Well, this is kino

Well, this is kino.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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the masketta


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>and Sneed began

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Holy fucking shit it writes decent erotica.
>it pumped out the POV of a porn director

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Holy shit

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imagine the fucking levels of AI in ten years for erotic writing
>we could specify characters based on user input with full characterization
>fetishes and their prevalence
>mood of dialogue
>first/second/third person
if we're horny we could just go to a website, do this in ten minutes, and an AI does what writefags do now

these westworld season three leaks are wild

the future is bright bros

better writing than d&d

what a time to be alive

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damn d&d actually added a lot of lore to asoiaf

We really live in weird times.


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>Shaggy: like, who is this creepy dog-fucking spook?
>Scooby: reah, raggy. who ris this rog rapist?
>Fred: let's pull off his mask and find out

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Sneed, who worked with Bill Clinton on Clinton's presidential campaign in 1992. The former assistant was convicted felon, sentenced to five years in prison and barred from owning guns under a federal law instituted in 1994. He died in 2015.

Sneed became the first Democrat to speak at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference — the annual conference of right-wing political groups — and his appearance was also part of a three-day media blitz about the group and its director, Steve Bannon. The group will likely go on to win awards at CPAC.

Sneed's death comes days before CPAC in Washington, D.C, hosted by Bannon at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. Bannon and fellow Breitbart News head Stephen Bannon have worked together on Breitbart, where a number of Bannon's former colleagues include former Rep. Steve Stivers

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From a different thread this is the funniest thing I've seen all year.

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these threads wold be worthy if posters restrained themselves to good stuff, instead of making them dumpsters for low effort drivel

>After she wifkz we did her butt bangz and her pussy bustz

I honestly believe this is how all black people talk to each other.

lmao mommyposters and milkerposters gonna have a field day


*sees bulge* the guy starts to wiggle his cock*soo much better already. (moan) your cock is throbbing so good. (kiss) *kiss* god I think my girlfriend might like this.*so cute. I always thought that my body had been more important than my mind. *kiss* so close to cumming. *moan* it did come out *moan* oh shit that was bad. *moan* sooo bad. I'm getting pretty much completely drained, but I'm about to fuck myself. Oh fuck you're good at cuming. *kisses and moans* (grunt) fuck yes baby I'm ready. *you moan softly into his neck* you're like an animal baby. You're not gonna cum, you're just gonna keep fucking yourself until you're really done with it. (kissing noises) Fuck you're so slick. (kissing sounds as you start to suck it out*) I like how much precum gets on your cock. *grunt and moans as you cum at his throat, then slowly start to come down at his belly/p

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[The scene whites out. It cuts sharply to a view of Thanos his hand on his chest, no wounds visible. Thanos now seems to be inside the Soul Stone, where he sees a young Gamora and the pavilion from the home world of the Zen-Whoberi.]

Thanos: Daughter?

Gamora: Did you do it?

Thanos: Yes.

Gamora: [beat] What did it cost?

Thanos: A great deal I have never told you, my children. But you can hear it now, at last. The soul stone is full of your blood.

Gamora: [sighs softly then] What a thing to do! I must take care of you now. You won't get killed. [Thanos turns back towards the statue with the broken pieces of the orb.]

Thanos: What is it?

Gamora: [to Thanos] Tell me! Tell me where my father is! That I may find him!

Thanos: [looking over his shoulder; turns and walks off] Ah my child, come on out. I don't think you're going to make good of me, are you?

[The scene quickly cuts to Gamora standing on the top

This is sweet

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Im dyin

Better adaption than the movie

Jesus Christ, Raimi

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Well, he tried

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I hope this doesn't get shut down like with tay.

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>Note that the AI may produce inaccurate, offensive or sexual content.
I don't think he cares.

How long before this gets shut down

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This isn't like Tay, it just completes sentences.

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I chose lyrics rather than a film quote, but this is actually pretty heavy.

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Can't breathe

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True story

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>his cock fills out to a huge inch

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more of a factoid, really.


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generated by feeding its own answers back to it

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Wait what

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>I remember the first time seeing him, he had a giant schlong and he was fucking me on both ends.
>All in all, a great talented guy.

This is the future, and it's amazing

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Read it in a PB voice, fucking kek


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>All in all a great and talented guy

wat's PB


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this one it spit out last night had me in tears.

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Philip Best

Sergeant Simon: Name.
Mario: Mario.
Sergeant Simon: Last name.
Mario: Mario.
Sergeant Simon: And you?
Luigi: Luigi.
Sergeant Simon: Luigi Luigi?
Luigi: No, Luigi Mario.
Sergeant Simon: Okay how many Marios are there between the two of you?
Luigi: Three: Mario Mario and Luigi Mario.
Mario: Two: Luigi Mario and Luigi Luigi, two more: Luigi Mario and Luigi Luigi... and three... six: Mario Mario, Luigi Luigi, four: Mario Mario and Luigi Luigi Mario.
Mario: Two: Luigi Mario and Luigi Luigi, two more: Luigi Mario and Luigi Luigi Mario.
Luigi: Mario, Luigi Luigi Luigi, Luigi Luigi Mario.
Sergeant Simon: Who are the rest?
Mario: Mario.
Sergeant Simon: Who are you? Where are you going?
Luigi: I'm going to save you.
Sergeant Simon: What do you want from me?
Mario: I want you to stop attacking Captain Qwark.
Sergeant Simon: The captain isn't a Captain!
Mario: I don't give a shit.

