Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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>when they fight and down with the sickness starts playing
Warwick vs Yea Forums circa 2019
This entire episode is pure kino. easily the best episode of south park. hell, may be the best episode of any show of all time.
>it's 2019
God I miss THAT South Park.
Sneedchuck Davis
this one and the one where Cartman acts like the teacher from that Edward James Olmos math movie gotta be the 2 best episodes.
This shits so hilarious it’s not even funny.
wasnt this character design based on those 2 infomercial midgets from the 90s who used to sell insurance or some shit? im not crazy right? there was a twin midgets infomercial i remember as a kid and they looked just like this lil nigga in south park
most midgets look the same anyways
not even a south park fan, but I literally just fucking spit my drink out onto my computer screen
I miss Mister Cartmenez.
He's based off Warwick
>Words are like bullets, and I let them pass straight through me.
What the fuck is this supposed to mean
Means they killed him and his spirit within minutes of hearing them.
Those twins were down here in Florida selling like, bug protection. One of them passed on in 2005.
it means his brain is even more useless than his legs
>You see? No matter what you say, I’m still standing.
are they same two midgets norm knows
Holy shit it's so strange that we are now at the point where this si the old south park people miss... this episode is good. But if your favorite epsiode(s) isnt in the meteor trilogy well then sorry, your not a true fan.
My favorite was always Chicken Lover.
Solid taste. Goddamn I miss Barbrady. I miss the whole small town feel in general. They might as well not even live in the same town anymore.
This isn't even a funny part of the episode, just Eric laughing for a minute
The whole first few seasons (especially 1 and 2) are God Tier. I used to rent episodes from Blockbuster on VHS back in the 90s (2 eps on each tape). Then we got some bootlet VHS tapes that had a few dozen eps and it was amazing. In 1999 when I was like 10 my dad took me and my brother to the theatre to see the movie
What did you guys think of Tiptoes?
i laughed throughout the entire vid because i saw this a few min ago and thought "dwarfs and gnomes" so i just couldent stop laughing and started dying. when he mentioned the suit i couldent breath
Sure he did ;) it's okay. We all snuck in after buying tickets to Wild Wild West. It's the reason the film was relatively financially successful while the SP movie didnt do so great. Also the reason they had Cartman referencing the movie during his epsiode of the Meteor Trilogy!
He did though
>the chad dwarf and virgin midgelet
>Hey can you reach the Crispix?
>Yes I can.
imagine kidnapping him and his daughter. you bring them to a secluded location, and strap davis to a chair. "LET US GO!" he says.
His daughter is visibly scared. you approach and grab her. she resists, but it's no use against your average male strength. you take her clothes off till she's just wearing her little panties and a bra. warwick is begging you not to. he starts to tear up, knowing well what's about to happen to his daughter. you rip off her last two pieces of garment until she's standing there completely naked, infront of you and her father.
You can tell she has never been with a man before. You pick her up, and enter her. She's fucking tight. You barely get the tip fully in before she begins to bleed. She screams in pain as you go deeper and deeper. in and out, blood smears further down your shaft as you progress.
As you stretch her virgin pussy out more and more, it gradually becomes easier to penetrate her deeper and faster.
your average sized cock begins poking out of her stomach with every thrust. she still screams out of pain and fear, but now her little midge pussy tells a different story.
>6ft vs 5'11
she's dripping love nectar from her cunt and it's gushing down her thighs. warwick is screaming and crying. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS! THE POLICE WILL FIND YOU YOU'RE GOING TO GO TO JAIL FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, YOU MONSTER"! he says, with tears running down his checks. you return your focus to his daughter, who at this point has completely forgotten her father was in the room.
Her screams and crying has turned into sounds of pleasure and lust. she's never felt so good before in her life. her formerly tight dwarven pussy is now permanently lose. Her pussy, now looking blown out like an arby's roast beef sandwich quivers with each thrust. she's going to cum, and so are you.
as she screams in pleasure, her whole body starts shaking from her orgasm, and as you return your gaze into warwick's red teary eyes, you too orgasm. you flood her now blown out pussy with cum, and drop her onto the floor like the flesh light she is. she's on the ground naked, shaking from the most intense orgasm of her life, cum pooling out of her pussy and now with a bastard in her belly. you leave them in their torture chamber, head home, and begin to prepare for the next day.
