Is he wrong?
Is he wrong?
Yes he is, was and always will be
shilling this hard for mcu
If this dude grows up anymore he gonna be dead
No and those asshurt manchildren in the comments just made my night
>shilling for books written by blacks as the only means of learning racial tolerance
>quotes the bible when he did a film that called out how stupid he thinks it is
pure unadulterated jew kino
meh, I only care about a handful of capeshit. Though Bill Maher is over opinionated for how little he knows outside Hollywood bullshit.
kek you can literally feel their pain and suffering when reading those comments
>unmarried, no kids
>smokes pot at 86 or however fucking old he is
>looks like a smug tortoise smelling its own farts
>tells others to grow up
I mean I agree, but coming from him it's fucking stupid
>Unironically agreeing with anything Bill Maher says
cringe, cronfe, crinfe, cribinge, cronge, crinfefe, bacringe, crinfine, crofege, crinfege, CRINGE
Isn't this the guy who was so insecure about his name that he changed it so that people wouldn't know he was jewish?
you're right, Bill and Leo are the most based bachelors
>pure unadulterated jew kino
Stan Lee was a Jew, too.
Also, this: Stones in glasses, etc.
I should also point out that Bill Maher's show is on a network whose parent is AT&T (owner of WarnerMedia), one of Disney's biggest competitors. If Warner was putting out a major DC Comics movie right now, you would be seeing Bill Maher defending adult comic book fans.
Bill Maher is a disgusting pro-pedophilia pro-rape jew
Kek. For a second there I thought you were eating a bowl of cereal or a granola bar.
go to bed, Mr. President
Why do they always look the same?
They even type the same way
He legit only sleeps 4 hours a day, even before becoming President.
you just created some serious cognitive dissonance for certain posters ITT
Good to see you're still posting, Mr Shatner
He is right. Capeshit is cancer.
Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created heroes that inspired millions of young readers, many of whom grew up in unfavorable circumstances and needed that escapism, to be better people. Bill Maher is a hero to nobody but himself and whoever identifies with an old out of touch pot head who thinks it’s cool to say “nigger” on his show because a black friend in college told him it was no big deal once.
Yuck, I can barely stand to look at his Jew face and I don't even particularly care about Marvel movies. Bill Maher is the type of person that makes people think Hitler may not have been all bad.
IRL barneyposting, truly we live in a clown world.
Kill yourself, capenigger. Cry more
or bill maher is from a different era and his icon was george carlin who literally had jokes about calling black people niggers
A broken clock is right twice a day.
He's right but that's real rich coming from him
>Bill Maher is the type of person that makes people think Hitler may not have been all bad
to be fair tho, you sound like someone who has had framed pictures of Hitler hanging in your house for decades
>literally coming back with 'it was a different time'
go to be raimey
>You're irony... Man...
God is this the successor to Pokemon gotothepolls?
Boomer humor is so sad
Based Maher
Fuck Capeshit. It's for ZOG puppets.
This is from a guy who obsesses with weed, Trump, and racial politics. I mean, Jesus Christ, it's like listening to Trudeau about political corruption. He can't call a group out for being childish when he would spazz out as much if someone called out his childish interests.
Yes he is right because any world that punishes you for spoiling a capeshit flick is made for manchildren with baby dicks. Its fucking capeshit, of fucking course the heroes win. Defending big fucking business like the fucking Mouse. Kill yourself you babydick enablers.
>lol dude just grow up
i see this thrown around so much on this website, what does it even mean
Politics polarization brainlet
Would Bill Maher be saying this if Warner (owner of HBO) was releasing a superhero movie soon?
>mfwhenever Maher temporarily breaks his programing and says something incredibly based and redpilled
Holy shit, do these people really think this. Superman and Watchman can be compared to any of Charles Dickens work HAHAHAHA
have sex
>comic books are on the same plane as politics
This is how delusional and sad capenigger manchildren are
He thinks all Muslim terrorists should be executed. That's based, I guess.
This is the world we’ve chosen, so we just have to deal with it now I guess.
Imagine getting inspired by comics of all things
All Muslims in general should be executed.
conform and breed more serfs for cheap labor
See that's the thing, I don't and I never have, that's how fucking repellant Maher is.
i hate capeshit so i don't really give a shit
No one cares about the personal life of Trump or obsessing over his personal faults as a person. That's not politics. That's just petty celebrity gossip. Politics is just sports for nerds, and but unlike sports, nerds think everything in politics is world changing, when in reality, it's not.
