Tyrion fucked her over

She could have melted the castle with just Cersei and her defenseless posse in it and spared anyone else from dying when she first landed in Westeros at her full strength, but she was talked out of it by Tyrion. Would the common people rally to the Red Keep to defend a new Queen that had just blown up a whole district? Along with their beloved Queen Margaery?

Tyrion also talked her into trying to ally with Cersei against the Night King and that cost her Viserion

Tyrion also gave her terrible advice and caused her to lose High Garden, Dorne and the Iron Islands is one fell swoop. Powerfull allies and resources, gone.

Not attacking Cersei outright gave her time to prepare for Dragon attacks and build her strength.

And now he is damning her once again by spreading the rumor of Jon's parentage.

She's ONLY in this position of having to resort to violence because she went out of her way to fulfill her promises to the North. Lost most of her army, and loved ones. And Sansa and co. STILL don't trust her. And Varys thinks her unreasonable.

And even AFTER Cersei killed yet another of her dragons she STILL was willing to offer her a chance to surrender.

Now she's a bad person for being forced to fight fire with fire?! She's literally been trying the diplomatic way all along, listening to her advisors, and lost everything because of it.

Listening to her advisors got her where she is right now, and even they are blaming her and scheming against her for being furious, rather than taking a look at their own incompetence.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Seeing dany being fucked over the last 2 seasons and now her retarded advisors blaming her for it put me firmly on her side.

Jesus, it's infuriating.


No one is forcing her to do this fighting.

What's all this talk about forcing and fucking? I'll have you know that's my waifu you're speaking of. show some respect please

why has tyrion become such a retard?
is he actually allied with cersei?

Based Tyrion. That’s what she gets for making fun of short people.

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fuck you fagGOTs


She was a foreign invader and a legit psycho. Crucifying hundreds (good chunk of those “masters” didn’t agree with the slave crucifixion) and making her husband go rape and ethnically cleanse a people to loot enough money to go rape and plunder her homeland. Also burning all those khals inside their holy city. She’s not a good person and has violated the NAP multiple times and deserves the sword in the back.

You ain't back on reddit, Paulfag

This. By god, sometimes a city's gotta burn so we can all move on.

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lanklets btfo

nothing wrong with ethnic cleansing user. Just try and tell me Dothraki and Ironborn don't deserve genocide.

This is all D&D's fault for removing Young Griff from the show. Dany needed to lose those territories and forces because she's supposed to face FAegon who would be the one with those assets and be beloved by the people leading to the dilema making sense.
Instead we have all this nonsense forcing tyrion to be fully retarded with no advice of value.

She’s not even trying to adopt her own peoples customs. Aegon was a smart nigga that adopted the religion and customs of the people he conquered, he converted to the faith, made his own house banner and words, and then used diplomacy to forge alliances and turn former enemies into loyal allies. Dany is doing none of that. Promoting foreign ideologies after throwing the east into total economical and social chaos. Bring foreign rapists to her lands as well
More like /pol/ and the fact you can’t detect a joke means you’re on the spectrum. Try having sex, use your autism bux

Young grif regardless if he’s a mummers dragon is more deserving of the throne than anyone else. Would be Based if he is a blackfyre

what about westeros does not deserve rape and plunder except maybe the north?

Imagine trying to call yourself queen while being cowed into obedience by a midget and a eunuch. Can't wait to watch this cunt get executed, she deserves it.

Not all conqueror's do that?

Romans, Mongols would make sure anyone they conquered adapted to their custom.

I can't believe how much episode 3 sucked, should I even bother watching at this point, this isn't what I signed up for in season 1, this is just shitty writing and fan service

Agreed she should have just ignores him.

She should have Tyrion executed immediately

Dany is hasn't shown any religious leaning and identifies as a westerosian. The only thing is that she brought her dothraki shits over, which she was quick to abandon for actual westeros noble allies

So who will be Dany's successor?

based shermanposter

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Honestly the possibility that Tyrion is just playing her and scheming with Cersei makes sense.

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she was warned and advised by lady olenna to ignore Tyrion and act as a dragon. Her obsession with being loved by everyone caused her everything and she deserves it.
All that is left for her is to burn KL and have Jon kill her and be the hero king.

In all honestly the writing is just shit. Tyrion and Varys are obviously being dumb downed for plot. And Cersei, despite being a smug, over-confident, idiot for most of the series is all of a sudden a 200 iq master strategist. Again, its all shit writing.

i went 7 seasons hating dany but now i unironically hope the leaks are wrong and dany kills cersei&co then feeds tyrion to her dragon

The Romans adopted the gods of the conquered and the Mongols only demanded tribute and taxes and largely kept local customs intact

someone do the meme of 6ft and 5'11ft

How about you fuck right off back Reddit ?

who hurt you?

This is true.

Man, what the fuck happened to Tyrion? He used to be the smartest person on the show.

>this dwarf is really shit at his job
>better keep him around

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>smartest person
Um excuse you. That's Sansa.

