My looks like pure shit
My looks like pure shit
i like it
Looks good. Interesting that it seems like Rorschach's journal got published in this universe.
can we please stop letting millennials make TV or movies now
Is there like a Lindelof Defense League or something forming up?
Watchmen wasn't an open ending. All themes and foreshadowing points to Rorschach's journal being published. The entire comic within a comic is about a man doing terrible things to save his family, only to end up a depraved man who kills them on accident.
Nevermind that, it's all spelled out in the antagonist's name. Ozymandias.
Moore just hates explaining himself.
The cartoon looks way better.
The Leftovers was excellent. What's the problem?
>Evil White Guys vs Check Marks, The Movei
>the continuous sequel from every other movie made in the past 5 years
Lindelof is good since The Leftover ended, get with the times user.
Not really. It was REALLY disjointed and full of fuck.
>It was REALLY disjointed and full of fuck
Literally nobody asked for this, or wanted this.
I hope this crashes and burns.
>alt right Rorschachs
>militant cops
Don’t know what angle they’re going for, but looks kino
Not gonna watch desu :^)
No it fucking doesnt. Vague shit doesnt = kino.
This guy gets it.
>kinocheck international
In this case it does
looks laughable, laughable shit... how can anyone eat this up? yet they are (see the youtube comments and this thread) everyone eats shit now
all the brainlets in here, yikes. these fags did not watch the leftovers and opted to argue about the real low-end capeshit on Yea Forums instead
>My looks like pure shit
So, now that I think about it, that's what I heard the word "pure" from.
The words "pure" were what got me fired from the staff.
But, the word "shit" wasn't used.... I thought this could be the reason.....
.....but... I was right......
I'm not just saying that the staff had an evil spirit.
It was actually this evil spirit... that's actually what kept me from getting fired.... I can still smell blood in that room.
I'll leave you with what the "holy" spirit did.
That's right...... He had a sick sense of humor when it came to people..... But his humor was always pretty serious.
After I took that last breath, I couldn't shake this evil spirit.
I'm sure at times his sense of humor would be pretty humorous...
From a pure and pure evil.
No it doesnt. It NEVER does. Not EVERYTHING has to be a vague pseudo kinofest. Especially Watchmen.
Shut the fuck up you absolute lindelof cocksucker. Leftovers, Prometheus and even the sections where Lindelof was heavily involved in LOST were also shit. PURE shit.
>brain rot boy can't form actual arguments
>is obsessed with shit
y i k e s
HBO must have cranked out the actual shills. It's really noticeable how there's such spirited defense and praise of this absolute shitheap of a trailer on Yea Forums and YouTube, but other places like article comments are not only tearing it apart, they're tearing it apart by total consensus.
This IS an actual argument. You cannot substitute plot with vague and mysterious shit. Its plain lazy. Youre not making a movie here. Its a fucking TV show that people watch when they come back from work or wherever.
So is this based on the dooms day clock graphic novel?
so Rorschach is now a Klansman?
Its based on Lindelof jerking off to his massive ego.
Nothing more.
>this caveman is absolutely SEETHING that we get kino and people forget about snyder's watchmen entirely
Im not even Snyder or DC fan you massive twat. This is how I know youre just a fucking basedboy recycling pseudo arguments.
Youre assumptions give you out.
I mean, Lindelof wrote this for us to reassure us how seriously he's taking everything
jesus christ this is embarrassing
I'm pretty sure that jerkoff is just completely insincerely trying to get a rise out of you.
dude I hate those channels that just fucking reupload trailers from the offical channels.
They make money from just reuploading free trailers.
That's so retared.
>damon lindelof
No fucking thanks
its a sequel yes?
>sorry user, im busy with that cute black guy i was talking about earlier
I dont care man. I just hate Lindelof and I really stand him at all including anyone that sees him as some sort of genius for not putting more detail into his work. Dont get me wrong, Im fine with mysterious and unexplained shit but it needs to have context.
Lindefuck does not provide ANY context whatsoever. He is not a good writer PERIOD.
Yeah, even The Leftovers suffered badly from "mystery box" syndrome, and it's still considered the magnum opus of his career - mostly because the guy who actually wrote the novel came in every single week to do script doctoring and to whip him into shape.
That is the type of homosexual crap that makes redditors cry.
the first season of leftovers was fine. the rest was just pure dude mysteries lost 2.0 trash. im done with lindelof and will never watch this
>ITT bitter comicfags, capeshitters, and retards who take really obvious bait
Or you know. Maybe Lindelof is just shit and youre a hopeless LOST fanboy?
I mean any Watchmen sequel would be better than this fucking garbage.
looks like piss trash ie standard lindelof
Any kind of sequel to Watchmen is a complete misunderstanding of the form of the story.
