“Sansa’s strength is because of her. And her alone

>Rape is not a tool to make a character stronger. A woman doesn’t need to be victimized in order to become a butterfly. The “Little Bird” was always a Phoenix.

Who’s correct in this situation? Is Sana’a only strong because of her abuse at the hands of men?

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Where was the outrage when Dany said to Jon being raped made her a stronger woman in the end?

YAS KWEEN curry nigress can do no wrong.

Tall red haired white woman bad.

Sansa was raped by a white male.
Dany was raped by a shitskin, and that's a good thing.

>The “Little Bird” was always a Phoenix.

is she shilling the new xmen?

>be got showrunners
>keep pandering to women
>show writing becomes shittier
>women still call you sexist and have to lecture you nonstop
>but muh zombie polar bear

God I hate that bitch

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Fuck off.

Chestain is one of the most blue pilled actresses in the Jewlywood.

Shut the fuck up, rich white woman

chastain would rape her own child for the illuminati who the fuck is she kidding

Why do people make such a big deal about rape? Yeah its bad, but it happens. Get over it.

I've never raped or been raped, but I've been sexually harassed by women and gay men and I've sexually harassed women (it was when I was very, very young though and didn't fully grasp the severity of my actions tbf).

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah.

based gracehatesChastain poster

Have blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

The idea works, the sense that the innocence of the character is gone and forces them to become tougher to deal with a primarily masculine society and a culture dealing almost entirely with the idea of being beautiful, smart or simply a whore.

The execution was piss poor, neither character who was raped and claimed to be 'better' because of it actually changed because of the rape itself nor did they learn anything from the rapes.

If it had not been mentioned, it would not have even mattered that the character was raped as it added nothing.

To be fair, the shit she said to the hound was pretty retarded. As if going with him would've been easy and without hardening events.

Didn't Chastain do a movie where she got ass raped?

webm? Anyone?

>stupid person says something stupid, quick better post this to Yea Forums, imagine all of the (You)s!

My big cums (for jesica) are waiting to be unleashed in big ropes of cummy big ropes of cummy big ropes of cummy. (moaning, heavy breathing) (improv moaning / panting) (oral) Ohhhhh! (whispering) There I go, there i go again, there it goes! Oh fuck! I'm your Daddy's cock! Oh fuck me harder uh uh harder! Oh fuck me harder! I'm cooning! (slaps and thrusts harder as best you can, cumming) Mmm fuck! (heavy breathing) Holy fuck. (long final orgasm as she pulls out of him, panting) Wow… that must've been a long drive to get you home. Now let's get some dinner together, shall we?

Next James Joyce detected. Write a novel.

Jessica, you dumb fucking cunt. You fucking ginger cunt. I should stop downloading your pics. But I can't. I really wanna see the rest of this shit you put out. You fucking bitch."

"What the fuck!? No, ma'am. You guys don't fucking care that I'm not fucking around with you naked. What the fuck are we gonna do?" She said in a calm tone.

"You said your friends saw your pics." Nick shrugged. "Well, they had my name and fucking number on there…" "It's okay babe. I've got you."

The two girls stared at each other for several seconds, and then all hell broke loose. It looked like there had been a loud bang and a woman had been thrown off of Nick's motorcycle. The woman was crying and screaming as she was thrown into one of Nick's arms. The crash caused everyone to lose sight of the real Nick, however his girlfriend seemed to have gotten a lot scarier. She stood there with her mouth.

>women implying that when i rape them i'm not doing them a favor

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The point isn't that rape made her stronger, the point is that her ability to overcome adversity and see the world for what it really was made her stronger. The women who take issue with this are the same morons who think the remedy to rape is to "teach men not to rape." We do. We do it every day. It's called laws. It's called courtship. It's called chivalry. Sometimes, those systems fail. Sometimes, bad men don't give a damn. And when they don't care about the consequences, you have two options; roll over and die, or deal with it yourself.

Our society would be much better off with women who don't curl up in a fetal position and cry at the simple mention of rape. Maybe then we could have the difficult conversations we need to have to reach a common ground instead of getting steamrolled by feminine tears.

The star of the box office smash hit 'Ms. Sloan'. So empowering!