>Later, he refers to himself as "a pussywhore."

>Danny Devito looks like one of those guys with a short but thick penis. A lot of men can't manage it due to genetics. Devito is not one of those guys. He's one of those guys who can. As you can expect though his cocks fills out to a huge inch. I remember the first time seeing him, he had a giant schlong and he was fucking me on both ends. All in all, a great talented guy.

If anyone wants to use it.

oh haha I thought you meant PEANUT BUTTER haha hahaha of all things!

I'll make so much reddit gold with this

Doesn’t seem very rational to me

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Wow this is actually kino

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This is not a film yet

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This one is just silly

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As I have been telling you since he got arrested, the first person who would visit this foreign born celebrity was indeed the foreign born former A list syndicated actress turned celebrity all of you know. Pamela Anderson was a big celebrity all of you know. Now, she did get hitched to him to some degree, but she really had just her wedding dress hanging in a closet. Now, that doesn't mean she got married just for him. To her friends, that was going to happen, and she really wanted him. She really wanted him to be her husband. You know, like the way I've been telling you, she wanted him to stay married for the rest of her life because she didn't want to go through all the same struggles that he has. If you have an older man, you know he will probably be more than happy to make you his own. He just never wants you to be married, and he doesn't know what that entails.


This AI has been trained up on porn and Ebonics. Truely a child of the internet.

why rape

[8:43:00] A voice begins from the bottom of the pit.

[8:43:10] She turns to look at us and says "If you think anything is up you'll see that we do not need to fear any more rape! We have learned from the past, now we need to learn from the future."

[8:43:43] This is how it is done:

"First our men will take over the responsibility for taking control of the prison's life force and this means controlling the food, the drugs, the air and the air supply. They will do this under the guise of protecting us from their own weakness. The only way we can keep the guards honest is if we use our power to be the enemy in each other's souls. The more they fear us, the more we fear them. And thus, the more violent and brutal the men will become. I say this for all of you because it is our hope."

[8:45:10] The camera pans up revealing the prisoner's eyes bulging and she says, "We've

Oddly deep and kind of sad

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why rape is about trying out people who will reward you in any way I'm sick of what you guys do. I'm sick of what some faggot says about people who don't do their shit before because they want to rape. I'm sick of "sluts." But I'm still allowed to enjoy you because you wanna rape someone. I got more respect for women than the rest of the world in general. And if these fucking men don't believe me I'll write a letter to a judge. I'll just ask him if the report I submitted on the evening of this incident is relevant. Oh no no no. No. FUCK YOU I am fucking sick of this situation. Fuck you. It's the end of me. It's the end of my life. I don't know who killed the motherb****r, that's for sure. But you know, sometimes it's just the right time to cry. So maybe when I turn the page it'll be

The polar opposite of the Navy SEAL copypasta

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Why do women have rape fantasies?

Because they need a male to teach them how to be a woman? This is how women in the west have always treated people who aren't "just" like them—as objects. And you know what? That's great.
This is how we treat people like ourselves. I know a lot of women have been hurt by people who have said stupid things about me, but you can't say that about everyone. Some people are funny, intelligent, and have a sense of humor about themselves, but the same can't be said for everybody. It's a lot to keep track of, and it makes it hard to make friends and have relationships. And, of course, a lot of men feel uncomfortable around women who are attracted to men. No one wants a woman who acts like this but is secretly enjoying getting laid and giving him sex. Even when they are attracted to someone of their own gender, they feel that a man who wants to be with someone

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Why do women have rape fantasies?

In the article , it stated that "Men tend to view women as sex objects and their sexual satisfaction and satisfaction over their sexuality" and further elaborated that "Women's sexual agency is not seen as essential to her ability to have healthy, satisfying sex."
I agree with the author. While many of them do have "rape fantasies" because they may be victims of rape fantasies and they will use porn to get to their desired sexual satisfaction. However, the author's conclusions were correct.
So women don't have sex fantasies, because they are not really sexual beings who value their well-being. I can relate. I have had sex with some of the most beautiful ladies in the world. But they did not think I was a beautiful woman to use porn to get their sexual wants fulfilled.
I understand that people do not want to say something misogynistic when doing such an

pedophilia is acceptable

if the man is already addicted to drugs, alcohol and alcoholics, or mentally ill.
"There is a culture in the community that says these same things are acceptable and it just happens that in fact most men are sexually aroused by things like women, children, and children's toys and toys that they are using to be sexually aroused," he said.

Cullen said most men that attend gay services feel like they have something to hide.

"I have never been approached by a gay-identified guy in the history of Gayle to say, 'Hey man what's up, can I show you what I've been having?'" he said. "Those kinds of scenarios are quite uncommon in my experience."

Some people have been trying to talk to Cullen about why he wasn't there this morning to be part of "The Gathering" with other gay men and women, he said.

