Has there ever been a decline as bad as Game of Thrones?

Has there ever been a decline as bad as Game of Thrones?

The Walking Dead? Heroes? Somehow Game of Thrones seems worse because Season 8 should have ensured Game of Thrones would have been remembered as one of TV's GOATs.

It's mind-boggling how bad the self-sabotage is. Truly.

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The show's been on the decline since season 5. Most folks are only taking notice now because YAS KWEEN is finally going off her rocker and her house niggress got Clegane'd.

It was a lot higher so fell a lot further that those other shows you mentioned

This is why grand scale ambitious adaptations of fantasy books are always bound to fail. Not even taking into account actors ageing poorly, giving less of a shit as time goes on and complacence sets in.

this, normies hate it for the dumbest fucking reasons

Why’d she yell the dragons name at the end? Was she trying to get it to save her?

>worldwide sensation

That wasn't the dragon's name. That's the command for burning shit. She's telling YAS KWEEN to burn the city.

As long as cersei is alive and well i dont give even the slightest fuck i started watching when season 8 came out and didnt have to wait for any episodes except the last few feels based
Show was shit from beginning to ending always the same boring shit character talks talks talks character dies next cha

It's not even the worst decline during its own runtime lol

House, Dexter, Lost. There are a lot of insane declines, in fact, I would argue that most shows have this problem.

seasons 1-3 are perfect.
4 sharp decline is obvious from the word go
5 and beyond absolute shit.

lmao no
the only good season is the first one, rest are trash

what's wrong with season 4? It has the mountain vs the viper and Tyrions trial.

That hasn't really been a problem for GoT, memes aside.

You must love Transformers.

Several cast herds went in circles for a while

>Season 3 perfect
The caosh ish a laddah speech by itself drops the season a point on a 1-10 scale.

Nothing can beat the decline of Dexter.

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The decline is similar to Dexter’s. although they’re not similar shows and Dexter’s highs never reached GoT’s. Some really solid seasons then some shaky ones and then total nosedive off a cliff

the simpsons has to be up there
but i still believe game of thrones takes the cake

>normie basedboys clapped at Battle of the Bastards when it had all the problems and inconsistencies of season 8 GoT
>only now are they realizing the show is shit

Were only retards still watching the show or what?

littlefinger deserved better

to be fair though i don't know what they were supposed to do with him when the story went full magic shit

Walking dead has probably hit a lower low than got. It went from kino from season 1-3ish to fucking CW series tier


>pulls the strings and manipulates the events for multiple seasons
>is scheming and runs into selectively omnipotent cripple who said something he never should have known
>woah....EH WHATEVER I'll just keep doing what I'm doing
>dies like a retard

This truly is the Game of Thrones

>season 3 is perfect

You mean the season where nothing really happened until the red wedding? Except for Jaime and Brienne there was nothing interesting going on.

What i want to know is if d&d actually tried, and if they did, how do this level of incompetency reaches so high in a tv channel.

Westworld season 2 is THE worst and both most dramatic and fast decline ive ever seen.
Its like a Yea Forums anime asian fetishist made that season.

to me it seems like every time they deviated from the books it was utter shit rather than being an inherent issues of the length and size
the whole Essos plotlines are shit in the books too though

>old seasons KINO
>new seasons SHIT

Is there ever such a thing as average? I honestly don't see the big decline. Sure, it's not as good now as it used to be, but it's not like it was a masterpiece to begin with. It's gone form maybe 8/10 to 6/10.

Heroes and Prison Break had a MUCH bigger drop.

all of the characters are crazy in that they don't even question bran's omniscience other than pausing for a few seconds to give him a confused look
fucking tyrion is the only one who ever asks him about it and it's done off-screen

Writing was on the wall in season 1 though. Who the hell followed it to season 2?

True. It built up for literally seasons to a confrontation that depended on a fundamentally ridiculous scene.

Yeah, that was my problem especially with Littlefinger who WAS one of the smarter characters in the show. I mean even in the scene where Bran does the "chaos is a ladder" quote it zooms it on Littlefinger's face and music starts playing like it's a big deal. Then he just apparently never gave a fuck and kept doing what he was doing.

