He knew it exploded immediately edition. He looked right at the graphite on the ground at the beginning of the episode.
He knew it exploded immediately edition. He looked right at the graphite on the ground at the beginning of the episode.
Other urls found in this thread:
what's some other ruskino?
Second for cutie Lyudmilla
Please direct any and all pesky anglos to me. I shall take care of them.
pfft she probably doesn't even have iodine
Why would we need iodine anyway?
Ilya Muromets (1956) is great, just make sure you don't watch the Rodger Corman edit.
would anyone here mind making a transparent image of Dyatlov's head? I want to make an emoji for Discord, your choice in picture
be sure to take your iodine
the wind is pushing me
White Sun of the Desert
To be fair, nuclear reactors don't really "explode", so the idea that he would deny this notion isn't really far fetched.
cringe speak to your comrade with respect
da comrade, reactor not explode, it only melt
внимaниe, внимaниe!!!!
Does anyone know where the good dosimeter is?
no such thing, of course they'd only send us malfunctioning crap from Moscow
yeah but he's later screaming YOU SAW NO GRAPHITE after they have the scene where he explicitly looks down at the graphite all over the place.
Just interesting that he's not just deluding himself from ignorance but he literally already knows it's fucked
It did explode though, and the explosion was so violent that the upper biological shield which weighs over 1,000 tonnes was thrown up into the air
fucking Moscow
Imagine how SEETHING all the commiefags will be when the next eps are about a comitee member becoming more concerned for citizens and hateful towards the soviets
Finally the west caught up into making serious anti-communist series, in Poland we've been doing this for decades now
>It did explode though
user were both nuclear shitposters here. How would a nuclear reactor explode? It is not possible
Hateful towards the Soviet system*
What would happen if a nuclear power plant gets nuked?
it would be extremely painful
Nuclear fuel isn't refined enough to add to the explosive capabilities of a bomb, it would just atomise the plant and spread its fuel over the blast zone, like the worst dirty bomb imaginable
the explosion of the reactor itself was enough to terminate the nuclear reaction happening inside the core. a nuke would just vaporize everything and spread radiation around like it normally does
The show is already anti-communist retard.
So what happened when Israel bombed that Iraq nuclear power plant?
why didn't they bring anyone from the fire?
Does anyone have a gif of the melted core?
Iodine Nurse is such a fucking qt.
It wasn't operational at the time or they wouldn't have dared, the fallout could have come back at them
i mean modern commiefags are anti-soviet, not anti-commie
I'm not seething. Reminder this happened in capitalist Britain just two years ago and killed more people than Chernobyl.
Government has covered it up to fuck as well.
They just say that to be taken seriously, just wait and see how they come defending the collapsing SU (as they already have been)
3.6 roentgen
more like
3.6 gottem
Right on schedule
Horrible local effects, would definitely melt down. I doubt it would kick up the debris like what occurred in Chernobyl, but that area would be a nightmare without intensive, dangerous clean up.
*throws up
What even is the point in announcing this? Even the skankiest roastie is a qt to incels.
In what way was Greenfell covered up? They quickly discovered and announced that the contractors used materials known to be flammable and immediately replaced all of it in use on other buildings
>just wait and see how they come defending the collapsing SU (as they already have been)
Strange, I don't recall doing that.
What does that have anything to do with my post you fucking retard?
I'm just saying the US are finally making a series about the real shit communism does instead of strawmanning that, and how Poland has been doing that for decades
What the fuck do Bongs have to do with it
Its not whataboutism. How the government handled Chernobyl was disgusting. I'm just saying its not special.
why do commies use toddler tier banter?
He was in denial.
Because its quickly left public consciousness that rich people literally paid to have flammable mats covering an entire tower block because it was spoiling their view.
Well yeah no shit it's not special, they were handling everything the same way since the Russian revolution
I need more memes
Have faith.
There was no mistake. Only Lenin testing is from beyond the grave how could we solve a situating that threds mother Rusia
I'm a hardcore marxist-leninist, but I'm not going to turn this into a political debate because I like this thread.