Trump can't even build a wall because separation of powers ensures that nothing drastic will ever happen without mass majority consent. Or do you think it was a grand accomplishment that Obama won the Nobel peace prize for literally nothing he actually did in office and worsened the situation in the Middle East?
y r gooks glowing>
>unironically thinks weebs aren't worthy of equal condemnation
if maher even knew what the fuck that is he'd rip you a new one
#3 is delicious
It got cringy, first 30 seconds were on point though, for the most part.
Though this feels like it was made out of pure spite over the mass loss of followers he mentioned
He probably lost a lot of people in general
>politics doesn’t change the world
You are seriously fucking retarded. Why do you think Trump pulled out of the TPP giving China even more leadership on the world stage? Politics. Why do you think Trump is sucking Israel’s cock at every turn while silencing journalists? Politics. This shit affects our daily lives. Capeshit doesn’t.
Confirmed for thinking it was a grand accomplishment that Obama won the Nobel peace prize for literally nothing he actually did in office and worsening the situation in the Middle East
Liking kpop is even worse than obsessing over capeshit
Yes, unless it is towards folks with no education, income or any structure utilizing comics to avoid life (rich or well to do with no worries do not count).
What worries me about this clip is the hierarchy of reading Maher and his audience pull towards as acceptable. These seem like the types that have debt, worry about the system, 401k and retirement. Never once do I hear elitist informing adult readers to understand the economy, financial system nor how to plan it out. Yet the same elitist intellectual will cry once the economy dives, and social problems arise.
any one who doesnt likes capeshit its a person
I think Maher has the start of a point, he just went in the wrong direction with it.
I think his argument shouldn't have been that it's a bad thing adult men and women enjoy capeshit simply because they enjoy those things--it should've been that adult men and women enjoying capeshit is a bad thing if that's ALL they enjoy.
There's nothing wrong with watching a marvel movie or reading DC comics from time-to-time--but if that's ALL you do, if ALL you consume is capeshit, you're a child and deserve to be treated like one.
That, to me, is the biggest issue with the capeshit/Star Wars/YA Franchise trend--people who may have otherwise grown out of those series a long time ago after they stopped catering to their age demographic, people who might have then expanded their tastes and started reading/watching more challenging material, like actual adults, were stunted when companies started pandering to them and their childhoods. Maybe not all of them would've gone on to read/watch harder stuff, maybe not even most--but at least the opportunity would've been there.
But now, because the Mouse and every other media conglomerate has realized just how badly people want these movies, they keep shoving them down all our throats to both exploit and satisfy the weak parts of many people's will-power. The fact that referred to "Fifty Shades of Grey" as an "adult book" shows just how fucking out of touch and inundated the capeshit class of people is after over a decade of constant saturation.
The worst part of it is that, because it's now seen as a horrible faux pas to criticize anyone's tastes in anything, as the comments below the Maher video suggest, this shit is here to stay, maybe for good. We're essentially witnessing the creation of the cinematic equivalent of the fast-food industry--an entire system honed to a cold and colorful instrument of precision, owned by few, and shoveling shits down the throats of millions.
Typical retarded zoomer response. You said politics don’t change the world which is unbelievably retarded and you extrapolate from that that I give a shit about some bullshit award. All I’m doing is calling you a retard
I curious how maher and co would react to crossed the comic book.
Not being able to understand context, especially for media consumption is a sign of autism and stunted brain growth.
A true lover of cinema understands and appreciates the skill involved with the craft of storytelling as well as spectacle. It's like what Werner Herzog says about finding value in what the collective population finds entertaining. People who only appreciate arthouse are fake and pretentious.
>doesn't even deny it
jc just look at him
Trump pulled out of the TPP because it was screwing over Americans, similar to how he screwed over the NAFTA for the exact same reasons. China was already gaining political influence outside of their country long before Trump took office. They have Africa through debt and have claimed the entire South China Seas as theirs. They literally the Spratly Islands and other international waters conquered since the 2000s, back when Obama was still in office. What did America and the rest of the world do? Literally nothing.
Also, don't pretend Trump isn't the only Israeli shill. Literally every other president and potential nominee shills for Israel since the birth of that godforsaken country in the 40s. This has happened for decades and it isn't anything new. Obama shilled for Israel, and Joe Biden, the one most likely to win the Democratic presidential nominee, the main opposition to Trump, admits he's a Zionist, too, back in 2007.
None of this shit is new. It's literally decades old and only some fresh newblood faggot like you think it is. It's not. People way older than you have followed politics way longer and realize this trend going on for a while. Only people recently interested in politics thinks fucking trade agreements and violation of international law is fucking world changing.