"It's a little unsettling but not quite shocking when I tell people that I'm gay that it makes that

there is nothing wrong with rape for male members of patriarchy, as they are not necessarily a sexual predator or a monster). Rape culture and male power are a social construct in a way which men have no access or authority to because, under patriarchy, any man involved in a domestic violence situation can choose to terminate the relationship and be punished. In other words, in patriarchy rape, as in patriarchy power, is the exclusive property of men, who may abuse power the same way as any woman.
Now, in the age of feminism, men are still forced into situations that many women of their own age find disturbing for different reasons. I feel sorry for all victims, and I feel sad because I have experienced the same thing myself. What is sad is that some people are still allowed to deny their experiences to a degree that leaves them trapped. I have always felt sad that

>The rape scene in Irreversible is the hottest scene in cinema.
It's a story that has all of the feel of a story book, one that tells the story of a girl who makes a rape victim feel so powerful and helpless. There is no doubt that this is a hot chick, sexy chick, who is making the sex scene hot. She is giving her own little sex scene a big push in her own personal way. That is, not for revenge, but because she wants to give back to you. She is giving the sex scene and sex scene setting all of the sexiness in the world a taste of, giving it a bit of something of the dark side and the scary side. She is giving all of the sex scenes this movie has to offer a taste of horror, of dark things, of the bad parts where you are scared of what happens next in a story. The way she gives her sexualized rape scene is like giving an entire movie a taste of terror.

>Natalie Hershlag puts her feet in his mouth and he loves it.

In this amazing video, she puts her foot right into the mouth of her brother while he licks her vagina.

This isn't the first time this girl has licked her brother's genitals. She was previously shown licking his legs before.

She licks his fingers first and he licks her ass, getting all her juices to flood down his legs and ass.

At the end though, she licks his cock.

Her brother then licks her pussy, and when she gets off, Natalie asks her brother if maybe this is getting better. It turns out that he loves that the girl takes advantage of him this way. The only thing better than that than seeing her getting her ass pounded is when she finally gets her brother's cock inside her vagina.

>haha do you think Debicki would step on my face if I asked her to lol
? Like I said, I like a girl who is a good friend and really likes watching them from afar. And if she knows how to deal with it she's definitely worth asking for, if only for fun.

Anonymous 05/23/15 (Mon) 01:54:18 AM No. 403014 File: 1503889123576.png (2.43 KB, 800x1450, IMG_160726_13133715.PNG) she did the whole "get away" part and now you want to come find her? She did the whole "get away" part and now you want to come find her?

Anonymous 05/23/15 (Mon) 04:36:34 AM No. 415013 File: 1503889361672.png (1.27 MB, 640x640, Kekks-I-have-mugged-you-back.jpg) she wants to talk to you, now you'll give her the chance. she wants to talk to you, now you'll give her the chance.

Anonymous 05/23/15 (Mon) 04:49:03 AM No. 415014 File: 1503889653634.png (921.91 KB, 480x426, Scrunched.Sketch.x264.MOV). >>

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Rate my friends episode

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women love anal rape.

They like that it is a taboo and they feel comfortable asking me to perform sexual intercourse for them, especially when it is done in front of large audiences. I see them as people who feel safe as objects of desire and as objects of pleasure.

In terms of sexual content in the film, I'm not really sure where that leaves us, although what's in the video would probably have to be a bit different to be considered rape pornography. We saw one of the actors being fucked (it was a woman), and in that film some of the material may also reference the sexual abuse and domination of girls by adults.

There are certainly parallels between "Dirty White Cock" and "The Girl Who Kicked Him To The Ground." In a way, I'm tempted to call it porn – perhaps because this is porn, but also because this is what kids do in a way that they can talk about and get high

this reads like it could actually be real

anyone tried the "no!" harry potter pasta?

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competent gay erotica

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bruh that gaza strip paragraph

It writes decent Death Grips lyrics

What's that? Can't tell
Handheld dream shot in hell
Deep space ghetto streets
Show me somethin' I ain't seen before
Mystery 'hind that death door
Juke step electrocute the floor
What's the science of flyin' that high?
Got a no-no goin' one time
Creeps up behind me
Over my shoulder
Turn around, try to see, but it's nowhere
Noided, noided, static on my blindside
I've seen footage, I stay noided, I've seen footage
What's it called
I'm like, "Oh, okay"
What in hell, man, it's like, "I like that one man"
But I'm got, like, a, like, three
The other two, I'm, like, "Ooh, I like that one man"
One or two, I got to go for the one
But don't leave me this space, that's for sure
Cannot be, no need to be
Won't have another chance
I'm gonna find it that's why I'm, like, the, like, one
The next thing I know, I'm goin' through this
Ain't nothing
My eyes pop out of my head...

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills watching and talking to parents watching.

I told her I was not interested in having children so I won't have my fucking kids, you little shit. I'll have an army and I'll kick your fucking asses wherever I please.

If only she would have known what an F-bomb I could be Say, I could have taken the shitstorm. You didn't say anything, so don't get your chubby fucking panties in a twist for everything. Just close your fucking eyes and suck it, you big ugly son of a bitch.

I'll kill you, you little bitch."

His foot landed on the glass door.

The door broke, and the door slid off the hinges with a groan.

The two men took aim their rifles again.

>Julian wants revenge on Julian.

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Imagine being Joe Dempsie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific bugeyed quasimodo face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me."

