
Y- Yes W- W- Well Edition


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will there be a maester bowl?


Avenge me

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I suppose life is irregular...

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AHEM _____

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Targshits are almost universally bad rulers, obsessed with prophecy and muh dragons. Fucking Joffrey would be a better ruler than Dany.

taken too soon

>Sam got laid before you
Have sex

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The Golden Company is led by Connington and Strickland. Connington will recognize "Jon Snow" as the true Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar, and that is why he will betray Cersei.

Fake Aegon is actually a bastard named Jon that Connington was propping up for the throne before he recognizes the real Aegon. Fake Aegon's twin brother(Darkstar) is the Prince of Dorne. I don't think I need to tell you who the parents of these two are, you can already guess. They will help the real Aegon(Azor Ahai) kill the Mad Queen.

This is the Dorne endgame.

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xth for Cat

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have sex


A friendly reminder that Sam got Ed killed and he will never be brought up or mentioned again.

Wouldn't it have been nice to have the baby named Ed instead of Jon? Nah, guess not.

time is convoluted in westeros

Joffrey wanted to create a royal army. That alone would be more than what those retarded Targshits accomplished in 300 years.


Yeah I thought the same thing.
Ed died to save you and you name the baby after John who looked you in the eyes and abandoned you seconds before getting killed?
What the fuck is wrong with you Sam?

seeing Dany all lonely and sperging out at the back of the party was a lot funnier than it was probably intended to be

nth for Stannis

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nth for Ash-chan

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>Despite being 13% of the population, Dornishmen...
>Dany chill, we're at a party

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Joffrey having good ideas in a vacuum seemed to give the show runners a giggle. "We should have a centralized army" and "We should do something about those dragons."

>What the fuck is wrong with you Sam?
You could really say this during any season and you would be absolutely right.

Who needs a royal army when you have a hugeass dragon?

dubs and Euron reveals that he's in control of an actual Kraken next episode


Maybe if that fat fuck learnt to fight instead of crying like a bitch every chance he gets we wouldn't have lost one of the last sane characters left.
Then again, Sam is GRRM's self-insert

Wait, so the Yi Ti NK was a guy named the Lion of Night. Who's the last known Lion? That's right, it's your boy Jaime. Guess who's getting a sequel show as the big bad in an Asian empire themed Game of Thrones?

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The bells leak isn't happening, that same leaker said the Unsullied would be raping and pillaging.

The Unsullied, raping.

i love her bros

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>Assuming the show will acknowledge any of this whatsoever

You are going to be sorely disappointed when the next episode just boils down to just another ebin battle episode with zero story depth or progression.

it's a figure of speech genius

For me, it's Jenny of Oldstones

It was the Dothraki

Daily reminder that sex on your wedding night is not rape and sansa is a stupid bitch.

Book Sam nuts the fuck up. When Daeron is being a bitch nigga in AFFC he beats the shit out of him. He also doesn't get Edd killed (though he does arguably get Small Paul killed).

we know Ned

Baratheon brothers are Dany's heirs.

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If it's not rape then why did Bran think it was beautiful? He's very picky about these things.

How can someone resist the urge to BEND THE KNEE when they see someone so illustrious, so glorious, so king-worthy?

Small Paul was a retarded dude who was legitimately going along with a plan to kill Sam prior to that, to be fair. Dude just didn't understand what was happening.

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Because my knee is hurt, agghhh...

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I remember when the dumbest thing about this show was that no one knew what "Iron Price" meant

Drama queen

>Daenerys has only one single pair of great grandparents

Targs can't recover from this, can they?

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the shittiness of /GoT/ is legendary

>caring about Ironnigger terminology

I don't think we can fault Small Paul for the murder plot. He clearly did not comprehend what was happening.

My King

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Can someone explain to me why Dany and Jon can't get married?
>dany cant have kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiids
Nah prophecy is horseshit in the show, Cersei has had 4 kids.

>when you were up all night listening to your brother masturbate to the idea of horses raping you while he made nasally neighing sounds and shouting I AM THE DRAGON whenever he shot his wad

There would be no reason in the books why they can't get married, especially when John is freed from his oath

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Is the kid that got ill book canon?


>that part in the books where the Viserys in Dany's dream calls Drogo "your horsey husband"

I laugh every time.