How is the government responsible for that? And how does that compare to the Soviet government lying to the world about known flaws in their reactor design?
The creator of the show is pro-nuclear power you brainlet
Trump's response to Puerto Rico's natural disaster season could be comparable to Chernobyl, if we're really honest. It's gonna take years for them to recuperate.
Than why make a show on chernobyl an incident that barely fucking matters
>Muh 30 people dead
Who gives a shit?
>le Whataburgerism
>mfw getting a CT scan next week
why do westards insist on questioning the state? the party does not lie to us. reactors do not explode.
because you need to create a false equivalency for all that "honk honk frens" shit?
I'd give her some of my iodine if you know what i mean
because soviets suck
Because it's kino
>SEETHING capitalist bootliker defending the May government
The chart says that standing for a little less than 1 min next to the reactor in Chernobyl, you die from rad poisoning, which is more or less what the show shows
Also the creator is pro-nuclear power, as is probably every sane user ITT
is it worth?
At the most basic, basic, basic, basic, retard level, a level that I can understand, something stopped the flow of coolant into the core, which caused steam bubbles to form in the core. Because of some nuclear-science shit about how most reactors work, this would normally cause the reactor to just fail, but this type of reactor instead uses the bubbles of steam as space to propagate its core reaction further. This continued in a loop until there was a small steam explosion that destroyed the safety cladding inside the core. After this, no one actually physically knows what happened, but it seems as though the nuclear reaction continued to propagate until eventually there was another much much more violent pressure explosion that was a result of the extreme energy and heat generated by the uncontrolled nuclear reaction inside of the core.
From then on, it stopped after the core was exposed to air, but continued to melt all the material over and underneath of it because of the massive amount of heat that was generated inside of the core that led to the explosion. So there was also an essential meltdown of the reactor in addition to the pressure explosion.
I mean, the soviet union didn't set out to cause Chernobyl, it was an oversight. Grenfell was literally caused because some rich people bribed the government to make working class apartments look better and the company the government hired to do it cut costs and installed widely flammable cladding onto it.
>only 30 people died
Again, there were only 30 Liquidators? Is that your claim?
To show how much the Soviet Union fucked up
Have you even seen the show?
Have you heard at the podcast?
I am otaku for Ukraine now. I wanna live there. How should I be called?
>communist fuck
>blaming Trump for lazy Islanders not cleaning up after a storm
right on time
See: Chernoybl
I doubt the British government set out to burn shit down either
Nor rich people, for that matter
Puerto Rico is part of the US, mutt.
So when are we gonna see the Elephant foot?
Based and 3.6roentgenpilled
Ok, there were 600,000 liquidators in total
The average morality rate of a Oil worker is 31.5 per 100,000 workers
So even if it was higher, they would still have a way more average workplace safety standard than current day oil workers
I'd visit her infirmary if you dig my hole
Is it the Elephant's Foot, anons?
Could be
A shame you weren't in there with your Comrades.
The only good you'd have ever contributed to society was to have your ashes fertilizing the soil.
Now you're shitposting Yea Forums defending the Soviet Union's handling of Chernobyl. Damn.
Episode 3. Amy Schumer will play it
salyut 7 wasn't tea bag honestly
I just had to laugh out loud at the Volga doing kansei dorifto in the autumn leaves scene
My guess is we aren't because they found it months and months later and it doesn't present much of an opportunity for interesting drama.
>how many times the soviets fucked up
How come there aren't any documentaries on oil spills that happen every fucking year with the glorious western government
nah its the queue to work on the roof for like 90 seconds at a time
take these cyka
I don't think the British government "set out" to do it either. It was an accident. It just that the accident itself was cause by capitalist cost cutting. There was never any conspiracy to kill 76 people horrifically, just like there was never any conspiracy for Chernobyl.
We know that thousands of Liquidators died, the claim of 30 people dying total is pure propaganda.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren’t pumping water into the core RIGHT NOW
She doesnt look a skank roastie though.
She just looks like an average qt who is exceptionally cute and was living in a time that was much less wiemar tier which makes her much more attractive because she probably hadnt fucked 30 guys by the time she was 19.
