600 POUND LIFE (replay edition)

Don't believe I have ever seen the Angel episode, and want to see the replay of Angie J from earlier because it was infuriating, anyone else watching?

11p-12a EST - My 600 Pound Life: Angel's Story (repeat from S3 in 2015)
>A woman struggles to make a positive change to be part of her partner and son's lives and turn her life around.

12a-2a - My 600 Pound Life: Angie J's Story (repeat from new episode that aired earlier tonight)
>At over 600-lbs, Angie is trying to get to Houston to see Dr. Nowzaradan, in the hope of getting weight loss surgery to save her life. However, family conflict and disagreements may stop her from being able to do what she needs before she even gets the chance.








Attached: Dr Now.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck it
I'll shitpost all night

black boyfriend lol

Imagine the smell...

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lol falling asleep sitting on the side of the bed

If you missed tonight's episode, you need to watch the rerun. Dr. Now brought out the nuclear bantz.

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the guy seems pretty nice... for a black


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fucking kek

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Seems like a cool dad


is the kid retarded?

just your average 56% mutt

legit surprised that chair supported dat ass

we stealin yo wimmin

Attached: 17-2.webm (1066x600, 2.99M)

>he's my biggest N-abler *smile*
what did she mean

anywhere I can watch it? i tried on TLC's site but they require you to have a cable provider.


this kid has to be autistic

torrent it

its hard to believe how little drama there use to be in this show
its coming up again in 40 minutes

He was much gentler on patients in the early seasons

Funnily enough, I just realised her shots were the only ones still lying around unorganized on my HDD.

>tfw no thicc nurse GF who's loyal to the end

Attached: fatgf.jpg (1915x1078, 275K)

Assanti started the ball rolling

>Omar's comin'!

Attached: my600lbsbigbosscoming.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

>he still hears shrieks of "CLEAN IT UP WAGIE" echo during his nightmares
Dr Now had a hard life

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How much weight do you need to lose this month, user?

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can't believe I was playing gay ass overwatch when kino is on

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You are going to have to watch the repeat in 30 minutes. This one is HoF level kino

Damn, this would have been so much better with the whale lift scene! Are you doing these webms yourself?

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Their daughter is pretty cute. Amazing she came from the loins of this man.

yes sir (i no longer have that episode on my hard drive so no requests)

this fucking lady, who was she kidding?

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bitch got tubes

Attached: stay_true2.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

>Johnson, cut the red wire!
>But there's no red wire, sir!

Keep up the good work, user!

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no Lola?

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who the FUCK

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>I have been kidded for the last time!

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Damn Angel looks like THAT?

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>Soul VS Soulless

Attached: my600lbssoulvssoulless.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)

I cannot believe I fucking forgot to watch it tonight. It makes me so sad, cuz I love watching this shit with you guys

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It begins (again)

man thats great work


Dr. Melfi?

its hilarious rewatching episodes of losers and re-listening to all the begging and promises they make

>"I had a dream I fucked your brains out. Right on that desk, and you loved it."

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Fat kino threads are the best thing on Yea Forums
And i haven't even seen fat kino once

I wanna jump into the fatkino bandwagon anons
Tell me some good episodes

tonight's ranked in the top 5

Assanti Brothers and James K are the GOATs

Do you want dysfunctional train wrecks or success stories?

I want the best Dr. Now episodes
And no niggers

again, tonight is prime Dr. Now
James K

Where can I watch old episodes

Thanks user, i'll finish the Brianne is started and jump into tonights episode after

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that I can't help you with, I don't know
I guess the TLC website

Lot of them are on youtube

I thought ads were bad on my country's tv

Poor fella

Which one is james k?
Who was the girl with black hair who got super hot when she lost the weight.

James K

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Post yfw people hundreds of pounds fatter than you are getting qt gfs and you are still alone.

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Essential fatkino/tv/ core

>food exit

One of the first things I observed in America and I chuckled.

>i hope my next husband drives better
Who the fuck does this bitch think she is?

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stick around, she's just gettting warmed up

>i'm claustrophobic

bitch takes up half the room

>she's just getting warmed up
Never thought i would be actively rooting for based Now to fail

Attached: kino dr now.png (1087x565, 890K)

>You're fucking pathetic
>waste of life
Holy shit you weren't lying about her just getting warmed up. I would push this fat bitch over and watch her try to get up.

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Holy shit, I wish I watched this the first time with Yea Forums instead of going to the gym and reading the threads.
This is gold between the soiboy and the fat, entitled bitch that could probably get another guy to fuck and marry her.

>California psychics ad
America i love you and will always defend your honor from EU fags but please.

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How many souls do you think she lost?

It doesn't exactly look like shes the embodiment of lively in the first pic.

>tfw somebody finally roasts your fatass wife the way her entitled ass deserves

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stop smirking pig

She didn't, those are unironically his wife's daughters.

This is the face of a 8000 calorie diet.

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I refuse to believe this is a family of humans


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Must be feeling pretty good right there.