They didn't for the ones who resisted.

this, i hope she demolishes the whole fucking city.

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fuck off you piece of shit

Everyone has gone full retard now but Dany. Don't even get me started on the treacherous ungrateful Starks.

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i mean, your not wrong

and i still dont understand why she still couldnt storm the red keep , literally just burn the castle with cersei inside then command everyone to surrender with no bloodshed at that time she had 3 dragons, she could have flown straight up and just nuked the keep

there would be minimal deaths outside the castle, if any

>She could have melted the castle with just Cersei and her defenseless posse in it and spared anyone else from dying when she first landed in Westeros at her full strength, but she was talked out of it by Tyrion.
Nigger she got one of her dragons sniped by a fucking ballista in the open. This bitch wouldn't have won shit.

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>violated the NAP
have sex

She could have done that first day yes. She has no qualms burning armies in the fields but burning down one castle with maybe a 100 servants and guards is too much. Weird writing.

Cersei wasn't prepared for the dragons early on. Dany gave her time to prepare by not assaulting King's Landing immediately.

Kek this fucking shot was so perfect. Stronk independent whamen can't stand the sight of happy people.

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We still don't know what they talked about during their little meeting during the summit.

Tyrion turned, it's gonna be the next big twist. It's the reason why he was sulking under the boat at the end of season 7.

Maybe if Dany wasn't sitting by herself with resting bitch face and actually went around socializing she would have had fun

Ah yes, getting bottlenecked by the ballista manufacturing lines would've surely been the nail in Cersei's coffin.

either they knew about the ballistas or they didnt, varys could or would have found out

if cersei wasnt ready, varys could ahve checked

she fucked up everything by not attacking straight away

is the last two episodes going to be one long battle or final episode a peaceful conclusion?


Umm, sweetie, hello? I don't remember Tyrion asking ''''''Bronze'''''' Yohn why they aren't putting leather on their breastplates.

lets do the daneyrs attacks straight away timeline

>successfully takes kings landing, minimal deaths outside of red keep guards/staff
>locals quickly learn to love her as literally everywhere else has done, she opens all the trading west and south again, people eating freely etc etc, KL all happy
>the north hears about it, dany thinks they are enemies but jon would still have no issues bending the knee if shes already queen if it means shes gonna help fight the walkers, especially considering its her kingdom now
>defeat night king
>dany and jon married
>sam and bran tell jon about fucking his aunt, but jon doesnt care anymore, as long as he shuts up westeros finally at peace, all he has to do is fuck his aunt

>Tyrion turned, it's gonna be the next big twist. It's the reason why he was sulking under the boat at the end of season 7.

Screen shot this. Sansa aka Littlefinger 2.0 figured this out the moment Tyrion said Cersei would send(which she didn't) troops to Winterfell to fight against the walkers. She's been acting bitchy with Dany and leading him on to not raise suspicions. She dropped that line "your divided loyalties" on him when they were hiding from the walkers. She also told him about Jon's true identity because she knew he and Varys would start conspiring against Dany. Then Bran will reveal Tyrion and Cersei's deal they did last season. Thus Tyrion's trial.

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>uhm pls why are they so noisy, my feet hurt, why is everyone ignoring me when I just sit silently in the corner :(
Does Dany have asperger or something

Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel and Loras are so handsome.

give me the warwick pasta

You didn't understand the scene. It's supposed to emphasise Dany's constant isolation and outsider status. Despite saving all of them at great cost for herself, she's still an outsider.

What are the leaks? She loses?

Varys is very important to the finale
screenshot this.

>this is all D&D's fault for removing Young Griff from the show
I will never stop being mad. Those two delayed abortions thought they could do better than GRRM and now look at them, floundering like teenagers writing Babby's First Edgy Fanfiction.
>whut melts ice? Fire...what has the most fire?....*draguns*!
There's no justice or reason in this world, when those (((two))) have good, high-paying high-profile lucrative careers.

Literally Targaryen autism.

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>jon loved by everyone
>has better claim to throne

>brings fucking dragons and hoards of dragonglass
>most people just ignore her and nobody even thanks her
>her advisors plot against her
>her allies she fucking saved plot against her
>Jon is a fat dumb retard who ruins everything
Fuck dudes I am actually feeling terrible for Dany

varys gonna knock out jon snow out in the snow (ice) while he lights the dragonfire and killed everyone else important in the red keep

thus leaving jon the only person to take the throne
so he relucantly does and badabing badaboom its a song of ice and fire folks

This all seems very obvious in historical hindsight, but remember it took up till the opening shots of WWII for the Germs to invent blitzkrieg

welcome to world politics.

will the big twist be that D&D does a 180 on the normie shit and goes back to GoT roots?

the only reason is didnt is because the cast is so big and dabid wants everyone to have their final edgy words with cersei

would that be cersei winning?