I think they stopped giving a shit a while ago and are incompetent writers who can't do anything without the books. HBO wanted 10 episodes from this season and begged them, but D&D said they only needed six. They blew the budget on epic fights because they have no creativity or patience for slow-burning storytelling anymore, and just want the normalfags to be agape in awe and make reaction videos or give social media praise.

the books got like that too.
After the red wedding there are just endless chapters of Brienne and Pod just going around looking for Starks and just a bunch of chapters of nothing. Cersei and Jaime chapters became the only chapters i cared about after the red wedding.

Heroes was literally never good so that just shows what you know

Eh, TWD has been up and down the whole way. In fact, the worst half-season was 6A, while the best was 6B.

>Has there ever been a decline as bad as Game of Thrones?
Airwolf Season 4

lol no. it dropped harder than hillary clinton in last election and she was going against the guy who said 3 things a week which would torpedo anyone's run

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neither was walking dead

Dexter season 3 to season 4 was the worst dropoff in show quality, without a cancellation intervention.

i found the premise of that show ridiculous, along with a lot of post apocalyptic stuff. I dont think people would be THAT scared of other people in a post civilization scenario like that.
Other humans is the absolute best thing you could possibly find.

>seasons 1-3
gritty medieval politics & scheming
>season 4
less scheming more cgi dragons
>season 5 and beyond
yasss queeen slayyyyy

basically, normies and especially normie women ruined it, as production had to pander to the lowest common denominator due to exec pressure and muh focus group testings

based literal boomer

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Walking Dead’s decline is worse. At least GoT is still working to a conclusion

prison break, although season 1 prison break>any got season

Is this an actual quote?

Lost "declined" from being 10/10 literally perfect, to 8/10 at worst. Got went from being 9/10 to literally unwatchable

inside actors head
>please dont say yes
>please dont say yes
>please dont say yes


wtf was that panama shit jesus christ
they should have just ended it with the guys escaping the first prison and thats it

>At least GoT is still working to a conclusion


is that an actual quote? cuz it seems like they did it like this

inside actors head
>dios mio que creatura terribla.... la goblina de winterfell

>if you want a whore, buy her, if you want a queen, earn her

this shit is straight from some white bitch's tumblr blog lmao the absolute state of writers

Heroes really dropped off a ledge instantly, so it's not like there was as much of a disappointment. The Shield had a similar falloff in the last season but has a great ending at least. Oz was fucking awful towards the end too. Game of Thrones has been bad for a few seasons now, the tone of the show was lost and it's only been the odd fanservice/character moments that have made it worth it.

For a decline as bad as GoT? I'd have to say The Wire desu, it didn't feel like it had overstayed it's welcome but the last season was just a mess. It's more like it's a HBO problem that their shows more often than not just trail off.

Seinfeld, Season 9. Not that it was particularly bad television, but the drop in quality was severe and instantaneous without that bald jew writing the script.

fuck, I'd managed to wipe that one from my mind.

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I still need to watch past Season 3 of the Wire. Everyone gave season 2 a lot of shit, but I thought it was the best.

Come on, even with season 5 of The Wire as bad as it was, it is still miles ahead of whatever puke they've splattered on pages for GoT lately.

Season 2 is such an underrated season that only gets hate from blacks who think the show was turning white, or are too dumb to piece together how important it ends up being to the rest of the show.

Battle of Bastards had:

Great resolution to the shitty Mereen plotline, and an awesome display of the dragon's power

The battle's logical inconsistencies were mostly overshadowed and some times explained by effective character driven storytelling with clear motivations.

It has memorable scenes that were shot masterfully, with splendid choreography and everything in clear view.

The characters involved really got, we felt Jon's suffocation, the moment was tense so that when he finally got to the gasp of air, it felt earned. Tormund got injured and we could feel how close he was to dying. At the end Jon's face is completely black from the smear of dirt blood and guts. He really looks as if he's been in a war, and through his final beating of Ramsay we can see how the battle was so brutal he momentarily forgot his humanity. Him snapping out of it, seeing his sister who deserved a final confrontation with her tormentor, was a great character beat that separated him from the rest of the characters, he was worthy of being the show's protagonist.