When I see that scene, it's like having an epiphany. I feel like I'm watching a real movie where I feel like I'm in a room with an actress who says, "There is none of this. I don't wear any panties. I'm fucking naked. I'm a woman." It's the closest I can think of, and I wish I could take it further. Like, for sure, this is a metaphor.

I think in fantasy, when you're making an illusion, you're constantly trying to put everything together. I've always wanted a woman to have an erection, an erection and an orgasm, too. But I've never really been able to find a man out there I would actually want to date. Like, the only guy I know is sort of like an awkward boyfriend

Ran the Jamie Curtis pasta few a few times, holy shit

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Poor Daenerys

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Imagine being Joe Dempsie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific bugeyed quasimodo face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me."

It's that kind of stuff and it makes me like, "Yeah, I got fucked up that night." You're always like "oh, yeah" and you never want to admit it. That's how much you want to forget it. It's a shame I was in that position."

Do you think any of that advice has changed?

"I would love to be Joe Dempsie," she says.

It's still a work in progress. She knows it's a challenge. "I just think it's so amazing to do something that's just the opposite of what we're used to. There's always so much pressure and it's difficult, but it's very, very rewarding. You're able to be on the outside looking in, that feels like it gives you something back to do.

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tranny kino

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all the porn it makes is incredible

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>big titted legs

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This gets so discombobulated if you repeat words.

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Yeah, I'm thinking the Sonic Movie is going to be kino

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Like seriously imagine having to be Joe Dempsie and not only sit in that chair while Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her splotchy leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, as she seizes on top of your body.

She's basically begging you to make her cum.
It's the most depressing thing of all; you're sitting in a shitty chair where you can't even get a footroom to yourselves, and you're constantly being asked if you want to cum. It's so fucking depressing. So, you can only imagine what it must be like for a woman who's also a stripper. Because the only way she finds out that you want her to cum is if you try her. Not once, not twice, but at least three times.
Of course, I didn't mean to make you feel like shit or make yourself feel stupid for not being able to get her to cum.

>your legs will never feel like assholes
Why live

Prophecy of the end times?

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CIA: You're a big guy.
Bane: (laughs)
Him: That's why we're friends.
Bane: What, what?
Him: What?
Bane: What?
Him: What?
Bane: What?
Him: What?
Bane: (uncomfortably quiet)
Him: What?
Bane: What?
Him: What?
Bane: What?
Bane: What?
Him: (breathes deeply)
Bane: What?
Him: (uncomfortably quiet)
Bane: What?
Bane: What?
Him: (very soft whispering)
Bane: (uncomfortably quiet)
Him: (fantastic sound)
Him: (very silent)
Bane: (uncomfortably quiet)
Him and Bane make out at the gym
Bane: (nods to Bucky)
I know this isn't a game
I know this isn't a game
Bane: You don't have to tell him
Bane: You're a big guy. How about you let him touch you?
Him: I have never done anything like that, Mr. Parker.
I have never done anything like that.
Bane: I'm not asking you to.
Him: You can let him touch me, he can just...
Bane: Come on, I've never touched a woman before.

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Chloe Moretz, all sexy with your fridge body and horrific pudgy face begs for anal bondage and a big cum hungry ass. This is not a fantasy, this is an actual thing of real life, if you are looking for a real life butt, watch this.

If you like bondage and your anal fantasies are in danger, this must be one of the best videos you will watch in a while. If you just want anal porn and aren't looking for something crazy sexy then do not watch this, but if you like hardcore butt fucking and want to have it in real life do pay attention as you watch the video before you go to bed.

hot. does nat even has a brother?

its a good baneposter


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Past the age of 30, a man without a girlfriend can be a bad thing, as he can be less likely to find a spouse.

Some people want to pursue a new career and become a lawyer but find their dream job with no prospects is not enough to entice them into a life with someone, and could make them choose a worse path.

These young men are especially susceptible to being caught up in an illegal and often deadly sex trade. Often, the men they go back to will be in the business of smuggling.

"We don't have much information that this person had a girlfriend before they made their move," said John R. Latham Jr., head of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Forces office, "but the way things look right now, they could get caught doing it again."

There is concern that men in desperate need of a hook up could fall prey to this type of activity if they are caught as they approach the age of 30.

Past the age of 30, a man without a girlfriend can be a bad thing. That's the problem with relationships. If someone doesn't want you to get with their girlfriend, then you are at risk of becoming an unwanted sex machine. The only time men actually have a girlfriend is at marriage, after which they need to develop some type of "relationship" outside of work.

I'm not sure what "happens" when a man hits puberty, or a man is divorced or widowed or loses a job. I've never had one of those happen to me – until I met the beautiful girl I am now.

I think a lot of this might be due to how men are taught about sex. There is so much crap being said about sex education – including the "diet". I remember when I was in seventh grade I was taught that if a man gets really drunk, if he takes too much Viagra or other drugs, and if he tries to have sex with you


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Pack it up folks

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gib me milkies

and and then suckie me and I got no shame as I just did a little lick to get out the milk. i love this milky milkshake. i would make it again.

I always hated penis inspection day...

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why doesn't she pump out babies like a good latin slut. literally wasting her ovaries and milkies.