>Jonerys killed Dany

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>dany goes mad
>dragons the whole kings landing
>puts herself in vulnerable position
>knocked off dragon
>lands in kings landing
>somehow survives
>attacked by horde of plebs/soldiers

wrong. its bad writing. every time dany seems about to crush cersei, the red queen has teleportation deus ex machina shit written in to btfo dany. every time for the last season. its just all written incl. Tyrion in a way to make dany lose

Kino but too simple.


>Dany goes ape shit
>Finds Jon in battle
>attemps to kill him
>Jon reluctantly kills dany

The last episode was definitely more GRRM-ish than the three previous ones.

do people actually forget that this is just a tv series right??? common sense doesnt always apply on these tv shows or even movies especially when the plot makes them so.

Nigger this isn't Byron, relax. It's a shit show and the memes are the best part.

Yeah, no shit captain obvious. You must have some prime Rick-And-Morty-watcher IQ digits with an astute observation like that.

especially one as poorly written as Game of Thrones circa 2019

There is a huge misdirection going on right now.
I just don't know what they're hiding. I'm expecting a huge twist.

Based, Daenerys better make Kings Landing howl.

>>successfully takes kings landing, minimal deaths outside of red keep guards/staff
>>locals quickly learn to love her as literally everywhere else has done, she opens all the trading west and south again, people eating freely etc etc, KL all happy
See this is where you fucked up

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D&D happened

Why does bad shit always happen when I'm not around? It's almost as if I was actually King, the Father of Dragons.

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which characters die in episode 5?

will there be a two part battle 5 and 6?

will the show end with someone actually sitting on the throne and go to black?

God I love this scene. Literally one of the few great things those two fags have accomplished.

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Varys, Euron, Jaime, Cersei, Grey Worm, The Mountain, The Hound, Qyburn

>I feel like a dwarf amongst midget's

faggots defending a genocidal maniac

>just turn your brain off bro

Did Bran's story live and die with the white walkers?

No, now he'll be a fascist 1984 leader who just lets free will take its place. He'll give select people treatment and magic powers, everyone else? Figure it out yourself.

Daenerys is /ourgal/ now

I haven't been keeping up for shit I just hear the general things

Dany lost ANOTHER fucking dragon?! Man fuck this business

Acting like a Dragon didn't help the Mad King and Olenna talked a big game but ultimately lost everything. She should be completely ignored

>t. buttblasted southerner

will the battle of episode 5 be at night

>I miss Jorah
>Nobody here speaks Valyrian
>I wish I was back at the House with the Red Door

Dani will burn kings landing, kill thousands, and go mad.

It was confirmed by dany speaking with a fire behind her in the last episode.

Tyrion was never the smartest person in the show. It was always Tywin, Varys and Little Finger. Tyrion is just smarter than average with a smart mouth. I'd argue that Bronn is smarter than Tyrion just not as educated

It's all her fault the Night King got passed the wall in the first place

unironically this. I feel the exact same way

> violated the NAP
10/10 bait

>>I wish I was back at the House with the Red Door

If only she would stop being a dumbass and go back to that place...that's where her real happiness lies

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>Let us dig deep into the character motivations undergirding this scene that's flanked by two of the most retarded military confrontations in this entire show
suck a cock sweatie, it's literally the only thing you're worth

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>King's Landing submits right away but she doesn't have the support of the rest of Westeros
>All the food she brought with her runs out within a week because the greedy little shits in KL will take a mile if you offer them an inch
>Unsullied are locked down trying to keep order in the city and surrounding countryside
>Everyone else is hoarding supplies since winter has arrived
>Dothraki can't stop raping, it's all they know, quickly turning the rest of Westeros against her, even those who might have supported a Targ restoration
>Euron's fleet raids the coastlines and spread havoc, cutting her armies off by land and sea
>Moat Cailin wouldn't let her cross into the North anyway
>Jon still wins his battle against the Night King because of Arya's teleport no jutsu, but his armies are decimated
>Gotta deal with the ironniggers on the coast anyway
>Ser Robert Strong was turned to ash along with the rest of the Red Keep
>the final nail in the coffin, RIP Cleganebowl

Oh wow, it is almost as if there is fucking reason why are those flying toads extinct species.

My favorite part about the reactions on social media from niggers who went
is how closely it mirrors these people's reactions to being told they're psychotic animals for going apeshit on anyone with whom they disagree
>tell nigger they're an animal
>they chimp out and burn the city down
>tell Dany she's getting crazy and might not be a good ruler
>she resolves to burn everything down
No wonder these shitrat women all feel a sense of kinship toward her

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>That one faggot running around saying "GUYS JUST GET RID OF REGULATIONS I'M SURE THE FREE MARKET WILL SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS" as he gets grabbed by a Dothraki who reams him

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cringey incel.
missandei a cute

Don't think about this show too hard, maybe the actors and composers care but the showrunners/writers have longed stopped caring. Almost nothing makes sense so it's not worth getting worked up about it. These aren't the real characters , this is fan fiction

Have sex

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>naming your child Celly C.
this is truly the best timeline to live in

>cringey /pol/ larping high school kiddo
grow up retard

Bleach your skin, nigger

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"Family... friends... What has this quest of mine done for me other than steal all of them away?"