Also the battle is very clearly meant to be a skirmish between quite insignificant players (hence the name), not the end all, be all war for the future of life itself.

God damnit, thinking back to how great the BoB was, Sapochniks utter incompetence in the Long Night really pisses me off

Ok, I’ve never watched Dexter, but could someone explain why exactly it went to hell in a hand basket? No one ever mentions the why or how, they just mutter around it in hushed tones, so it must’ve been really goddamn awful.


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Son's of anarchy decline was way worse. First 2 seasons were great and promising, the last seasons ended up being meme-tier, You now remember the 10 yo school shooter son of a whore abused by her drug dealer/bf.

Lost started out 8/10 at best, and tanked to 3/10 by the midpoint of season 2 when you should of realized the writers had no fucking plan for what they were doing and just making up shit with no explanation planed.

>Everyone gave season 2 a lot of shit, but I thought it was the best.
S2 is great, you're talking to wiggers and retards who thought it was a gang shiiiieeeeet show.

Larry David wasn’t writing in season 8 either.

They stopped giving a shit when they signed the Star Wars contract, just like Martin stopped giving a shit when he signed the tv contract.

True. There are a few kino episodes and moments in seasons 4-5, like the Death of Tywin, the battle with the ice giant dudes...

Twittards are so pathetic.

guards, this hothead has lost his composure
more like gives it an extra point

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Sons of Anarchy had a certain level of cheese to it that I think it got away with it but I stopped watching after Perlman died so I missed out on the rest.
It felt kinda like The Shield at times, but maybe that's just Sutter.

I'm still not sure if it's worth finishing.

ah, a man with taste

it seems cersei is the sylar of GoT
they dragged her batshit ass off till the end and honestly who tf cares who sits of the chair
hope euron pisses on it and/or varys throws it out the window

They stopped giving a shit after the Red Wedding. They’ve said before that was their whole intention for doing the show. Four still had enough of a blueprint to work from to salvage it but 5-8 you clearly notice the lack of talent and fucks given.

medieval cia lifts GoT by 2 points on his own merits

its not a coincidence the show went from 'getting boring' to 'liquid diarrhea' as soon as littlefinger got ganked

Decline in quality you ape nigger

arya deepfake when?

I'm sad we never got any conclusion to Shabbouze. Who was he? Was he inside Littlefinger's head and responsible for all his scheming?

based retard fooled by lost, still coping years later


>based literal boomer
Xoomer. You don't know how bad Airwolf season 4 really was. No Jan Michael Vincent. No Ernest Borgnine and it was recorded on tape....

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lol, this is brilliant

>This was a D&D original scene
What the fuck happened?

>set up Jon to die because he'd fallen for Ramsay's manipulation (even though he had been warned against it)
>charge into a fight that he should have lost with a shit army
>against the person that knows the north the best
>and a fight he was setting up
>lol the Vale forces uses their teleporters to get here to save you Jon Snow and you got to pull the sword of gryffindor out of a hat too! Aren't you a special little boy
>get to beat up Ramsay because he da bad guy
>other character says "heh...you haven't fed our hounds in awhile...kid...heh..oh wait I didn't hear you say that in that scene....uh whatever heh"
>fags online say Jon """"earned"""" the victory after basically doing everything wrong and trying as hard as possible to kill himself and everyone around him because he got saved by deus ex machina

Yeah I clapped too. After all they did use a camera and actors and that's a pretty big accomplishment. I mean they put dirt on his face bro. That's deep

I'd say 4>2>1>3>5 as far as The Wire seasons go. And I still enjoy Season 5, it's just that the show went from being the arguably the best TV series ever made to simply better than most TV shows. Even S5 of The Wire is better than S1 of GoT.

this desu

It was not. I should have stopped after the trip to Ireland desu.

They ran out of old white man books to steal from and instead had to rely upon their high racial Jewish IQ to come up with OC, which predictably was as schizophrenic and contradictory as their race and religion are

Seasons 1-4 were marble sculptures carved by artisans.
Season 8 is a giant green inflatable dildo.