Dany can't have a husband/king with a better claim. She has to rule by herself. She literally wont allow someone to steal her thunder. Its pathetic.

Can they salvage it in the last two episodes?

>all the gold in castely rock is dried up and Tywin was hiding it

This is low key retardation in the show nobody complained about

They never got to make their pure valyrian babies.

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feet pics when?

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Nope but this is the show we're discussing, and it is canon in the show.

There's no reason in the show why they can't get married but Varys is all like NOOOOO SHES TOO STRONG FOR JON IT CAN NEVER WORK

Which is fucking hilarious, that he then vouches for Jon being the better king due to him being weaker than Dany. Great logic.

Sam got laid by the equivalent to a whore. Free folk women fucked every chance they got

The only decent argument is Dany's concern that once word gets out Jons a Targaryen every two bit lord in Westeros that doesn't like her will you him to oppose her whether Jon likes it or not. Its unfortunate Sansa didn't learn how to be a decent sister, but here we are.

Characters like Varys have meme reasons.

>that part in the books where the Viserys in Dany's dream calls Drogo "your horsey husband"

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If we see the dragon bitch naked again, maybe

Friendly reminder Kit Harrington tried to warn us about Season 8

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Lol seriously, how do you just hide that your mines aren't even in operation anymore?

>Dany can't have a husband/king with a better claim. She has to rule by herself. She literally wont allow someone to steal her thunder.
Citation needed because that seems to only be Varys thinking that. Where has Dany said she won't marry Jon because of his claim?

Its way too late dude. Jaime and Euron boss fight incoming, jesus fucking christ. They're actually doing the war for Cersei's cunt.

How did they manage to clean the castle from all the corpses so quick?
Funeral shows neatly build wooden structures, how they even had the stength to build these?
How come so many have survived? Apart from the main cast everyone else seemed to be dead...

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>Zo Loraq
Damn, Targs really went full american, no wonder the house went to shit

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If Dany winds up dead this will be the best show ever made


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Night King went to the Vegeta school of jobbing

The show has been unsalvageable from the moment Brienne teleported in the vale to beat up the Hound.


The entire point of them not getting married is that Dany is a power-hungry and wont share the throne with anyone else

>Citation needed
Watch Dany and how she reacted to Jon. Begging him to hide his claim. She can't stand the thought of Jon having the better claim. Because she wouldn't be the one sitting on the throne.

>NK and the army of the dead
>they still have half their forces


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Jon's stubborn autism of 'no, support the one that hatched dragons' would probably win out. That and the dragonfire.


I think it was when they played villainous music over Stannis saving the wall from the Wildlings.

She LITERALLY came to Westeros single for marriage opportunities. What a retarded claim.

I don't know, but Stannis made the women and children pay it.

Imagine how awkward it was to explain to everyone that they are keeping 50% in reserves just in case they get hopelessly decimated by the white walkers

>season 8 episode 6
>Jon has just killed Daenerys
>suddenly, a loud crash is heard outside
>screams and cries of agony
>the entire city is engulfed in wildfire
>a lone figure walks out of the flame
>it's Stannis
>Davos and Jon look on with terror
>"He-he's making the women and children pay the iron price!" says Davos
>"Lord Onion... your true king calls upon your loyalty" says the dark lord of dragonstone
>"Yes master" says Davos, drawing his sword
>Jon, turns but it is too late
>the Onion knight runs him through the heart
>Stannis smiles
>"Master" says the Onion Knight "I desire a reward... the Bolton whore... I wish to see her... layers"
>Stannis grins, hurling a terrified Sansa into Davos' lecherous clutches
>Arya teleports behind Davos at the last moment, dagger in hand
>Stannis lunges forward grabbing Arya by the throat
>she drops the knife into her other hand and stabs
>valyrian steel has no effect on the avatar of fire itself
>Stannis throws her into the flames
>"R'hllor hungers!"
>he sits down on the Iron Throne as wildfire consumes the Red Keep
>"Truly, it was a game of thrones"
>written by George R R Martin

>"and who... are you..."

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Think about this user.Why did they have ANYONE to bury? The night king resurrected them. They all should have exploded into ice shards when arya killed him.

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Yeah marriage to a lesser lord. Not someone that would be able to tell her what to do.