The saddest part is that in the books, she does nothing but dream of home. And it's not Westeros but that house in Braavos with the red door. Her brother was a dipshit but she still loved him because it was the only family she knew.

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>my feet hurt

i'll massage them for you i don't care if they're stinky haha

Unironical bravo to Dabid and Dab for making an obnoxious Mary Sue likeable again in just one episode.

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>rather than taking a look at their own incompetence.
Being king/queen, means you have to make choices.
Attack KL or not? The choice was hers.
Face the NK or not? The choice was hers.
Ignore Greyjoys armada? Her choice.
Kill the Tarleys? Her choice.
Fuck darrio the sellsword? Her choice.

She made her own choices. If she had shit advisors, she should have picked better ones.

The thing is that her advisors are supposed to be better than her but her biggest mistake was listening to her advisors (and now those advisors are saying she's going nuts but she has done nothing but listen to them)

>Now she's a bad person for being forced to fight fire with fire?!
>Forced to try and claim a throne she knows now she has no right to.

blame the shitty writers for neutering the intelligence of all of her "advisors"

Well, well.

>her advisors are supposed to be better than her
Who made them advisors? She did.
All final choices were hers. She's stupid, vain, brutally vindictive, cruel, blind, and a slut.
She shows what a typical thot would do if they had power.



She's the Queen and is supposed to remain aloof.

The only person she ever really talked to was Jorah.

either this, or varys has been informing cersei on all the dragon queen's plans.

Romans and Mongols would leave you alone and you could keep your post
both would really fuck you up if you put up a fight

For all talk about Dany becoming villain even burning down King's Landing completely wouldn't be that outstandingly villainous (for a ruler). That's just how conquest works.

This, they just started forcing modern morality on the show and it's just painful.

Also muh humane starvation

>If she had shit advisors, she should have picked better ones
she picked some of the best ones
its not her fault they all went retarded with the rest of the show plot and script

maybe if she didnt start every conversation by having her secretary read out 15 diffrent titles she decided to call herself and then threaten to burn them if they don't kneel in front of her she wouldn't be so unapproachable.

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>threaten to burn them if they don't kneel in front of her
>nobody cares about stannis burning people who didn't kneel for him

that's diffrent he sacrificed them to God
Reminder that after Stannis burned his daughter the winter has stopped and the weather in westeros has been perfect, clear sky's and all, i dont think there was even a drop of rain.

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If you kill your enemies they win

>Your Ladyship: I have your letter of the 11th, in the nature of a petition to revoke my orders removing all the inhabitants from King's Landing. I have read it carefully, and give full credit to your statements of distress that will be occasioned, and yet shall not revoke my orders, because they were not designed to meet the humanities of the cause, but to prepare for the future struggles in which millions of good people outside of King's Landing have a deep interest. We must have peace, not only at King's Landing, but in all Westeros. To secure this, we must stop the war that now desolates our once happy and favored country. To stop war, we must defeat the usurper armies which are arrayed against the laws and traditions that all must respect and obey. To defeat those armies, we must prepare the way to reach them in their recesses, provided with the arms and instruments which enable us to accomplish our purpose. Now, I know the vindictive nature of our enemy, that we may have many years of military operations from this quarter; and, therefore, deem it wise and prudent to prepare in time. The use of King's Landing for warlike purposes is inconsistent with its character as a home for families. There will be no manufacturers, commerce, or agriculture here, for the maintenance of families, and sooner or later want will compel the inhabitants to go.

>Why not go now, when all the arrangements are completed for the transfer, instead of waiting till the plunging shot of contending armies will renew the scenes of the past month? Of course, I do not apprehend any such things at this moment, but you do not suppose this army will be here until the war is over. I cannot discuss this subject with you fairly, because I cannot impart to you what we propose to do, but I assert that our military plans make it necessary for the inhabitants to go away, and I can only renew my offer of services to make their exodus in any direction as easy and comfortable as possible.

> You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace. But you cannot have peace and a division of our country. If Westeros submits to a division now, it will not stop, but will go on until we reap the fate of Essos, which is eternal war. The United States does and must assert its authority, wherever it once had power; for, if it relaxes one bit to pressure, it is gone, and I believe that such is the national feeling. This feeling assumes various shapes, but always comes back to that of Union. Once admit the Union, once more acknowledge the authority of the national Government, and, instead of devoting your Houses and streets and roads to the dread uses of war, I and this army become at once your protectors and supporters, shielding you from danger, let it come from what quarter it may. I know that a few individuals cannot resist a torrent of error and passion, such as swept Robert into rebellion, but you can point out, so that we may know those who desire a government, and those who insist on war and its desolation.

> You might as well appeal against the thunder-storm as against these terrible hardships of war. They are inevitable, and the only way the people of King's Landing can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home, is to stop the war, which can only be done by admitting that it began in error and is perpetuated in pride.