Jesus Christ, grow up.
Pro-rape and pedophilia?! Sounds like my type of guy.
have sex
>Can we all please grow up? Can we acknowledge that Marvel and DC have scraped right though the bottom of the barrel? Can we call time on superhero films? Films which are too dark for kids the comics were originally written for, yet too dumb for any thinking adult
>Of course most of the superhero films aren’t actually crap in the way that The Last Airbender or Gigli were crap. Many of them are nicely shot and use A-list actors. They often have talented directors. They even get decent reviews (although the same cannot be said for Batman V Superman). And yet, an hour after watching the latest iteration of Superman/Batman/Iron Man/The Flash/The Green Lantern, I can barely remember anything about it.
>The trouble is the source material. In the case of Batman and Superman, this was originally written for ten-year-old boys. A man who can fly with lasers in his eyes. A man who dresses as a bat dispensing justice to bad guys. It’s fun but it’s fundamentally very silly stuff; it has pre-teen built into its DNA.
in their defence, you can't have quotation marks in URLs
>people try to tell me what to do
>I don't do what they say
Yea Forums BTFO
>Yea Forums literally still seething over this
You can tell how far this place has fallen, that they choose to hate bill maher for his stance on capeshit over other things
Politics isn't gonna matter once we're living on mars.
have sex
while that is true, bill maher also has his head stuck up his ass
even if he's correct it doesn't matter. he doesn't believe in anything he says he's the television equivalent of a shock jock. he's a Yea Forums shitposter out to get (You)s but the difference is he does it on television and gets paid. he's also allegedly a comedian but isn't funny so fuck him.
>segment has nothing to do with politics, yet trumptards are still triggered simply by his presence.
top kek
Fucking god damn that was based Bill Maher should be Yea Forums‘s new mod
>mfw another dude with a capt merilard shirt
The irony of the a Trump apologist calling someone underage is hilarious.
Also, you have no idea how the TPP works if you think it was going to screw over Americans when technology does that anyway for workers. If you don’t think trade agreements are world changing, then I suggest you at least take at least an intro macro econ course to realize you’re wrong. Don’t just get your politics from /pol/ or the Breitbart. Our world looks a lot different than it did 20 years ago and it will continue to change BECAUSE of trade, so you’re retarded about that.
Besides, you faggots can’t grasp my original post. The retard said politics isn’t world changing. If world leaders making decisions that affects everyone isn’t world changing, then what is?
>b-but I just wanna own the libtards! That’s politics, right?
>being this triggered by a comedy show
try having sex, incel
he's generally just a miserable person with a bad attitude to life and people that aren't him
>shitting on the Bible
You need to grow up, Bill.
Not a big fan of capeshit, but being a pretentious "I like mature things for mature people such as myself" little shit is worse.
Buzzfrase which used by intellectually handicapped underages only.
Shit like this reminds me about Slav TV shows about "games are killing our children!!!111"
he's absolutely right. I can understand that people may feel fondness for something that they liked as kids and come back to it from time to time for nostalgia's sake, I do that too. But consuming more and more and more media that is clearly catered towards kids as an adult, and then trying to uphold such schlock as if it was culturally relevant or deep is mental illness
This just in: comedian says something controversial for attention, morons repost his rant for attention by proxy
>all of the """serious""" capeshit is DC
Is Bill the only person on tv who's willing to point out how fucking infantilized current pop culture is? It's like nation wide baby play
I see he's still copying Dennis Miller's old show
>Don’t just get your politics from /pol/ or the Breitbart
well, as fellow enlightened individual, i get all my politics from late night shows and r/politics.
You know here in Austria the Camps are still standing as a grim reminder, also maybe just in case.
Ironic being told to grow up from a 60 year old who never outgrew weed and being democrat.
he's been wrong ever since he mocked Ruby Ridge
he's an evil hand rubbing kike
have standards, and sex
>wanting us to reproduce
unless you are achmed they want the exact opposite
>wypipo reading comprehension
he's going to lose his show over the lawsuit
he's right, fuck capeshit and fuck these faggots with their "adulting" shit
but also fuck bill maher, he's a wanker
I can enjoy capshits (although i tired of them) and i am into a lot of childish hobbies but i am aware of that.
I have friends who dont understand why im depressed by the fact that capshits are so popular and generate so much money.
Its almost an insult when i tell them that those movies are superficial and generic.
