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What does this expression mean, Yea Forums?
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>Holy shit, I don't have to be a peasant anymore
>I just beat a white guy in a non-white district, who could've seen this coming.
it's almost like in multiracial society democracy becomes a joke where every racial group votes for people of their racial group without even considering their policies.
>disposing of garbage in your sink
Explain yourselves, Americans
>when your nudes leak
>Gosh my breath stinks
when you know the camera is filming you and you want to further your career
Fun fact: I ran into her democratic primary opponent at the masters this year.
I asked him if he was still mad about it and he said "haha of course not!" then aggressively nodded his head.
She makes /pol/ and the right seethe so I support her
They're mainly used for food scraps, with the idea that if you liquify food waste you can dispose of it through plumbing vs letting it pile up in a landfill. I don't know why so many places have them, no one would miss them if they all disappeared
She probably shit her pants. I'm legit convinced she's mentally retarded.
Instead of stinky biodegradables taking up room in your trash, you just flush them down the sink. They're pretty great.
Did Yea Forums know thst she had an audition for hwr role of congresswoman?
Wow, that's a really stupid way to think...
You don't understand why people prefer to have food waste ground up and go down the plumbing as opposed to stinking up your trash/kitchen?
to see the 90iq mutts we raped into existence fucking up your decadent shithole of a country brings me nothing but joy
t. spaniard, you all will be speaking spanish by 2050.
>Wait I have no clue how to government!
Why do people insist that this girl is attractive?
She looks like Michael Jackson crossed with Frida Kahlo. I seriously can't look at her goblin face for too long of a time.
the long game
>implying they weren't willing
Republican's can't meme
I have no idea who she is and I don't care. Although I care for her tits.
I want to fuck her so bad and leak it for all the bros
What did they mean by this?
>no u
I'm not even American you dumb cunt
Isn't she proof that white people in white countries are at least somewhat justified in hating minorities? They voted in a waitress simply because she isn't a white man.
The incumbent she was running up against was a typical corporate democrat a la Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton etc. If you think AOC won mostly because of demographics then you're just as fucking retarded as the people that think hillary lost because she's a woman and couldn't tell which way the wind was blowing.
She's retarded. I was a socialist for a bit, but then I saw the light and now i'm a capitalist.
that "white guy" happened to be one of the Dems presidential hopefuls and he held that seat for 20 years.
she literally wiped one of the Dems most influential and powerful cornerstones in Congress off the political map.
thats why the Dems hate her guts. its not anything she says or how she acts. its that she took down one of their own top dogs.
>She makes /pol/ and the right seethe so I support her
This is literally why Trump won, you seething shit. People wanted to make Leftards mad as fuck and it succeeded. You idiots now have your own brown female version of Trump. Congrats.
She'll be the last president of this country. Mark my words. She'll be the American president during the official organization of the global society.
How is she so perfect
Exactly. My Trumpster friend is terrified of her. I told him he sounds like a liberal talking about Trump. He didn't like it.
Nice boobs. Nice face. Would fuck. Wouldn't vote.
Well they're both anti-establishment populists so it's a fair comparison.
she's so tall
I don't understand why so many people on the right are fear-hyping her as president. She's already massively out of her depth (in a good way) as a congressperson.
It's clear she's atleast a decade off even thinking about it.
She won via primarying. A small group of spics voted for her in her own district, and she won with zero competition. It was a loophole victory.
we've been electing mirror opposite presidents for years now, too. she's trump's opposite in every way. only thing they have in common is they didn't serve in the military.
wait til trump gets reelected and the left goes apeshit.
she's in 2024. she turns 35 literally a week before the election.
I just told you that they're both anti-establishment populists. That is something that they have in common.
Trump ran on a platform of 'draining the swamp' and Cortez ran on a justice democrats ticket of reforming electoral finance and rejecting corporate corruption, lobbying and money in politics.
Now whether you think either of those platforms are sincere, that is still their platform, and both are atleast masquerading as anti-establishment. They are also both outsiders, not with political backgrounds, whose support largely comes from how personally likeable and sincere people find them, compared to career politicians. And they're both threats to their own parties.
They are in many ways very similiar. And AOC is not a short term presidential candidate, that's all just right wing boogeyman hype.
>Grind up a bunch of leftover food, and send it down the pipes
>Let a bunch of foot rot in the garbage, stinking up your living space, and attracting vermin
Hmmmm, tough call...
Are all Americans mystery meat mutt creatures?
Contracting HIV makes /pol/ seethe, you should give that a shot.
>And they're both threats to their own parties.
In what way is Trump a threat to Republicans? Explain yourself.
i was agreeing with you. because she's trump's mirror opposite (young, latina, not rich, super liberal) that makes her more likely to fit the pattern.
I seriously doubt it. If you consider what she actually says about her own involvement in politics, she's very honest and frank about her lack of experience and how much she has to learn.
I doubt she would have the hubris to assume she's ready to be the president with almost no political experience, like Trump does.
I don't see anyone but her supporters pretend that this is the case. The right constantly talks about her because she is being propped up by the left and media (even this documentary is evidence of that), and she is quite honesty pants on head retarded. I know, I know, "but orange man is stupid heh", but there is nothing that Trump has said that can even come close to the stupidity of the green new deal.
Pointing out that what someone says is pants on head retarded even time they speak isn't "seething".
