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Uno farto

Oh so you guys aren't even from here. You're just paparazzi guys? Hmm

>Nah, I'm not gonna do it
He's a better man than me, I would've slapped the camera right out of that dudes hands

What do you think he gets at Starbuck's? My guess is something basic like a white mocha.

Straight up just black coffee like a real nigga

He gets the gourmet shit

>it's a black male thing

does quintin genuinely believe he's black?

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Being molested/ seeing his mother fuck hundreds of black guys did a huge number on little Quentin's mind

He is isn't he?

Nobody actually likes black coffee, moron.

I do but you enjoy your pumpkin spice latte, faggot

This right here is the pure manifestation of dread.
The moment of realization that he is about to unleash the largest amount of methane ever released on television.

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Tarantino isn't black?

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No you don't.

>not just drinking straight espresso
You are the faggot here, pseud.


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Oh shit guys, we have a bad ass here.

Quentin is a pretty black name

Is there a more kino ending shot to a film, or is this just peak cinema?

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Who's in charge here?

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Imagine being one of those guys driving those trucks

Who else here can't have caffeine because their doctor said its bad for them health wise

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I don’t have to imagine, I was there driving the white truck.


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UNO FARTO @ 3:17

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