Why do people pay so much for uncooked fish on plain rice? Is this the hypebeast of cuisines?
>Herro, 3000 dorra pre
>nips eat sushi like normal food for centuries
>wh*toid cucks arrive and see it
>business savvy nip tells them its a royal-tier delicacy, charges them $100 for $3 worth of fish and rice
>wh*toid cucks can't resist because they've been biologically programmed to get scammed by superior races
>lesser nip bugmen follow whatever popular trends allow them to look hip, so a feedback loop is created
Imagine being this mentally disabled.
It's actually not just plain rice. Look up a recipe for sushi rice. They flavor it with a bit of vinegar or something.
>Doesn't understand supply and demand
The NEET palate, cultivated on chicken tendies and soda, cannot appreciate the sophistication of fine sushi
Sushi wasn't a delicacy before whites showed up and made it one.
i love it but it definetely is overpriced taking into account how easy and fast it can be prepared
t. person who pays 300 for sushi
Really do you not think Japs are clever enough to think of that?
you forgot the guy playing with the food with his hands and then serving it
literally cucked food
they shiuld have called it Jiro Dreams of Better Son
OP has a point though sushi is fucking delicious but nothing about the techniques shown in "Jiro dreams of sushi" suggest it should be so expensive other than the reputation of Jiro himself and how high in demand his restaurant is. that said, if I had $500 to burn and was in Japan I would eat that delicious food of the gods at his restaurant
But it look-ee so good
Most sushi is cheap as shit. I lived in Japan for years, and at a supermarket or a kaitenzushi (conveyor belt sushi) spot, it's like $0.60 a piece. It's stuff like the urchin and fatty tuna belly meat that's way more money. Jiro's spot uses the tippity top shelf of fish cuts AND rice AND is located in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in all of Asia. I never could get in because he was always booked and gave priority to groups.
People will try to refute this with
>muh refined palate
But a cheeseburger or Quarter Pounder at McDonalds is way cheaper and tastes miles better than this gook rice shit
Based Amerilards, I'm actually proud good food won't be tarnished with americuck grease
Name one reason that overpriced sushi is somehow better than burgers and fries
it costs more and it has better reviews
Fish and rice is better than burgers?
>gave priority to groups
Literally a no-singles policy. Is Jiro Robert?
Imagine paying $300 for sushi
Is eating sushi common in Japan, or is it just a meme for tourists?
Like any intelligent, forward thinking citizens of the 21st century, my wife and I are feminists. And like any feminists we were shocked and disgusted by this movie.
Both the main character (Jiro) AND the narrator are male! If alarms aren't going off in your head so far you're probably a bigot. Things became more and more repulsive as the movie played on. All of the supporting characters are male! And even worse, almost every single character in the movie is male!
I don't care if this is a documentary. My wife left the room in tears at the end of the first hour during a particularly sickening scene where Jiro serves a room full of customers. He says (not an exact quote) "I made the meals smaller for the women and larger for the men so that everyone would finish at the same time." Things like this would be expected in a film about Adolf Hitler or Winston Churchill (both disgusting sexist pigs)but in a movie about food it was just chilling. And that wasn't even the worst part! The women in the room appeared (probably special effects or movie magic of some type) TO APPROVE OF THIS. Can you believe that?
My wife won't talk about it and I'm not sure I could if I wanted to. I finished the movie with tears in my bloodshot eyes. I can't believe we've advanced so far as a society and women are still seen as being gutter scum.
Anyone forward thinking enough to simply be on the internet, to find this movie, to read this review, will be disgusted by the brutally sexist assault on your senses and common decency this movie has gotten away with.
Those that went to the store also complained that they were rushed. You had to eat fast and then get out to make room for the next group. No savoring your 500 dollar meal. It sucks
yeah it unironically is in my opinion
Is it just because you're asian? Fish and rice barely have any flavor. And if you do drown both in sauce or seasoning, you're basically admitting to it. Why not get something more filling and more delicious instead?
meat is muder
Um...sweetie. Animals eat meat, we are nothing more than animals that just happened to be smarter. And plants are living things too. If you drink water, there's microscopic living organisms in those too. Try again sweaty
If you can't eat 20 pieces in ~35 mins you deserve to be kicked out.
>so poor you shit on food delicacies
Why are there so many commies here? Shouldnt you faggots have starved to death by now
I'm whiter than you Pancho. Fish is most delicious protein. Don't get me wrong I love a burger as much as the the next guy but if I had to pick one it'd be sushi, that is simply a highly civilized food
maybe we eat expensive european food, Japan isn't the only country with expensive cuisine
I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to stop posting.
Yea Forums is an anime-free board.
Fish is meat and it's actually endangered, there's millions of cattle but only so many large tuna in the ocean
>I watch anime and play videogames so I like sushi more!
funny thing is I only play FPS vidya and never could get into anime.
>someone on the internet insulted white people
>I must defend the reputation of my race
Okay but that's just your opinion. Fish and rice are tasteless and not filling, objectively. They offer nothing in the flavor or nourishment department. Burgers are satisfying on every level, so it's better. I just dropped a truthbomb on yer ass
This might be a cultural thing as well, as Japanese people, men especially, eat insanely fast compared to anywhere else I've seen. Not that I'm a world traveler.
Imagine being so window licking, helmet wearing, shortbus riding retarded that you pay exorbitant prices for a meal that isn't even fucking cooked.
The vinegar makes the rice stick together. Sushi rice is disgusting.
Dude there's some sushi out there that I would literally give up burgers for a year to have half a dozen pieces of in front of me now.
>Fish and rice are tasteless
based 12 year old tastebuds
fish and rice are filling, objectively. and they're tasty as fuck. being full is a state of mind anyway.
What's the most flavorful type of fish and rice? I guarantee that they'll still have less flavor than a typical burger.
>how accessible is a burger vs good sushi
I mean as dumb as it might sound, a lot of trasitional Japanese food is about subtlety and texture. But you'd be surprised what a nice piece of fatty tuna with some wasabi can give you. Just a different kind of flavor. Granted, tons of Japanese love burgers/beef, too.