving anywhere user
I would assume so if they manage to make a reasonable deal for it. The more I think about the Avatar pushback though the more I like the idea that it actually is perfectly placed for work on Alita 2. Maybe this is a sign from above.
Vector fue un muy buen villano y me gusto como manipulaba el juego de motor ball y tambien me gusto que el villano Nova lo podia manipular con su mente
I really hope not. The farther away /ourgirl/ stays away from disney the better. I’d be so sad to see that shitty logo on any Alita merch.
There might be reasons for Disney to avoid putting their logo on action movies for adults, especially the R-rated ones. They might want to keep the Fox logo for that.
That was a big reason why they bought Fox, they wanted something to put harder rated and less mainstream movies in
Yeah they're already releasing avatar under the old 20th century branding right? And I assume future deadpools and such will stay there.
I'm real tired so I'm off to bed now frens
Also, if Fox/Disney is only distributing the movie, I don't think they get their logo on the merch at all. 20th Century Fox was technically one of the production companies on Alita, but that might just be because of the financing. Cameron, Rodriguez, and Weta combined have enough production facilities and clout to make a movie without involving any other studio. Then it they could even do a distribution deal market-by-market, so Fox distributes it in Europe and Paramount distributes it in the US, or something like that.
I have seen Disney (Buena Vista) distribute movies in my country that they had nothing to do with producing.
Sleep well user
you sleep well user. sweet dreams
Movie distribution is fucking dark magic to me I'm just glad JC has the rights on lockdown.
Disney is the only company big enough to afford making and distributing Alita. Who else is boatman going to go to? Sony? Universal? Disney is the only chance we have at an actual sequel being made soon.
I really hope we get more vapour/glitchwave alita some time soon
Sometimes you have to accept an evil method for a good outcome. Though it hurts to say, I agree.
speaking of distribution fuckery
>another night without Alita on Blu-ray
How’re you all coping?
They could go to Sony or Universal, but remember that Cameron has his own money and clout. Studio financing is not the only source of money for making a movie. In many ways, investing in a movie is much like investing in other medium-high risk projects. So it can be individual investors or companies in Hollywood or outside. Tom Cruise financed some of his movies with a straight-up line of credit. Bumblebee would probably not have been made without an investment from China's Tencent, for example.
Yeah i mean, disney can push the "girl power" bullshit, they can make "Alita meet ups" at the parks. They can create Alita snow globes and shirts and merch. Im not being sarcastic either, im not saying i want an Alita princess, but disney would market the shit out of Alita 2 if they can make her a thing. We could even get a 3D ride for Alita, imagine that, visiting iron city for real.
have you learned nothing from the movie?
I'm not.
I am now going to report these threads, they are nothing but a chat room
Kek great oc, though i will probably commit suicide if a sequel is cancelled
Chud.... Novski..
Many have tried. The mods actually protect these threads from trolls and raids. I believe most of these threads might be done by actual mods to keep it going. These are mod threads.
Sony is just as evil as disney. They are the worst studio with the worst track record. They are worst when it comes to fucking movies and directors.
Universal is the only one left but who knows
Stop with this stupid conspiracy. Just report it over and over
>yfw putting together lower and the buffer tube detent spring shoots out into the depths of your trashed room
It's gonna be a long wait for this meetup, ugh
Also I recommend any of you anime watchers who haven't seen Girls Last Tour, check it out, the OST is very soothing.
Is Trigun any good? I heard someone say that Trigun was close to Alita
another norcal alitard checking in. never been to a Yea Forums meetup of any kind. if it were to be any meetup though it would most certainly be an alita meetup. norcal alita gen meetup when?
If it makes you feel better I fucked up and scraped one of my monitors with the slide of my handgun
so there's a permanant white spot on it
Nah, this is.
come down for the one on the 25th
So my cat ended up being put down and I'm kinda struggling with it anons but I'm glad you're all here. This place is the best.
lol. Last week I randomly decided to practice weak-side transitions with my HD rifle and the first attempt was a hilariously bad total fumble of the rifle, first it left my hands, then it bounced off the wall onto the floor. Took a chunk out of the drywall, and left several white streaks on the gun.
Also, I never found the detent spring, so I substituted a similar sized spring from a ball point pen. Seems to work well enough.
Do it, go to the SoCal meet. I'm a CO user, I'm driving out with a couple other anons from literally Colorado.
Until a couple weeks ago I'd never been to any sort of Yea Forums meet either. It's been a great time though, now I look forward to each one.
Oh god. With mine the slide came off pretty quick cause the spring and flew into my monitor when I was cleaning it. I'd just use my handgun if I had to do HD.
That's a tough break user, but just remember that everything that lives eventually dies.
Let Alita replace the void in your soul for now.
this cgi movie is crap mate
I saw like one episode of it a long, long time ago, and don't recall it being that similar. Then again I don't remember it well.
How many animes have you seen? Are you new to it?
I like the first one, I have no idea why they made that sequel where they had to balance being cops with being parents though. Fucking bizarre.
isn't trigun about a cyborg guy fighting other cyborgs in the desert?
My handguns literally cost more than a cheap AR does now, so I just use cheap ARs as HD rifles (yeah, plural. You never know when the bad guys will go full Assault On Precinct 13 on you when you're on the crapper.)