Is the BD out?
I can only find a camrip.

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It was means of shitting on Cersei and bumping up Tywin. Showrunners love Cersei/Jaime and hate anyone against them.

1. Dany is too power hungry to share the throne, especially with someone who has a better claim than her.

2. The entire series is beating the reader over the head with "incest bad" (incest being a metaphor for the maintenance of pure bloodlines) as it leads to mad/unfit rulers

3. The endgame is no one sitting on the iron throne. That's the whole moral of the story. So they're going to contrive any reason for them to not get married regardless of the previous two points

4. This is GRRM. He's not going to give a shitty fairy-tale ending where everyone wins


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Nah I went to see it in theaters. BD will take a bit yet.

I'm pretty sure Jon would be happy with a woman on top, as long as she was also on top.

Go fight in the frontlines with a bunch of dumb horseniggers, Ghost.

ONE! Nothing wrong with me!

Jon would be. The rest of the realm wouldn't.


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shit... but would it explode even if it was killed before?

Holy fuck, you're right. This level of abject fuckery HAS to be intentional

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>4. This is GRRM. He's not going to give a shitty fairy-tale ending where everyone wins
Oh yeah GRRM the subversion artist, where Jon is actually the secret prince and all the good guys teamed up against all the bad guys. Yeah GRRM doesn't write fairy tales at all.

Also if incest is bad, Jon is an incest baby.

>1. Dany is too power hungry to share the throne, especially with someone who has a better claim than her.
You guys can say this as many times as you want, it doesn't make it true because this is never expressed by anyone other than Varys.

Face it, there is no reason why Jon and Dany shouldn't get married. If there is one, present it.

Why did Randyll Tarly die for Cersei
When he was a loyalist that fought for Daenerys's father
After Cersei nuked his liege

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>This is GRRM. He's not going to give a shitty fairy-tale ending where everyone wins

He's also said he wants to avoid a garbage ending, or one like Lost.

Its not really about Jon. The plotters around Kings Landing will just use his better claim to the throne to undermine Dany's rule any chance they get. Even if he takes a total backseat to ruling, his existence will force Dany to constantly be dealing with backstabers. It'd actually be better if he had a bit of spine, and worked with Dany.

At least Dany sounds more reasonable when she worries about the political implication. When she starts to sound salty that she's not a special snowflake anymore it sounds pathetic. She should be happy to have another Targaryen in her life, and building up her lover boy nephew so their power couple reign will be truly unchallenged. Then it would be all the more tragic when Jon has to kill her.

Do wights explode into ice? We've only ever seen White Walkers do that

They'd get over it. Even those stupid durkas in Meereen did eventually.

The rest of the realm currently having Cersei in charge? The woman who has been queen for years now?

Yeah, I'm not buying it bro.

Also Dorne and the Iron Islands declared for her.For DANY. So they're obviously okay with a woman ruler.

>Jon is an incest baby
No, Jon is actually the solution to incest babies, by having them breed with people outside the bloodline.


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Perhaps not specifically ice but in the 3rd episode they showed a bunch of wights exploding afterwards

>tfw Sam isn't going to die on the show and you have to wait for him to die irl

Its not the woman part. Its the part where Jon has the better claim and isn't a power hungry lunatic.

we have 3 days left
where. are. the. fucking. leaks

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and now our watch begins

Jon the night's watch deserter, yeah he has a really good claim bro





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I only watch the show for the memes and the tumblr tears as Team Dany gets destroyed.

Jon is the rightful king

Jon isn't going to sit on the throne either, bud.
>no evidence for Dany being a power hungry lunatic

>When my dragons are grown we will take back what was stolen from me and DESTROY those who have wronged me.
>We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground.
>Turn us away and we will burn you first.

Wow what a well adjusted person. I'd bet she'd be a benevolent and merciful queen.

I am upset that they have done very little to show Jon's leadership qualities beyond his stint as a brother of the watch. If the show runners wanted to establish that Jon would get support to claim the throne even if he doesn't want to, He should actually show why he is a good leader. Have a scene where he earns the respect of the Dothraki by personally executing some Doth-rider who stole bread, or have him be a commanding voice that stops a dispute that Dany failed to stop. Anything

I feel like the actor is a real cunt for some reason. Its not just that his character sucks, he seems like an actual asshole.