You're both younger than 20.
They're decent episodes, but the best? Come on.
That's good but I want to make him fuck his own daughter or else I blow her brains out and then watch as he too succumbs to lust and begins to do it of his own free will.
>as he too succumbs to lust and begins to do it of his own free will
not so sure about that one user
He was a goblin in Harry Potter though. Verne Troyer was the gnome.
>Dwarf and Gnome
>kids born after 9/11 have children of their own
Kids born after 9/11 are in porn
>tfw got dumped while an engaged boomer and have to eat additional years before possibly reproducing
>tfw going to be one of those gray haired fathers with little kids that then brings a cane to their graduations
have you guys not seen scott tenorman must die?
This was true ten years ago too
It would be funny to watch Warwick Davis spitroasted alive like a rotisserie chicken with his little legs flailing around as he squealed in pain like a little piggy. Eventually you'd have to stick an apple in his mouth to shut him up and rub melted butter all over him. Would probably be delicious, all that precious adrenaline soaked into the meat.
I think this is how we should start reacting to transvestites.
the midge scum
when did south park begin its downward spiral? For me it was the nascar episode where someone ok’d Eric just eating vaginal cream the whole show, right after the retarded camp / Hanna Barbara characters which was hilarious
Wouldn't work. Midgets like Warwick don't have properly developed pelvic muscles so they can't hump properly.
They actually make special automated sex chairs for them,
Troyer was even more fucked up and he still pulled it off
bullshit i saw verne troyers sextape
You return to the torture chamber that houses warwick davis and his daughter. as you enter the chamber, warwick is still asleep, and his daughter runs up to you with pure exctasy, looking forward to another day of intese sex with you. She doesn't run as fast, now that she has a bulging belly with your unborn chid inside. Two months of daily sexual conquest on her little freakish dwarven body had taken a toll on her, physically and mentally.
Her pussy and ass is now permanently gaped wide, and on her mind was just one thing: your average sized cock. "oh user im so happy to see you! i've been thinking about you all night. I can feel our baby kicking!" she says to you, as you ignore everything that comes out of her mouth and begin to unzip your pants. your rock hard cock is immediately greeted with an eager sucking. Her eyes and throat, bulging with every breath full of your cock she inhales. you scream to warwick. "HEY, YOU LITTLE FREAKLY MIDGE, WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He is now awake, but merely pretending to be asleep. It's obvious that at this point, Davis wants nothing more than death. He know the life he once had can never return to him, and he knows that anyone that was once looking for him and his daughter had ended their search by now.
You look back down at your cock and see two big brown midget eyes staring back at you. you grab her head and force her off your cock. "Go and slap your father" you say to her. She know what she must do in order to get the sex she so badly desires. she must follow your command, or go a day without the intense pleasure she craves. Warwick is still pretending to be asleep, the coward.
His daughter did not even hesitate, and slapped him so hard he finally woke up and was left with a big red hand print across his face. At this point he was used to this. The physical, verbal, and emotional torture his daughter puts him through in order to receive sex from her rapist.
She looks back at you, awaiting for a look of approval. You give no apparent signs of approval, so she immediately turns around and slap davis two more times, both harder than the previous. She really wants your cock today.
>2 months
>bulging belly
I know she's small but doubt.jpg
It's a heck of a lot better than those episodes
hey man, this guy is a fucking genius. i dont think i have ever seen such raw writing ability.
>the hunting of the midge is a pathway to writing abilities some consider to be unnatural
>is it possible to learn this power?
>not from a manlet
So I searched the archives with the oldest Warwick Davis posts first and wew. He’s been consistently shat upon hard core for almost a full decade now.
but user dont you want to hear about HOT BUTTON POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES and about how drumpf is bad and deservs peachments and should be in cuffs?!?
what the fuck happened to matt and trey.
glorious isn't it
IT's almost Gervais-like in intensity
can't you guys give it a rest? he's actually one of the good guys and probably worried about his family
Incredibly overrated. It was funny the first time and that's it.
I just watched Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society for the first time in many years, and I was in tears laughing so hard. Kino episode.