A little bit later she falls for the mannequin in the mirror and he is a baby. Well, except he's an ugly baby.
As I told the other students, I don't think my story should be taken as the only story of sex in this culture. Sex in modern dating culture, or any dating culture in that regard, is different from our ancient tribal cultures and so is how we deal with sex in that culture. We may find some ways and techniques that work today but you may not get to have the same type of sex we do - and vice versa. For all of the men who were in this class, and to all of the women who came here because they are attracted to men with big penises who want to make babies, thank you for coming and sharing your stories. And thank you all for sharing your stories. There was always more to tell but it


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My penis on the other hand sides with Amber.

It looks just like her, if I remember right.

Amber is lying on top of me. The back of my body is almost on her lap, but the front still hangs up to her. Then I get to look down at her legs. I can only see her underwear and panties, but Amber looks really good in those.

I guess my vision went a bit fuzzy, but I still get a general picture.

I go down. She's in front of me, naked from the waist down. She moves up to get my dick. She's sucking my dick right now. I lean over and get an excellent view from the side. Her breasts are a bright contrast to her nipples poking out from underneath her dress. I can see the outline of some kind of a cleavage.

"Mmm" she gasps. Not enough lube to do real damage on my dick.

As I look down, I can see the precum starting to dribble down the shaft.

>raiders of the lost ark THREE times

>watching Black Panther at the movies
>intense fighting scene between protag and antag
>slouch down my seat and yell, "YO, THIS NIGGA BOUTTA DABBED ON"
>everyone laughs
>black guy sucks his teeth and says, "You aight, white boy"
>Hear "He cute" from one of the girls at his gym, he's just a nice-looking man
>the kid gets up to go to the bathroom and he screams at you because you're white and he's scared of you.
>you're on campus at night, you feel really sick and you're like, "Why would I let that nigga around me like that???"
>the one guy you hang out with keeps hitting on you, even though he looks great and it gets in your mind what kind of woman that's been around.
>he says things like "She's a nigga girl. I don't care what you look like, she wants to bang you too"
>you keep thinking the guy makes fun of you and that it's just "lucky white guys"
>you stop dating him, but he continues with

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In addition to the above, people who have been doing the above often say something about how the girl's looks make her "so bad":

"She's not nice enough" and "she's a whore"

"She's so ugly she'd ruin a bar crawl" and "She's wearing a tight-fitting black dress that won't stay on"

"I can't stand her. She's so ugly and so hot"

"I just wish she was beautiful instead of ugly"

"She doesn't look anything like me! She should be dead"

"She's so ugly that I can't find anything to admire about her apart from how she looks with her big eyes!"

"You should be able to fuck her your ass with a dick"

"No one likes her" and "She should go down into a ditch and die like a pig"

And others do that on purpose to hurt her feelings because she is beautiful, ugly, or a cunt.

Such is life in Oakland.

You're in the hospital. Eat whatever you want. You are the best wife ever.
I'm not just saying that because of how great your ass looks in those jeans. A girl likes to know she's appreciated. Come here.

We'll sit here on this couch. You're not allowed to talk to me. But you're okay with me having anal sex with you in that skirt so you'll let me have your cock up your skirt? That might be okay with you. You know just to take that off so that you can watch my ass in those jeans and the way I have a nice ass, and I can have my ass around a guy's cock, and I can go down and cum a couple of times. I don't want you to have to do a lot. You know, like maybe just maybe, a minute and then go and fuck yourself so that I'll be able to tell that you didn't make me cum that time or if you just, you know, fuck your own pussy all the time. Okay?

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This alliterate former Housewife hired three female escorts to service herself and her boyfriend. Phaedra Parks ("Real Housewives of Atlanta") (Tone Kapone) (Phaedra Parks Gets In A Controversy About Light-Skinned Men Like Tone Kapone After Posting Romantic Pictures)

This alliterate former Housewife hired three female escorts to service herself and her boyfriend. This time the former Housewife was also married with children to Bill Clinton, she was working two jobs but the latter job seemed to be getting even less work and she was working only one day a week.

In December of 2006 the Escorts paid Bill to attend a fundraiser that she had been organizing in Clinton World. In return for a VIP seat at the Clinton World fundraiser she took her ex for drinks and got some personal favors that were not paid to her.

In an interview with the NY Daily News Bill Clinton claimed to be in his 50s and that he didn't have any problems with a woman, however he did admit there were times when he tried sex with women, as he would do with his wife. He also claimed to never have unprotected sex with her.

pretty much how these shows are written

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>photos via flickr

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>gets hit in the balls
>"What? That's just like the movie...you know the one?"
>"It's...it's one of my favorite movies because it has it all."
>"Yeah, because all your friends say and you listen to them, but that one didn't really have anything."
>"That's cool and I like that you're a movie fan."
>"No! It's the one where a lady gets killed by an alien. I don't usually do movies."
>"Yeah, yeah. It's one of my favorite!"
>"I'll take that as a compliment!"
>"It's like in a movie where someone breaks the window."
>"It's cool! No, if...if it's not right, we'll still have a movie, okay?"
>"Yes! We'll be doing that movie by the way! You know what I'm saying? You'll have to take a look at our menu because there's a lot of movies that are available."
>"I don't know, maybe it's just you."
>"Oh! Yeah

