Detective Pikaflop

OH NO NO NO bros I thought this was supposed to stop Endgame?

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Other urls found in this thread:

DisneyChads in the House tonight!!!!
Yea Forums was right!!! huge flop

guess this is another movie i wont be seeing

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I watched it a couple of days ago, it was fun.
I'm not a capeshitter so i skipped Avengers like i have been doing for five years.


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>mfw he porks misty

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hahahaha i hope Disney buys Nintendo after this fucking disaster

>$150m budget

That's smaller than what I would have thought.

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CGI costs a lot, especially with motion capture.

DP isn’t even out in western countries


Congratulations Yea Forums, you've done it again!

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This thread reeks of autism. You people need to consider drinking battery acid.

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Didn't someone upload the movie on youtube?

Is that Brittany Venti?

It'll end with 600m+

it's not even out in most of the world, what are you on about?

please keep doing this so I can laugh at you after

who is that ugly half-breed?

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>3d star wars cartoon

wtf bros, this movie was suppose to make $2 billion.

I think that is for the Japanese release.
It got beat by Endgame, which was on it's second week there.

>absurd 150m budget
>still made its money back in two days
>somehow this is a flop
Did Yea Forums unironically believe the 2 billion meme?

What's with you inbreed disneyshills and low quality box office threads like these all over the board? Fuck off back to Yea Forums with brandwars.

who is actively pitting a Pokemon movie against capeshit?

Are they suppose to compete or something? Are people just bored right now or what?


My understanding is that these movies need to cover like double the budget to break even because of all the advertising and bureaucracy they have to pay for

about the average guy for 60% of America

>posts a reaction image of a child's cartoon



It's a ploy

I hope this won't be as embarrassing as the Shazam one was

Critics are in bed with Marvel because they want Endgame to be #1 so everyone can see the girls power scene

Sonic with out gross it, by far.

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This must have had a huge marketing budget, I've been seeing ads everywhere

see , Yea Forums retards were pitting pokemon against avengers saying it was going to destroy capeshit

>not including advertisement costs and the percentage theaters take

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>>absurd 150m budget
It's not even that big. Fucking Ant-Man 2 cost more and I can't figure out how

Ok I have a theory. And I want at least 6 different people to tell me what they think. NO SAMEFAGGING. Only reply to me once and only once

What if leftist shills are constantly trying to make Yea Forums seem like we are againt movies we actually aren't against just so they can claim Yea Forums hates successful movies? What do you think? is this a shill thread? Answer honestly, do you think Yea Forums is being set up? I mean they made it seem like Black Panther wasn't /pol/s movie when in fact it was the best racist movie in decades

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So i guess the trailer view count can only be explained by tisies constantly hitting replay

I think the idea that people are organizing massive shill campaigns on an anime forum is ridiculous and people who act like that are trolling you for fun

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Yea Forums is the perfect place for shilling.
I'll be more surprised if nobody has ever considered stealthily pushing an agenda in this site since it's so easy to do.

Thought the same thing. Fuck that.

>I mean they made it seem like Black Panther wasn't /pol/s movie when in fact it was the best racist movie in decades
Ah yes I too remember when /pol/ was so utterly destroyed by Black Panthers success that they tried to turn things around and make it 'their movie'

Good anime shit sucks

what do you guys think is this how shills talk?

Why do Yea Forums wants this to flop?
Are we filled with Disneyshills?

(((Warner Bros.))), you just talked yourself out of a sale

It's a video game.

Because there's a black guy?


Yea Forums makes fun of anything that flops. Stop being obsessed

Yea Forums is a board for Disneychads, Disney are /ourguys/

it's not even out yet, it's not officially in theaters till Friday.

>black guy
This phrase now means the N-word any time it is posted on tv

I think it's a retarded theory.

Except Dumbo. Though I don't think anyone cared enough to make fun of it

because I want to laugh at you

There are discordfags, redditors and journos that do come here to stirr up shit. Raids were a thing when Yea Forums did it, raids are a thing now when Yea Forums is the target. They've just become subtle.