I was part of the crew on an indie film that was going to star Warwick Davis as a little person father trying to raise his kids in a rough world. JGL said he liked the script so much he would do it for free because it was important work. At the first cast script reading JGL just stood up and screamed in Warwick's face, "I WOULD NEVER WORK WITH A FUCKING MIDGET! YOU ASS!" Then he flipped the table over onto Warwick and walked out laughing. Warwick was crying.
Is there any porn kino where a little midge whore gets ripped in half by a huge mandingo nigger?
check on live leak
Fav episode?
>Ladder to Heaven
>if heaven was an 8 year old boy and the ladder was my penis...
hard nipples
Volcano from season 1
Pink Eye
kek good one pedo
frick off, the laugh is contagious
alright now add kit harrington as the shortest one
It really is great especially the end where Cartman bends reality so hard that when they say they absolutely hate him, he takes it as a compliment.
Greatly showed his massive narcissism.
>5'9 vs 6'
I can name the exact epsiode where they really stopped giving a shit. The one about Twitter and the DMV (dont care to remember its name). My reasoning is a little winded to try and fully explain here (I really ought to make a full summary to link to) but the gist is that the epsiode, outside of being terrible in general, completely ruins and dumps any and all character development they had spent a solid 2 seasons working on with Cartman.
To be fair, they still get a hit every now and then. Although when I bother to watch the last 5-10 seasons I usually find myself skipping far more episodes than in the earlier seasons.
You're Getting Old & Assburgers, Bass to Mouth, Broadway Brodown, Reverse Cowgirl, Sarcastaball, Informative Murder Porn & Cock Magic are all pretty solid, just off the top of my head.
Chad Dwarf vs Virgin Midget
this please
No, he's right. Scott episode has some nice jokes like the horse sucking the hot dog, and Radiohead being a dick to the crying Scott. Any episode after season 8 is just one joke being driven into the fucking ground the entire episode.
when they stopped agreeing with my views and started attacking daddy Drumpf :^)
That is an ugly language.
literal redditor zoomer. fuck off
>entire male side of the family is over 6'3"
>oh shit we giants out here
>most of us end up with tall ladies, I date a 6'2" girl for 6 years
>eventually, I start dating another girl
>she's 4'9" and >100 lbs
>call her stupid shit like pocket pussy, tell her I'll wear her like a gas mas, etc
>all jokes
>my uncle who had a kid with his 5'1" Thai/German wife is finally hitting high school age
>he's only 5'2"
>everybody calls him Squirt or Coaster (We put drinks on his head)
>he has started laughing less and less now that he realizes he won't grow tall
Brehs, are we cultivating a school shooter here? He's the first dude born in our generation that wasn't a state level athlete and he literally teared up when our cousin said his first girlfriend will lift him up and drink him like a juicebox.
I love how his whole arc perfectly paired with the nigger guy arc.
If someone makes fun of you they are the asshole. People will think the dude making fun of you is a dick unless you REEEEEE the entire time.
Perfectly sums up how ridiculous the race card is.
You're bullying a young teenager and all of you sound like dickheads who value your height over anything else. I can tell by the way you type that you're a cunt
If he does have problems it wont be because of his height, though he might think it is because everyone in his family made him self concious about it. I hope he does grow some balls and shoot up a school so I can watch you and your dumbass family make up some excuses about it on tv
you sound like a faggot lanklet 2bh
>>most of us end up with tall ladies, I date a 6'2" girl for 6 years
>>eventually, I start dating another girl
>>she's 4'9" and >100 lbs
>>call her stupid shit like pocket pussy, tell her I'll wear her like a gas mas, etc
>>all jokes
This part of your post had nothing to do with the point you were making, and it looks like an excuse for you to somehow brag about dating a landwhale.
>oh shit we giants out here
>call her stupid shit like pocket pussy, tell her I'll wear her like a gas mas
>everybody calls him Squirt or Coaster (We put drinks on his head)
>Brehs, are we cultivating a school shooter here?
watch him say anyone who calls him out is a manlet
I called you and your family abusive cunts who think height is the only thing that matters and you respond by quoting the video this manlet thread is about.
Well done brainlet, grab another beer and put it on your 12yr old cousin's head
are those baby shoes
seething manlets
There's also that japanese midget JAV star.
>it's actually real
Did he see this thread? We need to make more
Fun time with weapons.