Like I said, the incumbent she was up against was a fucking idiot. He literally sent a city councilwoman to debate her in his place instead of taking her seriously because he, like all the other corporate bootlicker democrats don't understand the current cultural zeitgeist and as such will continue to bleed seats to progressives. Race and Sex are a small factor, they play second fiddle to the real distinction, class consciousness.
what is so stupid about the green new deal?
>she's trump's opposite in every way. only thing they have in common is they didn't serve in the military.
I'm saying that they're similar in many ways. So you're not agreeing with me.
He is a threat to neo-conservatives who think their role is to bring democracy to the world, because he is an isolationist nationalist
He is a threat to the puritanical Christian right, because he is a degenerate.
His protectionism and economic isolationism is a threat to many republicans who believe in free trade and his trade war with china is ideologically counter to what many of them believe.
And ultimately he is a threat because he's a complete wildcard, and he doesn't respect any of their established authority and acts on his own whims
five years is an eternity in politics. no one would've believed trump would be president five years ago.
>she won with zero competition
lol wtf are you talking about, she was up against someone who was groomed to be the next speaker of the house with a lot of fucking money behind him. In what way is that a loophole victory?
>modern liberals
>not voting based solely on race and sex
You clearly are underestimating how obsessed they are with Identity Politics. It's basically just racism and sexism at this point.
Ok but I still think that the right wing fearmongering about an AOC presidency is only really legitimate so far as anything is possible, and really if anything, it's likely to happen because they talk about it, not that they talk about it because it's likely to happen.
The same thing was true of Trump.
>You idiots now have your own brown female version of Trump.
Trump actually knows jack shit about money and isn't an anti-white racist.
Her primary platform was about cleaning house on incompetent democrats and rejecting corporate interference in politics.
The other user is right, it is much more a class thing. Second would be an age thing, if anything.
The far left had Bernie as their great love affair remember? It was about class, not race, or sex.
>he is a threat
It might've been intellectually defensible to hold this view when he started his presidency but he's shown that he isn't an isolationist nationalist, puritanical right doesn't care, he's not the trade hawk you thought he was gonna be, and he's not even a wildcard anymore, he's operating as all other republican presidents have, including bending the knee to israel.
>these shills pretending anyone gives a fuck about some random congresswoman from Jew York who spends all day trying to go "viral"
>Why do leftists insist that this girl is attractive?
Fixed that for you.
It's because Leftists have shockingly low standards for beauty at this point. Just look at the women in the Leftist movements for proof of this. At this point Leftist men will idolize any woman that's not a 300 lb. ham-planet with three STD's or a greasy tranny LARPing as a woman.
Compared to that, a shit-skinned bug-eyed horse-faced freak like AOC is a sex-symbol.
Because the Left have gone off the deep-end in the last 5 years and they are at the point where they would vote an unqualified millennial commie into the most powerful office in the nation and let her ruin the country, all for the sake of giving a "fuck you" to non-leftists.
>In what way is Trump a threat to Republicans?
Gee, I don't know; Maybe ask the Republican Party that has been allied against him and blockading everything he does for the past three years.
You are supposed to have a separate trash for organics. It's smaller, is taken out more frequently, and a better solution.
>The far left had Bernie as their great love affair remember?
Yeah, and the far-left castigated him and labeled his supporters "Bernie Bros", standing in the way of Madame President taking the throne.
Biden and Bernie are the clear frontrunners right now. You view clearly never comes into contact with reality at any point.
If race and gender are are so important why isn't Tulsi Gabbard, or Kamala Harris doing better?
she's not wrong tho
This is all just a lie
I don't think you quite understand the global moral imperative of neo-conservatives.
Puritanical right does care, they just don't care more than they hate the left or value economic self interest, but he still does end the moral superiority on 'decency' that they held for decades.
He's literally just introduced new tariffs on china and is embroiled in a trade war.
And he absolutely is a wild card.
Is it all unmanageable? No. Is he a fundamental threat to their existance? No. They can deal with it all.
But he's still a threat and is in many many ways contradictory to widely held right wing beliefs.
Back to the original point that he masquerades as anti-establishment. He claimed he would 'drain the swamp'. Has he? No. Not at all. But that was his platform.
No, the central left did that. Most radical leftists supported bernie, not hillary. She was the more central candidate.
>white males still exist in the Democratic Party
>therefore Leftists aren't completely fucking obsessed with Identity Politics
You're right; they won't TRULY be obsessed until they're literally gulaging men for being white and having penises.
Imagine how far your Overton Box has to shift left before Hillary becomes a "centrist" to you.
How the fuck is the green new deal, which constitutes radical economic change and is not supported by the vast majority of politicians on both sides of the aisle, not anti-establishment?
How is politically defeating a democratic incumbent, destined to be the next leader of the house, not anti-establishment?
She was unequivocally to the right of Bernie. He was the progressive and the radical.
>not wanting to hate fuck her solely because you disagree with her politics
Lots of plebs itt. Also she's at least a solid 7 if she wants to make herself up well. (assuming you're okay with big fucking teeth)
>/r/thedonald lecturing leftists about electing someone unqualified president
>leftard lecturing anybody
the utter state
why don't people just dumb the organic waste down the toilet like i do
>How the fuck is the green new deal, which constitutes radical economic change and is not supported by the vast majority of politicians on both sides of the aisle, not anti-establishment?
Because it's a bogus idea that would (likely by design) completely crash the Western World before 2100 and nobody above retard-level intelligence would ever support it?
If that makes her "anti-establishment" then it's "anti-establishment" in the same way al-Queda or KGB agents are "anti-establishment" in that they would want to literally destroy not just the establishment but the nation that hosts that establishment.
i fucking love this photo set. Pure gold
I don't think she's the right person, or vaguely experienced enough, but I do think that having more young people in politics is a good thing.