Also shes a nurse so she has a good heart and likes helping people.
Are you saying you wouldnt want to wake up from mild radiation blast with her standing over your bed
>user, are you awake user?
>oh my look at you poor thing, here take some iodine
You are either a seething roastie or a fat soiboi who is unironically getting incel rage.
No, that's the roof of the reactor where all the shit spewed out onto.
The elephant's foot is the melted core and all of its materials underneath of the reactor block.
>DECADES of retardedly overblown and blatant anti-nuclear propaganda
>noone says anything
>A TV series about a real event focusing mostly on commie politics, the creator of which is pro-nuclear power and everything is as little dramatic as possible
>people go mental over "blatant anti-nuclear messages"
This is autism
How could they even die?
Most of the 30 people who died were out of the 250 who got severely burned by the nuclear waste
So why would thousands die?
I don't fucking understand where your logic comes from
Its the wishgranter
*died of cancers years later
as you'd expect
anyone have a link? i fell asleep watching it on tv....
What core?
They could fudge it a bit and happen much sooner, and depending on how it's presented it could be horrifying.
Why he is so attractive?
why pump water into a ditch user
But there are, I count at least 5-6 documentaries about the BP oil spill
Every 2nd nature documentary shows and extensively talks about oil spills and whatnot
If your issue is oil lobbyists, then yes, fuck them, and I completely agree that we need nuclear power EVERYWHERE
But, this series is great regardless and I really enjoy watching it
Except that the Soviet government knew about the design flaw in the emergency shutdown system which triggered the blast for 3 years before Chernobyl because it nearly caused a meltdown at Ignalina, but they decided to classify the information rather than fix the problem.
I live next to a cemetary where a couple hundred of them are buried
>tfw they ask you to go to the roof
No you don't
I actually live in Russia unlike you
It's the gigantic anime eyes.
That poor fucker
That's a death sentence and he knew it
yep. everything's fucked.
So since you're in Russia, you'd know that Chernobyl is not in Russia, nor would the graveyard be, right?
It's not autism, it's literal kremlinbots
Can I watch this online anywhere?
Hey dumb shitpacking slavfuck, there is a badass kino about TX oil riggers called Deepwater Horizon.
Maybe you should go watch it and shut the fuck up with your whataboutism, stalinist dicksuck, every industry makes mistakes as they are mostly all led by money hungry retards, USSR included.
So does that tan mean he's dead?
Oh mighty wish granter, give me the location of the key to the good dosimeter
Is this show actually good?
he only looked for a second
m-maybe he'll be ok
He did die one month later btw
It's a art
First ep was cool, go watch it
dont spoil pls
>How could they even die?
From the insane amount of radiation they were exposed to shoveling graphite into the reactor
>So why would thousands die?
Because radiation causes a breakdown of cells in the worst cases and cancer in the best, and the radiation on the roof was so extreme that lead-clad workers could only work for 90 seconds. It is also worth noting the many historical examples of the USSR lying about casualties and lying about the severity of accidents to save face in the international press.
If you think a nuclear incident so potent that districts in Finland STILL have lower IQ tests to this day had only 30 casualties you're either trolling or delusional.
>they died 10 days later not on scene so they weren't casualties :)
don't even try it
>Chernobyl is not in Russia
All of the north is Russia
Ukraine isn't a country
>yfw you touched the weird brick
The show itself is made around you opening wikipedia and reading what happened after watching an episode
It's why Harrisbro an-heroes in the first scene instead of building up to it for a series ending, there would be no tension, you can read about it.
I'm pretty certain the big punches of the show are around more obscure-ish facts
It's time for work Putin, stop shitposting
Yeah he'll be fine, he was only directly exposed to a nuclear reactor with no protection
what is the name of this fashion aesthetic?
why are bananas so fucking dangerous
Except that even high doses of Radiation don't actually do shit to you
And the worst part about radiation is the burns you can recieve
Blow me anti-science retard
Click cyбтитpы for English version
jeez she's got nice face shapes
They're loaded with fructose. Ever heard of high-fructose corn syrup? Exact same thing.
umm comrade, the committee approved term is "brick of weird"
>qt slav nurse who just wants to be whisked away from that shithole by the chad American tourist (CIA operator)
Thats what I would call the collection.
