10p-11p EST - Dr Pimple Popper: Mic Drop Pop! (NEW)
>Josh has a giant knot on his head; Brittney has mysterious bumps all over her; TJ has a weird, hard lump protruding from his side; Luis' daughters are afraid the bump on his shoulder is dangerous








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based kinopopper


>Tfw have a mole next to my ball sack I want Dr. Lee to PERSONALLY remove

Mrs. Skeletal looks like a nice wife.

Dr. Now needs to interrogate perps on a crime drama.
Fatkino's done and I've got to go. Thanks for the wild ride lads, stay safe and God bless.

get that shit checked out bro

final update on the drug addict

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a ghoul

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is his wife balding?

>I've had my buddies try to squeeze it


>*sniffs coke from the tissue while Dr Now roasts her*

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>squeezing that thing with blocks

my name is josh 'n I have a nut on the top of muh hiead

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I got a boil on my dick when I was 20 years old, shaved a little too close

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for the season finale, dr pimple popper will drink all the pus she drained in the previous episodes

>I put a toboggan on
uh, you mean a toque?

>It's as creamy looking and viscous as those bukkake vids where they fill martini glasses with jizz
Yes please


now he has 2 beards

You just know TLC has unaired footage of that junkie bitch getting high as fuck and then pigging out on pizza. I would buy boxed sets of fatkino seasons if they included cut footage that was inappropriate for television.

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Daughter is a CUTE

>Gonna get an eyeball tattoo on it

My body is ready.

>She is 36
That wall tho...

>Dr. Lee's husband is white


eyeball tattoo on it!!!

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oh god this shit is 2real5me

I'm going to watch the replay of tonight's 600 Pound Life episode, missed some of it while shitposting and snacking. Shit was pretty crazy.

at least he has a good sense of humour about it


>"Do you think they realised already that I'm your, uhm... beard?"

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>he's a doctor too
That's the first successful white man I've seen with yellow fever


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Facebook man tho

why the fuck did he shave so high
its supposed to go to the bottom of your jaw bone

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how the hell do you go about YEARS with that thing on your face without fucking going to a doc to cut it off

It's funny because even in most third world countries the guy could just walk up to a hospital an have it checked and removed without trying ghetto solution or resorting to a tv show, really makes me appreciate my country's shitty free healthcare


based retard mirror

Tell me tlc doesnt shill here. 90 day fiance general 600lb life general now this??? Its not even a joke anymore this board is at its lowest point

That spray cheese SFX though

dude has no jawline he doesnt know where to shave

>squeezing it out

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Go back to you Gay of Thrones threads!


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I don't know about the other shows but don't be shitting on fatkino

I think im going to be sick.

Eat the cheese, pussy

Big side nip

>the face of Yea Forums

TLC's target demographics are non-meme boomers and chubby middle-age housewives, they wouldn't shill here.

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nigga's got a 2nd head holy shit

WHY THE FUCK did that chink scam doc NOT remove the fucking sac tissue? all she did was squeeze the puss out, you are supposed to remove the sack you fucking retard

it aint gonna suck itself

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muh third boob

Imagine Dr. Li playing with your testicles like this.

she did

>Dr. Lee I have this really big bump right in the middle of my pelvis. It's about 6 inches long and it feels kinda funny when I rub it. Here, you should rub it yourself back and forth for a few minutes to see what I mean.

>implying you know better than a doc

That lingering ass shot, nice


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That's not even his biggest problem, even if he nailed that part his neck line wouldn't seem natural at all. Somebody should send this pic to him, so he can repair this thing on the his face.

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600 lbs is genuinely the only watchable reality show ever created. The rest is shit

>Yes, it's full of...uh...puss

do all these women have a fetish for nasty shit

I don't think they chose their job based on what turns them on.

i like all the shots of dr lee's ass

They always say to do what you love, user

This. Case closed.

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that particular case is a hack and slash case dumbfuck, nothing extremely specific if you even had one cyst removed in your life. at that point you just shop for a doc with a brain and steady hand so that it leaves the faintest scar

that whole area will always be tan and bumpy if scar tissue is still under there

that looks like a bloody dick

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Dr. Pimple Popper is alright but it's more like a palette-cleansing sorbet after /fatkino/, it can't really compare

i hate every seconds of this show but i cant stop watching

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What's with her make up

>the comments on the fat bitch from tonight's new My 600 Pound Life's GoFundMe page
oh my keks

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women in the medical field are all fucked in the head. especially the nurses.

male nurse here, can confirm

I've never met a woman who didn't love popping nasty shit

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>chubby girls are fans of my 600 klb life to feel better about themselves

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That face, jfc

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Okay, which one of you fucks wrote this? You were unironically right.