Bernie, Clinton and Trump all show signs of senility and simply being too old to handle such a stressful demanding job.
And I think politicians in their 70s all project their existential fear of death onto their politics.
I didn't like everything about Obama but i liked that he had young kids whose future he cared about and I liked that he didn't look like he was about to collapse half the time and I liked that he actually had a personal stake in the future of the world.
And not someone in their 30s, but I'd like a president in their 40s.
>hurr the left cares so much about identity politics!!!
>why are the two frontrunners by a large margin straight white males then?
Good job evading the question though.
What evidence do you have to support that leftists really care about identity politics the way you believe?
>leftcucks lecturing anybody
You're literally trying to elect an uneducated millennial commie to President.
Meanwhile I'm still waiting on Trump to actually make anything worse, despite the INCESSANT squealing and fear-mongering of Leftists and their late-night "comedy" show overlords. We were supposed to be in WWIII already if leftoids were to be believed about Trump's presidency. Yet here we are with deescalation in the Middle-East and rapidly decreasing unemployment and.
Holy fuck how stupid are you. Have you seen any of the interactions with Pelosi she's had? Its so obvious that Pelosi and her wing HATE AOC and if Pelosi isn't the establishment then the concept has lost all meaning. You realized the incumbent she ran against was establishment as fuck right?
>but I do think that having more young people in politics is a good thing.
This is fucking retarded.
Go out and meet some "young people" these days. I wouldn't trust a millennial to fucking house-sit, let alone run the fucking nation.
I don't think she expected to pass it either. I think it's meant to be followed by smaller and realizable legislation that addresses climate change.
But if you accept the conclusion of The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that radical action is needed this decade to address climate change, or the consequences will be catastrophic, then the sole voice actually proposing radical action in politics is not a lunatic.
It is everyone else proposing inaction, small action, or backpedaling who is insane.
And believing the IPCC is not a 'crazy' thing to do, even if you disagree.
>why are the two frontrunners by a large margin straight white males then?
Because they are both straight white men that constantly self-flagellate themselves for their race and toe the politically-correct line like a good little cuck?
>I wouldn't trust a millenial
Do you understand that if you're not putting in young people you're putting in FUCKING BOOMERS THE LITERAL MOST DUMB FUCK GENERATION TO EVER EXIST. Holy shit do you even know any boomers? These people can't load images in their emails and you'd rather have them running our country?
why the FUCK are there no rule34/deepfakes of her yet?
I've 'literally' said that I don't think she's qualified, ready, or interested in being the president, for atleast a decade, and her as president is right wing fearmongering.
>she's anti-establishment because other Democrats hate her
Democrats literally hate everything in existence except massive brown waves of immigrants and tranny cock. They're miserable like that.
Progressivist infighting is nothing new. Leftists are inherently unable to get along with one another even when in their own collective self-interest.
She's not completely retarded.
Okay so then obviously identity politics isn't that big of a deal if pay lip service can allow thing to continue as usual. If identity politics was this prevailing force as you think it is then Kamala Harris(a corporate person of color female democrat should be ahead by miles)
But like I said, your views don't come into contact with reality at any point.
It's not progressive infighting though. It's establishment moderates on the left fighting with progressives. Everything is relative.
>I don't think she expected to pass it either.
OK so it was a "I was PRETENDING to be retarded" situation? Good to know.
why are they pretending shes some small outsider she literally has a fucking nextflix documentary trying to pretend its a grassroots movement when its clear shes establishment chosen
What you're saying doesn't make any sense at all.
You're suggesting that any policy, action or ideas which don't have wide consensus are redundant and pointless.
>Leftists aren't literally herding white males into death-camps
>Therefore Leftists care ZERO about Identity Politics
This is some of the most retarded drivel I have seen foisted on Yea Forums in a long time.
You're already beyond saving if you're unironically shilling the idea the Left hasn't been saturated with IdPol at this point. You're just being a radical denialist.
Are you contesting that Pelosi and her wing is the establishment?
It doesn't matter if leftists can't get along, the point is that there is a very clear establishment in the democratic party and it is very clear they hate Bernie and AOC and all the other progressive candidates. Which part of this do you contest?
holy fuck her teeth
Because Leftists are OBSESSED with playing the "underdog". They're in complete denial about the fact that they are, or could ever even be, the oppressive "establishment" they claim to fight.
The primary campaign that the election was about was AOC vs the establishment chosen Democrat earmarked to be the next speaker of the house after Pelosi
AND it was also about a bunch of other candidates, running on the same platform, also with grassroots campaigns, who all lost their races.
AND they made the documentary before any of this happened. The filmmaker probably expected them all to lose because that was likely.
But user, you've never had sex before.
To americans she is communist who wants to grab d gunz and shieet wants them to eat healthx and walk instead of driving 4x4 pickups. To us european she is smart well meaning politician who goes against backward white lower class inbreds and gets attacked for it. She is actually really smart if you read and listen what she says
based and sensiblepilled
Daily reminder that this is what Bernie and AOC and their cronies want to turn your city into.
And that's a GOOD thing!
>people still think there's a two party system
>people think their side actually cares about them
>people refuses to accept that there's only one party system aka the establishment
>people still fooled by this two party system political theater
the only thing these politicians care about is money, power and serving Israel.
