
You Wanna Suck My Dick, Sansa? Is That It? Edition


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what was the point in this character?

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pour one out for grayworm

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>YFW Quentyn steals Drogon and rides off in the last episode

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Hillary Clinton biopic when?

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To kill Arya and take her face

why does this pic look like its moving?

who that?

She's ringing like a bell


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Give souls to Arya so she could level up

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Joffrey was the best character

To be a waif.

speed's her game

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Why does no one drink water even though they have it?


Well Dany's actress had what, two strokes?

ale is basically liquid bread that also hydrates you
why would anyone drink water when that's available?

When will you finally drop the "pretending to be retarded" meme.


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>*dies to a chair*
wowwwww, also I'd rather fuck Maegor w/teats

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Im still amazed they used Qarth over KL.

I just rewatched the last episode, why did Sansa look so smug when she said she wouldn't be able to see Cersei's execution after being told Dany lost a dragon and probably half her ships? Shouldn't she look shocked or anything else?

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The Baelor got destroyed you fucking retard

>in the distance, King's Landing women and children are burning, the soundtrack a high screaming wail
>"Yes," cries Grey Worm, "Drogon hungers!"
>Jon looks on, his face grief-stricken
>"Seven save us," Jon whispers, "She's even making the women and children pay the Iron price!"

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what's the appeal of bobbyposting?

I've been really busy the past few days, can someone fill me in on all the Bell jokes?

i liked it when the chair cut the unworthy

Forgot that Cersei planted wildfire in the mountain ranges as well



>"Drogon hungers!"

I don't get it, different sides of the city?

I know what happened, that nigga prince from the books made a secret appearance on the show and drank all the water.

You ok, buddy? Think you're havin' a bad dream. The reality is, you're living in a nightmare.

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Based doragon queen


Reminder that D&D have little experience writing or directing television shows.
David Benioff's father is a former head of Goldman Sach's and former Chairman of the United States President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.

>start reading the books
>Dany's very first chapter already foreshadows her entire storyline with the slaves and the Unsullied
>red priests and the Lord of Light also mentioned
now THIS is kino

But they all drink wine

I'll fill your mouth in with every fucking chicken in this room.

>win watch party with emelia clarke
>she quiet and distant
>you think maybe watching an old episode will cheer up, like the season 1 finale when she become the Mother of Dragons
>she just mumbles in reply
>at some point before the final episode starts she's nowhere to be found
>you hear a blood curdling scream after searching for her
>she's curled up, sobbing next to a bell you forgot all about having stashed away in a hall closet

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It gets better user, just wait. Well for the most part, nobody cares about 4 pages of describing a vagina, food, and pooping.

>that scene where Don cucks Pete with the sink
but for real what's with all these bells

Apparently after winning as the unsullied are rallying up the Lannister soldiers something happens, Grey Worm snaps and begins to kill the unarmed prisoners as to the other unsullied, the Dothraki begin raping random citizens, bells keep on ringing and ringing until Dany just literally snaps and begins to burn the city with her dragon (Jon only comes later and is like "wtf")
Based DABID mansplaining why emotional women are unfit to rule

>For God knows how low long I've been wondering why is the Missandei/Grey Worm plotline even a thing
>It was for this stupid ass moment.

Bells ringing in KL drive Dany mad, sacks the city

Reddit retards are spamming that King's Landing bells will make Dany turn into mad queen

>Win watch party with Emilia Clark
>She spends the entire time drinking wine as Dany dies
>She ends up super drunk and still a weirdo dork
>Tries to rape you
>You're a little hesitant because its awkward at the time
>Sleep with her
>Whisper in her ear as you leave "I was never a Jon, I was a Jorah."

-765 IQ


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>why did Sansa look so smug when she said she wouldn't be able to see Cersei's execution
Because she's the smartest and nothing surprises her. She's smarter than Bran. Bran only has perfect insight into everything has has happened. His third-eye vision is singular. Sansa has rape vision. Her vision is infinite.