The open-ended nature of the conclusion isn't an invitation for spectaculation, it's a point about how the future is inherently unpredictable and impossible to control. Trying to crystalize a story about 'what happens next' is a complete rejection of this principle, taking the coda of 'nothing ever ends' as an invitation rather than a warning.
You're goddamn right I'm mad.
What's wrong with it? I heard Manhattan BTFOs every mainstream DC character, which is fine by me
I honestly think this the route DCEU should go. Seriously just make is JLU vs Manhattan. You could churn out a probably MCU style phase.
The best part is "what happens next" is "strong black cop lady puts on yellow mask and defeats Rorschach LARPing alt-righters"
I mean, it's such fresh, original storytelling that I understand why they were so frantic to get it to screen.
>Nevermind that, it's all spelled out in the antagonist's name. Ozymandias.
>spelled out
>google the name
>it's from a poem about the broken statue of a forgotten king
Yeah, that would really tip me off to the fact that he instigated a disaster to manipulate global affairs. Real spelled out, REALLY obvious. I'm only this angry because I had no idea what you meant and figured I was uninformed, but no its just that you're a cunt who doesn't know what he's talking about and didn't expect anyone to do any research.
I'm not even who you're replying to but you should be fucking embarrassed for typing that post
Trust me, the story doesn't matter. That they're making a sequel at all shows that they took nothing away from the story but spectacle.
Could be a fantastic series, but that's besides the point. I understand why Moore refuses to engage with the media any more, I really do. He exposes how blatantly predatory and parasitic entertainment companies are, and in response they praise him as a genius for the work they can profit from while completely ignoring his words.
Soulless fucking philistines.
Integrating a standalone work into the very medium it satirizes to serve a storyline which embodies it's worst elements.
It's like SNL puppeteering Chaplin's corpse to host an episode.
I thought Qanon supporters were bootlicking BLUELIVESMATTER sheeple? Now they're cop killers? Weird.
>I'm not even who you're replying to but
Yes you are, but hey, I'm open to learn. Explain it to me then, why would the name Ozymandias tip to me off to him destroying New York?
Greed. I watched Snider's movie once and never felt the need to go back to it. I read the book right before for the first time and, having gotten the gist of it, the movie seemed out of place. Watchmen becoming a franchise is like Jesus becoming a symbol for human kings, or Marx being turned into a top selling brand, or...
Christ, it's just Prometheus again, right? In his obsession with 'mystery', Lindelof decides to do his best to destroy the power of the mystery within the base work. With Prometheus, it's the past, revealing pointlessly the origins of something meant to be truly alien and unknowable. In this, the future, bot recognising the open ending as being a conclusion about the nature of the control impulse at the heart of the superhero/Untermensch figure that can never choose the future it steps in to.
>Yes you are
Yeah, there's only one user in the fucking world who's heard of Percy Shelley.
>Explain it to me then, why would the name Ozymandias tip to me off to him destroying New York?
See, this is when I have a hard time telling if you're fucking around or you legitimately have a 75IQ. The point is his plan, his masterpiece, his great work, is worthless and doomed to failure. Not just squids or nukes or engineered catastrophe itself, Ozymandias as a hero, as a legacy, is a falsehood.
It even shows in the comic - Manhattan cryptically refuses to answer Adrian's question about the future, yet chooses to fuck off in the form of a mushroom cloud.
Not the guy, but he never said it would tip you off to him "destroying New York". He said it illustrated the main themes in the ending.
And the poem does that.
>Could be a fantastic series
No. It cant be. Anything and I repeat, ANYTHING involving Damon Lindelof is NEVER fantastic. It always LOOKS fantastic. Thats it. Just LOOKS.
Miserable, isn’t it.
Just read Blake, user. He gets it.
Consider sudoku.
Alan Moore didn't want this. We need to end superhero bullshit in hollywood.
I'm speaking rhetorically. My point is - even if this looked good, creating a sequel to Watchmen is an inherently flawed and misguided goal.
As for my opinion of what's been shown, divorced from the context; visually, it's fine, they evidently have a talented DOP, but I have no faith in Lindelof to deliver a satisfying story. The man can open a book, but he can't close it, you feel me?
Is HBO finally falling from grace? First GoT became shit after season 4. Now they are not even pretending it´s gonna be good to being with...
Where did the "It´s not Tv, it´s HBO" go?
Jesus Christ
alan moore isn't even dead and he's been rolling in his grave for a decade now of watchmen nonsense
this is the cringiest thing i have ever had the mi
>Yeah, there's only one user in the fucking world who's heard of Percy Shelley.
That's a pretty fucking vague justification, and I know about Ramesses II. I never heard of your faggy poem, or any poetry for that matter, but if you really think the theme of "my work will eventually crumble and mean nothing because it was built on falsehood", then the name Ozymandias doesn't convey that at all. The poem conveys that theme because it's about his crumbled statue, but there's no way that's common knowledge.