It's a good point and did raise my eyebrows a bit when I heard it. It's another example of the shit writing. It could have added depth to her character and played the "hardship makes you stronger" theme but came out crass and empty.

Monkeys paw: you get to choose any superpower you want on the condition that you get raped in the mouth and butt by the hulk. Do you do it and for what power?

The power to shut off my central nervous system at will, if that's what I'm facing.

Does the mouth and ass fucking hurt? If not, he wouldn't even have to rape me. I'd drain his green balls willingly for a cool superpower. Not sure which one i'd choose though. Getting two powers would be better. Invulnerability + flight or superspeed. Mind control. It's hard to choose.

>blah blah blah blah toxic masculinity blah blah blah blah female empowerment blah blah blah blah muh patriarchy
yes yes we've heard it all before millions of times

nobody cares

>What doesn't kill u something somthing...
Rape doesn't kill you, so there you go, lots of stronk wahmen out there.
It's simple logic, but since women can't into logic, maybe they deserve to be raped? Just saying.

Yeah, she fucking in it so

They don't "need" rape, but hardship does make people stronger, any anyone that says otherwise is a retard.

Timestop. Unleash what Hulk did to me 2000x times over

telekinesis if it is strong enough to make myself fly, otherwise just plain flight

>giving this leftist nutjob a second of your time

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So rather then growing and moving on with your life because of a terrible event (they) instead want you to grovel in your pain and play the victim for the rest of your life. Sounds about right


I knew that having the Hound talk to her like that would trigger people. Some of the dialog in the last episode reminded me of earlier seasons.

It hasn't been brought up every episode like Sansa. Every episode this season has to remind us that Sansa is smart and mean now because she was raped

mommy noooooo

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Do you think Chastain is having PTSD again because GoT is making her remember the abuse she got from studio execs promising her she would be a big star but only realizing she has failed at being noticed?

>Childhood spent thinking he's a bastard
>Family killed
>Life revealed to be a lie
>Friends killed
>Waifu killed
>Literally dies at the hands of his own men

Some bitch
>gets raped, probably enjoyed it
>gets handed everything thanks to other people

Progressives should be nuked

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I guess we can trend some pro-rape memes on twitter and various other websites. I've started some concept meme models, we can brainstorm more if we think we can find better phrases/memes.

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I'm glad Chastain's career is over.

>overcoming a shitty thing that happened to you doesn't build character if it's this one specific thing
putting rape on a pedestal is so fucking stupid.

She's wrong, but not because her views on rape were wrong.

Sansa was growing well before she was raped.

I want to say it was Tyrion who commented "That girl will outlive us all"

>she hasn't seen I spit on your grave
what a pleb

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What a shitty movie that was

eh the remake is better

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I'd have gone with e.e. cummings but I suppose Joyce works.

>e.e. cummings
I'll check his stuff out. Thanks.

giving women the franchise was a mistake

Congratulations, you're not a repressed puritan.
Have fun being ruled by people who are.


>The story represents for its audience the multiculturalism and identity politics of white neoliberal society that leaves the structures of capitalist exploitation and racial domination unperturbed.
>Missandei’s execution is the logical outcome of the white supremacist ideological structuration of the show. Her character, because she is Black, allows for audience self-identification with the all-white, aristocratic houses of “Game of Thrones” as “not racist.” That is, this show can’t be about race and “otherness” because the audience identifies with Missandei, and comes to even love the character. After all, she is Black.


Thanks. Life sucks.

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Kill yourself, reddit nigger.

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>rape doesn’t make you weak
the left is a snake eating it’s own tail.

i fucking hate how people overuse the word "slams" so much with regard to this type of shit. she didn't slam anybody. she sent a tweet. they could choose to ignore it completely for all they care

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Seriously the world is shit, rape, murder, people stealing the life savings of people too old and weak to go back to work. All these people mad that a fictional character made the most out of her shit life are idiots.

>All these people mad that a fictional character made the most out of her shit life are idiots.
Every single one of these rich liberal faggots need to be airdropped into Congo.

