Something Hilarious about the snap

Wow... Very epic... Sharing with my friends on reddit...

have sex with both wives and all the children

Normally I don't respond to this sort of bait but I think you unironically got some satisfaction from that mental image and it's rather perverse.

Why didnt thanos just snap all the avengers so that he can be sure they wont foil his plan somehow? Also how come humans are smart enough to come up with time travel but no advanced alien race in all the fucking universe has done it before?

The joke’s on you! Left Behind is unbiblical garbage. There’s no “secret rapture,” but only His return, where Jesus will say to people like you “depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” - Matthew 25:41

50% chance of getting snapped.
Assume fetuses are people:
- 1/4 the time both the mother and child are unharmed
- 1/4 the time both the mother and child disappear
- 1/4 the time the mother miscarries
- 1/4 the time the fetus lies stranded on the floor

Assume fetus aren't people:
- 1/2 the time the mother disappears without a trace (the fetus is part of her body)
- 1/2 of pregnant women leave behind a soup (it's a distinct but non-human organism)

Point is, Thanos' actions provide a definitive statistical proof on the question of fetal personhood.

I would assume the gauntlet just snaps away pregnant women with their baby. I think the stones are smart enough to not have some weird bullshit like that happen.