>Pikafags constantly say this will make over 1 billion because it's the highest grossing franchise
>Won't even make half of that
Yeah it's okay to laugh

i can't find the picture right now but the black panther picture iwht the MAGA cap on actually got me banned from John Boyegas twitter for sending it to him before the movie came out. crashing your dreams that Black Panther isn't our movie

It's not even out yet, how do you know it's going to flop? I knew more pokemon fans when I was a kid in the late 90s than marvel fans. All of those kids are adults potentially with kids of their own. I've seen old highschool friends talking about taking their kids to see it on social media, practically every kid I knew that owned a gameboy played this shit and some of them are still obsessed with it.

Dumbo came out in the 50s Yea Forums wasn't around for that

Nintendo is sitting on so much money it could literally lose 100 million a year for a decade and still be fine.

everyone on Yea Forums said pokemon would flop because of the black guy.
and its gonna flop!!
Yea Forums chads IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT!!!!!!

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I wouldn't be surprised

Publications are low balling projections because they don't know how to calculate something as big as Pokemon being thrust into the blockbuster movie space. Watch Pikachu open to $100m domestic this weekend while websites are dumbfounded by a non-Disney, non-capeshit making so much money even though it's one of the biggest global IPs in the world. If shit like the minions can make a billion dollars, so can Pikachu.

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Joker's going to be WB's biggest film of the year isn't it?

Big yikes on that ugly mutt

>black guy
don't be generous, he's a mutt

Bring it on marvelbots

They shouldn’t have released it so close to Endgame.

I bet capeshitters will skip it

Its not even out in the US.

Why is this board so retarded.

What's Endgame? is that like some game of throwns shit is something?

I dont know about any of that but what I can say is that at my local theater it's early showing has sold way more than Shazam did

Unironically reddit tier MCU retards

I didn't watch Avengers 4, I liked how it ended in avengers 3.

its lose lose. it flops the trannies pick on tv for it, it does well the trannies say tv hated it and pick on tv for it. like black panther which pol loved and the shills pretend they were seething over.

Guarantee it’s only normie pandering pokemon in it and no based tangela best Pokémon as there should be

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Majority are gen 1 with a few from the other gens

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this they have started either highballing or lowballing figures based on who is making the movie and the IP. An IP like Aquaman gets over estimated because it's an established DC brand movie. An untested movie like DP is gonna get lowballed so if it does better than projections they can gloat

And it STILL won't make it to $600 million how sad is that

But even then tangela and many other Pokémon won’t make it in. It’ll just be the easily recognizable ones and not best Pokémon tangela bro

It's gonna be Godzilla, thanks to China. They're avoiding the mistakes they did with Uprising

I thought the idea sounded funny then I saw the nignog and was like "nah not seeing this movie"

Pokemon is way more recognizable as a brand than Shazam who is a relatively obscure DC character.

Yea Forums is a parody.

I know that. I just don't think Pokemon will be doing that bad

I'm not even into Pokemon, but I'm still going to see the pikachu movie because I liked the trailer.

I have zero interest in watching Capeshit episode 4, it got dull and monotonous after the first 10 movies.

I don't think anyone is expecting it to do that much. It's a low budget R rated movie

>IP didn't go up
Kek, the shills are already getting desperate

It’s all a money laundering scheme my friend. According to Hollywood Forrest Gump and the original Star Wars never made their money back.

Is Endgame fatigue a thing?
Do people take a break from the movies after seeing the Big One?

Godzilla will the be only one to stop end-game.

Godzilla is big enough world wide to really stop any movie if they pull it off correctly.

No, they still have another big movie to see, and that's Godzilla.

Joker is gonna be a sleeper

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hope that shit flops hard
i'll never forgive them for making tim a nigger

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not sleeping, just dead

They should have made him Asian or Hapa

One of my local theaters, who usually just sell tickets for the current day and advanced tickets are only for certain movies, didn't set anything for DP. Meanwhile Captain Marvel, Endgame, Shazam, Dumbo and even Hellboy got advanced tickets being sold.

id be okay with that as long as emilia was the same

Pokemon: Detective Flopachu? It is inevitable.