Are they secretly the second most based ship?
after Sansa and the Hound?

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Are you just pretending to be retarded?

No matter how you feel about the show, just imagine all the butthurt to be had from Danyfags this weekend.

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3. wrong.

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Literally how would anyone use jon’s Claim
Against dany if they were married? Would dany decree something and then people be like “yeah but what does Jon say?”

You faggots are pathetic and can’t defend this shitty writing. Dany literally came to westeros single to get married- she literally said it- and now she isn’t even thinking of marriage because D&D are hacks

nice try tumblr

Its pretty clear in the books that the long night is a real honest threat, and Jon will have to kill Dany to end it in some way.
DnD made the white walkers a joke so now they're stuck with the same meme reason for Jon killing Dany.

you posted the wrong image

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Are you? Do you thin the realm would believe Jon died and was thus released from NW duty?

Christ these threads are so dumb. You guys are the target demographic for Thrones, the people who swallow whatever the characters tell you to swallow.


Night's Watch vows are only for life.
His life ended

And since a woman can't inherit in Westeros and fAegon is fake, Stannis is the rightful heir.

>Literally how would anyone use jon’s Claim
by doing what pic related is doing

Even if Jon doesn't want to be King, if you undermine Daenerys enough than Jon will have to step in

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He still has time to come back... right?

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What a chad

I fucking love how furious Dany fans are that she lost.
Stay mad lmao

How would that matter at all if they were married?

>lol okay

This shit has been telegraphed for years. The only competitor in the Briennebowl is Hyle Hunt, and Brienne kinda totally hates his ass for manipulating and humiliating her.

Who even fucking needs a claim at this point? Kill the current King/Queen and sit on the throne first = you win unless someone is willing to go against you for it then and there

Dude that shit is going to happen in the books too and you know it. GRRM loves those kind of technicalities

>D&D are hacks
No argument from me on that.
My point is more that any lord that doesn't want to follow Dany will use Jon as an excuse to undermine her rule. Jon doesn't have to want the throne to be a pawn in the game.

They would demand Jon rule. Not her. You seem to think that two people can sit on the Throne at the same time.

>Dude that shit is going to happen in the books too and you know it. GRRM loves those kind of technicalities
There is no fucking way marriage between Jon and Dany will be dismissed like it is in the show. Also the books are never coming out and GRRM is a fucking fatty.

>Dany's eye twitches
>her bowels spew brown water
>her lip curls
>her eyebrows flail like horny caterpillars

>It's finally over, all the enemies are dealt with and Dany has planted her ass on the Iron throne
>Outside the throne room the citizens of king's landing are cheering for Jon, dropping flowers and other celebratory decorations down from above.
>Stoically he marches into the throne room. Ser Davos and Bran at his sides, he kneels down before the Queen.
>"You no longer need to sacrifice for your people, you no longer need to bare the weight of your crown, I've taken care of everything."
>He approaches the throne
>Dany gets up "What is this? What are you doing my nephew?"
>"Succeeding you, Aunt" he stabs longclaw hard and deep
>It was then she noticed Jons eyes had turned a bright blue
>Bran takes his seat on the Iron Throne, the throne room freezes over.


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so what is the bell leak>

I was doing some rewatching and I realised another thing they brushed over, Night King's ability to see seer'd Bran. I don't even have the energy left to be upset about this giant let-down of a show.
I can't wait for Jon to have to stab Mad Queen Dany so I can just get this shit show over with.

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I’m watching the first season and holy shit talk about falling from grace. Especially when they talk about the Dothraki I seethe knowing what becomes of them at the end of the series. Fuck those Jews they just love shitting on everything don’t they?

The sack of King's Landing goes out of control and Dany snaps and goes slaughtering.

There's just something I find really sweet in Jaime, a guy who was meant to be fucking gorgeous as fuck or whatever, fancying some ugly dench woman because she's a qt young virgin who respects him

What provoked that, lol

>You seem to think that two people can sit on the Throne at the same time.
That is absolutely what marriages are, are you fucking mental?

Holy shit you guys are literal retards. I'm talking to actual fucking mentally retarded children.

>The book of brothers
Why did they change the name?. Did they think all the minority viewers would think only white people can read the book?