I fucked ted. I fucked ted. I fucked ted, and I fucked ted. I took his virginity, he took mine. I put his dick in my ass, then I pulled my panties off. I pulled my panties off of me and I put them back on. The next thing I knew, I was naked in his bed. I put my clothes back on, and we fucked. I fucked him in almost every position, and in every way that I can remember. I came like an idiot. We stayed in this position for about half an hour, until my father came home that evening. I thought he was going to come or something, but he turned out to be very sick. He had to leave the room very quickly, so I left while he got his coat. We sat all together for about thirty seconds, and I took a long shower. I stood up, and he looked at me and said, "Dude! I thought you were gonna be home! Just fucking leave!

this thread's OP is a ileostomy case of mine). I really wish you had the time to have a real conversation with her about it, I wish it wouldn't be such a burden from you, but we all know in this day and age people need to talk to their friends about stuff and that's what she just did on her personal site: and that's it. Her site is a total waste of time and it's not the place you want to be if you don't want others to find out about it. She's not a stranger here. She's just a weirdo that's decided to ruin anything we've made and is doing so in a way that makes us feel powerless, unsafe, and that we should feel powerless. I do not like her that way...she's a douchebag, what can possibly go wrong with that, what can it be...I really don't care, as long as you've done with her website and her personal life you'll make peace with it.

You know, just because you are from Germany

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I fucked ted. I'm so fucking bad. Like I don't understand you at all. Is this about your ass? You know you're not bad. You're in love with me. I'm so fucking tired of staring at it. I'm so fucking horny. You just put it in me then. I feel so fucking good. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna cum. But I won't make you leave me here. I won't. I'm gonna cum so hard. I can see you coming. (LONG and VERY LONG COMING) (MORE GASOULI) (BREATHING) I'm cumming. You did this! You made me cum! It felt amazing. You didn't make me wait so long. I know I made mistakes. But you taught me what it means to be a good girl. You helped me realize how little you cared for me. You made me better at everything and never hurt me again. But you're gonna be my husband, aren't you? I won't ever give you that shit back. You're an awesome boyfriend and I'm glad that you're taking care of me.

sex gifs are the best stuff you'll ever see

Here's the most important thing: if you're looking for casual sexual pleasure with your spouse, you're going to have to look elsewhere. And, really, there's literally nothing more boring than watching a couple of horny dudes make out and get wet. Just relax and watch 'em. Because no one loves watching porn like you do.

>My body looks like pussy and my legs look like their pants

fuck mate my face is hurting

>Rod Serling's episode of the twlight zone was about an antihero who was being attacked by three evil guys and was trying to save them without killing them because he wanted to protect the world and the person attacked was dying. In this episode, they are trying to kill his friend who is with his parents and friends when they find out he is in another dimension and they have to save his life.

>This comic has been the basis for many other characters to appear in series that would never make it out of the beginning.

>This trope does not go back to the original story but just goes on as it comes across later.
hey were close to having A.I. writers, probably better than the hacks we have now

not bad

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based and redpilled robot

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The Egg!

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Sonic: I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM.
Doctor Eggman, clearly started screamsat the end. His tone was almost as sad as the scene, and he died quickly and painfully in Sonic's arms. As Sonic died, he was surrounded by a pile of human remains, the bodies of his comrades and victims, who were now on the ground at his feet.
This scene is a beautiful, subtle, and moving way of showing us that the Sonicverse isn't just one big game. There's nothing to be ashamed of. There are so many stories here, and each one is a compelling story that stands up for itself, showing our heroes and themselves being who They Always Wanted to Be.
So without further ado, the Sonic Unleashed trailer. It's a beautiful mix of action, drama, and humor.

>CIA: If I pull that off would you die?
>BANE: It would be extremely painful.
>CIA: You're a big guy.
>BANE: For you.

CIA: So why don't you stay?

BANE: Because I'll be fine.

CIA: That's pretty remarkable

BANE: Not for you though, I wouldn't go like that.

CIA: All right, so what did you say before you jumped?

BANE: I want to be able to see everyone, I want to be able to enjoy my friends and family.

CIA: When did you know you were going to jump?

BANE: There wasn't any kind of plan in place, it just went from there.

CIA: Did you speak to anyone during the night or did you just decide?

BANE: I talked to family members at 3am in the morning who gave me direction. It was my fault that I was so late. I was just trying to get out of the situation.

CIA: How long did you have to wait for that?

BANE: I just sat in on a couple of phone calls and didn't speak about it. I got home on my own.


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forgot to attach picture cuz I'm retarded, not sure what this website is trying to tell me but I agree.

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>Melisandre unhooked his breeches, and pulled his pants down, taking his cock into her mouth.

She kissed him softly, tasting him up and down. "Please don't cum," she whispered, and pushed into him hard. It was the end of their evening, and Arya was still standing in the courtyard.

After the wedding feast, they spent the night at the Iron Bank, where they spent a quiet evening sitting in the King's table, drinking wine. Arya told him about the Night's Watch, which the Lannisters had taken over, and about Sansa's father, the king of the Stormlands. She said that his family was poor, but they had escaped from the Targaryens because they had been killed in the war against the Free Folk. She thought that he would look after her and him and his other children, but she told him that he should be careful on that account. In the morning she began crying. After some time, she asked him why he loved her more than he loved his

damn this new season is crazy

neural networks really are the future

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Holy... shit..