Littlefinger explains this in Season 7. She literally has quantum insight into every possible permutation of events. Every outcome is known to her and accounted for before it happens. Thus, nothing surprises her. Thus, she is at liberty to look smug in every scene. So, listen to her and do what she says.

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so maegor I can understand but why rhaenyra

is the chair against fat people


What's amusing is how fucking OBVIOUS the Red Wedding is in the books if you're paying even slight attention.

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if the leaks are true
dabid&wiess were /ourguys/ all along

>“You!” the iron captain called across the carnage. “You of the rose! Be you the lord of Southshield?”

>The other raised his visor to show a beardless face. “His son and heir. Ser Talbert Serry. And who are you, kraken?”

>“Your death.”

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reading comfy Ashara x Ned fics and there's nothing you can do to stop me

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I'm still amazed at how she looks hot af in the pics but meh in the actual show footage

winter happened brainlet

Did I just cuck myself?

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It's actually for the next ep when Grey Worm loses his shit and starts slaughtering POWs.

the landscape beyond the city isn't even close to matching and it's supposed to be the same view

My father fell of the north face of the Eiger..

>Sansa has rape vision. Her vision is infinite.

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>Sansa promises not to tell what Jon is about to say
>Bran is the one that tells the seret
See, she didn't break any promise, just her usual Shansha 12d chess

Khaleesi...come closer
>The horseniggers...the dothraki...I tried to make sure that all of those subhumans died in the charge...
>But *coughs up blood*
>But I think a few may have survived...I'm so sorry Khaleesi...please make sure they are all dead for me
>Please...and the castrated niggers too, please check that none of them are alive...this is my last wish, my Khaleesi...
>The Westerosi Man's burden Khaleesi....
>The natural hierarchy...
*looks at camera*
>the darkies from the summer isles, the shitskins of essos, the chinks from yi ti, it's our duty to send them back across the narrow sea
>And if we can't then they shall dangle from the weirwood tree......
>my queen, we will have every coon in this continent dead or deported by the end of this war and may the old gods decapitate that sheboon Missandei if I'm right
>goodbye Khaleesi.... and may the seven bless the Andals and the first men

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A mountain stops existing
> winter happened

I don't think it's supposed to be the same view, one has the ocean in it. Surely even D&D aren't that retarded

People of White?

>Victarion thinks on what a good fight the guy gave afterwards

>You Wanna Suck My Dick, Sansa? Is That It?

*cock to mouth* It is *whimpers* Oh, it's just like *sucks* Oh, well, you won't be able to *sucking* I'm a good girl *giggles* You're going to suck my dick too, okay *giggles* It's going to feel *great* like we're in *a fucking barn* *sucking sounds with blowjob* We're *just fucking* *sucking sounds while riding him* Oh, you're *really* into that *giggle* *giggles* It feels *really* good *giant head in mouth and squeal* oh, it's *so* fucking *good* *giggles* It *gives it* *spanks him* *spanks him with his big cock* yeah, *squealing* *squealing while riding him* oh my god, *gives him a blowjob* oh, you're *so* good... *sucking sounds* *sucking noises while riding him* *sucking as though your cock were sliding right down his throat* oh god, *sounds of fucking, squealing, and squealing* oh fuck


but the walls look different as well, I don't think it's supposed to be the same side of the city desu

I'm reading even comfier ned x Cersei fanfics and your ned x Ashara ones will never be as kino

Promise me, Sansa...

Check it out guys, a leaked screenshot of tyrion in the next episode

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>It's ok, you did your duty and got rid of most of them
>I'll do my part and sacrifice myself at KL to get rid of the rest
>I love you

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Jesus Christ Raimi

For 8 years you guys have shat on Dany but since last week 90% of you guys behind her. What changed? Was there a cute feet scene involving her last episode that I missed?

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prisoners of war

>ice melts
>mountain is smaller
it's not rocket science brainlet

wtf? they couldnt even get peter dinklage?!

It looks like dany had her period all over my man jorah's face

The dragon budget is getting out of hand.

have sex

who is in charge of the vale now? Royce? same with the riverlands I suppose and harrenhal

mountains disapear and the ocean dries on winter?