>HBO wanted 10 episodes from this season and begged them, but D&D said they only needed six
>They blew the budget on epic fights because they have no creativity or patience for slow-burning storytelling anymore, and just want the normalfags to be agape in awe and make reaction videos or give social media praise.
It definitely feels like it. It's a nice relief going back to the old seasons and feeling that nice slow burn, there was the politics to be intrigued by, the houses and all the different lords. The political drama slowly burning away like a season of Madmen. It was great, the tone was great and sometimes the direction was decent.

The action when it happened was great and it felt like it used to be focused on small scale battles or showing the aftermath. Only they wrote themselves into a corner starting with the battle at castle black. It was big, bombastic and normies loved it. Then it was the battle of the bastards. It just kept going all while people are losing their shit over CGI dragons and white walkers. Everyone started to fast travel and every scene felt like it was just to set up another fight. There was no mystery over who killed Joffrey, what Arya was doing or how Sansa was going to escape the Lannisters.

The show went from having a 10/10 atmosphere and mystery to just being CGI battles and a scrap in the park on a Sunday. The fast travel went to new levels last season because they forgot how to do the slow burn.

People used to call it the greatest show on TV, that was a title given to things like Madmen and The Wire. Now it's devolved into capeshit.

why wouldn't great value brand christian bale want to be naked with a gremlin child

Walking Dead took a bigger dive.

>Westworld season 2 is THE worst and both most dramatic and fast decline ive ever seen
Sounds like Heroes desu

GRRM was still helping on the show at that time

Have sex

twd watchability only lasted for 45minutes

that scene is not from the books though

arya would look cute if they didnt fucking pull he hair back like that

Can't m8. I'm a eunuch.

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Voltron: Legendary Defender

Seasons 1-2 were kino and it really looked like it was going to be the sci fi version of Avatar: TLA. One of the strongest starts for a recent animated show.
And then seasons 3-8 happened.

You still got your fingers and your tongue right? Use that instead you fucking cunt.

Warriors don't have time to trim their hair you retard and Arya is a warrior like all the men! She ties it back so it doesn't get in her eyes but a hair cut would not make sense to her character! If she was a man then she'd have a big bushy beard dude.

It feels like this is the reasoning behind it, because she clearly has a face suited for long hair or at least a different style. They already chopped off Jaimie's moptop before to give him a handsome haircut, they may as well have done it for her.

>tfw no cutie to chop your dick off and still demand oral sex

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Season 7 was just as bad senpai

>Ok, I’ve never watched Dexter, but could someone explain why exactly it went to hell in a hand basket? No one ever mentions the why or how, they just mutter around it in hushed tones,
It kinda started in Season 5. Season 3 and 4 had a great villain and a decent payoff. Season 5 meant Dexter had to find his feet because of what happened. This meant giving him a new "killing" partner and a purpose to those killings. It was bad, felt like it'd been done before but it was alright, the show should have tried to end it there.

Season 6 was just this played out there's a serial killer ohhhhh! theme that had been done before, the new characters were all boring as fuck despite having some decent actors. The religious tones fucked it. The show also started to expose his secret and all the drama kinda fizzled out.

Seasons 7 and 8 just continued on repeating the same tropes that had been done in other seasons. It was played out and the writing was pure shit.

They arent bound to fail. GoT is only failing because the hacks DnD have made up their own story and deviated heavily from the source material.

Season 1 is unironically a perfect adaptation

It's really not that hard to see why. As soon as they started surpassing the books the show got fucking horrible. That's really all there is to it.

If you complained about the unrealistic tactics in s8e3 but not the tactics in BotB, you need a kick in the head.

S8e3 tactics, while stupid still made way more sense than BotB

its not something so contrived dude, shes literally just emulating her father by pulling her hair back, thats all

I just saw BoB as jon being a complete incompetent military commander
I wasn't happy, but I could explain.

s08e03 had some of the best commanders in the same table

Battle of bastards gets so much worse each time I rewatch it.
The huge pile of corpses shaped like a crescent literally appeared out of thin air. One of the most contrived and surreal asspull writing I’ve ever seen. They REALLY wanted that fucking phalanx pincer formation in that scene to create forced tension and peril but they also needed to have a something in the scene to block the rear of Jon’s army so they magically had corpses stick to each other and move from their original positions so that they suddenly form a convenient crescent shaped barrier behind our heroes.
What a fucking joke.

