I completely ignored this in the years when they were relevant here. Where do I start with them.
I completely ignored this in the years when they were relevant here. Where do I start with them
Other urls found in this thread:
Just watch World Peace and 2070 Paradigm Shift. Everything else is serviceable but not gut-busting or anything.
>*insert commentary on pseud post-capitalist isolation and detachment*
I just saved you the effort.
Start with the one where they have moms and they insult them. But I like when they start talking to their friends. A lot of these kids know how to talk to people and stuff. What else is there to do for free than laugh at someone else's face? Or maybe talk about a movie you're making for fun?
The same goes for these guys' parents who just are not doing their jobs. There is that one time where one of them was talking about a movie and they said "I'm just sitting here wondering what's next and I don't want people to know this, but I guess I'll put my toys to good use. Why don't you have me read to you while I do this?" So his parents are so proud of their kid who doesn't need them.
Here are some examples of people being very passive about things — and how they react:
There's this one kid who gets really weird when he wants to talk with his buddies.
I unironically had someone here try to tell me Filthy Frank was an MDE ripoff
I doubt Frank and Sam have ever thought about each other for more than 30 seconds
mde never dies
this is the right answer. i'd include early youtube Sam where he just rants in front of his mirror and laughs at his fat mom yelling at him.
he is. a shitty one at that.
pleb shit for angry teens
I would add Moms to this as well.
watch all the archived shit on Youtube, then watch World Peace. anything made past World Peace (besides the first few episodes of Hyde Wars) isn't really that great
Filthy Frank literally stole an entire gag
Jojoba had an interview where he cited Sam as a huge influence.
The wheelchair thing is rather blatant but Sam didn't invent the concept of anti-humor, and Frank always struck me as more similar to Tom Green than Sam
This is the only MDE video you must watch
>Sam's show gets cancelled and he gets deplatformed off of youtube
>He cries about being blacklisted and begs his fans for support
>A fan kindly puts up some his content/World Peace stuff, without monetization, to promote him
>He says some shit in an open conversation that doesn't paint Sam in saintly light
>Sam immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
Why does Sam shit on his fans and act in such a hypocritical manner? What's wrong with him?
It's pretty obvious he ripped off that trex sketch. It wasn't even a good video either.
except when it did, due to Sam's faggotry
Literally Tim and Eric for Nazis.
-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.
-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.
I think I know who I side with now. Owen today is funnier than Sam has ever been:
test tube gub gub snail man
He isn't some idol he's just a human being at the end of the day who's cunty and emotional and does stupid immature shit. He probably got hurt feelings so he did it.
owen is for like 95 IQ peeps, corny asf
it's obvious he's got some benefactor lined up but Sam always blows his money on something stupid. It unironically comes off like he's got an impulse control issue
he's a big player in dark web money.
Imagine being an unironic social conservative/traditionalist in this day and age. The dude's comedy is literally incompatible with traditionalism; he relies on Lenny Bruce-style vulgarity and shock humor.
Yeah, word on the streets is he makes booku money selling DMT pulverized from gorilla brains into a fine crystal to Joe Rogan. Didn't hear it from me though.
he's still a saint compared to Sam's nihilism/jewishness.
mde fan here...
here are the actually good ones
world peace
ideas man
2070 paradigm shift
tips for artists presentation
an inconvenient anime
dark skyes project
jaihoo (there is a copy already floating around)
Owen is literally part Jewish.
Also Ideas Man
Why do fags care about the beliefs and personality of people they've never met, that's what girls do. If they makes me laugh, I don't give a fuck what they are like behind the scenes lol.
He's clearly rejected that side of him, and yet Sam still acts more Jewish than he does and seems to have embraced it.
Source? Please
This entire board is obsessed with the beliefs and personalities of people they've never met.
An inconvenient Anime
His TEDx talk
The one where he drops red pills on dumb hipsters during a standup show.
>Why do fags care about the beliefs and personality of people they've never met
Because fags like Sam and Owen give political/life advice and no one likes a hypocrite so they dig into their lives to see if they practice what they preach. So far Sam seems far more hypocritical than Owen though.