She is wearing little to no eye makeup on the show and very little sculpting to her face using makeup. I personally like her face structure. It's a classically-beautiful "handsome" face like a greek statue. I like that anglo-saxon look, but it's not popular for (((reasons))). It's mostly the relative lack of eye makeup that is throwing you off, though

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She became one of us


Hello this is my first post, where are all the coughers?

They all stopped existing, fell into plotholes.


Hating her got popular. Yea Forums is first and foremost about contrarianism

how BASED can one man be?

Plus she's annoying as hell in the show and always has been, so that makes her feel uglier.

We actually got to see her character change accordingly to all the shit that's been happening to her, we want to watch it all burn.

Aerys was right. But really, its a better character arc for her to be torn down as a tragic little girl led by everyone else's words and dying sad, cold, and alone wishing for a red door/lemon tree and all her loved ones back. It's beautifully tragic and way better than any other ending she could have gotten.


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So I guess the lesson here is that staying an emotionless soldier is better than falling for a thot?

i forget, isn't that guy the one who gave vic the cut on his hand that lead to the red priest voodoo hand shit?

We're agghhhing

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I think people were under the impression that she went crazy solely because of some bells.

When it appears to be that she goes crazy because her Mongolian horde of crazy rapists go and rape all of King's Landing when they conquer it.

It's still sweet robin but Sansa is regent

Riverlands is probably Sansa

Doesn't really matter since all of them put side that stuff and are serving Sansa/Jon for the final fight.


Harrenhal is off the table

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She's making people cry and post on Twitter so it's funny. Where do you think you are?

assuming edumure is still alive, he's the lord of riverrun. robin is still alive so he's technically still the lord of the vale, but the lords of the vale are all up in winterfell and following sansa.

Let's just clear it up.
Sure enough, It looks like in the second shot, that's the Dragonpit or maybe one of the Gates on the right side. Seems to be a different angle.

Yup, you're right.

I don't think there's supposed to be a "lesson" here. If something similar happens in the novels it's just GRRM point out that the good army of goodness is a false canard.

Will they ever reboot Cougartown? Amazing show

Fuck dany and fuck roasties

I don't know why I can't stop laughing at this image

You meme but it is true that Sansa's superpower is wisdom and manipulation.

that doesn't sound comfy at all

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>Edmure is Lord of Riverrun
Shouldn't he y'know... do something?

Yea Forums BTFO

Wisdom is stretching it. Manipulation and cunning, but not wise. Bran is wise, she is not.

this, we already lost the show we used to like, we're just enjoying the shitstorm

Yes, Yea Forums also hates bells and loves child rape. Just like Dany.

even if we all know they're going nowhere because every year comes a new cast member. And if their next show happens to be a reboot of the beloved TV series "Lost," which is coming back for its second season after 13 seasons, there's always a chance that the show will find its audience. Maybe that's why Fox is doing it.

But there's nothing to say that I actually want to attend either of these reunions. Not because I don't trust the show or because I am not enjoying the current casts at all. Rather, that, for me, is "The Walking Dead," "The A-Team," and "The X-Files."


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the riverlands are pretty much totally destroyed, they got fucked hard during the war of the five kings.

they saw a picture of her sitting alone at a party

the Unsullied carried everyone

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he's pretty traumatized from being a prisoner for so long and do what exactly? Most of his forces have been severely depleted by the war of the five kings and those that are left were sent North to serve under Sansa/Jon in the fight of the living.

He is, he's defending the realm.

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>mfw people say going Dany going mad goes against her 'character arc'

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lyanna mormont was kinda cut

He's on his way

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If you mean doing rad windsurfing on the trident and canon racing around the Gods' Eye, he's already onto that

Bu seriously, the Riverlands were destroyed so many times by the war that all he can do right now is trying to reestablish some order from bandits etc, at least if he was a responsible lord

i...have not seen this

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Jorah and Ghost fucking carried everyone. They alone survived the Dothraki onslaught, they alone fought their way back, Jorah went back out a second time. Everyone was dead without those two.

i want to FUCK euron

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Cersei treating jon like shit is great

The sad part is I began feeling this way on season 5, and it just got worse from there.