>American humour
>Midwit makes fun of nitwits
Bill isn't a hack, all late night presenters have the problem of finding content, my guess is the writing team saw the backlash let it cool then decided to redress it when literally no one who was insulted was around to be mad again. It was to make the viewers of Real Time feel like smart sophisticated adults who are better than childish ones who like 'childish things'. The argument against childish things is always to just consume more 'adult content'. Adult content like Real Time. There's no counter-point to Bill's argument because his self indulgent tirade isn't meant to be challenged. He's not even that funny as the speech makes time for pans of reaction shots of his guests and for the audience to quiet down all the while reminding us Bill isn't ranting childishly himself. He's throwing his own kind of tantrum saying listen I'm not wrong because I represent 'adult' adults, not manchildren. It's always important to remember that shaming other people is easy low hanging fruit and that Bill isn't a sophisticated comedian for doing it. It's easy to use stereotyping to paint a group into a corner and disregard everything about them.
>Ooh religion is bad because look at these crazy zealots
>Comics are stupid because I can reduce an entire genre down to a boilerplate
Bill is formulaic and requires these kind of segments to pad out the time he isn't talking to guests. Telling people to grow up doesn't make you grown up. It looks like an older kid telling his younger peers 'look at me and how cool I am you should do what I say'. It lacks critical thinking because any application there of might be balanced and this kind of comedy doesn't deal well with even handling.
Tl:dr Bill is a late night host of course his shit is slanted to make him look smart and anything he doesn't like stupid.
Maher is a manchild too. It's like when Yea Forums tells people to stop looking at porn and anime when this is an anime porn site.
It means nothing because the people posting it are also on this website.
People love to pigeon hole their opposition.
But Bill confuses people. He is a liberal libertarian who hates kids and Muslims.
He has and always will hate dumb Hollywood blockbusters.
Look at this pathetic neet.
Yeah, having a job, being productive and not having childish hobbies is what adult people do.
lmao cope
Go back to /pol/
>he thinks I'm reading this shit
>can't discuss things more complex than men in spandex
grow up
the marvel movies are pretty entertaining though. I laughed my ass off during Infinity War. Its genuinely dope as fuck and better than Maher's entire career. We've always like big stupid Hollywood cash grabs, the difference now, is that the comic book movies actually have the special effects to pull off comic book movies now.
>making fun of pathetic manchildren is just as childish as being a pathetic manchild
the amount of cope you have is astounding
Yeah it's just light entertainment.
WHO are you quoting?
not only based, but redpilled as well
imagine being this much of a slop brained mong
Sure thing, zoomer faggot.
oops not you
Good post
>the amount of seething rage in that video's comment section
The assblasting he caused in the comment sections is perpetually praiseworthy, and most importantly, he's right.
Geriatric unmarried and childless pothead telling anyone to grow up.
>unmarried and childless
>For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
Slam him all you want cause you're not wrong but neither is he. I hope you turned it off in a fit of rage when he attacked your little cape shows.
I hated capeshit until I heard Bill Maher say he hates it. I can't be one the same side as that ulitmo liberales.
I'd agree, but not for contemporary capeshit.
You could make that point about films like Die Hard and Point Break and Con Air. Not for capeshit though.
they arent my little cape shows
you are clearly more familiar with them than i am
last capething i watched was one of those tobey magwhatever spidermans
Bill 'House Nigger' Maher has a 'hot take' on shit he doesn't understand as a fucking boomer. People like being a part of things and to escape their bleak lives with some dumb entertainment and fictional characters.
The person who cares so much about other people liking things is more pathetic than the person liking things.
"....To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence."
- C.S. Lewis
Bet you're fun at partys
Real Time's target audience is 16 year olds lol
Manbabies literally SEETHING in this thread because they can't accept the truth.
Grow the fuck up
You're on Yea Forums.
Kill Boomers
>this is reddit, this is memes
He's rejecting factual information about Shakespeare and Moby Dick. How can I treat anything he says seriosuly?
He hates capeshit for all the wrong reasons.
He hates it for the same reason the kid with the pokemon cards started hating the power rangers because power rangers were too gay.
Never seen vid before. I have shitton more respect for maher now.
You need to go back
>me watching Maher
>wow this is pretty based and redpi....
>"read michael eric dyson"
>fucking smash my head into my monitor
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
I look at capeshit sort of like Hitler's speech on the state of media in Guess Who's Back. (paraphrased) How bad must the world be that we need this retard level of escapism to keep people from killing themselves?
people did think Shakespeare and theatre was low art.
People also thought Roger Corman's Fantastic 4 was shit.
But the difference is that Ant-Man is not going to become in Shakespeare never.
He's definitely wrong to be equating all comics with capeshit. Even then, his opinion of capeshit is tainted by only having a general familiarity with the movie adaptions of these comics.
