media that triggers zoomers?
Media that triggers zoomers?
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someone post it I don't have it saved
That's ... pretty good.
Its missing one thing, born white. Being born white is like being born on easy mode
based and redpilled and upvoted
holy mother of based
this kills the boomer
he's not credible because he believes in more than 2 sexes
Bill Nye is a pedo.
>still used on Boeing 747s
Not anymore lol
>all people are created equal
It's 737 Maxes, idiot.
Dan's the only pedo.
How long till the last boomer dies out? What's the youngest boomer?
I'm so tired, Yea Forums.
>bill nye “the girls a guy” is a credible source
We still have like 20 more years of these fucks around before they finally bite the dust.
Why are alt-right fags in love with Game Show actors?
Weak b8
any of these
>number 5
Damn nigga
I agree about Mike Rowe but Bill Nye is still a faggot. Both of them need to shut their pie holes. I don't want a TV host to tell me to suck it up, and I don't want some brainwashed "scientist" telling me that I should be imprisoned for not caring about climate change.
we can't get any of the worthwhile ones, you know that
I'm not a fan of Mike Rowe in the least but I have to ask: why does skilled trade work make zoomers seethe so furiously?
False. He believes in 2 genders.
nigger when did I say Mike Rowe is a credible source
nobody here has a problem with that, the problem is mike rowe is a millionaire voice over actor pretending he's a skill trade worker and being paid by billionaires to spread his corporatist agenda to wagies
You're a disgusting worthless piece of shit. A fast food worker and a janitor is worth more to society than you because at least they provide value to society however insignificant that value may seem to you. Where would be if all janitors and fast food workers vanished tomorrow? We would feel the aftermath of that very quickly. Where would we be if NEETs vanished? Things would be better as tax dollars would go to fund more worthy causes than satisfying the desires of lazy worthless bums like you.
I dont envy NEETs I pity you because you have no real purpose, no real goals, no social status and no money. You're dead within. Soulless. All you can do is consume and waste your life away. The man who works has purpose, can provide for his family, contributes to society and has money to buy himself great pleasures and experiences.
Everyone I have a confession to make.
Russians made me vote for Donald Trump and no one CARES!!!
so we can enjoy seething that much more user, which is why I'm in the final year of apprenticeship
settle down there rabbi
we just want out of the monopoly money debt carousel
no need to pop a blood vessel
sorry, i'm missing the corporatist part of his message. in a time where zoomers are killing themselves left and right because they live through their phones, and milliennials are also killing themselves because they're making $30k being "social media experts" and "changing the world", how is a guy promoting working with your hands and actually creating shit a bad thing?
Yeah but i dont think any Neets would disagree with this
just like a fags alright with pride in being a faggot, a NEET is fine with being worthless and proud
>The man who works has purpose
or so he insists to himself anyway
did you actually read the sweat pledge? who here is talking about his promotion of skill trade work and not seething about that corporatist contract
>worth more to society
you mean worth more to mr shekelberg
Not that guy, but I'd like to point out to you that you've just given the standard normalfag opinion on what you're discussing. You've therefore said precisely nothing of value, because the common view that you've just articulated is in fact false.
The normalfag is literally and identically, exactly the ontological same as the NEET, the homeless, ever undesirable in the world. In the long view, which is the only thing that counts. Why? Because both die after a few decades, and become precisely nothing, and no, procreating doesn't get you out of this trap.
You also have a rather pathetic employment-automatically-good slave morality. Ironically, ancient elites knew better. The need for elites to "be seen to be working" only came about in the last few centuries.
>point 6
What the fuck
I'm an apprentice too but it seems like most of you zoomzooms seethingly look down on trade labor
the youngest boomers are like mid 50's i think, it's gonna be a while before they start going en masse
>implying all jobs are shit
Tell that to all the doctors, investment bankers, engineers, programmers, scientists etc. out there who love their comfy job, have work life balance and get paid a lot of money to do that job.
Whenever NEETs think of jobs they always assume its retail or fast food or some other shitty low skilled job. Skilled jobs which produce careers are very rewarding and tend to pay well too.
Maybe actually get some skills and get a real job before shitting on work in general.
Whenever NEETs
But this guy never held a real job in his life.
If they enjoy it is not a job, it's a hobby
why didn't he just snap his fingers and force the neets to work?
You're not alone, lol. How many people think Hillary Clinton is fucking kids at a pizza joint?
It's ok, though. She's still not locked up.
It's funny because by federal law, the employer is required to provide any safety gear beyond steel toe boots and maybe gloves. It's not my responsibility to buy
>safety vests
>safety glasses
>Frankenstein overboots for working with tampers
>gas monitors
What a good fuckin goy
based fellow neetposter
aside from the show up early/stay late bullshit, i don't have a problem with it. you sound like a sheltered zoomer whose never had a job. what is wrong with any of his points?