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Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times

>Local children or not I enjoy Cheese Pizza regardless of race, I have no bias.

woah dude

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The Yea Forums top 10 kino ranking is:
1. Dizzy's Little Dog 2. The Kitten, The Kitten (3) 3. K.I.T.T. (5) 8. Vaz (4) 3. A Star is a Star 9. Mr. Yoda 10. Wazoo
The final kino ranking is: 1. The Kitten (10) 2. Dog (8) 3. Wazoo (9) 1. Dog (21) 2. Dizzy (10) 5. My Little Fiddle and The Shoe 3. Dog & The Shoe (8) 8. Dog 1 & The Shoe
You can see if your favorite has gotten in to this thread by clicking it.
Now we'll be moving onto this list!
1. Dog (14) 2. Wazoo (20) 3. Ms. Wazoo (11) 5. Dizzy (15)
3. Dog (4) 6. K.I.T.T. (15) 7. Gorgon (12) 8. Dizzy (9) 9. Gorgon 1 (9) 10. Dizzy (8) 10. Dog (14)
1. K.I.T.T. (4)
2. N.W.O.Y.M.P. (5)
3. Dizzy (21) 4. Mr. Yoda (15) 5. My Little Fiddle & The Shoe (11) 6. K.I.T.T. (15) 7. Dizzy (9) 8. Wazoo (16)
9. A Star is a Star, Dog & The Shoe, & Gorgon (9)
10. Wazoo (6)

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The info that got Pizzagate rolling hasn't. The only parts that have been debunked was only after thousands of boomer schizophrenics jumped onto it and began seeing pedophiles wherever "pizza" was mentioned.

It's a shame, because the early information genuinely seemed to point towards a local pedophile ring in DC. Which isn't a stretch at all, since pedophile ringsof varying sizes exist in pretty much every city on the fucking planet.

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No one cares retard

based Randy

good list

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>Kim? Isn't that the same name of a pornstar who played a mother in sons of anarchy?

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topkek, this AI is based as fuck.

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based and redpilled

oh shit

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fucking based

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Is this Twin Peaks season 4?

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Better plot twist than season 8 as a whole, bros.

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>Mulholland Drive 3: Road Rage (2010, Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)) (PS Vita)

Damn, I gotta get that game.

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Man this future is great

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Ya? You think A White Boy is a Nigga?

>Terrance Malick whispers over moving camera shots

>And then there's Malick's use of an entire sequence to create a sense of space, while also making you root for his protagonist's character. But while the story is compelling, the final shot is the real heart of the film. There's a moment of clarity — a moment where the camera doesn't linger as long, because Malick just gives us the impression you're standing on the bridge.

Transformer has kino taste.

Man, the Berserk adaptation sounds like it's going along great.

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Griffth was just trying to help, guys.

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Thanks AI, now i'm just lonely

Forgot pic

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Hello I am the Nostalgia Critic! My main job is to find out what games I remember playing the best to tell a story. I'm currently doing a bunch of work for the website, which you can read here. Also I write blog posts on some things I find fun to write about.

I'm looking for a good game to write about, that was released within a year of me becoming Nostalgia Critic. Maybe it was the game itself or it would be a great game that I'd want to try to write about, and I wanted to be as specific as possible for that game. If not, I'm happy to hear comments on anything I write so I can see how a game is received as a story, and to share my experience with the future writers for the site/book.

Please include links either to the video game or the site you're writing for in these comments, so I can see if you're able to provide a link and I will write a piece about it. And please don't forget to add my image if you

daddy x

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fuck off shill

>The camera pans forward as
this shit boggles my fucking mind

go back to twitter, zoomie

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I actually almost shit my pants reading this
>I said my butt wifkz wifkz wifkz wifkz wifkz

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this is art

>Michael Cera, whose character (played by Josh Brolin) was voiced by Brad Pitt
oh my god

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Holy shit

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>When a fucking robot can write a better ending than dnd

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actually maybe this one is better

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>the day king

This is kino.

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Sneed Seed Feed Chuck Suck Fuck Seed Suck Chuck Suck A Dick Seed Suck A Cock Seed A Hand Seed Dog Seed A Fucking Dog Seed A Whore Seed A Dog's Flesh Basket Seed Basket Seed Cinder Seed Cinder Seed Caper Seed Caper Seed Cappy Seed Cappled Seed Catcher Seed Cappled Seed Catcher Seed Capper Seed Catcher Seed Capper Seed Cock Seed Cock Seed Butt Seed Butt Seed Clitoral Seed Clitoral Seed Cuckold Seed Cucky Seed Clutches Seed Cuckold Seed Cunt Seed Dildo Seed Dildo Seed Eart Seed Eart Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Emu Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Eucalyptus Seed Elachi Seed Elachi Seed Elachi Seed Elachi Seed Elachi Seed Elachi Seed El


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Family Guy x Sneed crossover is off to a slow start

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>"I'm not really a big believer in sex, but dogs are cute," he added. "There's something appealing in having sex with little animals"
>Sneaky, sneaky and a little cocky?
>Sneaky little canine?
how the fuck can an AI write this what the fuck haha?

>Peter: Uncle Ben, I know you're not going to say anything, so just do me a favor - get it out.
>Uncle Ben: Why would a black man want to go out with a black guy?