But they were outnumbered. And they were dying as fast as they came. This was too many in too short a time. "Hey!" he shouted, suddenly feeling like the sound of an earthquake was hitting him. "You're all on fire!"
At the sight of an enormous inferno, everyone ran, screaming. "RUN! RUN! Run, people! There's an inferno!"
And when they finally got back home, there was a single, solitary dead person, burned beyond recognition. "Hey, you guys didn't leave your homes to protect us?" His mother asked, still not believing her children had killed themselves.
And the only person who seemed to notice was his father, looking around with confusion. "Where's everyone?" the captain asked, still staring at the charred corpse in the kitchen.
"There's an inferno!"
And the screams didn't stop.

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wait a minute
where the fuck is heartsbane? did anyone pick it up?

The fat fuck got it back, I suppose

Yeah Dany did

Hell, he isn't even the best eunuch on the team!

Is it true he has a small penis

Muh Dany playlist


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nth for Stannis


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Sam's fatness is spreading to his inbred girlfriend

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Mance you old bloodhound!

i dont remember seeing sam with it

cute, even

and he loves anal, and he loves anal, and he loves anal, and he loves anal, and they both do it to each other, and they fuck with pleasure, and they make it rain, as they fuck and as they moan and as they suck and as they shoot, and each day euron gets stronger, and euron's cumming, and when he sees him, and each day he is so fucking hot, he takes advantage of him.

Euron takes the cock he loves and he goes to play with he is going to cum on his face, all his cum dripping down his thighs, all over all of his skin, he can hear it go up to his throat, he makes sure all of his ass is wet, he sucks it, and pulls out his cum with his cum dripping down his face, he then takes the cum splattering cock in his mouth, his mouth is so full with it; he sucks and swallows like a normal guy, and then he swallows like a normal guy

It was with Jorah when they burned him wasn't it? Also I love the pottery with him wielding Heartsbane as he died beside Dany. Jorah got the death he deserved beyond saying Im hurt, not getting a kiss, and not saying Here I stand (at least he said it once before).


based nth for Stannis poster

yyyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh he should really keep the euron look, holy shit


>Be Danaerys
>"Im not like my dad he was evil and im glad he's dead!"
>Jaime comes to Winterfell
>"Fuck you for killing my dad I should torture you and execute you like my brother and I fantasized"
>Actually thinking this is a well written character

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>c-cersei please don't yell at jon

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>Sansa has rape vision. Her vision is infinite.

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Assuming Dany goes crazy more because of the chaos in King's Landing and less because of magical bells, I think it's actually rather plausible.

Dany is a well meaning person, but she's bought into the same narrative Viserys did about her as a noble conqueror. However, and this is gonna seem weird so bare with me - Dany isn't as deluded as Viserys is.

While Viserys would storm King's Landing and laugh off the rape and slaughter of the civilians, Dany really can't deny that she's less a chosen hero and more just, like, a conqueror when her Mongolian army rapes everyone.

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no, its not with jorah when they burn him

the things we do for love

>Sansa is wise
oh, user... the female on the left is wise. The female on the right is not. This is a core theme of Martin's characterization of women. Sansa, as it happens, is on the path to a type of wisdom, sure, if she lives to old age, but she probably wont due to the darkness imprisoning her now. She'll turn full stoneheart in time and be undone much earlier than Olenna or just make some stupid error like trying to seduce the Hound for no sane reason.

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Who said is the same window?

fucking retard drama queens.

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What did they mean by this?

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The Unsullied held the line. They made them pay... I don't know whether it was because they got the better end of their cut or if they didn't have a good soldier of war with them in their ranks, but the Unsullied were the superior warriors. They were relentless and they were determined, and even the Blood Angels had to agree with the unyielding stand the Stormcastes. But the unyielding stance became increasingly less acceptable the more Unsullied went down.
The Battle for the Dark Star: In my opinion, the most epic battle in the Unification Wars, if you think of it as a single battle. What happened there? Well, there was a great many casualties. It looks like three units suffered a combined catastrophic wound of 50,000 to 100,000, and that number had risen when the Stormcastes lost their entire regiment of 20,000 to 30,000 from a single battle.