LOL this idiot thinks that they would just share power. have you ever seen Dany before? You think shes just gonna sit there and let Jon sit on the throne while she knits with the other women?

night king was their creation. Im pretty sure that his motivation being bloodraven is bs too

Hey remember that time when Dany literally stayed single to come to Westeros for a marriage?

Oh right, no, because you're retarded.

>subverting the setup during the journey
>subverting the ending
these two are completely different things. One is clever and unexpected and people will praise you for it (even if they rage at first). The other is shitty and literally infuriating and people will hate your guts for it because as a storyteller, you'ld literally ripping them off with a bait-and-switch. GRRM - being a thirsty lurker on the convention circuit - is not about to pull the latter. He was always about the first kind of subversion. It was always a conventional story hidden behind a few swerves.

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I guess when I think about it more I do feel bad for Dany. But man I feel like she has so many annoying scenes in the show that puts her in a bad light. She has been through a lot but she makes too many questionable decisions. She is also so cute and innocent in the beginning.

It definitely seems to be happening in the books. In AFFC he bitch-slaps a knight with his golden hand for making fun of her for being ugly.

A marriage that would allow her to sit on the throne ya moron. Not her husband.

>GRRM - being a thirsty lurker on the convention circuit - is not about to pull the latter.
No shit because that would mean he would have to release a book.

better ending than whatever we're going to get

>look at him dabid, look at him getting butthurt at our writing
>its pathetic dan, he's literally seething

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Soon, user.

Kino but I don't want that to happen

That was Tyrion's idea, and you've seen how those work out.

What's it like to defend bad writing to be contrarian?

Soon my ass

His character was pure kino

They're both Targaryen's by blood, there's no way any kingdom would be okay with the two of them marrying to rule the throne.
Also nice job admitting that you're a speed-watcher who didn't notice that even though Bobby B was married, his wife had no ruling power because Bobby was the one with the dick.

*squeals like a 9 year old girl*

That was before she fell in love with Jon and BEFORE she found out that Jon was Aegon. She loves Jon, but she cant marry him because that would de-legitimize her rule, the one thing she has been trying to get and has been driven in her head as her "right". She may be the "Queen" but no one will respect her authority, and she will be forced to act through Jon. Dany wants to not only be the ruler of Westboros, but the one everyone looks up to.

Give the characters theme songs, if you have the best, you will a commendation of Knighthood among /got/.

>Jaime was 40 in S4
>Cersei is pregnant several years later in Season 7+8.

Who even heard of the menopause.

>They're both Targaryen's by blood, there's no way any kingdom would be okay with the two of them marrying to rule the throne.
hundreds of years of Westerosi history say hi
>Also nice job admitting that you're a speed-watcher who didn't notice that even though Bobby B was married, his wife had no ruling power because Bobby was the one with the dick.
You should read the books, there's actually a lot of people who ruled before Bobby B (you know, the guy who interrupted Targ rule).

Man you showniggers are dumb as fuck.


Urine Greyjoy

>Yea Forums
Fucking readtard.

>for this night, and for all nights to come

Yea Forums is completely unsuitable for the discussion of books in the same way Yea Forums is worthless for music.

>you will a commendation

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He never left... my heart

No dude you must be a Danyfag, the realm would totally believe Jon came back to life and wasn't a deserter.


I could see this playing as Dany just gleefully goes mad and burns KL to the ground.

>Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death

*cucks Dany*

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Well this is a TELEVISION AND MOVIES board for discussion of TELEVISION AND MOVIES. Not unrelated non-canon books.

in the books cersei has been impregnated by robert numerous times, but she aborted every child she had with robert and only saved jaime's children

Fucking kek

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And Yea Forums is worthless for games, and Yea Forums is worthless for anime. The boards mean nothing.

have sex

So why are you so fucking stupid when it comes to the show?

Is Jon dead?

Something pretty wholesome about these two. I like their irl friendship

I guess we could ask the fire-breathing dragon for his opinion as a tiebreaker.



true ending to episode 4

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>when you get cucked on the show so you take it to real life

Based Baratheon Boi


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How did she know which was which before was even born? She presumably was having sex with both of them all the time

Link to the article? kek

>hurr durr read the books it proves my point
>"the books aren't relevant to the show"
Fucking neck yourself.

where does that scene come from?