*that the film was about
Where did I say they care zero about it? Its obvious they need to pay lip service and they do but thats the extent of it. If IdPol was so important and leftists were so inundated with it, why is Harris at single digits while 3 whites(2 of them being males) dominate her?
I don't think that white males have to be executed before I say that IdPol is too strong, but if it is such a prevailing force in the democratic party, why does it fail to put Harris(someone who hits all the diversity checkboxes) even on the podium? She's LITERALLY at single digits. If democrats care so much about black women why does she have such little support?
I’m not american but I honestly just believe that most politicians have little control over the economy in the west
they all support similar stuff and the economy goes up and down every few years, if you’re a lucky politician you’re in power when its good.
You're right, most democrats and most republicans and a typical democrat administration and a typical republican administration are functionally identical and simply off by degrees.
And really progressive people on the left or right likely will never wield real power.
But they do exist, and she is one of them.
it wasn’t likely to happen because shes been picked to win. If you believe shes an outsider you’re dumb.
>My leftist state-controlled media-outlet told me that freedom is bad and being in an impoverished police-state is good. Therefore I am smart and you are le dumb hillbilly racist.
Wow you totally don't sound like a smarmy brainwashed Redditor at all.
Tell me again how everything that is good is bad and bad is good, and if you don't agree you just aren't "educated".
Don't bother it's just going to be more rhetoric. That's all these guys know, they live their entire life in an echo chamber.
yeah bro the different parties battling over legislation that literally effects your everyday life is just theatre hehe lmao fucking retard
it was an election with extremely low turnout and the guy didn't even campaign.
It means 'Oh my goddess, I just saw a working class white male, I cannot wait till we throw all of the privileged assholes into a mass grave'.
You know, the usual thoughts of a socialist.
Economies are subject to random fluctuations but they are not inherently random.
Policy today can and does absolutely effect the economy of tomorrow.
picked to win, against an incumbent who has also been picked to win by the house speaker and the democratic leadership and is likely a future house speaker, and presidential candidate himself?
Who picked her to win then?
She's been picked to win by who? Certainly not the establishment democrats who were grooming the incumbent to be the face of the democratic party and had already invested tons of money into him.
you can say pretty much anything here and not be arrested unless you say something which is seen as a threat of violence
>there are idiots ITT that have ACTUALLY drank the Bug-Eyed Commie Kool-Aid
Holy shit I thought these people were trolling.
There are actually people who would trust this dumbshit IdPol millennial to run their country.
half of those are men, but the readhead is a little cute.
well if she won against a nobody people wouldnt think shes an outsider
Only fearmongering from the right is suggesting she might run the country. Ironically they only increase the chance of it happening by doing so.
In reality, she is a backbench congressperson, wielding relatively limited power, which she deserves.
>let me tell you how europe is because i take this false post from reddit and present is as describtion of your country/europe
Haha based redpilled retard
I don't see how this point supports what you're saying
example a of a retard that think there's a two party system.
>freedom bad mommy and daddy govt good
I don't know which part of "Europe" he lives in, but the only form of speech that will get you in trouble with the law in my country is inciting violence.
Literal lies.
That's an ugly thought.
there literally objectively is though, mr babbys first political observation
> UK
> Post had an EU flag
pretty rich calling a tranny a man when it's impossible to tell whether you or the tranny is the tranny with a side by side photo
>the green new deal
Its funny cuz even her braindead cityslicker fans wont even defend this fucking farce.
>outlawing the internal combustion engine
>planes out of the air
She probably supports distilling urine to recycle drinking water at this rate
>He thinks the UK will ever be allowed to be the EU
lol their politicians are actively sabotaging it and have been for years at this point at the behest of their Eurocrat overlords.
Arent they in the EU?
>but the readhead is a little cute
>Only fearmongering from the right is suggesting she might run the country.
Yeah, it's not like millennials and the media, including Netflix, are actively campaigning for it.
I've actually seen the Netflix film and if anything it suggests she is not even vaguely ready to be president or interested in it.
Its funny because twitter just banned an AOC satire account. Twitter allows satire. The problem was people were unable to tell it was satire because AOC is so buttfuckingly stupid, so twitter had to bad in.
>the readhead is a little cute
If you don't start taking steps to outphase fossils and reduce their consumption very, very soon, you will find yourself having to resort to measures like outlawing flight and diesel before you know it. It's just you retards who have read the "muh China conspiracy" for so long that even picking the low hanging fruit is impossible.
Also, distilled urine is perfectly viable if done correctly. Water is water. But would you rather your country burned down in droughts or your economy tanked because of crop failure?
Is your entire contribution to the debate going to be nothing but calling others cucks?
They debate trivialities like whether we're going to bomb yemen or libya.
If they wanted to leave, they should have elected other politicians. The EU has nothing to do with that.
retard and Eurotardpilled
>The EU has nothing to do with that.
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
"Overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible, including through investment in – (i) zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing; (ii) clean, affordable, and accessible public transportation; and (iii) high-speed rail."
It is ambitious but "as much as is technologically feasible" is a repeated caveat in the actual targets suggested. And converting to electric vehicles, if renewable energy sources for electricity are implemented, is clearly not impossible, considering that they are already widely used, and most vehicles are modernized every one or two decades already.
The shift to high speed rail is also not crazy either, and the plan doesn't suggest eliminating air travel, only moving away from it to the extent which is feasible.
So if your point is that whatever thing is not technologically feasible, then the deal by definition is not suggesting it.
>socialist shitskin wins the second the number of shitskin gibmonkeys reach critical treshold in the area
What a shocking, unforeseen development. If only we had more data on this phenomenon, because South America is not big enough sample apparently.