Looks "whitey racist" and "orange man bad".
Might watch it for unintentional comedy.
>the name Ozymandias doesn't convey that at all. The poem conveys that theme because it's about his crumbled statue, but there's no way that's common knowledge.
>if you really think the theme of "my work will eventually crumble and mean nothing because it was built on falsehood", then the name Ozymandias doesn't convey that at all
That's literally why Alan Moore named the character that, holy shit
The thing I really liked about Moore's Watchmen was the yas queen identity politics, the Bill Maher esque take on rethuglikkkan kkkhristians and the jewy freak out about anons who liked V for Vendetta
Glad they're following it through
>I'm completely aware I have no integrity!
Well Lewis Caroll, Bram Stoker, Jules Verne etc probably did not want their work and characters adapted into edgy comic books, and yet it happened
>The reference wasn't explicitly spelled out and spoonfed to me so that means it's not there
>The poem conveys that theme because it's about his crumbled statue, but there's no way that's common knowledge.
They should have a litteral Orangeman supervillain and just be done with it.
My honest opinion: it looks like shit. Here's hoping it's decent though.
Moore expects you to have at least a passing knowledge of literary canon.
If you don't get a reference in a book, look it up. The key quote from the poem is used as the coda to one of the issues.
But why? Ozymandias was an extremely successful ruler who's name and legacy lived on for thousands of years. Why would that convey that his plans are doomed to failure? The poem? It must be a famous fucking poem based on how people in this thread are expecting me to have read it.
>but there's no way that's common knowledge.
You've found me out buddy. I've actually been conducting a decades-long disinformation campaign, in multiple languages and numerous forums and even written a college thesis about the bizarre and tenuous "19th century poem to comic book" connection that exists only in my schizophrenic mind. All of my careful planning and hard work has led up to this conversation, when I was hoping to confound and deceive some thick-headed asshole on Yea Forums.
However, all my effort was for naught as you immediately saw through my deception, which I suppose means my entire empire of lies is lying crumbled and broken out in the desert like some kind of statue thingy
>Ozymandias was an extremely successful ruler who's name and legacy lived on for thousands of years.
Where's his empire today?
I'm actually trying to learn here user. Enough people think I'm stupid that I'm making an effort. But you need to see this shit from my perspective.
Why would, without knowledge of the poem, I make the connection between a comic book supervision who's theme involves all his work meaning nothing, and a successful Pharoh?
Lindelof did The Leftovers which was a small masterpiece
(user was awarded Reddit Gold for this post)
Make fun of me all you want cunts, my point stands. The reference was to the poem, not actual history. If you don't know anything about poetry then it's NOT obvious.
I watched all of Leftovers season 1 before dropping it. It was a miserable experience but at least it prepared me to avoid this turd that smells exactly the same.
That was actually his magnum opus, everything else he's ever done has been way worse.
I mean, this is a Damon Lindelof Joint
You are seriously so dumb it's fascinating
I actually backpedal some of my scorn because now I believe the guy is serious and not just trolling.
I can't state it any more simply or straightforward though. Veidt's empire, his world peace is built on a lie - and a lie that Rorschach has already exposed, even in some small way. The doubts will spread. He's the guy who genetically engineered a monster, created a bitchin' arctic pyramid base, blew up a city and killed millions of people for nothing, in the same way Ozymandias is the guy who conquered Egypt and built a bunch of sick ass statues and monuments for nothing.
The only question I have is why, in-universe, Adrian chose to name HIMSELF "Ozymandias." You might as well call yourself "Loserman"
>Angela Abraham: African-American female cop. Independent and intelligent, she’s also a realist. She’s married to Cal, with whom she has a daughter and is fiercely protective of them both.
>Cal Abraham: African-American male who is the stay-at-home husband of Angela. While he seems at home as the king of his castle and being a loving husband and father, it’s clear his past has a different story to tell.
>Looking Glass: A good looking cop, the native Oklahoman isn’t simple as his rural accent makes him appear to be. A top interrogator and behavioral scientist, he may also be a bit of a sociopath.
>Panda: An ethnic desk cop, he’s cynical and tough and puts his job first. Not a friend to many, he uses comedy to keep people at bay.
>Red Scare: Mafioso, track suit wearing cop. His Russian accent lends to his abrasiveness.
>Pirate Jenny: An androgynous and lustful bisexual cop, Jenny is an anarchist at heart.
>Jane Crawford: The wife of the police chief, Judd, Jane is a veterinarian who’s sharper than her guarded persona lets on.
>Old Man: A former cop who is still an imposing figure despite his age.
Yes I am serious. Thanks for actually writing a reply but I think you see I'm getting treated like a drooling retard for not knowing about romantic poets, and it's not even for that notable of a reference. You see, I don't understand how the real Ozymandias was considered a failure. The poem is what draws attention to the fact that his world will crumble and mean nothing. A better historical figure would have been Augustus if you're going for the "my works of brilliance will become irrelevant."