>gets btfo by a big crossbow

Bran earlier in the episode: "I don't *want* anymore"

Tyrion and Varys later in the episode

Tyrion (talking about Jon Snow): "He doesn't want the throne. That's why he bent the knee."

Varys: "Have you considered that the best ruler might be someone who doesn't want to rule?"

^I interpret this as D&D foreshadowing that Bran becomes King in the end, but trying to set up Jon as a Red Herring.


That feel when the same leakers who leaked legit information about Episodes 1-4 also leaked that Bran would become King in the end.

That feel when we won't get our Stannis wins or Euron wins ending or something similar.

Well...at least we aren't getting a Yas Kween ending.

Is anyone else convinced that Bran becoming King in the end is legit

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The show proves my point as well, I just called you a shownigger and used the books as evidence because I knew you were illiterate.

>Its pretty clear in the books that the long night is a real honest threat, and Jon will have to kill Dany to end it in some way.

Could you explain? Did not read the books



You are now hearing this play as Bobby B is on the Trident.

Attached: Bobby B.png (894x567, 1021K)

>They're both Targaryen's by blood, there's no way any kingdom would be okay with the two of them marrying to rule the throne
Way to not understand the backstory of the show while arrogantly presuming to criticize "speed-watchers". The incestuous marriages of rulers is tolerated by basically everyone, even if some like the northern houses don't accept it (hence Tyrion/Varys' apprehension about the Jon+Danny marriage idea)

That’s right they never went anywhere with that. It was a way for the nk to track him but that was it.

cersei told ned this when ned confronted her over jon arryn's death. she's a narcissist, and could've been lying to intimidate him.

Drogon is proof against those due to plot.

have you not watched episode 4?

GRRM says anyone who comes back from death is a wight. It's just a matter of which god they're aligned to.

The wights in the north are 'ice wights' of the Great Other.
Beric (and by extension Catelyn) and Jon are 'fire wights' of R'hllor
Patchface is a 'water wight' of the Drowned God

It's not a clean ressurection like the show implies. You leave something behind. Your heart doesn't even beat.

No, because he can't have an heir and has literally no claim.

I think either the leaks are 100% legit, or they are 90% legit with the last part being fake to try and mitigate the shitstorm that will happen in Jon predictably takes the throne

Olenna/Roose's, they get a combined one


>do you want to be king?
>i don't want anymore...
>great, wait, do you want wants best for the kingdom
>i don't want anymore...
>I'll take it

When Vegas listed him as the favorite to sit the Iron Throne I was convinced he would become the King.

I go to uni in Bath and know someone who grew up here and went to the same secondary school as Maisie. Apparently she's a really stuck up bitch who was horrible to most other kids in her classes kek really makes me view her differently in the show desu


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Patchface ironically scares Melisandre the worst.

Also I personally forget, does Beric/Stoneheart ever make mention that there is nothing after death like Jon does in the show?

So Yea Forums, here's the last question before this ship finishes sinking:
Who's Azor Ahai?

Zombie Mountain


Azor Ahai was the friends they made along the way

So she's even got an ugly personality

in the show no one lol

literally every king of the Iron Islands is intentionally drowned and then administered CPR. Are they 'water wights' with all that >implies?

Nobody, prophecies are bullshit


If I was writing it based on what I know, it'd be Jorah or Jaime. In actuality it's Jon, the prophecy never said anything about him specifically killing the Others, just that he was the savior, that could mean he brought the true ender (Arya) and others together or whatever. Remember prophecies are tricky.

But thematically Jorah or Jaime make by far the most sense.

I know, but it's not clear cut whether (un)death clears you from your oath. The spirit of the oath seems to imply otherwise, i.e the 'all nights to come' bit



lol no

in the books its john in tue show he doesnt exist/doesnt matter

Because the drowned god is Cthulhu

They'll never mention this again now that Melisandre is gone lmao

But it also says until death, the all nights to come implies you live. Most people don't assume you can just come back to life. It clears him from his oath, but it's not as if Jon didn't break that oath in the first place with Ygritte.

No, because they don't actually die and come back. They're resuscitated.

Patchface was literally a corpse floating across the narrow sea for 2 days before he came back

euron greyjoy, sorcerer or great inventor?

Who the fuck will believe that Jon came back to life?

kek, fucking based.