Jesus Christ cant believe I share a board with retards like this.

The long night was unironically a much better battle scene than botb

I only enjoy season 1 desu. There's too much retarded OC in season 2 for my taste,it bothers me

The problem with GoT is, even thought it was getting bad after season 5, it still had SOME decent plot lines to keeo you engaged.
However S8 just took a complete fucking nosedive and ruined the show. It's on par with the last season of Scrubs in terms of being bad.
With Dexter and Walking Dead, those shows went to shit and season 5 as well, but it had more seasons of shit than good so it's not hurting as bad.
if GoT had 4 more seasons with quality as poor as Season 8, than I don't think people would feel as bad as they do for a -FINAL- season.

The long night was too long and padded out with dumb moments and mini game sidetracks. I can’t see how anyone can defend a 1hr 20 min long battle. If you’re going to have a battle that long then it must be perfectly paced out so that it doesn’t turn into a snore fest.

Maybe I need to rewatch it but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Could just be what was at stake.

Doesn't really get anywhere evennear legendary bed shittings like Dexter, Battlestar Galactica, etc.

What happened to Battlestar Galactica?

Dexter, except the first couple of seasons were way better than anything in GoT

people tend to conveniently forget, but almost all long-running shows decline pretty quickly after S6 or so. Usually it's S1-S2 are figuring out what the fuck you're doing, S3-S4 are the best actual writing, S5-S6 are derivative but fun, and then it all goes downhill from there. Some shows hit their stride a season earlier or later, but that's the typical arc.

I wanted to kill myself during season 2 of dexter

Dumpster fire series list:
1. GoT - No series started so well and went to shit with the quality of actors that this show had.
2. Dexter - Started well, then just milked the premise to death into clownville.
3. TWD - Strong first season, shit tier by S3, still going as far as I know.
4. Lost - Just went in circles.

GoT's the king though. So much wasted potential. So much waste of great acting talent.

Jackson got the LoTR trilogy right. It's possible with enough foresight and money.

The walking dead was never good.

Did he though? Or did they just not fuck them up the least.

what are you laughing at besides the spin offs? it's going to end instead of go for thirteen, 12 episodes season

>seasons 1-3 are perfect.

Yeah no, the first season was great but you could already see the cracks in season two when they started whitewashing characters (Tyrion worst example) and conversely made characters like Stannis worse. They should have kept all the characters more gray.

only plebs do not appreciate S2 after seeing what it set up

Devolves into an absolute cluster fuck where longtime series regular characters turned out to nonsensically be Double Plus Secret Cyclons, they end the show finding a second Earth (they found Earth previously as a nuclear wasteland) and deciding to abandon all advanced technology to live as cavemen so no space wars against AI robots can ever happen again (including flying the entire fleet into the sun so no one can change their minds it) ends with literal, actual angels hanging around on our current day Earth pondering whether we're fucked up and are going down the technological doom path but that's what that wacky old god guy wants so who are they to argue

The walking dead was mucb worst.Season 1 was kino and everything is a decline from there.

There's nothing wrong with that ending though

>humanity being pure
>metaphysical abstract nonsense
Sounds like Damon Lindelof-tier writing

>this shit is straight from some white bitch's tumblr blog

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crabclaw isle was kino

There's nothing women can't ruin. Just compare imdb top 10 by sex and you see just how tasteless women are. Truly the meme gender.

Are you guys ready for D&D to take the helm of the next Star Wars series bc it is going to be amazingly bad

god don't get me started about how the show completely butchered stannis as a character

I liked that ending. The final season was rushed because of the strike but it was still watchable.

It's a victim of the Twitter Eran people have no ability to focus for that long so entertainment creates product that sucks as a whole but many YAAASSSS and "viral" moments. It's all about moments. 3-30 second snippets that looks awesome af.

How many moments were there during Eoiaode 3?

Or during 4?

Shit that makes previews and recaps look awesome as fuck.

Double dubs confirms you are higher than I am.

That "battle" was dumb as fuck....like every other GoT "battle". Tumblr tier.