>don't know which part of "Europe" he lives in
Literally all major European country have similar ""hate""" speech law. Nearly all of them are literally cucked.
Said someone whos country sends 38 bilions of dolars per year to israel to build a wall around gaza while his same double citizenship politicians vote no for the same 5 bilion dollars wall with mexico. Muh freedom to shoot out schools and die infri t of hospitals because no money for medical bills
Assuming you mean the one on the right and by "cute" you mean "doesn't immediately deserve to be purified in flame" then sure, I guess.
Oh I do. There is nothing stopping the UK from leaving the EU tomorrow, and the last time they had an election, nothing stopped the UK electorate from picking a parliament to carry that out. Stop blaming us for the fact that your political system is broken, and your people are too retarded to figure out how democracy works. We're not the ones keeping you, we'll all be happy to be rid of you.
China literally does produce the majority of carbon emissions and India is en route to overtake us despite not being nearly as developed. The U.S. has been consistently lowering their emission reduction. If there's an efficient alternative to gas and coal we'd use it but none are reliable, productive, or inexpensive enough yet to replace Americas energy sources.
>Respect for Private Property is a bad thing
Yeah it's not like it's the basis of freedom or what this fucking nation was founded on due to the events that triggered the Revolutionary War or anything.
Not sure why I expected better from a degenerate sexual deviant leftist """"intellectual"""" whose most popular achievement is a "powerful" novel where a tranny seduces white men then rapes them with a purple dildo,
Her and the incumbent would both vote the same way on nearly every issue though, and support beniefits and socialized healthcare, so if it's economic self interest then the only real distinction is her enviromental stance which short term would probably be negative for those people.
Why would you keep spouting this lie?
Wow you really think about tranny's and sexual deviancy and dildos alot.
China and India are still developing, and have four times as many people as you. Besides, claiming "others are doing it too" isn't a solution, it's a kindergarten mentality that's gonna get you nowhere.
1. What country do you live in?
2. Is it legal for you to publicly deny that the Holocaust happened?
Answer honestly. We will know if you lie on Question 2.
dios mio la comunista americana
The green new deal also supports nuclear energy which is something which the actual green party has widely criticized it for and which puts her proposal as rational, achievable, and outside the window of typical greenie dogma.
Doesn't the deal have a cost of 93 trillion dollars? That in itself makes it unfeasible
I’m Irish you fat retard
They’re trying to bring in hate speech legislation because we have none
>muh Gaza
Back to Chapo kamarad, 110k Patreon dollars per month is still not enough to #Resist the establishment.
>Muh freedom to shoot out schools and die infri t of hospitals because no money for medical bills
I love how Europeans are getting so intellectually degenerate that they don't even bother to string together actual coherent sentences any more. It's literally just a jumble of parroted talking-points and buzzwords.
>There is nothing stopping the UK from leaving the EU tomorrow
Except for the fact that the EU will totally fuck them. God you are stupid. You have no concept of negotiating. The EU are unelected bureaucrats who openly admit they want a post national state to centralize power. The Nazis also wanted this. Junker's stepfather was a literal SS member and he is rich off Nazi gold...meanwhile people compare trump to hitler and ignore this. Fuck the totalitsrian EU and their nanny state fascist mentality.
>Besides, claiming "others are doing it too" isn't a solution
Crippling our economies in a way that won't even help things thanks to Third-Worlders producing more pollution than ever isn't an argument either, fuckstain.
>deflecting this hard
if the EU was actually fascist this website would support it.
Why not? It is not socialists money they want to spend.
>They’re trying to bring in hate speech legislation because we have none
You already have anti-blasphemy legislation.
Its not all euros. Many are based and understand reality, dont lump them all together.
> The EU will fuck them
But can an a bunch of unelected Mickey Mouse bureaucrats fuck the mightiest empire in the history of the world? I think you didn't need free trade with the EU? (which is the only thing they have on you)
Which is it? Are we a bunch of superflouous unelected bureaucrats, or do you need our trade desperately to keep your economy afloat? Either way, leaving or staying is entirely up to you.
>Many are based and understand reality
I mean I am assuming that must be technically right due to the Law of Averages, but their presence doesn't make much of an impact if they don't bother to post.
Which means they're only going to produce more as time goes on whereas we've been reducing ours. Besides, neither solar or wind are efficient enough to replace gas/coal yet without causing large hikes in the cost of energy for everyone - mostly disaffecting the poor because they're less adverse to such changes. I'll bet the left will spin that to their advantage too.
The third worlders are going to keep polluting more as they develop no matter what you do. The only way to prevent that is to invest heavily in green tech, so that they can industrialize in a less damaging way than we did.
yeah or whether your taxes are going up or down. Jesus christ. you have to be over 18 to use Yea Forums
I'm sure most actual leftists, AOC included, would be happy to offset those costs by taxing the rich further. Somehow I doubt you would support that though.
It has never been used so it’s debatable whether one can actually be convicted of it since it directly conflicts with the constitution.
The Paris Agreement would have fucked our economy too if that's what you're talking about. Not to mention there was no binding agreement stating that's what they had to use the money for.
Why does she trigger the boomers so much?
>EU will totally fuck them
with tariffs etc? the thinking is that big companies wouldn't let that happen as the UK is such a big market for them
Funny how all the other developed countries that haven't reneged on the Paris Agremeent still have functional economies.