>We don't want your Small folk, or your horses, or your lands, or any thing you have, but we do want and will have a just obedience to the laws of Seven Kingdoms. That we will have, and if it involved the destruction of your improvements, we cannot help it.

>You have heretofore read public sentiment in your letters, that live by falsehood and excitement; and the quicker you seek for truth in other quarters, the better. I repeat then that, but the original compact of government, the Seven Kingdoms had certain rights in the Crown Lands, which have never been relinquished and never will be; that Robert began the war by seizing forts, arsenals, mints, custom-houses, etc., etc., long before I was installed, and before Robert had one jot or title of provocation. I myself have seen in The Riverlands , The North, The Vale, and Highgarden, hundreds and thousands of women and children fleeing from your armies and desperadoes, hungry and with bleeding feet. In Winterfell, The Twins, and Casterly Rock, we fed thousands and thousands of the families of rebel soldiers left on our hands, and whom we could not see starve. Now that war comes to you, you feel very different. You deprecate its horrors, but did not feel them when you sent car-loads of soldiers and arrows, and molded shields and swords, to carry war into The Reach and Riverrun, to desolate the homes of hundreds and thousands of good people who only asked to live in peace at their old homes, and under the Government of their inheritance. But these comparisons are idle.

> I want peace, and believe it can only be reached through union and war, and I will ever conduct war with a view to perfect an early success.

> But, my dear Cersie, when peace does come, you may call on me for any thing. Then will I share with you the last cracker, and watch with you to shield your homes and families against danger from every quarter.

>Now you must go, and take with you the old and feeble, feed and nurse them, and build for them, in more quiet places, proper habitations to shield them against the weather until the mad passions of men cool down, and allow the Union and peace once more to settle over your old homes in Kings landing. Yours in haste,

>Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons

Fuck Southcels

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it was also tyrion who came up with the idea to go beyond the wall and bring back a wight as proof...at 2:25...youtube.com/watch?v=DLjVklYWTnQ
however, it was her choice in picking tyrion as an advisor in the first place. imagine if you chose one of the worst CPAs in your city, someone who isn't even licensed and has a shitty record. then the CPA fucks up your tax returns. is it your fault or the CPA's. it's a combination of both.

Norf is filled with ungrateful bastards, they understand nothing but threatening them with decapitation together with their whole family. Unironically proves that slaves and savages are superior, they have seen some shit and know how to stand together. Fucktards Westerosians grew up with all comforts and now think they deserve everything.
Fuck Norf. Fuck Starks. Fuck Andals and fuck first men.

The difference between tyrion and willow is if you put willow's head on a normal body he would look normal. Yrion would still look deformed since his face is.

He also told her not to go save Jon tho. He's either a retard or authors are hacks.

its just all bad writing man, dont think about it.

Tyrion is literally the worst advisor ever. Why does he keep put faith in mad cunt Cersei but is now calling Dany mad? Fuck him.

this is so fucking forced. can't believe I have to agree with her for once. How is Cersei not a threat to the people but Dany is? She burned the equivalent of the Vatican. No one should be helping her. How come she has lords following her for some reason? how come she has an army or money? and the Iron bank shit was retarded. Both storylines are forced as fuck. There is no reason for Varys to suddenly jump on Jon's cock as he has done no ruling whatsoever. Even Dany has more experience. Fuck this gay show.

He was kind of good in KL as a schemer, but during relatively peaceful times. Military speaking he sucks, he doesn't know how to win a war. He's textbook smart, he needs to fit in some rules to play.

the writers are hacks. it would've been more entertaining to see a Littlefinger vs. Tyrion manipulation game, with Tyrion eventually doing everything for the sake of protecting his family (jaime, and the niece/nephews he loves)...then Littlefinger shown as having the upperhand through his Bravos connection (giving him access to more wealth than Lannisters since they ran out of gold and started going into debt).

the show is all about "let's use muh wise-cracking dwarf to prolong how many seasons we get so we can maximize profit while saving on CG and editing/writing expenses".

The funny part is that Cersei has literally nothing but King's Landing and she never had more from the start. If Daenerys had just done what she wanted from the start, Cersei would've been gone within a week, she would be queen and they could take all of Westeros north to kill Night King.

Tyrion is acting like some 21th century pacifist now. Varys has no story with Fake Aegon out of the story. So everything is sort of aimless and inconsistent.

Well, she paid them back with the gold from highgarden, which was conveniently undefended thanks to Tyrion, but all the others agreed with his military strategy, which was incredibly retarded.
Iron bank also makes no sense, even when they accepted investing in Stannis it was wasted money. Liking the guy or not was irrelevant, only an absolute shitload of money would have allowed him to win.

>that's different
>guncer sunglass says he can't follow stannis anymore after he burns the sept on dragonstone
>he throws in him a dungeon
>his wife then burns him alive

But they could have milked much more episodes by having a decent plot and dialogues, which also saves a lot of cgi money. Even Jorah's counseling was better than this, when he actually had dialogues with Dany. She often didn't listen him, but his hints were solid.