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>everyone is turning against me

gee, I wonder why

Notice how the fattest people often have a few hangers on that enable them, and they feed of their mutual shittiness. None of them are ever functional adults.

Can someone please explain how this woman is such a qt despite being fat? I'm not a chubby chaser but shes actually unga bunga tier cute dude.

Failure or success is always up to the patient, not Dr. Now.

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She's got a good face and hair. If she lost weight she'd be a hot woman.

Onion rings for breakfast!!! Im not living my best life

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Of course, i hope based Now can forgive my foolish wording

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I feel a lot of feelings about it, but mostly I feel full of onion rings.

Just to clarify i was talking about the girl in the webm i (you)ed not the girl on the livestream ofc


As pointed out, her bone structure and proportions are quite advantageous. Glasses also help a lot to frame her face. Last but not least, she knows what kind of make-up looks good on her.

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Ambers my waifu.

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She's also good at makeup

I don't advocate punching women in the face, but...


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The face of pure fear when looking upon the judgement of N.O.W

I just retched when she said she got an infection in her groin area.

thank you blurring man

>Justin left her few weeks ago
>mysterious "infection" appears in groin area
>she makes this face while Desireé tends the said area

wait a sec are u trying to cheat me again.jpg

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wait for it

Thats funny. I never really thought about someone having to sift through the video and blur offensive images
This is someones fetish.

>maybe you forgot, or you were too high or something to remember

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Angie BTFO

>What you need is a calculator
Fuck Now is one of my favorite people in this world.

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Hopefully TLC sabotaged the U-Haul again

Dr Now is a fuckin OG.
This fat drug addict obviously doesnt know who shes dealing with.

This is peak fatkino anons

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>...and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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>mfw i remember quotes of Free market capitalist brainlets that USA is a land of equal oportunity while watching these doomed kids

stuffing your face for 39 years didn't contribute?

what you deserve is a roundhouse to the teeth

>stuffing your face for 39 years didn't contribute?

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why are fat fucks like this stupid cunt so fucking infuriating?

because no one ever tells them to shut their fucking mouths

This is an absolutely kino episode

When you combine the coddling women get with the coddling 600 pounders get it can result in entitled abominations like this junkie bitch.

Except for you know who

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>"Dr. Now is not the Almighty God"

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>Soi junkies
>Delusional whale
>10/10 dr. Now

Ha nice.
I dont know how Dr now does it. I think ive seen him lose his temper once in all these episodes. This cunts therapy session oughta be good.

What drug is it anons?

She apparently has a gofundme page, where she says there's a part two

Whatever Artie was on.

In what episode did he lose it?

She's right though, he is but a humble servant

>Justin apparently has an "attitude problem"
>then Amanda shows up in this t-shirt

What did she mean by this? WWA?

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Reminder: Brian is going to brutally murder her (pic related from comments on the GoFundMe page)

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>don't give me your tears

Based Texans keeping the state fat free

Walt is also quite based.

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>don't give me your tears
Dr Now taking no fucking prisoners

She is lying to get drug money. No way is she approved for surgery and if she was getting a part two TLC would be paying her rent in Houston (she is begging for rent money).

How the fuck can you be that fat while you smoke

nicotine's a hell of a drug

Sorry i dont remember exactly which one. But I remember him shouting at a black lady in a hospital bed.

disregard that. I'm losing it.

>24 hours angie, live or die the choice is yours
Jeez Now calm down

Lisa or Schenee

Wasn't it Jason? Him and his brother. I'll find out right now.

Steven assanti?


>Dr.Now looking disheveled

Lol go buy your own scale and check your weight.

Are you sure that lady was black? Because Dr. Now also yelled at James K's (oldish) wife. I think it was after he got transported to the hospital for either hearth failure or panic attack.


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I guess i may be wrong. Ive been looking for it but i remember some lady was giving him attitude and would be on her phone while dr now was talkin to her

Nah, there was no phone part in James K's episode. Must be another one, then. In the meantime, I found the exact scene I was talking about:


There was another scene with James and his wife when Dr. Now lost his shit (though not as bad as this time...). I honestly can't blame him though.

are people actually donating money to her?

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last I saw she got about $50

Somebody commented on there he would donate a dollar if she recorded herself taking a shit in a bucket of KFC and eating it all on camera. I would chip in $5 for that.

'You can actually smell your body decaying'

These people are fucked.

UPDATE: she doubled her money tonight
$105 of $1200 goal

gofundme com/yk326-help-with-relocating-expenses

James k got 147 of his goal of 8000. Ots actually surprising these fucks get so little. I would think people would chip in dollars just to leave bantz on the donation page. Like officer wilson after he shot mike brown

how many narcotics is that

not much

Which episode has the guy losing so much weight Dr Now tells him to slow down?

that dude was based

But it is 21 Little Caesars pizzas, which should feed her for a week.

Which will keep her fedd her for 2 whole hours

Im bad at typing your fingers get real big when youre 600 lbs friends