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Beric does tell Melly that there is nothing but darkness in death. I think it's the first moment in the show that shows her slowly shattering of faith.

>implying it's not Davy Jones

I mean I guess its the same thing, but still. Yes I know about the side books, I don't personally like the take that there are eldritch horrors out there. It takes away from a lot of other stuff I feel without really adding anything of importance. It basically means all Targs are corrupted by Old Gods.

>the prophecy never said anything about him specifically killing the Others, just that he was the savior
Oh god this is how they are setting up him killing Dany

'Take no wife' =! 'Smash no (boy)puss'

Well the entirety of the North does and some Southerners, so I'm gonna assume most people just accept it. Like they accept him being a Targ from his best friend and little brother, among various other stupid things.
I wonder if that was just Beric's afterlife though, like I do wonder if there are multiple, or if its based more on the concept of Sheol, the Abyss in Judaism and various religions, where just sort of exist as a shade and that's it. For there to be Gods, it's a tad strange there is no afterlife within the world.

Sansa's the kind of bitch that would tell Aegon VI that Jon's a Targaryen

Jon skated on two technicalities.
1: they aren't explicitly forbidden from sex, just marriage
2. they serve until death, he died.
even the Old Bear himself said "if we executed every man who sneaks to Mole's Town the Wall would be manned by ghosts."

In the books he is hinted at being a god-level sorcerer from his time in the far east, but in the show he is just le wacky genius

>Well the entirety of the North does
Which is ridiculously bad writing.

Don't forget, there is a Stallion still yet to mount the world, and he'll come back for vengeance in a few decades.

King Drogon

I agree. It's also kind of stupid how Lovecraft lore has managed to wiggle its way into just about any fantasy world it can be squeezed into. I like to think of the hints to in side material as fun little shout outs to a series GRRM obviously loves.

Thoughts ? m.youtube.com/watch?v=k3hCPYCZGGM

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>implying davos wouldn't be sucking Stannis cock the moment he walked through the door

Fair enough.
I agree on that.

>no one
Arya then.

Good Boy, Ghost

>stallion to mount the world
Isn't this just the Dothraki's way of explaining Dragons?

So you believe in
>magical dragons out of nowhere
>the walking dead
>blue niggers who resurrect the dead
>demon magic summoned by a red milf
>the lightning lord coming back to life over and over

but not

>Snon Joe came back to life

Well, they say there is Seven Heavens and Seven Hells. Maybe Beric and the others were just kept in Purgatory by their respective divinities until they were resurrected.

Although i'm not sure why R'hllor and the others would bother making afterlifes, they are clearly not benevolent gods and probably only see mankind as pawns and conductors for their great game.

She didn't even say no. She was thinking it and that should be enough. PROTECT WOMEN

good boy Ghost

Yeah, the lovecraftian stuff, while I love, needs to just be its own contained thing or have it from the start. Hell even Mortal Kombat is going down that route.
Zuriks vids are top notch and has actually made me appreciate some characters a lot more. His Jorah ones especially are fantastic.

90% of the problems in this season could be addressed with one or two lines of dialogue

Man it would have been really great if Arya told everyone that she was going to KL to kill Cersei.

Like, literally all problems solved.

>1: they aren't explicitly forbidden from sex, just marriage
...And fathering children, hence the risk. But, this is lost on far too many show watchers, probably because the numerous times the Night's Watch brothers are mocked for not #havingsex on the show. Speedwatching zoomers just assume it's forbidden. The fact still remains Jon never actually violated his oath despite the hype around ygritte when he got back. It's not a crime. It's just incredibly risky if she isn't a literal Mole's Town whore.

Why does there need to be a heaven or hell at all? Gods might just be some weird alien energy-based life form. It doesn't follow that because magic is real, there's an afterlife.

Why are there so many fucking one liners? Why does everything happen offscreen now? Why so many shots of people's faces when they aren't even emoting? It's not just shit writing but shit production as well.


>snon joe

Because Daenerys is practically a foreigner and she has a foreign army.

Realistically that should have endeared the people to her. Here's this girl, she's a Targaryen, who most of us miss. She's got dragons, she's managed to amass an army all on her own and has returned to take back her kingdom.

Like, if these people were seriously that bothered by her bringing Dothraki and Unsullied, then they should have been giving her and Viserys some men and ships a long time ago.