This plus Moms
Williamsburg Street Fashion
College Cunts
Prodigal Stunna
Charls Bombstrap
The Heist
Murder Charls
Gin N Piss
Pizza Threats
but like who cares
KSTV was kino too.
>-Godless nihilist.
>-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
>-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
>-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
>etc etc
You'd have to be a pea brain dumdum to watch MDE and think for even a second that the guys behind it are happy, well-adjusted members of society. It's edgy and misanthropic, and if shit like doesn't make you chuckle a little bit there are plenty of other ecelebs to watch. Sam is a gross faggot who is easily as degenerate as the people he criticises, but that's part of the joke.
Everything is still relevant and Sam is a genius but that nigger still owes me a shirt.
The kikes are on time as usual. Imagine spamming the same fake info about Sam every fucking thread, just like what happens to loads of other right-wing personalities.
Six million wasn’t enough.
>fake info about Sam
what's fake? there are like literal pictures of Sam together with that 16yo girl he sodomized shirtless for example and he mentions her in a skit. Where there is smoke there is fire and all that.
>You'd have to be a pea brain dumdum to watch MDE and think for even a second that the guys behind it are happy, well-adjusted members of society.
People like that shouldn't give political/life advice for money and take advantage of their fans the way Sam and Co. do, that's the angle of most of the criticism. They're pied pipers.
Pedophilia and getting facefucked by trannies is based when Sammy does it.
If you don't take fucking Sam Hyde's advice with at least a little skepticism you deserve to get fucked in the ass
Also what did you goys think of kstv2 (now on gumroad for only 5 bux a month, less than the cost of a latte)
Also what did you guys think
discord tranny here, better stop watching these videos or i'll post the same four images over and over
over-edited piece of shit that's barely worth pirating, much less paying for.
the roids must have really fucked with Sam's head for him to have fallen this far.
Dude likes crazy bitches, like most non virgins. So scandalous!
Get fuuucked
aka Tim and Eric but actually funny
>Pedophilia and getting facefucked by trannies is based when Sammy does it.
The guy is in his 30's, never has been married, never had kids, never has been in stable long term relationship.
If that doesn't send out all sorts of red flags about his probable sexual degeneracy, I dont know what does.
This is good. The Williamsburg interviews are my personal favorites.
I liked the new KStv too bad it only took two years to edit.
do you really expect anybody to read through that rambling?
>t. easily impressed zoomer
widen your horizons
Why is it a problem what some fag in New England does?
Tell us what modern media you're impressed by, bug boy
>spoiler alert: he won't!
I'd say this is where to start. Then start going through Sam's mirror videos. My favorite selfie video is "to my future gay son"
>modern media
fuck that, gotta look to the past to find the gold. Culture today is a rotting corpse, Sam's content included.
>People like that shouldn't give political advice
Fuck you nigger, we live in a democracy, any retard can spout whatever they want about their politics. They don't need to be a figure of authority to do so. And his life advice is generic as hell, like "don't waste time and cut toxic people out of your life"
Still my favorite piece from them.
>And his life advice is generic as hell, like "don't waste time and cut toxic people out of your life"
that's exactly why anyone that pays him 5 dollars to hear that is a retard
>he doesn't understand what the word 'modern' means
Jesus. Do you only watch 70s sitcoms? Nice cop out you stupid faggot
This is true also, I don't recall him ever saying "don't get facefucked by a tranny" or "don't stick things in your ass.". Sam isn't some kind of anti-degeneracy crusader hypocrite.
Father figure is good too
>Sam isn't some kind of anti-degeneracy crusader hypocrite.
Actually I agree, HydeWars was retarded and a waste of money, so he could pretend he's doing something for a year or two
If you're gonna be a faggot you had better at least have the decency to hate yourself for it.
