What movie do you put on when you have that special someone over?

What movie do you put on when you have that special someone over?

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I don't have a special someone or watch movies I just shitpost until I pass out desu

Waterfalls everytime.

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now THAT is one based boy

delet this

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Do people really string up christmas lights for ambiance? I watched a camwhore that would do this a lot.

When I lived in New York, there was one movie that I played that never left my DVR collection (which had probably gone to a bunch of other things, like a number of movies I've always wanted to watch but didn't go for anything), but I never gave it away. I had it for a long time—I think it was 1995's L.A. Confidential—and I remember just sitting down at my desk one day and realizing: "I'm going to watch this movie." I went to the theater. And it was The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance! It really made me feel special. Now, it's in the movie museum and I'm sitting there thinking, "Why didn't I put that on when I had that special someone over?" But that's how weird the moment is when you're doing it.

And I just went back and watched it again, and it was one of my favorite movies—I loved the plot!

I usually go for some nature documentary on netflix, so we don't have to pay attention plus the music is suithing

Demolition Man

>Do people really string up christmas lights for ambiance?
yes. it's comfy at night. looks like shit during the day.

>being virgins
This is an 18+ website anons

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Yeah, I do, it's great.

My gf only ever wants to watch interracial porn when we're together. Not sure if she's trying to tell me something or turn me into a cuck or some shit, she keeps joking about doing it irl too now. Thinking I should break up with her again but that would mean going back to being alone.

Maybe just ignore it. Hope she at least uses protection.

Not a virgin lad, just a 30 year old boomer that's seen sum shit

The movie is always there, right? And I go, "What movie is it?"

The thing I love about movies right now is that they're made by the same people, they're all friends of mine -- I've had the pleasure of working with them and I love meeting them over the years. I've had those rare years where you meet a bunch of people and you don't get to know them, and you try to stay in touch and you don't get the opportunity to meet the people you love on a monthly basis, and you're always, when you meet somebody, always in a situation of your own making. And at the same time, you're able to have that one time meeting. At a certain point, that moment, it's like, you know, you're really here. It's a wonderful thing to have and it's a tremendous privilege to be on that list. And yet we have to remember: it hasn't been that long since I got to tell people what I'm doing.

If you're in your room during the day you're a fucking loser.

>implying I've even spoken to a woman in the last 6 years

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>that special someone over?
So in Yea Forums's case that would be... their mom?

Yes and?

>watching shit on a laptop
ahhhh....I remember having a girlfriend...immediately having sex after we were done watching whatever was on......now I have a 50" 4k TV that I get to watch shit on alone.

Based le the_donald poster

Before Sunrise has gotten me laid a few times, so probably that.

Lol not even my mom wants to be around me anymore desu.

I only watch the highest form of kino when I bring in the ladies, so I may impress them by explaining the depths of the works we watch.

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Something mindless that isn’t interesting or engaging so we can get back to fucking

SAME!!! God when a girl I'm hanging with hasn't seen it and we've been vibing, fuckin a, it's like a guarantee fuck afterwards.

Before I drift off to sleep I like to lay in bed and imagine my alternative life where I am the last surviver of the human race. I am in a futuristic facility with all my needs and amazing AI that takes care of everything my only companion is a fembot who was programmed to dislike me. I have many happy moments sat upon the roof looking out to the sea and wondering why I am still alive.

Actually having sex with non virgins, LOL. Fucking KEKS! Pathetic!

Maybe it's because you say stupid shit like "desu"...

>he actually believes women when they say they're virgins
sad desu

ur a fagot desu

wheres your dilator?

Intimacy makes me physically ill so I've never had a special someone.

Where do you think you are user-kun =^_^=

Or MAYBE it's because I smell like SHIT because I don't wash for FUCKING WEEKS because I'm TOO FUCKING DEPRESSED to even SHOWER??? Hmmmmmm???

Yeah could be that too

Ummmm, you know you can, like, check? Lol...

i'm too old to watch movies with other people

haha I don't remember making this post...

gf is part jewish so this would be a high-risk high-reward maneuver

Mischlings get the rope too.

just check their FuckBook account

How do you do this?

Are you serious? Dude you've got no hope.
Never gonna make it senpai