Melt a castle? She can't even melt an ice man

>peaceful conclusion
God I hope not. All the "peaceful downtime" writing is fast forward tier.

>yet another Bran info -> trial -> execution episode
zzzzzz fuck I hope not

I hope she roasts them all

Dany’s suffering in the hands of Dabid is giving me Stannis flashbacks, so I pitied her

Seems like every week they have to mention how small Jon is.

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You're just pissed because you are realizing that your dragon waifu is going to be the final villain of the show

You are as dumb as those sluts who named their kids after Danny.

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Don’t forget Hizdhar. Literally Joffrey and Sansa but with the genders reversed

>during relatively peaceful times
You mean when Tywin was fighting Robb and Stannis was attacking KL?
Yeah, those were some peaceful times.

>Acting like a Dragon didn't help the Mad King
He didn't have nukes with him and he acted like a retard not a dragon. Even his son hated and plotted against him.
>and Olenna talked a big game but ultimately lost everything.
After the show was completely dummed down and a massive army could teleport and be completely undetected.
>She should be completely ignored
Unlike Tyrion who cost her 2 dragons, over half her army, and got her absolutely nothing in return?


It's so fucking dumb that all the main characters have to do is to sit on their asses and not do anything and their problems will solve themself in a couple of weeks or months. They said at the start of the episode that enitre Westeros and all lords of all kingdoms are abandoning Cersei and accepting Dany as the king and that the only allies Cersei has is Iron Fleet and Golden Company. Iron Fleet is useless on land and Golden Company will fuck off once she doesnt have any money to pay them, which she doesnt and the Bank wont lend her any more since she has no way of paying them off with no one paying her taxes.
The main characters are in an unlosable situation and now the writers have to make them all extra retarded to create tension in final episodes, fuck this shit

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They had no answer for the dragons until they came up with that ballista.

>burns shireen alive


in b4 "have sex"

That reminds me, Stannis a.k.a. King Austimo The Sour was able to win the support of Northern tribesmen by participating in one of their feast. She’s an even bigger sperg than Stannis.

Is Dany America? I'm not disregarding the insane will to power and appetite for destruction

No, Daenerys is retarded and her only asset are fully loyal people with no back interest and her dragons.
She would have been killed multiple times if Jorah and her council didn’t intervene at the right moment.

I predicted a category 2 chimp out when I saw the scene, thankfully it only seems to have been a category 1

Tyrion is only that stupid because of bad writing. They had to somehow balance the forces because Dany winning the war in two weeks just isn't "epic" enough. Tyrion hasn't been a real character since season 5. He's just a plot device.

Aside from the fact that its stupid they are even having a grand feast in what should be a ruined castle with dead wights everywhere, this was pretty good.

>We need to bring all the civilians in front ofthe keep in Kings Landing
>Surely Daenerys wont kill them all
>Let's stand on the outer wall behind only our hired army to taunt the enemy
Great plan, Cersei, 12/10

>just lived through the most horrible night of your life
>your best friend just died
>half your army got killed
>everything is fucked
LOL why doesn't she want to party what a psychopath we have to kill her she's losing her mind

Dabyfags are a plague. Go to reddit, westeros.org and/or tumblr.

>The true enemies are the friends you made along the way
What a shit character

Should've stayed in Essos where the common folk worshipped her as a goddess.

Yeah but it was Tywin that was in charge of the war. Tyrion organized somehow the defence of KL, simply by putting men on walls and ship bomb ex machina. He would have lost if it wasn't for Tywin anyway.
All characters were still alive, there was a more organized form of ruling. Now it's 1vs1, no room for games.

In their defense, women are easily led by the nose when it comes to their emotions so the writers are just manipulating that

Based fuck Confagerates

>Would the common people rally to the Red Keep to defend a new Queen
No, they're coming to the Red Keep FOR defense, that's what keeps are for, that's why the castle is already full of innocent civilians.

She had the Reach, she's good on food. And she can take the Stormlands, kill the Lannisters at Riverlands to free Edmure and put him back in power then take the Westerlands, boom 5 out of 7 kingdoms as soon as she burns Euron who has no railguns

Why are you still watching the show? You should've bailed a while ago, you're unironically part of what is killing the show.
Just let it end, watch something else, don't let them destroy it further for you and instead, i dunno, go take a walk? Find something else to do with your time as the ratings drop and the views decline.
Best thing to do now is step back from the wreckage and let it swallow itself, they'll hopefully remake it in the future.

This is true but you know damn well that's not how social media is going to see it.

If she does glass KL I really hope they emphasize just how many are going to have to suffer for her to take the throne. I want to see what the viewers have to say to that.

Or, the other likely outcome...she performs sack 2.0 and despite doing everything she can do to minimalize casualties she cant get everyone on her side anyway.

If she takes the city conventionally and razes it to the ground, maybe
If she melts the city and all the people in it with dragonfire that's not OK

>this thread

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Dany had the easiest and quickest victories ever. Everything fell into place for her too conveniently and now I'm glad it's falling apart.

