Why didn't you do theater in high school Yea Forums? You could have become an actor.
Why didn't you do theater in high school Yea Forums? You could have become an actor
If you did theater in high school, you're guaranteed to never be an actor.
or theater in general
Our theater department sucked, and was a bunch of fags and fat chicks.
I took stage lighting in college, to do rock lighting in clubs, and it was still mostly fags and fat chicks, except for the technical classes. Only half of them were fags and fat chicks.
My school didn't have a theater department or even a gym.
>he went to highschool
what a bunch of sheeple you guys are
I did and I am
Pretty much this, most actors drop out because they're acting already, or try after high school. Talent scouts don't exist anymore, and nobody cares if you stammered your way through Death Of A Salesmen for all of your friend's parents.
gays being a large percentage of theater is a meme
cuz im straight and not a girl
I played in the band for the shows.
its weird when you think about manly / hardass actors like i dunno sam elliott, tom selleck, the guy from full metal jacket. like acting seems like the faggiest profession a guy could do its hard to picture those guys originally being some theater fags or taking acting classes or whatever they did to make it as famous actors
The Play That Goes Wrong (in your pic) is hilarious. I think their national tour is wrapping up soon but perhaps they’ll extend. Go see it if you can.
Because they're all bi instead.
R. Lee Ermey was on set at FMJ as a military advisor, and I think it was just an accident that he ended up getting cast in the role. That was his first acting gig and it turned into a whole career after.
Selleck and Elliott were absolutely theater guys, and I'm pretty sure Selleck was a model.
honestly, because there were too many musicals and i can't sing. and i never really felt like i fit in with the crowd.
It wasn't his first role. He was in Apocalypse Now and and then The Boys In Company C - a really fucking good movie everyone forgot about. He got Apocalypse Now because he was hired as a technical advisor. He got FMJ because he made a tape to demonstrate how a drill sgt. would act, and Kubrick decided to cast him in the role. He's told the story a million times.
wow! good to know. genuinely thought that was FMJ but it sounds like I've got the AN and FMJ stories conflated.
Looked at Wiki - Selleck dropped of college and started doing TV, as did Elliott.
His part in AN is small, but it was the same deal - got hired as a consultant, ended up on screen. His role in Boys In Company C was pretty good. Worth finding and watching.
i did unironically, in primary school