But she said nothing how to achieve goals or said anything or done anything. What she said was said thousands of times. Her opinions are not revolution or something no one else ever said before. Its mostly naive and virtue signaling + some rly retarded shit but that is to be expected from bartender.
>It's white people's job to pay out the ass so that brown people and Asians can thrive
Or how about you fuck off and die?
Taxing the rich past a certain point stunts economic growth too. AOC is an idealist who has surprisingly little understanding of economic history despite her degree.
also they’re planning on holding a referendum to remove it entirely
>more government control
pick one
>dude just make rich people pay for it that will cover everything ha ha its just an infinite source of money with no consequences Bernie said so
In theory it might. Plenty of countries, America up until the 80's, have had economic growth in spite of massive tax rates, though.
Funny how America's carbon-footprint DECREASED after leaving it.
See my earlier point about contributing nothing but calling others cucks. You can sit around and rage about niggers and shitskins, but how is that gonna solve the problem?
We'll see how that's going to pan out. According to MIT, it would have cost us trillions over the course of a few decades, effectively reducing the average household income by 20k in 30 years. You'd make everyone and income bracket poorer without any guarantees that your money is going anywhere.
>In theory it might.
"Theory" nothing, retard. It has been actively proven.
This is why nobody respects leftists. You know jack shit about economics.
America has one of the lowest top-end tax rates in the developed world, yet your standard of living isn't any higher than the other developed countries.
>If you think AOC won mostly because of demographics
She did. 100%. There is literally no disputing this.
> Actively proven
> Economics
You're the retard. Economics isn't an exact science, and, like I said, plenty of countries, America included, have run, and still run, substantially higher tax rates than America in the last 30 years. Many of those countries actually have healthier economies than the US.
Gives ol Daisy a run for her money.
And what would be the long term per household cost of climate change?
>in theory it might
In reality it has. It increases unemployment, reduces tax revenue, and makes the middle and lower class take on the burden because the rich utilize tax havens, loopholes, misreported earnings, and forms of deductive consumption. Not to mention the opportunity costs of innovation.
the rich in america pay the majority of the tax burden. the poor pay virtually nothing
She makes me laugh because of how retarded she is and she gives lots of content by way of the guy who makes the NPC University videos. She's not a threat at all because even the other libtards like Pelosi won't give her any sway so she literally cannot affect me in any way.
>taxing the rich
I love how leftshits completely memory holed the Panama papers scandal from 2014 and think 'taxing the rich' is any kind of talking point.
Welcome to the open, global world that you crawed so much.
>I don't understand why so many people on the right are fear-hyping her as president
Because the right always needs a boogieman to fearmonger their base with. It used to be Obama and Nancy Pelosi, then it was Hillary and Soros, now it's new congresswomen of color like AOC and Ilhan Omar.
Wow, a coastal liberal who's completely out of touch with anything outside of the vast shithole Jew York.
9 4 1 6
We don't understand economics!
Not much different according to that same study. It would only reduce climate change by 0.2 degrees after a century of implementation. I'm all for being green where it's feasible. But understand that as fragile/fickle as the environment is, the economy is even more volatile.
You put food in there to appease the gods of your plumbing, if you don’t then you will be cursed with insect swarms, plagued rats, and foul odors. Make sense now?
They can only do that because you have depleted the IRS and your system is utterly corrupt. Like I said, plenty of countries in Europe have top-end tax rates well above 50%, and they aren't collapsing.
Like who? Like Germany who silently slithered out of the agreement a month after Trump did?
The rich pay the majority of the taxes because your country has third-world tier economic inequality.
I don't understand why the left-wing media publishes a story every time she breaks wind, but here we are.
why is the left trying to build her up so hard? dont they know she won her small little minority white district with like 10k total votes right?
probably because they're full of white people instead of 80 iq niggers and inbred border-hopping spics
The Scandinavian countries, for instance.
I don't think you understand what 'establishment' means.
What you're suggesting is that a member of the US communist party in the mcarthy era (or any era), is part of the establishment, simply because they want total government control.
She's likeable and sincere and a qt
>The right constantly talks about her because she is being propped up by the left and media
It's the conservative media who can't stop talking about her for a day. MSM talks about her in a way that's entirely appropriate given how she makes headlines. She's way more known among republicans than democrats because Fox News, etc. can't keep crying about her policies and making up conspiracy theories about how she's an actor and a puppet because a young woman can't be smart enough to do anything in politics and make up flat out lies about her in order to smear her character.
>even this documentary is evidence of that
The documentary isn't about her, it's about the four progressive women who ran in the 2018 election, but naturally she got to be a very highly visible part of the documentary because she ended up winning and became one of the most talked about freshman politicians in the country and her profile obviously helps the film.
>Occasional Cortex
>Ilan Omar
>disciple of Farrakhan
>right is fear mongering
B-but muh white supremacy. The presence of Cortex in an US institution is an insult to every freedom loving individual from ex-socialist countries everywher in the world.
if you want organised power to have more control over your society and life, that is supporting the establishment
None of that changes the fact that hiking tax rates as high as AOC proposes will have detrimental effects on our economic growth and standard of living. High tax rates do not push economies forward and they historically produce less tax revenue due to decreased consumption and reported earnings.
If you think economics is an actual science with rules that are set in stone, you are the biggest retard around, and you have probably never left your inbred hick village.
She's not smiling you dumbshit
The left has more of a grip than they did on the Dems than they did 4 years ago, but the party is still controlled by pro-corporate globalists who just see rich fags as dollar signs and brown people as votes.