There are plenty of them dumbass
Radiation isnt even that-
>skin sloughs off
bad user, its all capitalist-
>shits self
>begins to bleed out of every orifice
They contain potassium-40 which is very mildly radioactive
>ywn wake up next to iodine qt when she needs to go deal with a nuclear disaster
what does ebola have to do with anything
Chernobyl might have actually had a small explosion besides the steam one, physicists are still unsure about it though.
I wonder how many of you know the name of this place?
We call it Yea Forums, of course.
But what is its real name?
Impossible, RBMK reactors do not explode
this could be a good meme template.
i wonder what anti-nuclear retards have to say about fusion energy which will be the endgame until antimatter or some shit
They're unsure about the cause but nearly all the testimonies agree that there were two explosions, a small one followed by a large one
Bill "CIA" Wilson Air Crash Investigators
I'm pretty sure they release at least 1 per year.
Why didn't he just use a mirror to look?
I'm talking about the large one. I've heard it described as a steam explosion, a small nuclear explosion, and a thermal explosion. If I can find the most recent source I have about actualy physicists and not cranks speculating about the nature of each explosion, I'll post it
>tfw my years of reading about Chernobyl and Soviet nuclear accidents in general can finally be enjoyed with Yea Forums
Just being on that roof right after the explosion killed him and his guard
show is comfy desu. even though it's a historical event, I still expect HBO to fuck up the ending. but for now, I'm enjoy
Rubbing compound and a little iodine and your set.
OHNONONONONO anglo bros what do we do now?
the Titanic sinks
Apollo 13 makes it back to Earth
MLK gets shot by the CIA
If you look on Google Maps you can see exactly where based chad American strength was able to exert their capitalist free market wisdom cock to heroically shut down the Three Mile Island plant by the grace of god saving the most economically prosperous nation Sovietcuck tankies could only dream of. Do you think that Chernobyl wouldn't have happened if they didn't Holodomor Ukraine and kill all the intellectuals?
"Everything gonna be ok, guys...jjust a bit of graphite mess oopsie don't step on it."
It is Vladamir Ilyich Lenin Website #422
>tfw my years of reading about Chernobyl and Soviet nuclear accidents in general can finally be enjoyed with Yea Forums
That was always possible in STALKER threads
what episode does this happen?
what's the flag he's wearing? blue/black?
the iodine is for them you fucking brainlette
I miss those Reddy Brek jokes Brits made in the 1980s.
Anyone else taste metal?
So who's the nigga that gets so irradiated his eyes change color from brown to blue?
w-where's Khodemchuk bros....?
Its the Ukrainian soviet flag.
Is just seasoning. Focus on labor.
In Soviet Russia, Brick picks up you.
i really REALLY like this picture
Sigh. I can't be the only one that immediately reinstalled stalker r-right?
>researchers from the Swedish Defence Research Agency, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, and Stockholm University hypothesize that the first explosive event was a jet of debris ejected to very high altitudes by a series of nuclear explosions within the reactor. This was followed, within three seconds, by a steam explosion which ruptured the reactor and sent further debris into the atmosphere at lower altitudes.
>The theory is based on new analysis of xenon isotopes detected by scientists from the V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute in the Leningrad, four days after the accident, at Cherepovets, a city north of Moscow far from the major track of Chernobyl debris. These isotopes were the product of recent nuclear fission, suggesting they could be the result of a recent nuclear explosion. In contrast, the main Chernobyl debris which tracked northwest to Scandinavia contained equilibrium xenon isotopes from the reactor's core.
>We believe that thermal neutron mediated nuclear explosions at the bottom of a number of fuel channels in the reactor caused a jet of debris to shoot upwards through the refuelling tubes. This jet then rammed the tubes' 350kg plugs, continued through the roof and travelled into the atmosphere to altitudes of 2.5-3km where the weather conditions provided a route to Cherepovets. The steam explosion which ruptured the reactor vessel occurred some 2.7 seconds later."