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that's one ugly ass negro, no wonder it flopped in Japan

Oh boy

it didn't flop in japan you idiot

Capeshit can't keep getting away with it

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>makes less than two movies that have been out for weeks
>one of those movies is Endgame
>japan doesn't even care about capeshit yet they still went to see Endgame over Pikashit
>not a flop

Try casting an attractive white kid next time instead of a goblino

The lead actor looks fucking creepy

>playing the game =/= paying to watch a movie based on the game
lots of game companies should know this by now but they still won't listen

Someone said there are only around 60~70 Pokemon in the whole film and most of them are just background cameos.

Pokemon is pure soi and this movie’s casting is also indicative of how soi-laden and jewish the production is.
Fuck all of you Pokemon redditors and incels that are going to pay money to see this just because you hate Brie Larson and the mouse.

This is why it will flop and no one will ever talk about it.


He should've been asian imo. Or at least cast a guy that doesn't look weird, he's not very photogenic at all.


Didn't Alita make like 400million?

Pikachu will do double that easy

>that ant-man pepe


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that shit made that much because one chink went to see it like 200 times, but wouldn't be really funny if Pikachu made less than alita? OH NO NO NO

Based spics.

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I don't think people care enough

hate to break it to you, but a sizable majority of this website is comprised of underageb& who eat up the whole "based and redpilled fuck niggers" mentality and spam it all over because its edgy and cool to them, thus making you guys look like retards in the process.

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Some people don’t buy their tickets in advance. Movie will do fine.

it's always been like that, everyone here has always been trying to be edgy by being contrarian and shit

kek why is /pol/ on here

Pokemon is the most valuable media franchise to ever exist, it will do great overseas.

if you think this thread is sincere you are a retard

just like I am for thinking your post was sincere

and you double-are for thinking this reply is sincere


It was only #3 in Japan. They don't fall for gen 1 pandering the way weebs do.

Help me decide which one to see. I have complete free time on Friday and can go to the Matinee showings

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It will do even worse in China, the one country whose box office earnings actually matter to Hollywood’s execs.

>It was only #3 in Japan
It still had an above average opening for a western film

it still was number 3, below endgame and detective conan, shouldn't Pokemon be number one?


>the one country whose box office earnings actually matter to Hollywood’s execs.

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>it's always been like that
its never been this bad, consider the fact that this websites traffic has more than doubled in the span of a few years due to GG, fappening and the election plus lurking being a thing of the past along with sage bombing so newfags are allowed to shit up the place with little consequence.

It will do fine in China. Clearly you’ve never been. Pokemon is big there just like everywhere else.

lmao. good. They want to blackwash and force diversity shit I'm glad it's bombing.

Well if you can go to the cheaper showing why wouldn't you?

Not with that main lead actor it won’t.
Pacific Rim 2 bombed hard, and that movie had loads of chinese actors in there

First entry into a movie series doesn’t beat the biggest Hollywood movie ever or a movie about one of the most beloved Japanese characters ever. If DP picked a different weekend there wouldn’t be an issue. $9 million opening in Japan is decent.

Damn. Japan sure doesn't love black people, huh.

Reminder Sonic only has a 90 million dollar budget. In all likelihood, it will have an easier time succeeding since it's not getting railed by Avengers.

Worried about "screenx" its some kind of panoramic thing with 3 screens.

And the 3D - I'd rather just watch 2D, maybe even IMAX


Yeah Justice Smith is a mistake. I’ve heard he’s the worst part of the movie but Pikachu/ Ryan carries it hard.

The director is absolutely dogs shit. I can’t believe anyone would hire him after Sharks Tale.

seething cuck

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How did the supposed "based Japs" let WB get away with that main character casting

Is there really no option for a regular screen? Fuck man I'd say just not go

I'm unironically going to just buy a ticket to endgame so this piece of shit isn't number one, but I still won't see it.

>Reminder Sonic only has a 90 million dollar budget
Is that before or after #gottafixfast?

You guys promised that Captain Marvel was going to kill the mcu

Idk its fucking weird. My main kinoplex (Scotiabank Theatre in Toronto) isn't showing it on their website and the next best has these meme showings

How do you get hired to direct the first live action entry of the world’s most profitable IP with this body of work?