My knee is bent my Queen.

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she was a marry sue from season 1
it was about time someone gave her a run for her money

And now the mountain will fuck her anally in full nelson in front of her dickless army.

She wanted to be leader so now she has to face hardships. She got too cocky for her own good...muh dragons!

She was super cucked in season 1 and 2. Only in 3 and 4 she started having easy wins but got cucked again later.

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You are only as smart as your writers. Dabid happened.

Nice! Reminds me of that Elsa Jean scene. You know the one (lennyface)

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Funny thing. I don't remember them emphasizing just how small he was in earlier seasons. They must not give a fuck anymore.



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One can only hope.

Then she does not understand very basics of being a monarch.

>person with dwarfism has disproportionately short limbs. midget is used to describe persons of small size but with normal proportions when compared to average people

Fuck that shit.

That would mean they would have planned for fucking years that role for Tyrion, INCLUDING Tywin's murder.
It is unrealistic to plan such a thing, Tyrion only survived due to plot armor.

If it turns that way, subverted expectations indeed. In the shittiest way possible.

Nice contrargument, brainlet retard.

Tv is Dany board, tumblr degenerates woship salsa, so gtfo

It would be fare better for the entire show if she burn KL in in season 7 and focus the rest on the long night as end boss. But D&D is retard again, like always and ruin character for the shitty writing.

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The only reason they didn't do that has to be because they couldn't figure out a way to fit all the fan service in that way.

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who said Stannis was socially approachable?


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well, you got me there.

lol. classic Yea Forums. as soon as the normies start to dislike her, she gains a fanbase on Yea Forums. contrarians at their best

and many mongols eventually convert to muslim.

more like incest baby syndromes.

Bloody hell.

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this but unironically

It's that kind of a place to be honest, as long as we're opposing what the "normies" like, we must be cool

Bazillion hours in photoshop.

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Cursed image.

the character of the north and all the interesting subplots in the books about it have been butchered by D&D. shownorf is just a collection of dumb backwater retards, look at sansa and arya's ungrateful bitchiness to the person who literally saved them all

>tfw you remember most of these retards actually named their kids khaleesi instead of danny

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I wonder if Quiburn is going to reanimate the other dragon, lol.

Why didnt see circle around the ships and attack them from behind? they can't aim through their sails and they can't turn that fast.

That makes me think, are there any names derived from the word Queen or King?

earl is the only one that comes to mind

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I think I'd sympathize with her a lot more if emelia clark had actual range as an actress.

"I'm so... ronery. so ronery"

Could the Night King have brought down The Wall without Viserion? He had Bran marked, I thought that was supposed to mean something. Now I don't know - it would have made much more sense for Dany to just torch King's Landing the minute she got to Dragonstone and then she'd still have all three dragons, the Dothraki, and the Unsullied. Then she could figure out how to deal with the White Walkers at her leisure.

Naming your kid Caesar is sort of common.

Yea but who wants this crazy coal burner as queen? Her family doesn’t have claim to the throne anymore since Robert won the war.

Why does Dany look like a botoxed up white niggress now

Oh yeah, that one is popular in latin based countries.

I don't understand Tyrion's appeal

His only accomplishment so far is the defense of King Lading's... as a hand of the king he only drank with Varys and fucked that whore Shae, he never really did anything to govern and there was a food shortage during his reign

Then he has a chance at it in Meereen and once again he dun goofs by reinstating slavery and making Dany look weak

Tywin was so right, the halfman is a fucking retard

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Right, argue with someone who's got three dragons. The Lannisters and Gardeners tried that with Aegon I, lot of good that did them.

I think the iron throne should have been resolved first then the night king

makes zero sense, I thought the whole thing was about stupid men and their throne games against the backdrop of a horrifying zombie invasion that will consume the entire world.

i used to hate dany but now that DD want to make her evil, im sort of rooting for her

am i a contrarian?

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She’s down to one in the show and it’s rapidly declining


Bronn is smarter than Tyrion (remember when Bronn executed all thieves and the gnome had no idea why?)

Tyrion is funny but that's it, he's only there to keep redditors watching

what did he mean by this?

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Caesar was a actual name before title.

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This. Those slaves were private property.

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The show has never been good to her, so I used to hate her too I guess.
After season 7 I softened up to her, but it was really when I started reading the books that she really grew on me.


After that, then seeing the show screw her over and calling her a bad person for it, fucking hell.


is ms paint too hard 4u?

>official cards by HBO
>Danny touching her belly like Cersei(who is pregnant)
>has a sword
>sword has a red ruby
>most likely sword is dark sister

Well shit maybe the Spanish leaks were right

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Why did they cut off that plot line, scared that the audience would not be able to understand Blackfyres?

She should burn king´s landing to the ground and start over. The Westerosi people in general have proven to be useful idiots. Ignorant pieces of shit that would go to public executions, public shaming and act under mob mentality every single time. Just burn them all and, i don´t know, split the land between the Dothraki and the people of Mereen or something. Give them land and job oportunities.