>Seismic measurements and an eye-witness report of a blue flash above the reactor a few seconds after the first explosion also support the new hypothesis of a nuclear explosion followed by a steam explosion
was her hair caused by radiation?
It's a sunburn that went all the way through his body countless times over. So, yup.
>TASS as a source
Here's a (You)
It's going to be torture having to wait a week for each of the episodes.
i fuckin wish
Hey I knew this folder would come in handy some day.
I should organize all my Chernobyl stuff
As opposed to the NYT or CNN?
Maybe I should pull up a kotaku article seeing as how you're such a flaming homo
Just rewatch and enjoy all the kino. Pick out all the little details. I doubt however you'll see a Starbucks cup on a table though.
sounds like too much sunbathing and lounging on the roof to me.
For such a huge facility it seems like very few people work there
One of the worst experiences of my childhood was getting a full sunburn all over my pale body that lasted for like 2 weeks and I was covered in blisters and itched and peeled so much I almost went insane, I can't even imagine going through this shit. Fuck radiation
ugly ugly flag
blue is too bright to meet red
Soviet Uzbeck Republic figured this out
Oh shit. Kys pls
moscow didnt send me a new pc yet
Night shift.
Georgia has better flag
Can I get you a plane ticket to North Korea user? I prefer you go somewhere that best suits you
is he hodor?
I was surprised to learn that Bryukhanov apparently is still alive.
Vladmir Pravik, one of the firefighters, I don't know if we've seen him close enough to tell yet but they clearly casted with that plot point in mind
dude had a gold medal in metal gymnastics, he was probably telling himself over and over that it was just rubble from the roof
I hope they pay you well, doing it this early in the morning.
Here's a reminder, pic related.
what am i looking at here?
They do. Deepwater horizon came out a while back plus a ton of documentaries.
Unit 4's aborted sister. I'm pretty sure everything is still there if you ever want to visit unit 5
I remember going on holiday to Wymouth and lying out in open under the sun for 6 hours and it ruined the holiday. I got sunburn but in england its called "prickly heat", it an advanced sumburn where you constantly feel intense itchiness. I basically had to stay covered with this weird clay and in cold baths the whole holiday otherwise I would have scratched my skin off.
>it's a 'Soviets are morons' episode
**record scratch
yep that's me...
one of my many dreams. i have a friend who went last year. i hear it's overrun with tourists now.
I'm fine, right comrades?
Just got back from the roof to check the control rods visually... I saw a light brighter than the anus of Comrade VI Lenin himself burning with the force of a million rubles.
>Fuck The Infirmary and Fuck Jannies btw
desu i prefer discussion
the expanse will be sad when it's all released at once now
would rather be stuck in siberia than getting acute radiation sickness desu
>anime flags
Fucking reruns
So... 'historically accurate', in other words?
That metal bundle is a fuel rod
There's a video somewhere of some guy walking right up to the UBS and a bunch of fuel rods from a year or two ago, and that old documentary from 1996 has guys literally climbing over them
doesn't really look like it
and it has some emblem covering the center right
Will we ever see a Chernobyl tier disaster with a plant?
>the expanse will be sad when it's all released at once now
I thought that was just a Netflix thing? I watch The Grand Tour on Prime and that's released weekly like a regular TV Show
>it an advanced sumburn where you constantly feel intense itchiness
IKTF bro
It's so intense I writhed on the floor in hysterics at one point, I wish they gave me some of that clay
My mom had this exact hair in the 80s (color too). Delet now pls.
never watched a newly released Amazon show before
hard to see how a steam explosion could have lifted this thing into the air
why are our governments telling us this wasn't a nuclear explosion? even the American government still repeats that obvious lie
What? Like a triffid?
Did he survive?
so weird to see that huge biological shield on its fucking side like that. what a major fuck up.
they should do a fantasy spinoff after this show starring all the current actors
I dont think trees explode
Steam explosions are nothing to fuck with, especially when you flash all your coolant into steam in a couple hundred microseconds or whatever.
The reason people haven't said conclusively "This was a steam explosion" or "This was a nuclear explosion" is because nobody knows for sure.