Kickstarter tv
college cunts
ideas man
sam vertical videos
tumbl this
how to make it as an artist
world peace
MDE has better shit overall but the TV show only has a few good episodes. TandE is more consistent and also has John C Reilley to bail them out when they can't think of anything funny. All in all, both are good shows. Politics has nothing to do with the actual quality imo.
>xhe's still ass burned about his homo schtick
is he right about Seinfeld guys?
Owen is logos
r/movies called, they want their moderator back
>that obsessed tranny that always shows up to bash MDE
nobody pretends Sam Hyde is the paragon of traditionalism you fucking fag, he's just a funny guy
100% spot on
>nobody pretends Sam Hyde is the paragon of traditionalism
you should see the way his dick suckers white knight him any time his degeneracy is brought up.
You mean all that made up shit that has no basis outside of obscure Yea Forums and tranny Discord posts? Lmao!
way to prove his point
i love this copy pasta so much lmao
What point? That I'm supposed to believe something because I see it on some random screencap posted by an obsessed leftist? Sorry I'm not a gullible faggot
>corroborated by one of Sam's own skits
>corroborated by ex employees
>with literal pictures of them together shirtless
We're talking about the same dude here right?
dr manslave baby!!!
>only found in discord tranny screencaps, no actual interviews or verified Twitter posts
>one set of pictures of Sam with gf proves all the batshit stories I've heard of Sam being gay and sucking tranny cock and molesting co-workers and fucking underage girls
Do you understand how obsessed and stupid you look?
I'm a fan of MDE too but you're being a giant homo for defending some eceleb's honor on Yea Forums.
>using stock photos from google images
what the fuck are you doing man? If you want people to believe your "screencaps" at least try to fit in.
Cry forever faggot
blocks your path!
Owen isn't funny and he has no game or production spirit.
Sam actually tries to please his fans. Also he has pretty keen graphic design skillz.
>Sam actually tries to please his fans. Also he has pretty keen graphic design skillz.
Lol, do you think his fans care about "dude weed" graphic effects? Sam treats his fans like shit, like that 4 month hiatus he took not putting out any content, while still charging his subcribers a monthly fee. Also see pic
It's clear that Owen has shills, this isn't an Owen thread but Owen shills have shown up. Owen's a glownigger e-celeb, he's not legit.
>I'm a fan of MDE
Don't give a shit, not relevant, exactly what a shill would say
>You're being a giant homo for defending some eceleb's honor
It's less defending someone's honor and more calling out someone's obvious bullshit, not sure how that's gay but if it is I guess I'm a flaming cock sucker
Kickstarter TV
>Owen's a glownigger e-celeb, he's not legit.
As opposed to the daily Sam threads that get spammed on Yea Forums
>obvious bullshit
So start a zero reply Owen thread, it's pathetic that Owen is being shilled on Sam's coattails.
Based "knows they're all ripping off Tom Green" poster!
Watch show. And YouTube. And then Gum Road.
>picture conveniently leaves out this post from two days earlier
Disingenuous shits
What is that pic supposed to prove?
Gum Road costs money and Sam should be getting those lucrative Vapes sponsorships.
salt sweet balance, just like davinchi, and no more vertical videos are some of their best work. father figure is pretty good too.
Personally I think it's over for Sam. His show got cancelled, he got kicked off every major platform, and his response was to start averaging one new video every three months and put them behind a paywall, thus ensuring he will never get any new fans. Also his newer stuff seems to be pretty lackluster.
>literally nobody screeches at sam
he doesn't even have a checkmark of david
>picture conveniently leaves out this post from two days earlier
How is what he's saying not valid. Even Sam admitted that he ruined Nick/Charls's shots at TV careers.
If you can't take mild criticisms like that from your own fans and block anything that scratches at your fragile ego like Sam does, then Im afraid you're a complete faggot. How Sam's paypigs dont see it I dunno.
isn't it just the first episode
if Sam had actual work ethic he's have a whole season ready. It took him literally 2 years to edit together one episode.