I'm talking about the lords in universe you immense fucking retard. It makes no sense for Westerosi people to believe in magic resurrections, that's how the show universe was set up.

Nah, it's a prophecy of a Khal of Khals who will unite the entire Dothraki and ride to the ends of the earth conquering everything. It was believed to be Drogo, but he died. It was believed to be Rhaegar, but he died, or was her son also Rhaegal? Anyways, Dany is going to die so it can't be her.

Drogo is a stallion, he's a mount, and by far sturdy as fuck, and will get far far bigger. I could see Drogon coming back and conquering everything by being as big as Balerion one day.
Isn't that all God/Satan are? An afterlife was created there despite being pawns in their I told you so game.

Also see, this is what I want to explore more. Could that darkness have been limbo, or could it have been one of the seven hells or heavens? Like, I want to know more about this, it feels lackluster if there is nothing, but it strikes home more that this is your only shot, make it count.

>b-b-but the other people are bad too, the actors, the directors, they're all bad, not just the writers
Nice try dabid

Well it does to an extent because we clearly know R'hllor is real and that he seems to have some all powerful influence over life, fire, and shadow. Could he be an Eldritch Abomination (like a bell for instance that always rings when fire is involved)? Sure, but R'hllor alone should have an afterlife, unless that is his afterlife, shadow and darkness.

Makes you wonder.

A bunch of magic is literally happening right in front of them, though. These gormless smeg-lickers still really believe in the Seven even though they never do ANYTHING, it's not a big leap to believe a man resurrected from the dead. Plenty of people believed Beric was doing the same fucking thing, which he was.

He's a sorcerer trying to summon an eldritch horror from the bottom of the ocean.
He spent a shit ton of time studying in Asshai

Protect his smile

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Which is stupid as fuck. They came to Maester Aemon TWO times about taking the throne, and he turned it down because he was a Maester, and then a man of the Watch.

Jon most definitely does need to want the throne for anyone to make him a pawn.

"Lord Aegon"
"It's Jon"
"You must press your claim to the throne, it is yours by right"
"I don't want it, Dany's the queen"

Remember magic coming back into the world is a relatively recent thing due to the red comet. They even mention it, so its hard for people to just readily accept at a moment's notice, especially when the average person doesn't really see it.

Why do the Ironborne even worship the Drowned God anyways? Based on where Steffon shipwrecked, he's on the complete opposite side of Westeros in the sea, unless he can move around (which I imagine he'd probably be chained considering the mythos).

The northerners follow the old gods along with the children of the forest,they have a deep connection with the Starks as well.

didn't they clarify in some episode that greyworm still has his dick just not his balls? I remember that being something dany asked missandry

>A bunch of magic is literally happening right in front of them, though.
Yeah, now it is. Jon died fucking years ago and nobody treated it like a big deal. Its fucking terrible writing.

Because the show is missing all the important elements in which they cut in an effort to tell the story, which ironically hinders it because it causes it to begin to make no sense, especially as Execs intervene for fan favorites and scenes, on top of D&D's decision for two shorter seasons, despite HBO wanting 10 episodes, 10 seasons.

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Same thing with George Washington and other leaders, they didn't want to be the leader and just retire, but other nagged them enough to become the leader.

I doesn't matter if Jon doesn't want to rule, he will be MADE to rule

Original Azor Ahai = Last Hero = Night's King
Azor Ahai Reborn = The prince that was promised = Jon Snow
The stallion who mounts the world = Drogon

new thread:

If the leaks are true though, that doesn't happen.

Honestly the lengths people are going to defend D&D is pretty pathetic.

In real game of thrones if Jorah died, dany would be mourning him and completely unable to function for weeks at a time. This shit is being Rushed way too fast and making everything unimportant.

ah that reminds me-

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Yes. When I saw the leaks saying Bran would sit the throne I was skeptical but what was the purpose of the scene where Bran says "I don't want anymore" if not to foreshadow him sitting the iron throne?

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Caesar refused the crown THREE TIMES

In the end the cunts still stabbed him though

Did that nigger rhaegar really have TWO sons named aegon?
Like what the fuck, what was his plan when the older aegon found out about the new one?

>what the fuck dad

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where do trenches go?