But Shansha wasn't raped. She was married to Ramsay

Women don't have some innate strenght that comes from their vagina

Sansa was a cuddled dummy princess before her tragic curcimstances made her a more cunning pessimistic person

How am i a reddit nigger, friend?

it's like that old namek unlocking your ki potential, chastain might think she's powerful now but imagine what heights she could reach with a good forced dicking

She's so hot though

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>I've sexually harassed women (it was when I was very, very young though and didn't fully grasp the severity of my actions tbf).
It's only harassment if you're ugly.

One of the girls I "harassed" had previously tried repeatedly to grab my penis and at the time I wasn't into her, but later I was into her and tried to play a little grab-ass and she had the audacity to accuse me of trying to "rape her," (she was being hyperbolic). The others forgave me once I completed puberty and started to flirt with me.

Yea Forums hate Chastain now HAHAHAHA

>Is Sana’a only strong because of her abuse at the hands of men?

She is not strong or smart. Characters keep repeating this but it´s scripting 101 that action reveals character and even after all she is endured she is still passive as fuck. For her to be strong she should actually have something to do that shows her strenght. For her to be smart she should do something that could be perceived as smart. Since she hasn´t done anything she is neither.

Also, while rape is not an empowerment tool, adversity of any kind is. Script wise a character that faces adversity, risks everything in an active way and comes on top shows strenght. That´s literally what being a strong character means.
Characters are not strong by default, even if they are powerful, strenght is forged in a trial of fire. The character grows and rise to the challenge. Sarah Connor finds her strenght after Kyle dies and she has to face the T-800 herself. Ellen Rippley finds her strenght when she decides to face the Xenomorph for the cat. She was not special in any way, she was a space truck driver that had lost everything against the creature and yet she choose to go back, she took control of her fear and faced death.


>She's so hot though
Not for much longer. Bitch's gonna hit the wall harder than Ayrton Senna.

That will never happen when deep down women know sex is their one ultimate weapon. I don’t care how incel this sounds but you would never seen men be like this if a dude made this comment. All my hardships have lead me down the path that I’m on and they made me wiser and stronger and I’m still stupid as fuck. I don’t know why rape can’t be seen in the same light.

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Again, I think this is a normal part of growing up. It seems like the only guys who haven't been there are beta incels who don't have the courage to even talk to a girl.
Unfortunately, given our glorious new cultural standards, these will be the only "men" who can run for office now.
Women can continue doing whatever they want. Also, Mike Pence.

based mommyposter

Unironically both hot and cringe. Are you autistically challenged by chance?

She says that because I wouldn’t even rape her

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sansa is strong because she doesn't let her suffering rule her life
like all these cunt hollywood bitches think should happen
sansa: "I suffered and it didn't break me, now I know I don't need to be scared of suffering"
bitches: "but omg rape"
see, they need rape to be the worst thing ever
because it lets them cling to power
they love to be victims

Game of thrones is smut trash shes right

But I wanna nut in her so bad. But yeah I haven't liked her in much of anything especially that Zero Zero Dark film where she was smug as fuck as a CIA operative.

but sansa wasn't raped, also rape isn't the only thing she went through.

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Yes I imagine she realizes that sucking Weinstein's cock is the only reason she's where she is. She's a very lackluster actor if she wasn't a decent looking redhead she wouldn't have a career. So I imagine GoT triggers her transmission

Damn it had one of the worst openings ever in film history. No one really likes her it seems. If she had a fanbase they would buy tickets to her film.

>Sansa agrees to get married off
>Westeros wedding nights emphasize sex even more than in real life
>implying rape

I don't even mean that from a "can't rape your wife" standpoint. She agreed to it beforehand knowing exactly what it entailed.

The message is "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Of course a brainlet cunt wouldn't understand

>You're supposed to feel shitty all the time about the fact that you were raped. Never get over it.

I went through a phase where I listened to a bunch of horror/exploitation movie podcasts, and was curious to check this out, but never got around to it.

This, she consumated a marriage that she willingly agreed to. She was given an out, and didn't go for it. I'm still trying to figure out why she went for it in the first place.

I've always wanted to be raped

too late roasties, the turth is out. rape is a good way to help your character improve therefor it should be legal

the feminist retard is correct on this one

Jessica who?

God i wish i were her child