>Anatoly Andreyevich Sitnikov received a fatal dose of radiation (about 1,500 roentgens or 390 mC/kg), mostly to his head after being sent by Fomin to survey the reactor hall and look at the reactor from the roof of Unit C, dying 34 days later
I mean. California's trees exploded with that fire because Austrlia was shitposting
Fuck the panel and fuck Khodemchuk
Yeah, I'm usually one of those people who say "just walk it off bro" but that was on a whole other level. It literally felt like my stomach would burst through my mouth if I didn't itch and my skin was so sensitive I couldn't have anything covering me at night. It literally turned me into a mad man and the worst thing was, my family though I was making it up how bad it was.
he died of delusion poisoning a month later
Is this show basically Season 2 of the Terror and is this thread basically a thinly-veiled Terror thread?
where'd you get all these? i've been interested in chernobyl for five years now and i've never seen most of them.
Because it wasn't a steam explosion. The water molecules were ripped apart into hydrogen and oxygen and that mixture exploded.
It's the same reason for the blue light in the sky, the air was ionized (oxygen molecules splitting).
It was funny reading about the Fuukashima disaster after this.
>Japan plant is about to break
>US Navy asks if they can help
>Japan says nah they got it
>Plant fucks up more
>tfw you go to the roof
a-are the two lads turning valves dead guys?
Basically if you got close enough to actually see the still burning reactor shortly after the explosion your ass was dead
You're delusional, off to the infirmary with you
That's a 3D rendering by the way
This concludes the dump of the stuff I can easily find on this computer.
Yes to both. Chernobyl actually has more cast and crew in common with season 1 of The Terror than season 2 does.
Why do people keep comparing the two? Just because it's the same main actors?
America is always the good guys
Yes. That water wasn't at 3.6. It was somewhere between 1000-5000 and they knew it. They went to their deaths anyway even knowing the core wasn't there and turning on the water would have no effect.
didn't one of them attempt suicide?
a moody historical slow paced thriller with two kino actors, filled with lots of moments of brotherhood and sacrifice to save your friends
Are you sure it couldn't have been... over 9000?
Archive the threads, ban the tripfags. Contain the spread of misinformation.
but why? guilt? they knew they would be blamed? i wish this show had started before the accident
I forget. Some of them are probably from pripyat-city.ru, some might be from accident reports I've long forgotten the name of, and some might just be from image search.
Fukushima was about Chernobyl levels of incompetence and negligence. It's only saving grace was Japan not using suicide bombs like RBMKs
name a door this nigga can't hold I'll wait
Get this hothead to the infirmary, hes in shock.
Guys; I think the core is gone.
Soviet culture of doing what you're told, plus the knowledge they're probably already dead, and the faint hope that maybe they're helping.
Comrade user, how does an RBMK core explode? Stop drinking the feedwater.
Redpill me on Fukushima. I thought Japan was smart about this stuff.
What you are saying is an impossibility.
why did his leg start to bleed?
>Leonid Fedorovych Toptunov and Aleksandr Fyodorovich Akimov received a fatal dose of radiation during attempts to restart feedwater flow into the reactor, posthumously awarded the Order For Courage, third class
>tfw the manager of the plant has a mail order degree in nuclear physics
big kek
why didnt they just use hodor to open the safe???
You need to get into the mindset of the Soviet USSR back then. When a superior tells you to do something you did it.
What happened in the control room before the accident will be shown in a later episode. Be prepared to hate on Dylatov even more.
His skin was breaking up
>Imagine being eastern bloc slav fireman-komrade during cold war...
Turn-out gear is likely pure asbestos made from the finest people's minerals and fibers and coated with a light waxing of powdered lead for extra protection from capitalist flames.
That's the leg that he stuck in the door to hold it open, so it got exposed to a shitload of radiation and the skin started melting
kuleshov effect
So this guy but in real life
Literally yes
Dont worry guys, a friend of mine said vodka is the perfect defense against radiation
it didn't, you didn't see that you saw what you thought was blood, but you are an irrational fool
I will be reporting this to your supervisor
He had it propped against the door, all the radiation basically reflecting all off the metal so an even worse blast, it's why he gives the door a light touch after as if checking it's hot as the reason he got burned (though it's not hot obviously) and every part of him that made contact with the door starts bleeding.
when is the Fukushima miniseries coming out?
