you don't go to the theatre alone, do you?
You don't go to the theatre alone, do you?
Of course not. My local theatre has a no singles policy.
dude looks like a chad
/no op I don't even watch movies
>watching a movie alone is somehow shameful
Are americans really like that?
>be me
>no one to watch movies with so go to Infinity War opening night by myself
>groups of teens, couples and young adults everywhere
>feel anxiety attack coming on
>see another loser by himself
>he sees me
>slowly move next to eachother so it appears we're together
>theatre doors open
>give each other friendly nod and go into theatre and go our seperate way to allocated seats
>anxiety attack avoided
I thought thumbnail was going to be shia.
Of course I go alone. Too much of a pussy to go alone?
yeah, it's because we're fat and have small penises. we're very sensitive about everything so we need to surround ourselves with like minded individuals to compensate. going to the kinoplex alone is out of the question. if we went alone, the other couples there would see our small penises and laugh at us
ive done thus once even though i have friends and a gf and i enjoyed it desu but it was a mostly empty theater so
>have no friends
>want to participate in Yea Forums memery
>thinking about watching avengers in the theater by myself
>start purchasing tickets for monday night
>get to the seat selection screen in fandango
>there's 5 seats reserved
>if i went by myself it'd be super obvious to the other 5 people
>cancel purchase
you're there to watch a movie, not hang out. what's the point of hanging out in a place you're supposed to not talk?
not only do I go alone
but I also manspread in order to occupy as much space as possible and I also take extra effort to cover the floor in popcorn and sticky shit so the wageslaves have to work for their pocket change wages
>see endgame alone
>book seat in UAVX
>book it between 2 pairs of empty seats and hope no one else comes
>2 seats next to me were empty during movie
>loved the extra space
piss off reddit
I see movies alone on Saturday mornings before I get lunch.
Yes I do.
Pro-tip anons: Learn to stop giving a fuck about what other people think. If your friends want to go, then go with them. If not, then don't let that stop you from seeing a movie or anything else you want to do. Be an adult and do what you want. I've seen movies alone and done plenty of other things alone when my friends weren't available.
Yes but only on opening night so I can pretend my friends are somewhere in the crowd.
I want to watch endgame alone, everytime i go with friends or a girl they cant fucking stop talking through the movie, ESPECIALLY women. Im not going to a 3 hour movie to fucking talk and answer retarded questions nigga
Why are burgers so insecure about this?
I do everything alone.
>go to movie with gf
>watch endgame
>some random guy by himself loudly says "wait whaat" when Captain America picks up Thor's hammer
>he then claps during the whole fight afterwards until Cap gets his ass kicked again
I can see why he is alone
>go to see Force Awakens alone
>get there early
>few people in the cinema
>sit in the back and has the whole row to myself
>qt girl walks in
>she's hot and looks slightly nerdy in a good way
>there's been some mixup during the booking and she has same seat as me
>both laugh and she takes a seat two seats away from me
>she seems to enjoy the movie and I enjoy it too
>when it's over we go out of the theatre
>want to say something to her but don't know what
>go straight home and eat a pizza alone
I still think about this and think of that shit movie as enjoyable and fun because of this.
Why am I like this?
that girl didn't think about you the second after she stopped talking to you
In my experience its better than going with most of my friends, girlfriends, my wife, my kids, my siblings, distant relations, and coworkers. Only thing better than going by myself is going with 1 or 2 particular filmbuff friends or my dad.
realistically she only even laughed at you so you don't murder her.
yes, absolutely
i go to the theater with my brother a month after it first shows to sit alone and yell at the screen
yeah ever since by dad died, there is no one else I really want to go to the movies with.
i have once, because my dipshit friends ruined my experience of dunkirk in imax so I saw it again the next day alone
I did once when I was 12. The woman at the ticket booth said "just one?" and looked so sad for me
Not only do I go alone, I pick showings where I know there will be minimal people and, once the movie starts if anyone sits next to me, I get up and move away from them.
It feels great.
>once the movie starts if anyone sits next to me, I get up and move away from them.
kek I did the same thing. No reason to listen to someone chew popcorn behind me.
Last time I went to see a movie with a friend he insisted on sitting right at the front of the cinema and the fucking cunt was laughing and talking throughout the whole fucking movie.
I think i'd rather go alone and sit alone than go with one of my cunt friends again
maybe because you ate an entire pizza alone, fatass
In Jojo, a ally bought nine tickets so nobody could get near him.
