Does anyone still make wholesome kino?
Does anyone still make wholesome kino?
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This show could change a lot of communities and lifestyles. If people just got high and watched the pilot.
literally the most racist, hate-filled television show I've ever been forced to watch
literally the perfect family
>the most racist, hate-filled television show
prove it
Why is the father a tad swarthy?
they're white
Great show, great books
>Tfw no brave 15 year old Laura wife
Shut up about the goddamned window Laura, it's not even yours.
Maybe in Burgerland
That was unironically replaced with Little Mosque on the Prairie, and that's a good thing.
Pa's 70s-ass hair always bothered the hell out of me
It makes dysfunctional families feel bad about themselves. Also implies that whites are comfy and wholesome and therefore non whites are degenerate and inferior.
It got weird in later seasons such as the episode where Laura is abducted by aliens who have Mark Twain molest her.
they white = they racist
Fuck the Olsen family
Got that Neil diamond hair
I 'member when Derek from Silver Spoons wanted to buy a rifle for sport and his bro Albert got shot/killed, so he turned into a pacifist.
I hated Albert worse than I hated Nellie. He was just so whiny and always fucking up. Hey the kid wasn't even acting, he was just shitty like that.
Lol, what?! Albert was the best and died a martyr.
Only more top tier than Albert, was based Willie. I 'member he left for a while and came back a grown man and Laura's pussy got so wet, they fucked in the back of the candy store.
i haven't seen this shit in ages but there are some episodes I still remember
>that one where the dad fell from the tree and broke his leg, then the community banded together to help
>that episode with the one girl whose one leg is shorter than the other
>one episode with a super strict teacher who later got ran out of town
i wonder if these are actually from the show
>one episode with a super strict teacher who later got ran out of town
Please tell me she was black, kek kek
nah it was an old white guy
I like the episode when the children and the deaf child molester steal the towns metal to make a bell.
Don't you threaten me with a good time.
Of course it was. I seem to remember he spanked one of the boys too.
That's fucking deep, dude. I might have to dig that ep up. I'd like to see them ring the bell and all the kids go into a trance and follow the molester out of town like the pied piper.
My sister says this all the time. She was a Mary fan (you know, the bitch who went blind from masterbating too much in the barn).
>As of 2016, a film adaptation of the pilot movie was underway at Paramount Pictures,[3] with Sean Durkin as the director, Scott Rudin as the producer, and Abi Morgan as the screenwriter.[4]
what the fuck
>>that one where the dad fell from the tree and broke his leg, then the community banded together to help
Ha, looked it up and turns out it was the first episode
Why are you trying to shit up this thread? Take the cum that's clogging your head out
>Nancy Olsen (Nellie's heir apparent)
Now this can't be fucking right?!?!
I think I scorched my shorts!
I saved your thread from dying. You should be thanking me.
Also, if you think Little House was a show for virgins, made by virgins... you are dead wrong. Mr. Edwards and Charles Engles were in homosexual relationship.
He's jewish in real life. But his character doesn't act like a jew though.
I haven't watched much of this, but I've probably seen 85% of Bonanza, which I absolutely love.
It's not my thread you fucking retard
It's better the thread die than your cringy kikery filling it
>these two characters were actually fucked
>that child masturbated
This site is 18+ you're clearly no older than 15
Archie isnotfucking Mr. Weatherbee!
one of the few shows from when I was a kid that i can go back and watch and it's still good..and makes me feel good instead of killing myself like everything on tv now