Funny how your corporate masters have been beating that drum for ages, while the rest of the civilized world maintain more stable societies and healthier economies with much higher tax rates.
>brown people falling for left wing populism
its nothing new
Those countries have the highest debs per household in the world, have historically lower growth in gdp per capita, and the more socialist policies they push the lower it becomes. They also have higher levels of unemployment and would probably have even better economic growth if they stopped taxing the innovators of their country so they can invest in development. They've only been able to offset it due to incredibly low corporate taxation and geographical resources.
not for long
'Healthier economies' is questionable, but European ethnostates being more stable than a continent-sized country with a permanent criminal underclass isn't a valid comparison.
The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his
autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today’s leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples: racial equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. All these
have been deeply rooted values of our society (or at least of its middle and upper classes [4] for a long time. These values are explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material presented to us by the mainstream
communications media and the educational
system. Leftists, especially those of the oversocialized type, usually do not rebel against these principles but justify their hostility to society by claiming (with some degree of truth) that society is not living up to these principles.
>What evidence do you have to support that leftists really care about identity politics the way you believe?
Not American, but most of the times i see democrats talking its about race, gender identity or sexuality. Than again i haven't been following much since the great show of the 2016 elections so i could be wrong. When do the democrats start debating each other?
Those countries show less growth the more they tax the rich, that's how supply side economics works. I'm starting to think you haven't read anything I've posted and have never taken a course on economics, much less opened a book about it.
Sure, some of them have high household debt, but then their public debt is among the lowest in the world. Their gdp growth is fine when you take into account the low population growth, and their unemployment levels are only "high" (if 5% is considered high), because their economies are skill-intensive. Long term unemployment is also very low. Your dogma tells you that they can't innovate, but they are among the world's leading nations in patents, in part because they invent green tech like crazy and have the most educated populations in the world.
> geographical resources
All countries have geographical resources. If anything, a country like Denmark hardly has any, in the grand scheme of things.
Supply-side economics isn't a proven fact. The Scandinavian countries have limited economic growth because they have low population growth. They've had the highest tax rates in the world for 50 years, and still remain among the richest countries in the world in gdp per capita.
To sensible Europeans she has a great responsibility in starting the migrant crisis, which also was the final push that made Brexit happen.
criminally underrated post
>To us european she is smart well meaning politician who goes against backward white lower class inbreds
modern europe in a nutshell
And they'd be even more prosperous with a more free market economy. Hindering those who produce the most jobs, new products, cheaper prices, and high wages is only a good idea if you're economically illiterate.
She's a fucking retard and so are you
I love how leftists just keep making the points for alt-right.
>thinks only /pol/ and the right hate her
She's smarter than Donald Trump.
They have free market economies. Freer than the US even, by some metrics. Making people pay taxes doesn't stop them from innovating, never has.
>yet your standard of living isn't any higher than the other developed countries
But it actually is, fuck-tard.
And we do this despite having to babysit more blacks and spics than your 99.999% white Scandinavian "socialist utopias" the size of one of our fucking states will ever have to deal with AND while shouldering 70% to 90% of the NATO burden that your country benefits from.
>isn't a proven fact
It's historically worked best for America. Which is what this argument is concerning.
>economic inequality
Found the faggot.
There will always be "rich" and "poor" literally everywhere and only faggots and Commies use it as any kind of talking point.
They're keynesian. Like the rest of the civilized world.
> I'll just pick this one arbitrary metric and make that out to be end-all-be-all of quality of life.
Now do education level, life expectancy, infant mortality, criminal statistics and hours worked per week. You might learn something.
Not him but wew lad. Read a book.
>no actual argument
OK so no actual counterpoints, huh?
No shit America has bigger houses when they built with cheap wood.
>cherry picking retard
A single metric is all it takes? Moron.
The Heritage Foundation is a political thinktank, it's entire raison d'etre is to lower taxes. If they found studies proving the opposite of what that one claims, they'd pretend it never existed.
do all those for america but control for minorities. you might learn something
It will trickle down any day now I promise
I have. You should check it out.
We don't know. That's because "climate science" is so speculative and un-falsifiable that it hardly counts as a "science" and has yet to produce a model of predicted "climate change" with a more than 32% level of accuracy. Ever.
If I took Jews and Asians out of the equation, America wouldn't look much better. Your whites are stupid, inbred hicks, addicted to heroin.
>If they found studies proving the opposite of what that one claims, they'd pretend it never existed.
That doesn't invalidate anything of what they say per se. If you think there's a plethora of studies that debunk their agenda, post them.
There's support for the benefit of reducing taxes in America everywhere.
>congresswomen of color
You cucks aren't even hiding that you're from Tumblr any more.
>i hate whites
that's all you needed to say
>getting your economics education from a nignog
The causal link between greenhouse gases and increases in temperature is settled science.
According to your chart, more people moved from the middle class to the upper classes (7%) than moved from the middle class to the lower classes (4%) from 1971-2015.
You do realize that the shrinking of the middle class can also be attributed to the growth of the upper-midle and highest ecchelons, right?
From 1970 to 2015 the lowest tier increased 4%, while the upper-middle and highest increased a total of 7%, while lower middle remained equal.
Those are not bad numbers.
You can look at any of the countries in the world that pay much higher taxes than America with just as competitive economies.
AOC has a white boyfriend btw. she likes that white dick
>unironically saying trickle down
I am baffled as to how Leftists unironically think that "people will be richer and more prosperous if the government takes away MORE of the money they earn".