Leftist crybabies ruined World Peace, blaming it completely on Sam is pure shillspeak. I don't pay for any of his shit but if I did I wouldn't feel entitled to accuse him of ruining his best friends careers, and get all flamboyant and shocked when he blocks me for it. Sounds like a faggot move to me.
His gumroad stuff is p good
Can someone tell me where the part that makes Sam Hyde look bad is? Don’t feel like reading this entire thing
hit the boost, kiiiiid
This cartoon makes me lol every time I see it
Damn, Destiny was in MDE sketch before Twitch? When did he turn so much to the left?
None of it, it's all extremely based not even joking
Officer Maggot is the only thing Hyde has done that made me laugh. Everything else is boorish.
>he didn't laugh at the tap water sketch
you're a dour humourless cunt lining
It's fascinating to me how much of an emotional response Sam brings out of some people. Every single thread. The butthurt is eternal. Is it really all because of Sam's personal opinions and politics? I don't know what to make of it, honestly, but I'm starting to believe that there really are some seething discord trannies that just can't let things go.
discord trannies aren't their own people
the ass hurt against sam comes from a higher place
At this point I'm almost starting to believe that as well
It wasn't discord trannies who got his show cancelled. It was Tim and his jew buddies in the network.
sounds like a redditor watched 2 minutes of some sam phone vid and tried to summarize mde
Are you for real? His politics are all he's got, he has zero personality and his comedy is barely that. All he's known for now is being a retarded little nazi.
This is what I'm talking about. Sam has an enormous body of work behind him, years and years of funny stuff and he did it completely independent and even managed to do a season on AS which is a great achievement. It's one thing if one just doesn't find him funny but why are you so mad? Does his personal opinions really upset you that much?
>his personal opinions
His entire post-2016 output is political. You can't separate it.
Sam hyde is the internet version of older guys that hang out at skate parks and think they are cool for selling dime bags.The dude is onions af. It took him 2o failed attempts to break a window with a fucking hammer. Dudes a limp wristed tranny fucker. Mde only appeals to autists with step daddy issues
So what if it is? Is that the reason you are angry?
spot on
Reminder that this is posted in every hyde/mde thread alongnwith all the charavter defamation shit. They wont to divide and conquer, and have you choose sides and hate the other. Ignore these fucking JIDF or tranny shills or whatever the fuck type of loser sits around all day waiting to post this stuff.
>what's fake?
Literally all of it. Non of it is proven, you just gaslight every fucking thread. There is obviously a coordinated effort against hyde. You can guarantee that every single thread has the same bullshit talking points, often copy and pasted.
>t. Leftist
Don’t even bother with this unfunny shit
What's wrong with comedians being political? Leftists do it all the time butnyou dont bitch and moan like a fucking spoiled dyke
>le u mad xD defense
He jumped on the maga band wagon and got delete system 32'd. He knew he was fucked when he started crying during his buzzfeed melt down. Borat did a whole thing where he beat jews after they hatched from an egg, THAT was based comedy. Sam hyde doesnt put any effort into his "comedy." He just makes selfie videos ranting and hanging out with autistic teenagers with no father figures
>All he's known for now is being a retarded little nazi.
Kill yourself, mentally ill freak. The images shilled here actually show that he isn't a Nazi. Thanks for proving this for us guys, i was really worried.
There's obviously a coordinated effort to destroy him. Discord trannies, JIDF, that retard Gammon Favreau sitting arpjnd literally 24/7 waiting to do this... every thread has the same defamatory crap posted, many of the replies are copy-pasted.
>literally not a leftist
>literally said nothing about politics
Why do NPC'S call everything leftist when they get btfo'd? Sams stand up about prison is great. You probably dont know about it though, since your a bot.
Not him but you sound really mad. You're so passionate and devoted to destroying his character. Its honestly fucked up. Did sammy do something to hurt your feelings? Sounds like he was too edgy for you. You know way too much about him.
Self defense? I'm just trying to understand why some are so eager to shit on and slander him because I have observed the same things as >Borat
Yea okay bud, jesus
>and got delete system 32'd.