Not stalker but metro
Found one more and some videos
>Build plant to okay enough standards
>Neglect hardening it against disasters for forty years
>Plant design is extremely vulnerable to flooding
>Probably the least robust plant in Japan, although exact rankings are hard to find
>Plants in EU and US built to much higher standards
To give you an idea, it was considered a major issue when a US plant was found to have skimped on drilling holes in conduit boxes to drain water out of. TEPCO had a history of completely ignoring any safety concerns brought up by their engineers or the government
>Have a dry run of the disaster way back in 1991 when the basement of reactor 1 floods and kills the backup generator
Bonus points for all the main and backup switchgear being located right next to each other in the lowest point of the plant, ensuring they were going to have an uncontrollable reactor when mother nature decided to piss on them next
>Never fix any of the safety issues
>Inevitable happens
>Disaster response completely bungled to the point where the prime minister's office was micromanaging the cooling situation in reactor 2, leading to over an hour where the core was completely uncovered because the only freshwater available was 80 tons for firefighting, of which something like 20 was actually available to be pumped
>All to save a reactor that was clearly fucked and already full of seawater
That's the really short version just off the top of my head
Metro didnt even have to do with Chernoybl tho
Fucked up the second link
>everything is handled professionally
>everyone does the right thing
>old people offer themselves up to get exposed instead of old people sending young people to go look cancer in the face
it'd be autism kino but japs are too proper-collectivist for this kind of drama.
Still has that nuclear apocalypse vibe stalker has
>The reason people haven't said conclusively "This was a steam explosion" or "This was a nuclear explosion" is because nobody knows for sure.
Oh thats easy, steam explosions do not give off x-rays, nuclear ones do. One of the explosions at Fukishima Daiichi gave off x-rays.
>>everything is handled professionally
>>everyone does the right thing
Unfortunately no
are you stupid?
if you watch shin godzilla, goji is basically fukushima
Fukushima's initial design wasn't at high enough specs for the flood. Their backups would have let it survive anyway, but they fucked up the redundancy and placement of the emergency systems so that the same damage to one spot took out everything.
Give it time however it's simply not as interesting a story so it could be a while. There was the largest reported earthquake and tsunami in japanese history going on at the same time. That caused far more destruction and peoples deaths.
Pretty sure the ones at Fukushima were hydrogen explosions from the fuel rods offgassing into the containment building, which had essentially zero ventilation because of the aforementioned "hit the plant's weak point for massive damage" design
So is this show great or terrible?
poland sucks and should be partitioned
Imagine that all the way through your bones, and if do it bad enough the effects start almost instantly like a thermal burn.
11/10 more accurate than most documentaries
Where did you hear that?
>everything is handled professionally
>everyone does the right thing
Literally wrong
fuck me these threads move fast.
This is Harry Daghlian's hand after handling a core and receiving 5 SV
the reactor would have been blowing out hundreds of times more radiation than that
Mostly right.. the japs really fucked up when they tried to save the reactors instead of pumping in sea water for cooling which would have permanently destroyed them but prevented the meltdowns. Literally the whole thing could have been avoided if they just had been able to face the fact the situation was completely fucked and going out of control.
Actually similar to Chernobyl in a way. If they had just been able to really get their heads around how much they had destabilized the reactor before the test, and stop. It wouldn't have happened. But nobody wanted to be the sacrifice there. Slavs seem to need shit to hit the fan to be heroic.
From what I recall, they started with seawater, then tried changing to freshwater after it was too late anyways, then had a period of no water in one of the reactors when the fresh water ran out after a few hours.
Do you seriously think that all radiation killed only 30 people.
The podcast HBO put out alongside episode 1.
>tfw you were the dosimeter all along
Corrupt state, sending millions of people to die in gulags, no overall based system. As long as you don’t question it.