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Please tell me someone made a screencap collage of the stupid fucking posts that said this was going to kill Disney and make 1 billion.

they most likely already had another design in the works, marketing tactic 101

he probably made the pitch for the movie

Is there a spot where I can read plot spoilers?

also is it true there's like a drug or something that makes Pokemon grow titantic, a friend told me but not sure if if they're yanking my chain


It probably will make around a billion, its not going to kill disney though

Yeah that’s why I don’t expect anything aside from lowbrow nods to pop culture and zoomer pandering throughout the entire thing.
It amazes me how people can even be excited for this movie. Nothing about it looks good.

Ryan Reynolds is the negro's lost father and he returns back to normal at the end of the movie

Yes, rare candy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Where is this info from? There is no data yet. Premiere's tomorrow. Fake news.

They totally already had a different design ready. This is one that's been floating around for ages.

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>What is tracking and estimates
They do this shit for every movie

>What is tracking and estimates
Bullshit for retards.

I legitimately think sometimes everyone on this board is fucking stupid.

You are correct in thinking that.

I just thought it would have an easier time succeeding because it's going to be a motherfucking masterpiece of the medium unparalleled by any thing we could have called a cinematic achievement before

Take the eggpill, user

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Yo my man fucked up his sliders in create a character BAKA

why they didn't pick this design off the bat convinces me everyone working on that sonic movie was retarded

i went to go see endgame yesterday and people clapped at the credits thank you so much americlaps for spreading your cancer around the globe


That's unfortunate. Shazam was unironically than any marvel flick we've gotten in at least 5 years aside from winter soldier maybe

Detective Pikachu's lifetime gross = ~400m (global)
Sonic the Hedgehog's lifetime gross = ~1.5b (global)

Sonic destroyed pokémon.

that'd be so hilarious, but the reality is that the only ones who are going to see it more than once are turbo autists like chris chan and furries who masturbate in the theater

Goosebumps was a fun time for anyone that grew up reading the books.. Based on what he did with an established IP in Goosebumps is probably why they gave him another established IP.

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I wont watch this hahahah lets make this shit flop

I dont believe in this theory.

Gonna be watching Detective Pikachu and John Wick 3 as a double feature when they have their first showings next week. I think I was a lot happier before I started caring about RT scores and Box office

Aren't at least half of those successful films? Should have they takena serious artsy director for this shitty flick?

Leftist shill here:

No, that'd be too much effort for something that's be basically a waste of time.

saw the screener it starts off like a real detective movie, lot of noir tropes, even the lighting

Mewtwo escaped from the Kanto region 20 years ago
Mewtwo's a good guy, still kind of a pokemon god
There's pokemon genetic engineering and because of that Ditto is t1000 tier in this movie and a pokemon that looks like Turtanotor that's the size of a mountain

Tim's dad is Ryan Reynolds; Detective Pikachu is his dad and Pikachu in one body because of Mewtwo's powers

In the climax, the bad guy takes control of Mewtwo with a mind meld device

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yes the serum r derived from mewtwo makes Pokemon aggressive and lose control and attack humans. the giant pokemon are another thing, they're genetically engineered

>Black guy
He wishes. He isn't anything.

After you

> the serum r derived from mewtwo makes Pokemon aggressive and lose control and attack humans

so its basically zootopia

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opening it against endgame was a mistake

Its the same plot as the original 2016 game. Nothing to do with Zootopia


>banks hard on nostalgia for the original generation even though Chinks only got the franchise fairly recently
>nigger lead
It's Star Wars all over again.

I can't believe that an English language film that's only been released in Japan with subtitles has only made $9 million.

I just can't believe it.

isnt already 2.5 gorrillion dollars by now?

not quite 2.3 yet.

The main actor was awful in Jurrasic World and Pokemon is a terrible property in the first place. Why would I want to watch it?

Hasn't the movie been out for like a day?

A weekend. In one country

>what is /sip/ posting
You can't convince me those weren't shills.

Oh nonononono who can stop the mouse no???????

lmao the absolute state of non-Paddington films.

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funny as it was the same british vfx company which did both paddington and the pokemon in detective pikachu.

Movies are the downfall of western society.

I made this image :3