Overall his disdain for superhero movies is understandable, but as usual Bill Maher is a dumb normie pleb who thinks he's smarter than he is.
You never know is all i'm saying. Antman could be a showcase of cinematic CGI comedy in 100 years. Infinity War could be studied as a great tragedy.
My point is he is wrong about Shakespeare.
Stan Lee was such a fucking hack. His only original thought when it came to comic books was when decided to retire. Stan is unironically the most overrated, overhyped, and under cooked man to ever be shilled by Hollywood and entertainment in general.
Even many of this past co-workers, and his comicbook colleagues have already ratted Stan out to be a creatively bankrupt tool who couldn't think past Peter Parker's tiny cock. Sure he knew how to market superheroes but he didn't know how to make them great.
comiccucks BTFO
all the superheroes he made up are just the same guy.
The only challenge is to make a gayer costume than the previous one and make up some retarded superpower.
>this guy can use his body as a wifi hotspot, call him #Man
He is 100% right. But I have his condencenting and self aggrandising way of talk. This fucking boomers telling us to grow up, when they gable alway our future with their "free" money to keep the economy hot, and fuckup the house market so bad that is almost impossible to buy a house. They endocrineted us in the school system, and filled our bodys with drugs to be well behaved in class. Fuck Bill Mahar, and fuck boomers.
I think the best way to grow up is to start a boomer holocaust.
Is it okay to enjoy things? Yes.
Is it okay for an adult to obsess over a piece of fiction, base your life and identity solely on it and flip your shit if something doesn't go according to plan? No.
If you're over 25, you're old enough to understand that:
A) You shouldn't expect praise for doing banal things that might've made mommy "proud" when you were 10.
B) You shouldn't expect people to give a shit about your hobbies.
C) You should have thicker skin than to ugly-cry because the bad bad man on the telly told you you're pathetic. Seriously, if you haven't learned to switch it off when the voices make you angry yet, you need protective housing.
t. TeamStan
D) You should be smart enough to NOT give Disney your money.
>those butthurt comments
capeshitters are so insecure
I just really hate bill maher
i dont care about capeshit
No, he's right to call out capeshit.
Not sure what cut Disney gets from my local theater, but oh well. Disney is already rich enough to effectively own "media" is a concept.
That was jon Stewart
Holy fuck that butthurt letter from Marvel trying to claim their shitty movies are on the level of Steinbeck, Melville and Shakespeare
What in the goddamn
No, he isnt.
If capeshit was replaced with Hollywood i might get on board.
The Dick Cheaney movie wasnt any more "adult" than iron transformer man.
Both equally deal in fantasy and childish notions.
I don't care that he dislikes comic book stuff, but using a sweet old man's death as a vehicle to shit on everything is pretty low and pathetic.
reddit-tier post. capekino is here to stay
>But I have his condencenting
>way of talk
>when they gable
>to keep the economy hot
>is almost impossible
>They endocrineted
Your grammar and spelling are fucking atrocious. Learn to string a sentence together before you comment, you utter tard.
>Infinity War could be studied as a great tragedy.
Yeah, maybe when we find aliens with superpowers it could be relevant.
Do you honestly think 'Crossed' is an adult comic book?
>Infinity War could be studied as a great tragedy.
Prove by example.
I don't think Bill Maher is the one who should be saying that.
documentaries with a fatman megaphone screaming at a wallstreet building are totally way adult
sounds pretty based imho
stop watching capeshit in theatres
start watching anime at home and seeing kino veritas at the cinema
People are afraid and want a hero. What's so hard to understand about that?
>many of whom grew up in unfavorable circumstances and needed that escapism, to be better people
Is this pasta? I've never understood this claim, the Bible already exists. Let Jesus Christ inspire you or any great historical figure. Why resort to childish bugman cartoons?
Never forget
What is Myth. What is the bible.
Myths are based in thousands of years of culture and are important to the history and culture of the people. A fucking movie with CGI aliens and wizards killing each other is not. Is just entertainment.
The same but 10x more about The Bible. Comparing the importance of a religion with a movie...
bill maher said he would win as well, not in that particular moment but he predicted the libs wouldnt turn out, see the episode right before the election happened
Its genre is horror and it does that well. I don't see anything particularly childish with it, except that one moment where the captive woman gets rescued by some gays and kills her captors, that was some GURRL POWER cringe.
And he has been seething ever since
That's not an example of how you analyze a great tragedy.
you mean Jack Kirby, Lee was just a secretary that took credit
was it rape?