>Using delete system 32 as a verb
>Borat is based comedy
Oh sorry, didn't mean to upset you. You just sounded butthurt about sam and that usually means you're upset over his edgy comedy. I dont think you're right wing though, you sound like you have no balls. Maybe you are female?
>Borat is BASED xD
>le ebin system 32 reference, look how much of an oldfag i am
Fucking kill yourself redditor tranny.
>wahh wahh stop liking sam hyde
Oh nononono
He's consistently late with his videos too. And then each time he'll offer lame excuses and complain about how hard he has to work to make them. And then the videos themselves suck. It's sad to see talent overshadowed by huge personality flaws.
>You probably dont know about it though, since your a bot.
>Le only I know one of the most popular stand ups Sam has done
>wahhhh! Im a victim! Halp! Super jews!
Naw, he just isnt a comedian. Hes as much a comedian as markiplier, pewdie pie, logan paul or brendan schaub, but hes not an artist like dave chappelle, and mde isnt this gone before its time gem like the chappelle show. It was an aggro tim and eric show rip off. Autists need to quit making these faggoty threads like it was a kids in the hall, whitest kids you know, tier show. All the mde guys arent doing shit with comedy, wheras comedians from real sketch tropes moved onto bigger things
>people like this exist and post here
What the fuck
Its funny because you talk so much shit but hes 1000x more successful and liked than youll ever be. Does that make you cry?
>edgy comedy
Yikes! You know nothing about comedy if you think sam hyde is "edgy." Youve obviously never heard older comedians that have nigger jokes. Kill your self with a gun
>muh jews
>but hes not an artist like dave chappelle
You honestly sound like the biggest faggot ive ever met on this board. I guarantee youre a left wing pussy too.
Why bother? It's a bunch of angry incels blaming da joos for why they arent famous
go back
>you sound really mad
>proceeds to write a full passive agressive paragraph.
Aww, fine example of the quiet rager. Joan rivers is " edgier," ( *cringe) than sam hydeburg. Hes literally jewish
>one line is a paragraph
Based retard. Ya dude, sams jewish, keepctelling yourself that, just remember to take your schizo meds along with your hormone pills.
>durr only old fags can into computers
T.phone faggot.
Long ways for results you absolute zilch shill.
Nice try tranny, Yea Forums loves mde
This. They peaked here
I really like Sam's vertical videos and most of the World Peace sketches
Oh wow! Nigger jokes??!!! Woah dude that's hella f**** edgy, so much more edgy than implying kikes run the world!! Who made those "edgy" jokes?
>internet follower count is THE way to measure success in life!
>so BTFO "she" cant even express her brainlet replies coherently
I dont care, youre too stupid and cringey to talk to. Go away faggot. Im ignoring you now.
Oh youve also had a tv show on a big network and were able to be self employed doing what you love?
No. Of course not. You're a massive fucking loser. Post more weebshit to keep proving me right, retard
>I guarantee youre a left wing pussy too.
I could knock you out and play your head like an african drum off the curb or pierce your ear from a 100 yards away. Your more leftist for liking sam, a self renowned jew that e begs for sheckels.You havent even asked me my political stance, which doesnt matter to anything, it only shows that you value your political npc stance as a form of identity, which is sad. Maga was cool in 2016 when people dabbed. Get over it
The style is played out now espically the YouTube editing but that’s really because of how pervavise it became but a couple of years ago it was amazing, pure genius.
I am self employed and do what I love. I also haven't publicly disgraced myself, which is a plus.
>one line
Let's count together. Ready?
>Not him but you sound really mad.
>You're so passionate and devoted to destroying his character.
> Its honestly fucked up.
> Did sammy do something to hurt your feelings?
4... Sound it out
>Sounds like he was too edgy for you.
>You know way too much about him.
And 6! Good job! You get .15 cents for your post. Good goyim!
There isn't anything wrong about it.
But you can't then complain that "durr you just hate him because you don't like his politics"...his comedy is political, it's a valid reason to hate him.