Pic related, me and my bitch.
just get a new one.
guns need to be banned
I want a GP100 so fucking bad which definitely is on the expensive side and impractical for HD
Spinny Gun Nice Fun Excellent
Welp here goes nothing, about to get on 3 buses just under 2 hours or travel to most likely get turned down to a an Alita screening because I dont have alzheimer's or Parkinson yet...
Where the hell do you think you are?
fake it
Oh shit user, please tell me you're bringing the beard
Would do but I'm 19, and look even younger so yeahhhh idk how that would turn out. Ima just try and wezel my way in by sucking up to the manager.
And I would just buy a ticket for some other movie and sneak in, but I'm 90% sure they come in and serve tea, coffee and biscuit's so I would get ratted out fast.
It's SO ironic that old people (who are probably least likely to benefit from Alita) are the last ones to get to see it.
Some of those people might not even be alive for the sequel. Think about it.
>How many animes have you seen? Are you new to it?
i watched: pokemon, sailor moon, yugioh, dragon ball, dragon ball z, death note, attack on titan, Detective Conan, fooli cooli, hellsing, saint seyia, one punch man, berserk,
Jesus that kinda morbid to think about and definitely a possibility consider its a few years a few minimum... Especially when the movie's ending hints so much towards a sequel.
Need to add these:
Cowboy Bepop
Ghost in the Shell
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Black Lagoon
Either it will motivate the old people to try to stay alive for the sequel, or depress them because they might be physically or mentally too far gone to possibly make it.
Another feel to consider:
>tfw you will never experience youthful vigour, young love, or martial prowess again.
To add, there are a couple moments in this movie that I could see potentially causing a heart attack in a particularly weakened old person, especially when watching in 3D.
>I jumped out of my chair at the 3D showing when the grindcutters ripped through a table toward the viewer
"If you want an angle, draw one. If you want an angel, earn one."
who wanted
ok i forgot i saw akira too, creepy. i watched a lupin the third 2 movie, i saw the ghost in the shell anime movie, spirited away, tokyo godfathers, When Marnie Was There, Ponyo, wicked city, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
GitS warrants watching the full show
which one
Well I'll report back if anyone dies in my screening.
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
I might also suggest Planetes and Dennou Coil for the space and slice-of-life cyberpunk respectively.
>all this entry level shit in which some actual good shows are interspersed
I'm out
thank you.
>old people (who are probably least likely to benefit from Alita)
Where on earth did you get that idea? I think older people are more receptive to the themes in Alita. She's very old (300 years), her memory is bad, and she is illustrated with her body falling apart at the beginning and middle of the film. The central thesis is that integrity matters, even when your mind and body are in pieces. Dignity still matters and it is worthy to take every step necessary to maintain your will, your sense of truth, and to do your conscientious best to hold yourself together.
Most people at my screenings have been older, but then again I do go during the day, because I work nights. Still, they've been there.
>muh anime elitism
too much gore, too long, too many plots,
True, people forget that one day we will all grow old, or die trying.... and that those old peeps were once our age.
Not nice to think about but it's inevitable...
60+ doesn't mean we'll be dead tomorrow. Life expectancy is rising in Western Europe, and I know many 80+ people who enjoy going to the movies. And I know people who died before 60. Keeping your heart and cardiovascular health is key to this - eat healthy, exercise and enjoy life in moderation.
i can't imagine too many old ladies liking Alita
Imagine again because they exist
tell me more
Well I remember Rosa found two in a screening she went to, she shared it on Instagram somewhere. And I'll let you know who's at my screening as there's a few seats booked. Who know how many of them are even 60+.
Watch this
>you will never experience youthful vigour, young love, or martial prowess again
Why, are you dead?
We are really slow today frens
>this Wuf's at you in the street,
Wat do?
Turns out most of the Euro-anons were British OAPs.
>Queen Elisabeth is AFK
>Hugo needs the 300 credits
Receive likku
I'm talking about old people feels when watching Alita
This should be illegal. She's socute it hurts.
Why do mods allow this?
Good answer and blessed digits.
Okay but just because some old people feel that that doesn't make it true.
Reminder that all old people have pic related.
Because we are nice people.
They can also slap your gf's ass at the club, and expect virtually nothing to happen.
Heh, old people privilege...
Have they created you to be a part of the system?
somebody need to bake new bread
not really. there's like 3 people online atm and there's no need to rush a new thread.
I wonder whats going on inside Jim's head atm, because win sure he had planned out a scenario where Alita gets its sequels and where they all line/fit in is schedule.... And I think it's clear that a sequel wouldn't be a flop, so tick tock Cameron.
It would surprise me if Rodriguez and Cam already wrote and storyboarded a sequel.
Well as long as we get some info before Christmas or very start of next year. That'll tie me over untill god knows where they plan fitting the movie in.
You have the full image? The spine and back cover were also part of that artwork.
>Hey guys! Mind if I join?
Imagine being this much of a pathetic loser you have to make angry shitposts for attention. The mother probably never loved them. How sad.
Morning fren. How you doin?
Hello. I'm still in bed trying to motivate myself to get up.
>U mad! I didndu nuffin.
No need to get up fren. Stay at maximum comf.
in ars magna only such an image, so probably this is the full
Also I found only this cover
sneaky new comf
You mean you're the baker or you need one?
Need one
Ok, I'll do it
Saved for my comfy pack
Fresh bred