I assume Dany has it as a memento for Jorah then, which will probably just go back to Sam or to House Mormont (or what remnants remain if any).
Love is the death of duty for Grey Worm, love was the spark of duty for Jorah. Apparently Iain basically confirmed she said I love you when she whispered to him too, well at least he said it was sincere and genuine to the moment, which I couldn't think of anything other than that.

some cunt asked grrm about this
he shut her down pretty well

white saviour syndrome

someone post the pic of GRRM surrounded by a bunch of brown women

i keked. Just add the last scene the shot Kat looking relieved after Blackfish actually gets the job done

i wish young olenna redwyne would accidentally find her way into my room

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It's a subtle laundry detergent advertisement.

his face when she says "white savior" says it all. he wanted to roll his eyes so bad

god I wish they had a BBC gangbang porn parody of this scene

You can see the Sept of Baelor on the left and the remains of it on the right. Don't be such a mongoloid

still would

is grrm redpilled?

Don't worry Guts. I gave Sora his Oathkeeper, I'll give you your dragon slayer.

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Bell gate or Jonerys leak? Which do guys think its actually true?


If you want anything useful done get a white person to do it and expect the rest to squander it.

>win Watch Party
>spend the whole time trashing the writing
>we bond
>she cries as Dany dies
>I comfort her
>we cuddle long after the episode is over
>look into each other's eyes
>we both know what's about to happen
>five months later see her on the news
>she's pregnant

GRRM is a first wave feminist, ie a fascist by modern standards.


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imagine being retard enough to believe that bells will make dany crazy

Reddit tier

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Cersei will win, but westeros will lay disunited and in tatters

In the end, the outcome of the war is left as unknown, and the war itself is left on a cliff in the middle of this section. As the Dark Tower was the first book out of the four remaining Dark Tower franchises, the battle against the Dark Lord was seen as a victory of the franchise. But there were other heroes that were equally important. The First Order's leader, General Beric Dondarrion, is credited with saving the day.

Bell gate no question. Gotit1111 is a proven leaker with a history

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>win Watch Party
>spend the whole time trashing the writing
>we bond
>she cries as Dany dies
>I comfort her
>we cuddle long after the episode is over
>look into each other's eyes
>we both know what's about to happen
>she sends you home and thanks you for the nice afternoon

Fixed it for you.

And we can all live better for it. Can't we?

She just follows the same train if thought everyone in Westeros does
>Everyone wants the Mad King dead
>Jaime kills him
>Wtf Kingslayer we hate you you have no honor

The guy is literally an 80s action movie character. I was just reading this chapter. He shoulda been casted as Lou Ferrigno in his prime or one of pic related.

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are there any women who post in /got/?

>The only blond girl with big tits isn't Beatrice
For what fucking purpose

ya, sup?


There are a few yes.

How big will the backlash be?


its fucking stupid though, it makes Arya killing the NK look like masterful writing.

I wish I had a baja blast right now

Thinking back on it, this entire subplot pisses me the hell off.

yuge since its so shit, and i don't just mean the bells.

Bran as king? lmao wtf


Unless it like cuts to brans eyes at the last second to show it was all according to plan and he was playing 9DD chess to be king

Me, but I'm promised to Bradamante, the greatest and the cutest /got/ poster.

The last scene is Bran waking up in his bed as Bobby B arrives at Winterfell and then the credits roll as Catelyn calls him down.

I mean, is Dany going crazy because of the bells, or is she going crazy because her fairy tail Dothraki army ended up being a bunch of barbarian rapists?

Because the latter is totally in line with the Dothraki as depicted throughout the show.