>Ozymandias is the guy who conquered Egypt and built a bunch of sick ass statues and monuments for nothing.
THAT'S what I don't get. He didn't do it for nothing, his legacy lived on and people remember him. His works are buried but still exist. I'm not fucking stupid user, the reference doesnt work without the poem and I don't think it's unreasonable to not have read 1 poem written a hundred years ago.
>Pirate Jenny: An androgynous and lustful bisexual cop, Jenny is an anarchist at heart.
>is a cop
>but is also an anarchist
It's OK to not understand a literary reference, not a lot of people have backgrounds in literature. I don't think most people are expected to get what Ozymandias is referencing on the first read anyway. But the thing is, Watchmen is over 30 years old now. It's been discussed and analyzed and picked apart to death. If you're jumping into a discussion about Watchmen, and you DON'T understand what Ozymandias' name is referencing or why it's significant, people are going to call you a fucking idiot. They just are.
>If you're jumping into a discussion about Watchmen
Yeah, its a good thing this is a thread on Yea Forums where it's reasonable to assume that someone would know about comic books.
If you're admitting you don't have much knowledge of the text, why are you speaking as an authority on it?
He must be a professional spelunker to get that far up his own ass.
>His works are buried but still exist
>'Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
>Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
>Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
>The lone and level sands stretch far away.
"Look at my awesome empire." Huh? What empire? I don't see shit.
you summoned me, I came
because the original user I was replying to made it seem like it was an obvious reference. I love history so in my head I thought "wtf, Ozymandias is like the most successful and well known pharoh ever, that doesn't make sense." Then I find out its about some poem and everyone acting like they're fucking Shakespeare sneering at me because I didn't get it.
Nothing amount to nothing
I better do nothing lol
kys fag
>this post
How the fuck do you have to google Ozymandias, it's extremely famous you uncultured swine.
and if you'd read the poem, you'd know the point was even the "works" of "king of kings" shall become "Nothing" except "decay" and "colossal wreck"
Just like Ozymandias' work for world peace
It's about hubris. In the poem, the historical Ozymandias' plaque was written assuming his monuments would stand forever; the narrator sees nothing but a barren desert. In the comic, Ozymandias took it upon himself to manufacture world peace and expects it to last forever; gee, I wonder how it's going to turn out?
How are you not getting this? Are you just hung up on an autistic historical accuracy fixation? Fine, Shelley's way off base on Ramesses II, but that doesn't change what the point of the poem is.
god I almost forgot about her
So it's nothing like Watchmen.
>an adaptation from a shit source material is shit
It's almost like not everyone is a Kubrick or something.
is this a gay version of le anonymous legion
the fact that you seem to take satisfaction from your own ignorance makes me want to wretch
Not the same guy, I'm the post above him. And NOW I fucking get it because you mentioned the plaque written in hubris, assuming the works would last. That's a key fucking point of the comparison that I didn't get because it's a fucking poem and I never understand poetry.
You are absolutely correct
Based retard
>In his obsession with 'mystery'
Lindelof loves mystery so much that hurts the plot. When everything is a secret and no one can speak about nothing because unknown reasons, there is little to follow.
Yeah I don´t get why they we´re giving you up crap user. These people acting so high and mighty when you didn't understand an obscure historical reference in a CAPESHIT comic lmao
Fuck you asshole, they're going to think I'm samefagging now.
Also, the historical reference isn't obscure, the poem is.
>clown world
>army of Rorschachs
The zeitgeist is disturbing.
The first movie was one of the best movies I have ever seen, will I like this one too?
Will we ever get capeshit minus the capes? Why does everyone have to dress up fucking retarded? Maybe even then it wont be just shit.
I liked that it was The Atom that destroyed his body, didn't think the writers even knew about that
I'm not completely sold but it should be an interesting watch at the least. Leftovers was great, so.
I love the idea of instead a changing mask, every expression it could have is spread across a lot of masks, it's very intriguing, at least aesthetically.
That's like asking if you prefer being shat on by a horse or shat on by a donkey.
Fucking awful LE ORANGE MAN BAD type of trash. It's very, very embarrassing, that Johns thinks he can come near something like the original Watchmen comic.
I'm so happy people lost interest quick and it will eventually be forgotten, it's just awful.
I want to study your brain so I can understand how to lower the number of mentally retarded individuals.
its not terrible, its pure fan fiction but thats ok just has a higher budget then most fan-fic
Everyone who grows up in the Anglosphere reads that poem at least once in secondary school, that's why you sound stupid.
>saw this reply and got asshurt
>waited to scroll down to tell you off
>like 6 other people already have
>still upset
Peanut brain freak