The nobles have proven to be treacherus snakes too, more concerned about their position in court and who gets the throne than on discussing what´s best for the ignorant peasants of their regions. Varys says "The lords will trust Jon and we need their support". I say kill them all and assign new lords. Changing the king without changing the lords would be useless. Don´t want to burn them. Fine. That´s what faceless assassins are for. The houses system is what supports the wheel.

On that note, maybe next time she attacks by sea she can use the dragons to create a smoke screen for her fleet or heat the water to create a thic myst around the enemy so they can´t aim at her fucking dragons. Hyped those pieces of shit for 8 seasons and they die easy and anti climatic deaths. Useless oversized lizards...

Wich ones were the spanish leaks?

Tyrion will be put on trial for these crimes next episode. Jamie saved him so he owes him.

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Yes Tyrion has been extremely stupid since the book material has ran dry. It's a shame, I fucking love smart characters, but I haven't seen one in many many seasons In GoT. The way LittleFinger went out is still making me sweat when I think about it.

this :(

uhmmm....sweater shoppyyyy, I guess you didn't watch the scene where SANSA walks around with serious bisshhh face in the corridors of Stalker Home, so, pls, go back and watch our queen being the smartest person alive

Also, she learn as fast as Arya can teleport behind anyone's back and nothing personnell the target to oblivion



She’s going to be killed/eaten by her own dragons calling it now.

No, Jon will kill her

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We need to make this into this

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The King was arguing about whether vomiting everywhere constituted a good time with a half-giant whilst the "Queen" was feeling too high and mighty to mix with anyone and wondering why she was still an outsider.

This made her so much more relateable, instead of just always being the center of attention and getting her way through acting like a arrogant prick she actually has to face the consequences. That she can act like a bitch to everyone and force her will on them becasue of her bloodline, dragons and armies but in the end noone likes her and she is all alone. No matter how much power she has she can never win, she will never be happy. And being happy is much more important than having power in the end...


cersei was already on berserk mode whe would attacked dany with wildfire and what not.

they should trade the direwolf for a snake

>tfw I've always hated Dany
>tfw I actually feel bad for how dirty D&D are doing her and want her to win
What the fuck bros
I was waiting forever for the mad queen reveal but now that we're actually getting it I hate it because of how shit it was executed, D&D gave me what I wanted but made it hollow and meaningless

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Basilios in Greek

Way ahead of you user, i just cant find it


>Varys saw that she was lonely

So is he intentionally trying to get her to fail? Why wouldn't he slide up to her, give some of that flattery he was known for in kings landing and make her feel confident/good about herself?

Exactly, what was forcing her to sit there at the head of the table as 'muh im queen btw' instead of joining the others? I can understand her maybe not wanting to be near Jaime but Jon? It's not like Tormund would have told her to fuck off. So fucking stupid and obviously forced for muh "Oh Dany gonna be at odds with Jon/others soon" Because D&D don't understand that foreshadowing should be subtle, not a fucking hammer blow to the face of the viewers.


dwarf vs gnome

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new leaked picture

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Rey means King in latin
Rey from Star Wars literally means YAS QUEEN

I'd take a slightly deformed but handsome face over a regular looking donk any day.

Reya is queen jackass

It was a surname though.


Because someone with that much power shouldn't be so insecure.


Maybe the writers intended exactly this so when she flips out it kinda makes sense

>Why are they not looking this way?
>Don't they know where i'm from?
>When do they bring us the menus?

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Dany didn't get fucked over by anyone but herself. She's a complete retard without a real claim to the throne who's always been mad for power without any real motivation other than "muh father who lost the throne"

>out of jealousy
This still makes no sense to me. What the fuck would he be jealous over? I can envision him being blackmailed by Cersei, but that's it.


The romans? Did tend to integrate? Newly conquered religions? And made dispensation? For their continued worship?
Like, y'know?
You insufferable faggot.

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Americans don't understand pub life. Ironically, they don't understand how you're supposed to leave social class at the door,and get snobby about it.

>to the person who literally saved them all
she did fuck all, arya nothing personnel'd the nk, otherwise they'd all be dead, her pathetic attempt to burn the nk failed and that was all she had

Tyrion has been very stupid and naive.

Dany has no social skills.

as opposed to Dany who forgot about the iron fleet

>not realizing that Tyrion is still loyal to house Lannister and this has all been a sabotage mission

She gave up the majority of her army and a dragon to at least set up the scenario in which the night king would be killed

Yeah that's called bad writing and people notice it in all it's wretched forms. Who'da thunk it?

Why does she look so goddamn creepy here?

And their ability to teleport along with perfect accuracy dragon killing artillery.

So george clooney is the king of manlets? With the way he's always portrayed in movies and commercials I thought he was like 6'3 or something

5'10 isn't a manlet

javier bardem isnt 5'7 lmao

“I don’t distrust you because you are a woman. I distrust you because you are not as smart as you think you are.” - Lord Tywin Lannister
Also “She’s been fucking moon boy for all I know”