>doesn't win Watch Party
>shitposts on a Burmese Supremacy board like he always does
Applied that to you

honestly that would be a better ending than what all of the leaks are suggesting

We are all little girls here

She goes crazy because her brother abused her, she was sold to drogo to be fucked like a dog, her left over friends all starve in the desert, barristan is dead, jorah just died, 2 of her children just died, and her bestie just died, and now Grey Worm and the Dothraki are flipping their shit, the city is on fire, and everyone is pissed.

Huh I wonder why she flips her shit?

who do you think are those that make posts about wanting to fuck male characters.

And that he is. He’s one of the few lords who genuinely care about the smallfolk.

some do I’m sure but none as are beautiful as the Lady Ashara Dayne

>I assume Dany has it as a memento for Jorah then
Sam gave her the bucket full of his grayscale scabs as a token of his appreciation.

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"women" is a pretty loose term these days, user

the bells are just background atmosphere during the executions scenes. They don't make her crazy but symbolize her going mad.

Thank you, but, this is a Mongolian Finger Painting board sir.

yeah but she gets triggered because some bells???

She's not literally going crazy. She just gets pissed that the Lannisters think they can give up so easily and live after everything she lost and that they took from her. She's not gonna stop on their watch, she decides when this is over

Lucky you. He's the legend of this board, not only this general.

Bran can even have sex? Or rape in this case since he doesnt have any libido as the 3eyedraven I guess. Would his heir be any son Sansa has? What kind of sucession crisis would this produce?

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More like
>child jon calls Cersei mom
>she makes him memorize her whole family tree and how he isn’t part of it before letting him have supper

>After Police Officer Ned comes out to a domestic call, he makes an impression on Cersei Lannister and helps her with her recovery.

I could see Sam stuttering as he presented a bucket of the scabs and is like...I know it's not m-m-much my Queen, b-b-b-but, these are Ser Jorah's.


All Daenerys supporters are 35 year old femcels

Modern au are never comfy or kino

Is this the dumbest scene in the series? Literally no aspect of it makes any sense

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I'm going to assume its meant to be Cersei, not Dany, since the Dothraki bells aren't present in the show. Either that or its just so much chaos around her that the bells are the final tipping point because they're so loud along with everything else.

Yup, that's what Bradamante used to say to me.

its almost like bringing across an army of barbaric rapists and mentally unstable ball-less slave warriors was a recipe for disaster h u h

find someone actually defending dany and you can pretty much guarantee its a girl

Yeah his reign would be a disaster, but Dany has the same problem.

Not to mention Bran is an inhuman robot who would care not for any of the people's problems

Executive Producer here, but fans love Bronn, and we love his Good Cop, Bad Cop with Tyrion and Bronn, have sex.

The bell leak is retarded, it claims that the Unsullied are the ones raping people. You guys are getting suckered hard.

>gets to be the smartest challenger muh game of thrones
>only after all the actual smart and competent challengers have died off

No way in a million years does Sansa pull off a wedding massacre like the OGs pulled.

no peter baellish?

>Police Officer
idk he looks more like an accountant

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>bells trigger Dany
Alongside the dothraki proving in very short order they are not the merry men the poets told Dany they were.
Nah I think it's Dany and they're doing something with it. Dany is associated with magic. But this could be a hybrid of bad voodoo and bad decision making skills.

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It's almost like Dany's shit never failed when Jorah was around, and any time he wasn't bad shit happened.

Jorah was King, Dany was just his figurehead. Ya know, like that thing they wanted to do with Jon/Dany.

Explain to me why they didn't have Bronn killed by their guards after he left the room.

Also explain why following this, Tyrion expected Cersei to surrender.

Bran is God, he intervenes enough for the best timeline and that's it. Anything else is purely free will. He is Good and Evil in that sense, he just is, True Neutral. It's actually the best for the Realm.

>And if we can't then they shall dangle from the weirwood tree..

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2019... We are forgotten...

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Bradamante's leaks are the most accurate one

Dany can have kids because we have established prophecy is retarded and wrong.

