What documentaries changed the way you see the world and why?

What documentaries changed the way you see the world and why?

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no Cosmos fans in here, sad

I'm here, OP. Cosmos was amazing.


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After watching Supersize Me in 2004, I decided to never again order from McDonalds. Two days later, I went and got myself a Big Mac.


supersize me
mcdonald = bad...

woops wrong link
>english version

>superior italian original

that one vice documentary from like 2007 where they go to Liberia changed my mind about poor people in like two seconds

i dont know about life changing but back in the day this doc was revelatory to me

you can probably find it on youtube

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>believing anything that false physics communist mouthpiece cuck says

this is the most jewish thing I've ever seen

Documentaries are boring.

I did my undergrad in physics because I read some of carl sagan's pop sci books. Science in that form is escapism.

pic related

stop watching shitty documentaries

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you mean the internet raped your attention span and you think it makes you superior

All documentaries are shitty.

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none because documentaries are cheap manipulative bullshit for rubes

You're boring.

Combat Obscura
Emperor's Naked Army Marches On
LA 92

Plus Act of Killing, which makes 4. Check those out and start digging deeper.

This documentary has more or less been my pillar of orientation for nearly twenty years. Combined with a reading of 'Manufacturing Consent' as well as some 'Escape from Freedom.' I am a die-hard conservative who is deeply upset that most conservative parties refuse to acknowledge the disastrous power of unregulated kleptocracy.

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You know very well that the plutocrats control both sides, and when conservatives did begin pointing at the 1% the movement was destroyed by identity politics.

arthur c clarke shit


That's not a documentary. It's propaganda. A historian debunks the lies there (with actual sources) point by point.



Just watched Apollo 11 and its absolute kino
No narration, no interviews and its the best movie i watched this year
Although while i was watching i started to wonder if it was a /pol/ movie

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>contrarians shitting on Cosmos
At least shit on the remake, you fucking children.
Also documentary rec: Voyage to the Planets, by BBC. Fictional round-trip manned mission to the planets, using current tech, budgets be damned. It's filmed like a real event, with cuts to scientists discussing various details of what would need to be done to accomplish it for real. It's pretty good.

I got something for you.

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>get in the oven kikes! top kek xD
It's OK, we can have an adult discussion when your balls have dropped.

You do know the president you /pol/ faggots memed into office is supported by AIPAC right? Bibi was delighted when Trump defunded UNESCO and recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital.


Enjoyed it as a kid when it first aired but it probably would look very dated by today's standards.

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people in this thread shitting on documentaries as a whole, watch this doc. Its superb. And if you don't think the apollo program is interesting in any regard, you're a fuckin' bozo.

John Romer's Egypt series. He's an actual Egyptologist and is damn passionate about the subject.

Our Planet.
I learned that Monsanto and Exxon hire men to push walruses off cliffs and kick baby penguins.