Holy fucking shit I can't stand this show.

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This episode deserves more flak. Even as shit as the writing is now, it was a true lowpoint for the show. Even in the walking dead this would've been considered a bad episode.

How the fuck did it get better ratings than this shit season? I'll never understand

Because the A-team going beyond the wall was a fun idea. The show had already jumped the shark, it was one of the more entertaining fan service moves they’ve done.

it was the most braindead retarded idea of the entire series, what are you on about?

This is one of the most pants-on-head retarded episodes to have ever been filmed in all of television history.

Who the fuck approved this shit? How could anyone with an adult brain read the script and not immediately dismiss it as being completely ridiculous. Imagine how many fucking people read this shit before it was put on film. Idiots, ever single one of them.

how many km north of the wall do you think they were in this scene?

And Gendry left with no supplies on him for camp

Those niggers had been gone for days, and they sent that motherfucker running back alone with nothing. Totally stupid.

Somebody should have been fired for that shit.

Im pretty sure they implied that he just ran without stopping anyways lol

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Daily reminder that this entire episode and mission didn't fucking matter, Thoros of Myr died for no reason, and Cersei didn't give a shit about the wights. All it did was supply NK with one of Dany's dragons so he could have a plot device to break down the wall without D&D having to think too hard about it.

In a totally not-braindead version of this show, Littlefinger blew up the Wall with wildfire intending to use the ensuing chaos as a means to secure the throne. But unfortunately we don't live in that quantum plane, so we get this shit instead.

D&D are Jew hacks who can't write and got their position through nepotism like always, what a surprise. You all should have seen this coming the moment they ran out of GRRM material to steal.

There's always Yea Forums, where the outcome of the last battle is still indeterminate
But somehow Yea Forums is worse than Yea Forums

You mean like this.

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controversial take: D&D arent talentless and did a good job of converting GRRM's writing to film while they could

once they got past the writing it was AIDS though

nigga shut the fuck up they fought an undead polar bear just turn off your brain and have sex

The first few seasons are decent, that's not controversial. It's the best straight 'fantasy' series of all time, or at least of the past few decades, because of the strength of the adaptation.

I enjoy how you faggots seethe about bad writing when you fuckers don't even know bad writing

You think that is how it will happen in the books? I always thought the theory was that the Faceless Men will destroy the wall.

Imagine how good Aiden Gillen would be as Dr. Strange.

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You’re terrible. The Hound was extremely forced and all he does is curses without anything to say. Beric ruined the controversy of religion with his side of life shit. Gendry is sonic and forced as well. Tormund just makes jokes. Thoros and Jorah were good. Let’s not even mention Benjen.

S4 is definitely when it started to turn.

I'm not sure what came first, the meme pic or the very obviously headed that way plot theme.
NK getting one of Dany's dragons is such a coincidental serendipitous pile of horseshit that it cannot be overlooked as bad writing. NK couldn't fucking invade the south without it, so if Dany had died for any reason or never sailed for Westros, the last half of the show would have never happened. We can't even chalk it up to the NK somehow psychically knowing Dany was going to do that shit with the dragons because his powers and Bran's powers are never explained and never will be. Plus if the NK could see the future, he obviously wouldn't have let Arya stab him and simply stayed behind while the wights destroyed Winterfell, just like he had stayed behind in previous episodes.

Long story short, this show a gay.

only because it had the A-team, it was entertaining fan service at the very least, I actively cringed at that part. Mentioned it to my dad who watched the show even before I did and he just said "well you don't know how fast dragons can fly."

There's no logical reason the Faceless Men would do it. Littlefinger is exactly the kind of cunt that would. He also explicitly takes advantage of violent situations he creates for other people. And he's in the North. Means, motive, opportunity.

But no, D&D has a GURRRRRRL POWAH scene were Arya slits his throat and Shanshah smirks, and then Dany retardedly gives the NK one of the dragons because of a Jon mission that didn't matter because Cersei didn't care anyway.

It's honestly horrifying when you look at it. S1-S4 are like an entirely different show. Even the costumes and sets are better. Then you hit S5-S8 and it's a fucking high school production. D&D blew their wad on episode 3 and it was one of the worst battle sequences ever recorded. They built a $30 million dollar 80-minute temple to editing and color-grading ineptitude

Might have been shit writing and nonsensical but Hardhome and the dragon resurrection was one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. Remember they weren't just trying to get a wight they were also trying to convince the remaining wildlings to get behind the Wall to safety.

The takedown of the Wall was another favorite scene of mine. Althought don't really get how undead ice magic dragon fire destroys magical ice wall but whatever...

Just think of all the time and money they wasted on its and ass scenes just to be edgy, and the shitshow that was pretty much every battle.

They did a good job on that blackwater bay episode, but pretty much everything else has been pure ass.

Hardhome was amazing and probably the last time the WWs even felt like a threat. Seeing that wight go shrieking towards the wooden gate at mach 5 was kino. Then the duel between the white walker and Jon peaking where they meet weapons and Jon's doesn't break and they both look at each other in surprise was another great sequence. One which, everyone fucking thought, would be foreshadowing. BUT NOPE Deus Ex Arya saves the day. Jon having a magical sword meant fuck all. He killed one other white walker in the entire show, and it was just some rando in OP's retarded episode in a fight that was as cinematic as a Detroit pavement ape smacking his ho in a 7-Eleven parking lot

>They did a good job on that blackwater bay episode, but pretty much everything else has been pure ass.
That's because Blackwater was in the books. Everything else they fucking made up. Obviously being two LA heebs, D&D have no clue about medieval warfare and had no intention of learning. Outlaw King on Netflix slapped together with only a fraction of the money episode 3 had, had two battle sequences which were vastly fucking better. And one of them was at night.

Yeah it was a slaughter, and a genuinely terrifying one at that. Great tension and horror, the javelin scene is still unbelievable kino. Like you say it's all fucking ruined now, man. When I rewatch in future I'll just stop at the end of season 7, season 8 was just shitty fan fiction that was never actually made canon ;)

But yeah even though the warning signs are all there in season 7 and to a lesser extent 6, there's still enough great moments in these to keep me enthralled and coming back.

Season 8 has been laughably bad though. Truly horrendous.