I like how a literal reality TV show host wrote this because he larps as a plumber.
>calls sensible hard working people with normalfags
>thinks everything is worthless because we all die
Fuck off nihilist. I'd rather spend my time on earth achieving goals, providing for my family and making money to create a comfortable lifestyle for myself and buy things and experiences which bring me joy. Just because we all die doesnt mean our lives were equal in terms of pleasure and contentment.
I make 6 figures, and I arrive early/leave early, with a 1-2 hour break in the middle of the day.
Millions of people have a job they love and have hobbies on the side too. With hard work we can all reach their. NEETs are just lazy and enjoy just wasting away consuming media.
next thing you are gonna tell me Tucker Carlson is an elite and not an every-man.
Nice regurgitated memepinion. I work for my pay, unlike you crypto-communist NEETs.
>8 for 8, basedhands
Hey hey, not everyone can live in Mommy's basement. NEETie NEEDS TENDIES!!!
3. Someone who talks like this sounds like a person who was in entertainment there entire life and had a comfortable life, which surprise he did
4. See above
5. LMAO. Again, must to be able to pay your house and tuition and children's tuition outright with your millionaire entertainment salary, most normal people do need debt just to live a normal life, and Mr. Million Corporatist is telling us to live in a tent
6. Pure corporatist spiel. A corporation doesn't maintain strict fire and safety protocols or checks on their equipment and it hurts you? Nah it's your fault for not having spidersenses wagie. Make sure to file for bankruptcy.
I'd go on and on but it's a waste of time since you are probably already so enslaved this corporate nonsense that was funded by the Koch brother's anyways
See you in a few years. :^) I'm pleased that several other anons called you out on your kike bullshit btw.
try again comrade
Some of them will live into their hundreds, so we could be waiting another 50 years for the last boomer to die.
Says the Stockholm syndrome jew slave. Keep being a good goy, I'm sure regurgitating those kike-approved meme opinions will get you an extra $10 on your NEETbux, zoomie.
>b-bring your own fire extinguishers to work, you f-fucking commies! Daddy Schlomo told me you guys are entitled!
I'm sure I take your point but I don't think it ends there. As VR gets better and better huge swathes of people are gonna opt out of their real lives and not come back, with the result they look much the same as that. Except nude.
Faggots like this guy turn people into socialists. They have zero empathy for people who have to work 8 hours day doing something soul crushing.
do you go to a masseuse to work out all that ressentiment induced tenseness, or do you figure a good old fashioned wife beating is more authentically blue collar?
so do I breh and you're God damn fucking right I'm a "cryptocommie"
While this is true, Nye's the Virgin of scientists and Tyson is the Chad
>I am a product of my choices not my circumstances
Tell that to the poor people of America. Tell them that they are only there because of their choices, and that rich and middle class kids are where they are at because of their choices.
We'll try to make it 16.
You do realize that many people before Marx had socialistic philosophies? Its been an idea longer than Marx. He just popularized it.
Id love for that fag to tell this guy how privileged he is to have a job. And how he just needs to take his passion with him in that shit
Every single electrician is a recovering crackhead im not even joking
Why do you jewslave/jewish zoomers have such a seething ressentiment towards the working class? Bonus points if you can come up with a cogent original answer and not something you regurgitated from Yea Forums or /pol/.
Nice passive aggressive implication, zoomie. The IBEW will outlive twitch and Fortnite and whatever else you kids are indoctrinating yourselves with nowadays. Theres a reason military and DoD contracts IBEW labor instead of "Uncle Chaim's Fuck You Goyim Buy Your Own Fire Extinguishers Electrical Contracting".
boomer is a state of mind
as long as protestant work fetishism and entitled consumerism lives it will not go away
How can NEETs mock the people who provide them their sustenance? If I quit my job and successfully live off government-buxs, am I morally superior to the person who's taxes afford my lifestyle? What if everyone became a NEET?
I'd like to see him develop multiple sclerosis and try to justify that it was a product of his choices, not circumstances.
BASED neet
but were any of them ever covered in dirt and grease or half crippled with repetitive strain injuries?
"how to rationalize being a slave to capitalism" 101
You do realize there's nothing "communist" about a safe workplace, right? I mean unless you want to be so masochistically philosemitic that you willfully place your employees in dangerous working conditions without any safety measures in place so you can pay the (((insurance company))) a nice premium after the inevitable jobsite accident that occurs.
>he believes in more than 2 sexes
>2 sexes
Want to know how I know you're an uneducated dropout?
>What if everyone became a NEET?