How much does Sam pay you fags to make these threads? A dollar a thread? Do you do it for free?
Tell him to fucking kill himself for me. Hes a disgrace not just amongst regular people who hate his shit for the wrong reasons, but tasteful weirdos like the people on this site who hate it for the right reasons.
Fucking kill yourself you worthless sack of shit, youre not even a has-been, just a warped freak.
Not to mention he raped an underage girl.
I think a lot of the people that are super mad at Sam now are former fans that are trying to cope with the fact that he doesn't share their politics. That realization hit them like a ton of bricks. It's extremely important for these people that every thing they consume media wise is in lockstep with their own views and feelings.
This is your god?
>tranny so BTFO she starts threatening violence
Oh no, im so afraid of your soyy wrists
And fucked a tranny. On video!
>I am self employed and do what I love
No you aren't. You're an anime queer wageslave or a neet.
The Boston Ross video was him bragging about fucking a 15-year-old girl in the ass.
>doesnt know what a line is
Epic retard detected
Are creators like cboyardee, Mega64 and psychicpebbles the only people to have positive things to say about MDE?
Oh, I am? Alright. Stay mad superfan.
No, they realized his stuff is lazy shit and the hackneyed politica “jokes” werent funny. It’s just not funny enough. At times mean spirited shit can be funny but if youre a one trick pony and thats all youve got youre a fucking hack. A useless, talentless hack. Then your show gets cancelled because youre a hack. Your fans leave because youre a hack. Even Yea Forums hates you, except for a tiny army of autists who shitpost with the force of 1000 teenage YouTube commenters, because youre a hack. Get it? Get the fucking picture? Stop posting your half baked canned comments and fuck off back to the desperate mess known as your life. Grope your way up some other “fame” chain. Stop being this guys bitch.
Nice unverified unsourced erotic fanfic, tranny. If you think this is evidence then youre probably dumb enough to be left wing in 2019
>makes a reddit joke
>calls others redditors
WEW lad go the fuck back
>calling others superfan when you know more about sam than they do
>tranny literally seething that sam doesnt share "her" politics
Rage more autistic retard
Remember this nigga? He makes MDE style content now, it’s pretty based
>starts threatening violence
>wahhhhh! Im a victim!
God your a snowflake. Its not a threat its a promise. Jee your soooo in danger under an anonymous anime board. Sorry for triggering your ptsd. Sorry, pts.your step dad probably was right tho.you are a whiny Bitch Im just saying, in a hand to hand combat situation, i could do whatever i want with your body, hypothetically. Alt right npcs turn just as basedylent as leftists when under "threat."
Its pretty obvious the shilling campaign is AGAINST him. You'd have to be an absolute moron not to see it. Sorry, Yea Forums likes mde, the 2 raging retards who never leave wont change that
Someones maaaaaaaaaad. I think I hit a nerve lmao. Sam's more explicitly political material is a few HydeWars vlogs, which doesn't even make up 10% of his total work.
Oh yeah, I know sadworld. Good shit
>blah blah blah
Dilate, retard. You're so clearly a leftist cuck, using the term "alt right npc". You sound fat too
>literally wrote an assmad paragraph
T.Seething sam cuck.
Imagine being this assblasted over fucking sam hyde. What the hell happened? Did he rape your tranny boyfriend?
>never watched ideas man, moms, whypz, b&e, street fashion, verticals, etc.
hi r****t
>h-haha youre right but you like same hyde
Kill yourself leftist tranny. You dont pass.
>former hyde fan here
Someone post that gammon favreau faggot too
>he’s a jew but he’s one of the good ones
>but there are no good jews
>they’re also all deceptive and manipulative
>except for this one that I like
Damn I used to think MDE fans were fucked in the head until I saw his haters.
Fuck off leftist cuckold
Its an organized campaign against him. Most are leftists upset that he still has a following while being edgy. Possibly JIDF though, since those jew jokes hit too close for comfort
fuck off sam
holy fucking shit you /pol/ niggers are delusional
What delusional reality do you live in? Your the one shilling for a jewish guy who paywalls his fans for sheckels with shitty selfie videos that are as angtsy as a teenage girls. Im literally more right wing than you if you want to measure dicks, which i know you dont.