It is a backwards mockery of logic. People don't get richer if you rob them. They get poorer.
I said I would fuck her though.
The only country in the world that has an economy remotely as competitive as America is China.
How are those massive GOP tax curs of your making you more richer? Oh right, they aren't unless you're already rich.
You and I both know he'd run circles around you.
The 99.9999% white ones that are the size of an American state, have zero immigration, have zero spending on military (thanks to America) and are floating on a cushion made of crude oil or some other highly valuable natural resource?
so basically you have a problem with rich people being taxed less
>Scandinavian countries
>zero inmigration
[X] Doubt
>It's the conservative media who can't stop talking about her for a day.
Yeah, that same conservative media that literally makes fucking Netflix movies about her as free advertising?
>that one guy economically educating all the lefties in this thread
>thinking the leftists will read any of it
Broheim, it's a documentary covering the last election cycle of four different people. She's just one of the people in it. It isn't some kind of a personal propaganda ad unless you're a fucking retard who thinks any coverage of politics is automatically propaganda.
I haven't been paying attention, but capitalism (or at least third positionism) really is the best, isn't it? I'm finally waking up. Fuck leftists.
Jews and Asians don't make up a large enough percentage to be a factor. Most billionaires are white.
Yes, because the rich don't pay their fair share and poor people can't afford or be able to launder their money like rich people do via loopholes, etc.
The free market is the best option we have. Even the environmental performance lefties are so worried about improves with it.
>trying to unironically educate marxists on economics
It's absolutely pointless. They're defenders and believers of a doctrine that puts emphasis on economy as the motor that drives history, yet has failed to account for the evolution of economical science since the 19th century.
It's a lost case.
Why are you posting all these think-thank pieces?
probably saw a massive white cock, like all latinas she can't resist the BWC
>quality of life
>arbitrary metric
They actually pay more in tax revenue proportionally when you reduce their taxes.
I hate her because she wants me to have healthcare. Ree
I hope for your sake you are trolling and not actually this dumb. He is pointing out that a single data point is not an accurate measure of quality of life, not that quality of life doesn't matter. Retard.
>this piece is invalid because it's written by someone whose views align with what he's defending
Do you realize how retarded that "criticism" is? Post a rebuttal from a leftist think-tank if you want.
America will turn into VENEZUELA if you give people healthcare
>the poor pay virtually nothing
Because they're living from hand to mouth. Meanwhile taxing the rich slightly more with progressive taxrates would pay for many programs that would actually help the country and people and stimulate the economy, unlike when you just give tax cuts to corporations and rich people and they put that money into stock buybacks, etc. and it never magically trickles down to anyone.
The GOP tax-cuts not only also cut MY middle-class taxes, but my wage went up at my job when the corporate had their taxes cut.
You're literally a man-baby seething over the idea of people making more money than you do and being allowed to keep it.
You're entirely motivated by shallow, petty revenge against a political boogieman represented as cartoon pigs wearing top-hats.
You don't love the poor. You just hate the rich. And you hate them because they are better than you.
she's 0/10 voting material though. but in all seriousness we can't let her get the nuclear codes.
Wrong. See
>and it never magically trickles down to anyone.
>still using this strawman after fee.org
Places like Denmark are telling immigrants to fuck off and Leftists, especially the EU, is SEETHING over it.
Places like Sweeden are being good little cucks and they're going to fucking collapse in the next two decades because of it.
GG socialists. Hopefully you guys learned something about economics today.
>literally need mo money fo dem programs
this is just sad dude
Worse than that eventually.
Then you're just in the luck small percent who saw actual benefits. A lot of people still got screwed over by the tax cuts as proven by the outrage on tax day when they realized they no longer got the tax returns they usually got, and majority of the corporate tax cuts were not used on creating jobs and giving raises, but inflating their stocks by massive buyback programs. Even the raises and bonuses that were talked about the news largely came from plans that the corporations had already agreed to do via extended labor union negotiations. Or in, iirc, Walmart's case they just took the money out by simply closing stores that amounted to the money they were going to give away to their remaining employees.
This. It's a waste of time.
As Leftypol proves, Leftists don't actually read shit. They literally just take photos of (other peoples') bookshelves full of supposedly high-brow books and post them as proof of their supposed galaxy-brained status.
Hold steadfast brothers.
>the economic system that ended Feudalism, creates the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, created the First World, allowed the planet to enter an unprecedented new era of growth and prosperity and allows for maximized individual freedom over all other systems is the best system
I mean this should have been something you realized literal years ago as self-evident, but better late than never I guess.
no they do read, it's just that what they read is literal nonsense written by mentally ill charlatans
>Even the environmental performance lefties are so worried about improves with it.
This. It's impressive to see the bitching leftists do about what "Capitalism" does to the environment when Socialist nations have damaged the Earth more in less than a century than Capitalists have in MULTIPLE centuries.
And don't even get started on what Communist China has done. Whew.
>A lot of people still got screwed over by the tax cuts as proven by the outrage on tax day when they realized they no longer got the tax returns they usually got
You're a literal brainlet. Tax Returns scale with the amount of taxes you pay. If you pay less you get a smaller return.
I dont think you understand how tax returns work.
>if Socialists had taken over the countries of the world during the 20th Century like progressivists wanted we'd be living on an uninhabitable acidified, chemically-contaminated, radioactive husk of a planet with no hope for the future
How do Socialists cope with this fact?
they just pretend it didn't happen
garbage disposals are such an american thing. take an easy job, make it really expensive, over complicated, with a far worse outcome