>get to the cinema
>some greasy fat guy is sitting in my seat
>"haha looks like there must have been a mixup this seat is free though"
>he shows me the seat next to him and did he just wink at me?
>I smile and excuse myself to a seat two seats over
>far enough to not have to smell him but close enough not to make him upset
>he stares at me the whole movie
>try to ignore him
>can almost forget him and start enjoying the movie
>laugh at something funny but interrupted by a loud huffing sound next to me
>"HHUHUHUHH THAT WAS A FUNNY SCENE, WASN'T IT?" he says staring at me
>just wish it to be over
>leaving after the movie
>hoping he doesn't talk to me
>then I see him in the corner of my eye
>he's walking quickly straight towards me
>I can't move, frozen scared
>he slows down and creeps closer inch by inch, I feel his stinky breath
>he's sweating profusely
>he looks like he's about to faint
>then suddenly he turns and storms out of the cinema and I take a deep breath
>thank god I'm alive
>all these capeshit and disneywars virgins trying to defend seeing movies alone
fuck, this reminds me of a story
>be me
>traveling to Australia by self
>go whale watching in Sydney
>on a small boat, one of the other people is a cute girl by herself
>overcome autism and have convo with her
>we don’t end up seeing any whales so they offer a refund at their office
>she and I are still talking
>I find out she is married or something but her husband is in another country
>my heart drops when I find out
>after we get the refund we talk for a little but I say goodbye and leave
If I asked if she wanted lunch she 100% would’ve said yes. I don’t even care if it would’ve gotten me laid, meeting someone like that would’ve done great things for my confidence
I wish I wasn’t autistic
Here's one secret to being a winner. Winners don't care what others think and don't worry about what some random person is doing with their time if it does not affect them or bring harm to others. If your life is so bereft of activity that you have time to worry about and criticize someone else for something as mundane as sitting in a theatre alone, you do not have the mentality of a winner.
He doest look unattractive though
of course not. I want until the torrent releases and watch it at my comfy desk.
I go to the cinema alone and have sex afterwards,lmao
Have MORE sex.
On the first showing of endgame a couple of weeks ago, a fucking landwhale snored until the climax. And some other bitch took my reserved seat so that she could seat together with the boyfriend. In b4 have sex and incel
Based pirate
rent free
Imagine going to a movie with other people. I go 3 weeks after release in the morning. I'm there to watch a film not socialize.
I went alone once because I was killing time before i had to go to work. Was so paranoid about being alone, that I brought a notebook and a pen to pretend I was a movie critic taking notes.
>mfw get a theater all to myself
Why the hell would I drag other people along with me?
I do often. I work 3rd shift and there is a theater that starts showings an hour after I leave work. At least once a week I stop before coming home to catch a movie. I'm usually alone and it's comfy af.
All the time, I can use the seat next to me for my jacket and relax.
where did you get this picture?
that's me watching BR2049
pick better
i've watched some kid's animated move all alone once, with nobody else in the whole room. it was very fun
Article is satire, but there's a little bit of attitude sometimes if you do it. More so for comedies, action, horror, and family movies than arthouse and/or drama
Not since movies started sucking.
>didn't befriend stranger
>takes a seat two seats away from me
>two seats away
completely uninterested and probably revolted.
I'm going to see the original Top Gun in theaters june 4th alone
if i had a dollar for every time this happened to me, i'd be a rich man.
>go to theater with my parents
>I'm trying to enjoy whatever's playing
>mom's constantly trying to talk to me, or she reads Facebook on her phone
>dad usually falls asleep
>when we leave I try to talk about the movie
>they get upset at me for criticizing it and making jokes about it
Alone is objectively best for any film worth watching at cinema. My new program is going in the mornings on my day off. More often than not I will be the only one there to soak in unbridled kino.
>you don't go to the theatre alone, do you?
I don't go to theatres, the places are filthy, there's bedbugs and lice in the seats, and its a great way to get measles.
I'm the only one who watches movies with subtitles instead of dubbed so, the last two times I went (TFA and The Wolf of Wall Street) I went alone.
In the first case because I literally couldn't fucking use the Internet because of all the hype the marketing team had created, and in the first case I was having family visiting home so I feld and, since it was raining I went to the cinema.
I go to the movies alone all the time and no one gives a fuck