Youd have to be a moron to think it wasn't some sort of organized campaign. 100% of the threads are flooded with the same unsubstantiated defamatory claims, replies are copied and pasted. You're really stupid.
>shilling for a jewish guy who paywalls his fans for sheckels
Prove it, tranny.
>i-im actually le ebin based nazi believe my goy
Sure kid
explain this pic ( ) and why the texts match exactly the anecdote described in the Boston Ross skit? Or are you seriously so dumb and blind that you just hand wave that shit away saying it actually is somehow a coincidence?
nice dubs, but have sex
>no mention of Sam/MDE in thse pics at all
schizo, take your meds
gammon is such a faggot holy shit
inb4 some pussified homofied faggot calls this freak faggot cute
No. First you have to prove how the texts are legit, which you have utterly failed to do, because you literally cant.
Far left discord trannies spreading their left wing filth on Yea Forums is true. Thanks for acknowledging that, tranny.
gibby trying to be edgy is the most basic bitch embarrassing normie shit i have ever seen
you like watching hollywood rich kids act edgy in front of a camera huh
>same unsubstantiated defamatory claims
most of them post stuff that's directly from Sam himself (his twitter/instagram) or stuff that's been proven to come from people associated with him (channing/cup cup girl and another anonymous employee)
>First you have to prove how the texts are legit
Employees of Sam said they confronted him about it and said they are real, plus they line up with the skit.
>Far left discord trannies spreading their left wing filth on Yea Forums is true.
Nothing to do with MDE though unless you have direct evidence of that (SURELY you must since you somehow deny the legitimacy of those text messages, but expect us to believe trannies are defaming Sam without providing any proof of your own)
Irrelevant. You post some random tweet then make an outrageous defamatory claim. You're a complete retard.
>Employees of Sam said they confronted him about it and said they are real, plus they line up with the skit.
>thinking this is proof
>Nothing to do with MDE though
Never said they did. Are you retarded? At least you admit they exist, cocksucking faggot.
Never watched one of his actual sketch videos, only the edits he makes and read some of his writings, shit makes me laugh sometimes, other times I resonate with his reactionary anger at society. I’m sort of a mirthful comedic ironist humorist — Gibby, Sam Hyde, Pewdiepie, Kantbot, Logo_Daedalus, Tarkovsky, me. We just get it.
>t-tranny! Take your m-meds!
This shill is a broken record. No attempts at rebutting any arguements, no attempt at making a coherent counter point, just bot buzzwords. Sam is jewish. Evident in his own video statement. Sam is not "edgy," he only panders to the lowest common denominator for neet bucks while he cackles
so much seethe in a single thread
it's definitely jidf, dude. they're trying to turn sam's fans against him.
>cocksucking faggot.
God this guy is so mad. It probably is sam hyde himself. He responds to petty youtube comments with the sam vitriol
this better be bait
I’ll wait til you go back to r/billionshekelsupreme or whatever it’s called
Nope you just sound like a homo
Uou havent made any arguments. Youve spammed a bunch of unverified, unsourced bullshit and rambled about jews.
Prove sam is jewish. You cant.
I've watched the Kickstarter TV series in full probably 20 times over, I'm not a huge fan otherwise
>it's definitely jidf, dude
le super jew conspiratard. Jee i hope i can someday be a victim.
Did you ever think that maybe things are the way they are? There's no big conspiracy, sam is a failed hack who hangs out with young fans like a creep and uses them for their neetbux. He larps as le too edgy strongk funny fat guy, but hes not headlining stand up and not making sketches that are being censored, hes not making any talented content what soever and it is Where it is, cus its trash. Mde's success was as another tim and eric knock off, and wasnt anything too edgy.
>literally knows the r3ddit name
It honestly might be. Them and a few butthurt ex fans or trannies. They tactics are definitely there.