This show has always been pleb-bait garbage. You're retarded if you ever thought this was good.

>this "epic moment" was completely lost on the normies
D&D are completely out of touch with their fanbase. the roastie bar reaction was incredible, they actually thought she was commanding the dragon lmao

They literally can't fuck it up any worse than Rian and JJ did.

Lol more like a decline starting in mid season 2 with a precipitous drop in season 4.

Nothing will ever match the decline of Star Wars. Hell, even Star Trek has fared better.

Sounds like Kino to me.

Lol those aren't the good parts of season 4 you dumb pleb.

this is almost certainly a scene GRRM wrote.


how would the dabids write this scene now?

shitskins and feminism ruin everything

S4 was great. Shut up.

The show died with Barristan.

>Did he though?
I think so. Never read Tolkien so I didn't think I'd like the films, but they stand alone and are entertaining and well produced. Great mix of practical and computer effects and shit.

Haven't seen a better adaptation in the genre, and the only other film that comes close is Excalibur.

i wanted to come up with some comeback but you're right

I assure you, it is not.

The only kino I remember from late BSG was Starbuck finding her own corpse on dead-Earth and the Cylon with her just staggering away in stunned fear, and the jump drive coordinates for Earth 2 being a piano cover of "All along the Watchtower"

X-Files but it had 10 years and a movie to go to shit and a lot of the early stuff doesn't exactly hold up

The Simpsons decline was fairly long and gradual. This just feels like jumping of a cliff

It is 700% kino.

>show has always been pleb-bait garbage.
Bullshit. The cast and production quality were top notch and went straight reality show tier by S4.

That was top kino

Dexter's decline is particularly bad because there was a season where it looked like they had turned it back around and then the show took an absolute nosedive.

this. littlefinger has been the driving force of so many of the show's interesting plot points, but once they stopped writing him properly the show started turning to shit

that's not to say his being ignored is the only reason the show became bad, but it was a big one in my opinion

Heroes was way worse but it started declining from the first episode so it was more gradual.

will maisie get surgery to fix face

Are you talking about S4?

It can't really decline that much when the first season was average at best.

guys whats kino?

a late 70s game show

Nah, Simpsons had a noticeable dip when Scully became showrunner and immediately nosedived into shit when Al Jean took over after him.

They could of had him convince the crowd how silly it sounds that a crippled child that claims he lived beyond the wall and can now mind travel through time was ridiculous, Atleast long enough for him to piss off back to the vale and lock the gate. I’d rsther his character diss appear like edmure than have an awful death scene

Why havent you had sex yet?

By far this is the biggest decline a show has ever had. Mainly because the expectations were that the end of this show was planned at the same time as the beginning therefore weaving all the storylines into a planned logical conclusion. Instead it feels like LOST where dipshit writers are all aiming for the biggest reactions from the new trendslave viewers.

Simpsons decline took 2 or 3 seasons and then it was utterly trite.

Because the idea of adapting such a supposedly cerebral TV show before it was finished was utter insanity to begin with. That is the root problem of the current season.

Dumb nigger. Explain how a great season can have absolute bottom tier scenes like the one where Yara tried to rescue Theon.

>Season 7 average episode rating is 9.2
>Season 1 average episode rating is 9.1
>Season 7 highest rated episode is 9.8
>Season 1 highest rated episode is 9.6
>Four of the top 5 highest rated episodes are in the newest seasons

If the newer seasons are so terrible, why don't the ratings reflect that?

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I'm happy that normies are getting to experience an anime only ending

>imagine being a pale cumstain thinking your lack of pigmentation puts you even above the plants that could stand the sun outside

harder to impress early adopters vs dumb normie hypefags

Westworld was worse

Not because it fell form a great hight, but because it smashed throw the ground finding newer lows you never thought were possible.

The first season of Westworld was already filled with pandering and bad writing, notably whenever the A plot wasn't being developed.

>The Walking Dead?

Bad from the start.


Only season one was good, and already you could see the cracks.

>Season 8 should have ensured Game of Thrones would have been remembered as one of TV's GOAT

Please. It's first three seasons were great. It's been bad since four and absolutely dogshit since five.

Breaking Bad.