Where's the hype? Does no one care? I haven't even seen much marketing. Will it flop?
Where's the hype? Does no one care? I haven't even seen much marketing. Will it flop?
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theyre all brainwashed by the mouse
Get hyped! I'm gonna see it a minimum of 116 times!
(yes I can but you know I borderline can’t)
>tfw you will go see this opening night and your friends don't get why you haven't seen endgame yet.
Michael bay tier shit
The trailer played before endgame that’s basically the best marketing tactic they could possibly do
They tried to make an existential Godzilla movie last time and everyone hated it because "muh fight scenes." Now we have 2 hours of Godzilla punching half his rogues gallery and people are still mad. Make up your minds.
I doubt that this Hollywood trash is even going to be close as interesting as Shin was.
shin sucked ass
People weren't mad over the fight scenes. They were mad that the camera would slowly pan to Godzilla, hear him roar, and provide all of the cues signifying Shit Is Aboit To Go Down before abruptly cutting back to the uninteresting humans. An existential Godzilla with Branston not dead in the first 15 minutes would have been adored. Whatever the fuck 2014 was aiming for achieved nothing in any department.
hes talking about shin you monumental retard
The sequel is looking great. I would like wrestling monster suit Japanese movies too though.
Instead of fighting, we should rejoice that Godzilla spans so many interpretations and genres.
As long as we agree that Godzilla's Revenge has a place next to the garbage.
Don't ever speak to me like that again you obese worthless Caucasian.
It looks like fucking dog shit and the first one was terrible. Of course there's 0 hype
I do not agree with that last opinion. More Minya is great.
im neither obese or Caucasian you colossal jew
It's absolutely soulless
At least it'll be less shit than the 2014 Godzilla
Obese NOR Caucasian you illiterate fucking Jamaican.
Trying too hard bud, dial back the angst
You have shit taste in movies and no right to a cinema related opinion.
stay seething
suck my balls nerd
i dont care, they lost me at 2014
>american godzilla movie
its gonna be shit and you know it
>less shit
Agreed somewhat. New Rodan looks like the 70's Shogun toy. To me, it's the best he's looked and behaved since 1956.
>le blue and orange
It looks pretty good
It’s not going to be near the kaijukino political thriller Shin was but they’re going balls to the wall with the monster fights to make up for it, pretty hyped desu
Can't wait for Rodan and Godzilla playing voleyball
I'd enjoy a Godzilla ride at Universal Studios if they did one, but I got my fill of CGI monsters shrouded in fog and darkness punching for 20 minutes in the first one.
Given the the director had a Shogun Godzilla when he was little and evidently coveted the Shogun Rodan but never got it that’s almost 100% intentional
It's a lock to do huge in Asia, it can't flop
Cool trivia. I am happy with the new look.
The anime was fucking GARBAGE.
>MC is 16yr old impotent rage screeching autism 24/7
>humans have figured out warp drive
>humans cant figure out how to design a non-retarded ground attack craft
>attacking godzilla on a fucking gayass shit hoverbike while shooting what might as well be pollen particles at a titanium plate to "distract" him
Is this a sequel?
Yes, to Godzilla 2014 and Kong Scull Island
Yeah, To the one that came out in 2014
*Skull Island
Godzilla vs Kong due to drop in 2020, just wrapped filming and is now in post
Which one is /ourguy/?
RODAN is a qt a qt
too much emphasis on the human cast of which nobody gives a single fuck about
What are you talking about? They've been marketing the shit out of this. There's even a 5 minute clip that plays before the big imax movies for the past month
i'm going to be happy no matter what just because they didn't try to make ghidorah have 4 legs
>some faggots on twitter said this would beat Endgame
oh it's over my man, you're dead
btw I was going to see this movie but now I'm not
No ads + one ad that spoils everything
You a moron? You obviously haven't been following the movie if you think its souless. Micheal Dougherty the director is such a huge fan that he's even using the classic monster themes in the movie. Fucking idiot.
>tons of shots of the monsters
>characters only talk about the monsters
>too much emphasis on the characters
Too much testosterone for the United soibeans of America
>only 22 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Because its /ourflick/ and Yea Forums is mostly shills/trannys/reddit now. The real niggers don't really bother posting here much anymore.
This is my fear
Godzilla for sure
> hundreds of millions of years old, still going strong
> Alpha predator of a primordial ecosystem
> untold number of victories beneath his belt
> worshipped by numerous ancient civilizations and inspired countless myths
> survived the Permian-Triassic extinction, the K-T extinction, and numerous other prehistoric upheavals
> shrugs off conventional military bombardment like it’s nothing
> survives at least two point-blank nuclear explosions to the face
> nukes even make him stronger because he literally eats fatal amounts of radiation for breakfast
> overpowers and kills an evil three-headed space dragon whose power exceeds his own and then eats the charred remains
> is recognized as “King of the Monsters” by humans and Titans alike
> Breathes nuclear fire
> has saved Earth and mankind several times, beloved as a savior the world over
> has loyal moth gf
Kong, meanwhile:
> only a couple hundred years old at best
> edgy teenager by his species’ standards
> short little apelet
> species was wiped out by a bunch of two-legged monitor lizards with silly names
> rules a tiny fucking island, big whoop
> worshipped only by a tribe of primitive pygmies
> Is nearly killed by machine guns and napalm
> has to be saved by Brie Larson
> twice
> covered in flammable fur
> canonically a kissless virgin
There’s simply no contest
Based already got my ticket
>virgin Kong vs CHADZILLA
>kong 1
>godzilla 0
check scoreboard, amerifats
>" >"
You hating on quadrupeds, son?
>all shin godzilla scenes are just reskinned rebuild of evangelion scenes
>all evangelion scenes are just reskinned Nausicaa scenes
i will see it, looks fun
I'm gonna go see it but I have no expectations for it after how boring the first one was. also they made mothra look like SHIT. what's your favorite Godzilla movie guys? mine is without a doubt Tokyo SOS.