>sam is gay
>sam is a tranny
>sam is jewish because he asks for fan funding
>oy vey goy this right winger is more based you should pick sides
>sam isnt a real nazi like us
Every single thread.
>thinking this is proof
It's evidence, pretty strong if you ask me. And yet, at the same time you expect people to believe that discord trannies are attacking Sam with evidence that amounts to waaay less.
Sam's dick suckers everyone, delusional schizos that won't apply their own standards to themselves.
>blah blah blah
He obviously struck a nerve. You're so damn mad.
>It's evidence, pretty strong if you ask me.
Evidende of what? Its proof that discord trannies exist. Nothing more. Its obvious that there is a coordinated effort against Hyde, we can only speculate as to who it is though. You have a low IQ.
IMG 0612
>Prove sam is jewish
Have you even watched his videos? Or are you just an indian shill being paid in chicken grease?He clearly states he is part jewish in his own content,and his father is a liberal jew. Walk into traffic. I doubt you drive, but maybe wrench the wheel hard left into a cement pillar when your mom takes your obese ass to get more pizza rolls
i was being sarcastic. sam is definitely a narcissist and possibly sociopathic. if you've ever been acquainted with a person like that then it should be even more obvious
>is a devout christian
so we know he's an idiot, gotcha
>your so damn mad
Still no arguement. This NPC is short a chromosome or 2. Just the same tired " you mad!, tranny, leftist" bot responses. Watch this bot will post something about a tranny with reading anything because it has he reading comprehension skills of a 2nd grader in a tantrum
Watch as the schizo squirms, moments ago you seemed pretty adamant that trannies were coordinating against Sam. DESU, Im really starting to doubt your claim of a coordinated smear effort at all.
Just seems like pissed off exfans that happen to use this site that are sick of seeing threads about the guy.
>Its obvious that there is a coordinated effort against Hyde
Naw man, its no secret super jew meme lab, just a bunch of us autistics for kino that want this mde cancer shit out of this site. Anyways, your talking about a show that was a rip off of tim and eric. Sam can never be the far right heroin he larps as, and it angers him and his disillusioned fans. Theres too much evidence he fucks Trannys, raped an underage girl and hangs out with young fans.
Honestly I felt like world peace was way overrated because mde fans were happy to get a show on adult swim. KSTV is much funnier. Also the rutgers university thing was better than 2070.
The verticals in particular are worth every effort to preserve.
>you seemed pretty adamant that trannies were coordinating against Sam.
No. You are either stupid or purposefully misrepresenting me. There is definitely a coordinated effort against him though, and you're probably part of it. Otherwise youre a fucking massive loser.
Wasnt trying to argue with you. I don't argue with spastic schizos who ttpe way too much and say nothing.
>m-muh tim and eric
Every time. Of course you would enjoy those literal jew cucks, leftist cum gargler.
>assblasted libcuck tranny tries applying "her" worthless psych degree
Thanks for the laugh.
College Cunts, knife school, ideas man, smocaine
i think the guys worked together for about a decade. why is it that so soon after mde fell apart, sam is flaunting new cars and apartments while charls is working construction and is clearly struggling financially?
who let sam manage the money until late 2016?
>oy vey goy sam is a jew listen to my conspiracy theory
those are just observations my friend, never said anything about him being jewish
Ur in denial if you dont think Sam has been acting like a kike.
Dont really pay that much attention to his life, since im not an OBSESSED loser. His videos are fucking hilarious though
Trips of truth
all that was true in since 2017 my guy, do i not have a right to even question what the fuck happened there
antifa faggot
Kickstarter TV is great but especially in the paid series you can see this is when he really starts to act like he's on a soapbox. HydeWars is basically his final form, since huge stretches of it is just him beaming his opinions into your brain, so he finally embraced that he can get popular more easily by being another alt-tube speaker.
Sure thing homo
loads of anti MDE shills on here be careful user, people with money want this shit to be slandered.
start with youtube then do world peace.
>no one mentions an inconvenient anime
It's immense