I thought this was a Yi Tish pearl weaving board

I'm a 28 year old incel (male) and I support Dany

because she's CUTE

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Jesus christ, the twitter retards were flipping their shit with all the Dothraki and Unsullied dying to the wights because of "muh representation". Just IMAGINE what is going to be like sunday

You can't just bring logic in here like that

There are leaks that Daario is one of the Golden Company's hostages against Dany and that Mereen was reconquered against the Second Sons.

Many such cases

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not even close to the night king's death

So the best ruler is a 1984 figure that watches and judges with personal bias?

What a great end for the show.

How is Emilia Clarke capable of producing so many reaction images?

Bradamante roots for Cercei I dunno why lol

ignore melly

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because her face is a meme

We don't take kindly to Yi Tish round here boi.

What terrible taste, he looks like a bearded toddler


He would need a Margaery-tier waifu. A woman eagerly willing to do whatever it takes, in this case, submitting to a bit of a rape, without getting jealous or offended, whilst making it sufficiently beautiful for a connoisseur such as Bran Stark, the Three Eyed Raven.

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Yeah nothing will beat that

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>huur muh social media reaction
Just bell post faggot

based (male) Tullys

remind me what that black guy did again

Pretty much. I mean shit none of the other options are good. It's basically Dictators or War.

The leaks say Bronn is on the small council at the end so no, I really doubt they are fully accurate.


>tfw someone actually screen capped it

It seems like the show is trying to make King's Landing less of a Constantinople and more of a generic fantasy capital.

Why? The Constantinople feel was dope.

Considering how pissy GRRM gets every time Bronn is mentioned I'd argue they are real. The HBO Execs love him because he's a fan favorite and keep stuffing him in places, so I can totally buy they put him on the Council.

wanted to fuck cersei
pretty chad

He was onion Knight's pirate friend

Man I'm glad GRRM is catching so much shit for this. Serves his fat ass right.

If you were to cut all of the meandering, forgotten plotlines out of the show, how long do you think it would end up being? I'm thinking 5 episodes.

a man of fine taste

I miss Stannis

his obese ass is laughing all the way to the bank. hes going to die and d&d will make series upon series of this trash

Honestly, Bradamante explained it well but you were lazy to read. Some of us aren't here from yesterday, some of us post here for 5+ years.

shut up faggot
he's cute

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If anything the boner the producers have for Bronn is completely in line with that leak, and confirms them.

>you worked your way up from sellsword to lord of highgarden. we need that kind of acumen around here in the small council.

It gave me a good chuckle

It's almost like this show is a The Walking Dead with better budget

Nah I don't blame GRRM one bit other than his fat lazy ass talking about football and puppybowl over actually writing, but I also understand he's a sellout and makes way more money now.

His ending is fine (minus the Bronn since that won't be a thing), but he can only do so much against Exec power, especially when he signed his shit over already, he can't help poor writing and pacing, he hates the show and figured they would do it justice, he was mostly wrong. There is a reason after Blackwater he didn't do any more episodes.

Nah you can tell he's assblasted about people calling this his ending. But that's his legacy now. He'll never finish the books, he'll just whine.


I miss Joffrey

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they managed to tie up the red woman plot

the 3er is functionally immortal
bran's less a king and more of an eternal looming godhead

At least Istanbul is free to change now

He did shitloads after Blackwater. He did the godawful Oberyn fight episode. Man this board is retarded.

appreciate that, user
Do you think he only discovered it because he wanted to see the rape with his own eyes?

me too user... at least he's still alive in the books

You brainlets make me laugh
Jon kills Dany and the man who's supposed to look exactly like Eddard breeds the shit out of the woman who's supposed to look exactly like Catelyn, one line of decedents rules the north the other the crownlands and Iron throne.
Done no succession crisis, no mad queen and sansa finally gets to marry a prince.

Does anyone have the Stannis Bros vs Dany Fags picture?

it's better in the books

>Be friends with Lannister’s

We may never know and thats for the best

I'd enjoy reading them if I didn't know they'll leave me with blue book balls for life.

>and thats for the best


Watch last episode, shes femcel now.


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have sex