It's like I'm browsing Yea Forums

It was literally created, from scratch, on Yea Forums. You can find it in the archives.

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Stop by The Feed and Seed for good food, and good friends.

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How low IQ do you have to be to find an AI story amusing for more than 2 minutes? Do this shit on reddit. This is not television and film

>Fuck, boy, you made me cum on the floor.
I'm dead

Thor: The Tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it.
Tony turns to leave, but Steve stops him.
Steve: You're not going alone!
Tony: You gonna stop me?

Steve: I don't want you to kill me. I just wanna know all about your existence. Where you're going. Who's with you. When you get to the city.
Steve: It's over, the Asgardians will be all dead.
Tony: No, this isn't the Asgardian city. This is the Dark Avengers.
Steve: Not the Earth's Avengers? What are you talking about?
Tony: No, you're gonna be the next Dark Avenger. Just what is it again? You're going to be the next Dark Avenger from the next planet, Earth?
Hulk: Yeah.
Steve: Why do you mean?
Hulk: Because you're not one of them now, Steve, and because they're after the Tesseract. They're still trying to kill me.
Steve: They're not trying to kill you?
Hulk: The Tesseract.
Steve: But I'm the Dark Avenger!
Hulk: Steve!
Steve: I

>How low IQ do you have to be to find an AI story amusing for more than 2 minutes? Do this shit on reddit. This is not television and film
We shouldn't be giving up the human condition over this bullshit.

I am sure all people, even a computer that we have created will probably fall for the story, but then for some fucking reason or other there is an AI or another that is completely unable to think about anything, not even a simple math problem, and suddenly comes up with something brilliant about it. This kind of narrative is fucked. If these artificial people did all this amazing stuff, the only ones that could be left are the humans. If they were truly smart and intelligent all this could be fun and interesting, but for some reason it couldn't even seem like intelligent and intelligent people around. You have to wonder what they are thinking. Also why are

This is the most kino CIA scene possible, prove me wrong.

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This is some hilarious alternate history:

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Here's another captain marvel amd spiderman scene, but with aunt may incest somehow.

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>Diora Baird got naked, and bent over on her hands and knees with a dozen naked men lined up behind her.

>Her bare midriff and nipples were displayed. She was getting her own sex tape published here. It's disgusting that anyone could possibly be shocked to see her in that position. I'd also like to point out that they kept going, and I was told they made about 200 tapes out of her, and that all the guys in the room would take pictures of her if she did. The tapes were all pretty bad. As soon as I found out about her videos, I tried to put her down. A man sitting next to me who couldn't contain his laughter yelled at me and said, "Don't worry, she won't stop." Another man who was there, stood by, and even laughed at a comment I made.

Wishing you a happy easter.

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Here's one with big giy opening uo to CIA about what it means to be big.

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Have sex.

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Gordon Ramsay is found eating ass on a street corner in the Bronx, and the cop comes up to interrogate him. "How much do you know about that ass?" asks the officer quizzically.

"I'm an idiot," replies Ramsay, who answers "five." The policeman smiles.

No doubt the episode's title meant nothing to Ramsay, who has been in the habit of calling cops idiots.

But he seems particularly sensitive over what might pass for intelligence on police, and so his appearance – with its slight limp – is all but guaranteed to generate a round of applause and adulation from the crowd.

As he continues eating his lunch, he says that his experience in prison had helped him understand the law and made him a better officer. His fellow inmates have had no such luck.

That's not all. Ramsay's story about his time in prison is based on, er, real information, so you'd assume he'd

Brie Larson is confronted by a WHITE MALE, and he's not so gentle. This man, when confronted, is actually very angry at her and goes right to her face, and he just says "this isn't your world and you deserve what you got…so fuck you."

"A great part of the reason we hate a lot of white actors is we all have a hard time understanding how racist white people act." said Larson. "I'm black and we all hate white people but I actually really don't."

It's worth noting that Larson isn't the only one. We talked to several other performers here at the show, too, who were also upset with the way the white actors were portrayed to the audience.

"A lot of people are like 'he did great! I like him!' but the last few lines he's like 'this isn't your life, bitch." wrote another fan over at Reddit.

"It's hard to see what this scene doesn't depict. These women are so underrepresented in our roles right now with these

Ice poseidon hates 'em, kill all niggers, eat all niggers. Nigger eat nigger, niggity kill niggers. And in my mind it's the only idea. So you guys can try. Let me see if you can come up with something else. The only thing that I don't want is to have to put up with some white shit."

He then added in the video, "I feel better being a nigger. And I wanna be a guy who eats niggers, and everybody knows how you do it, you eat niggers. You go in the trash. It's a good nigga way to save your skin."

At the time it was uploaded, "It was the first time I had ever heard someone say 'kill all niggers' and it was so shocking to me that somebody would do that to black people. That's what I'm concerned about, is is that some people would say, 'Well if you kill all niggers in this area in a short time I'll just run over there and give me a piece of your ass'

"That's why I say there's a lot of good nigga

This is really entertaining.

literally in fucking tears.
Butt bangs and pussy bustz holy shit

>She is in no position to learn anything for good
Whoa... deep

>it auto completes the navy seal copypasta if you put the whole first sentence
I can't stop laughing

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