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Oh god, this woman is pure ghetto kino.

oh god what the fuck

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That's half the reason I watch it

this black girl is just sad

el goblino...


and fix that toof while you're at it

They should rename Pimple Popper to Las Creaturas...

good lord
I think that's enough for me tonight

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damn this black man has some LOW fucking standards.

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whats a feeder for ugly people?

what the hell is this voice

>what's going on today, what are you here for?
What the fuck do you think she's here for you dumb chink

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man she is really not over the fact that her mom has passed away
this is really sad

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ghetto meth speak



actually pretty common user, you get to do whatever you want with her (gangbang, double anal, making her eat pussy, etc) and you don't have to deal with cleaning out rolls and all that stinky stuff, if you aren't into that type of stuff

she a QUEEN

>that missing tooth

She is a good Asian woman.

I like that she is able to make Mid West rednecks feel comfortable in her presence.

A model minority.

There are men out there fucking 600bl+ land whales. At least this chick is average size

BASED Brian I'm pretty sure implying he might murder Angie from tonight's My 600 Pound Life on her GoFundMe page

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Thank you jeezas

keep us posted

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based brian has no chill

these likely aren't even from Yea Forums and are facebook normalniggers where the gofundme was linked


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based boomer

Malted milk balls

>Claims to be approved for surgery
>Begging for money
Yeah... I am calling bull shit. She is not approved, still addicted, and just trying to scam money.

based brian

>takes everything ff including the skin


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>lying to your patient

why is this allowed

>you are beautiful

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I didn't come herefor feels Dr.Lee

This is sweet. Thanks Dr. Lee.


Holy shit Brian is out for blood

goddamn it lad at least spoiler it

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mm chicken nuggies

...this guy should probably go to a real doctor and not Dr. Pimple Popper

jesus christ man get it together

>my dad died from cancer
>it started with lumps
>anyways i waited 7 years to get this lump i have checked out

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>just shoves her finger right in
I bet it feels as tight as a pussy.

Imagine her squeezing your balls like that

that scream

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Anons just a heads up I'm going to make a post for the My 600 Pound Life replays when Dr Pimple Popper is over. Anyone know if the Angel episode is any good?

11p-12a EST - My 600 Pound Life: Angel's Story (repeat from S3 in 2015)
>A woman struggles to make a positive change to be part of her partner and son's lives and turn her life around.

12a-2a - My 600 Pound Life: Angie J's Story (repeat from new episode that aired earlier tonight)
>At over 600-lbs, Angie is trying to get to Houston to see Dr. Nowzaradan, in the hope of getting weight loss surgery to save her life. However, family conflict and disagreements may stop her from being able to do what she needs before she even gets the chance.

imagine her finger your prostate like that

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Am I really the only one noticing how weird the make up looks

how do you watch american tv it has a commercial break every 5 mins for fucks sake

>gib shoulder bussy

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How else do you know what pills to ask your doctor for?

That's the one where Eric drives her to Houston and she tells Dr. oiw 'he's just a friend'

I think

theyre breaks for shitposting

>MFW Ive seen a kindly older gentlemen walk in for a Nat Food's expo.
>Had that shit behind his ear exactly that sise and shape.

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do you live in the country by any chance?




jesus CHRIST why do i watch this show

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>gib shoulder burger

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600 POUND LIFE (replay edition)
600 POUND LIFE (replay edition)
600 POUND LIFE (replay edition)
600 POUND LIFE (replay edition)
600 POUND LIFE (replay edition)
600 POUND LIFE (replay edition)
600 POUND LIFE (replay edition)
600 POUND LIFE (replay edition)

11p-12a EST - My 600 Pound Life: Angel's Story (repeat from S3 in 2015)
>A woman struggles to make a positive change to be part of her partner and son's lives and turn her life around.

12a-2a - My 600 Pound Life: Angie J's Story (repeat from new episode that aired earlier tonight)
>At over 600-lbs, Angie is trying to get to Houston to see Dr. Nowzaradan, in the hope of getting weight loss surgery to save her life. However, family conflict and disagreements may stop her from being able to do what she needs before she even gets the chance.

nope wrong one

>new thread at 160 posts
nigger what are you doing

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in murica? yeah, in the shittyest state unfortunately.

How do I stop popping bumps that aren't even pimples but have white stuff in them? I'm marking up my face. This is ruining my life.