Why didn't audiences like it?

Why didn't audiences like it?

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it was made for videogame players
also anti-white message

normie retards

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because except for those flashback scenes explicitly put in for the retarded audience who can't remember what happened earlier in the movie, it was pretty kino

Long running time (3 hours) and no classic "good guy beats bad guy" resolution. Autistic goose doesn't click with normies.

Audience too young to know how bad/overrated the first one was.

>lots of fog and sand and orange and blue
woah... incredible cinematography...

Because american and chinese audiences are too braindead for anything else but capeshit garbage.


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because it was long and boring.


>whats playing?
>blade runner 2045
>what the hell is that?
>i don't know, lets see wonder woman i guess

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people have less of an attention span than a goldfish and it's a movie that doesn't have quips every 4 seconds.

I said this yesterday, I love it because characters shut the fuck up.

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Yeah, I really want a version with no memory voice over or flashbacks.

I was watching it today. It's an amazing movie that completely does the original justice.

Wow, I see what they

It has an 8 on IMDB with almost 400k reviews. Audiences did like it

unironically what is bladerunner 2045

audiences today are starting to get sick of dishonest filmmaking so everyone saw through hack filmmaker dennis villainue

It was you fucking dumbass

>dude pretty pictures..*drools*

Americans are plebs and chinks aren't human. It did much better in Europe. $25mil in the UK, $12mil in France and Germany, a measly $11mil in China. UK had over a quarter of the domestic box office. The chinks and mutts left this film to die.

It's a beautiful but very forgettable movie with an awful antagonist.

Yes, no shit what do you think cinematography is you autist?

21st century normalfags are plebs with ADHD-tier attention spans.

Forgettable? You fuckers on here meme on k the whole fucking time. Also, antagonist was based as fuck not giving a fuck and wanting to be equal or even better than K

Couldn't relate to the incel-core plot

>anti-white message
I haven’t watched it in a long time but was anti-white in the movie?

He's probably a retard who thought the hatred for replicants was a nigger analogy

outside of the main antagonist being a literal white slaver?

nothing, /pol/ is a mental ilness

Thet saw through its dishonest cinematography.

>Saying this about an American film

You’re not white Mohammed

>literally looks like Deus Ex with orange instead of blue/yellow

>>dude pretty pictures.
>Yes, no shit what do you think cinematography is
omfg he won't even pretend
br2049 fans everybody

3 hours long.

>A literal white slaver
It's funny you say this considering a black guy in the movie was literally enslaving children to work for him

So was capeshit endgame

>being against slavery is anti-white

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I'm not even going to bother explaining the difference. fucking brainlet

>main plot is a white man who can't socialize and feels like an outcast start thinking is special but has to learn he actually isn't
>a woman is actually the special one

a white woman?

>the difference
Yeah, BR2049 is even 15 minutes shorter

>main plot is a white man who can't socialize and feels like an outcast start thinking is special but has to learn he actually isn't
The ultimate black pill

It in no way had to be 3 hours long.

It also didn't feel like it needed to be shorter(besides hurting the profits)

it's sad how this movie really brought out the absolute reddit state of this board, in how many people genuinely like BR2049 and earnestly defend it.
I guess the board's been really bad/reddit for a long time, but Mad Max Fedora Road and BR2049 are milestones in Yea Forums's transformation to video gamer cheeto fedoraism.

Same shit. Same retard.
Reddit tourist ruined this board with their capeshit, Game of Trash, and Flop Runner.

I bet most of the tourists posting that feels cancer pic of K haven't even watched the movie.

>no femifemale lead
>no mutt lead
>no nigger lead
>no pew pew
>people literally give up at the intelinked scene screaming "what the fuck" and then they left the theatre

>main plot is a white man who can't socialize and feels like an outcast start thinking is special but has to learn he actually isn't
And after finding this out he decides to become special in his own right by saving Deckard you dumbfuck

yea this and that

How is the apparent phenomenon of Mexicans apparently not wanting to watch some movie called "Blade Runner 2045" related to by BR2049 flopped? Are you suggesting a Mexican knock off movie was made and also flopped?

>his role is to die so that the female special one can meet her father
top cuck

Probably because i'd say 90% of people who saw it didnt even watch/know about blade runner (1928) so they didnt understand the p l o t

>people, on MY Yea Forums, actually, ACTUALLY talk about something besides capeshit?? what nerve those redditors have

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Blade Runner was the ultimate movie, maybe even better than th original. (I call it Blade Runner because they're the same movie). It may have taken awhile, but after watching it I had lost hope. I couldn't help but feel like I was being used and abused, as Blade Runner had been done to me.I realized that I probably wasn't the only Blade Runner user, or even the most loyal Blade Runner user; this wasn't a big shock to me. I didn't expect to be so angry. I expected to learn something from this movie, and what a difference a month makes. I expected to look at the box art and see just how much money they gave to the actors (not as much as I would for an Andy Serkis movie) and to wonder what the hell was going on here.When I finally left my home studio at home, I didn't sleep.But my brain was so flooded by the emotions of the movie that I didn't sleep the night it came out.

*autistic post about calling it 2045*

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>pretty pictures
>frames from the movie showing its excellent cinematography

You're and idiot

All so dishonest

>excellent cinematography

2049 and capeshit are the same video game iconography garbage for simpletons.

yep that's what cinematograpy's about
pretty stills

step up to the plate and name some good movies then big hoss

Since when has CGI shit become "excellent cinematography"? Have standards really dropped so low?

Since people play videogames.

The Godfather and Apocalypse Now are a couple of good ones.

>names the safest movies imaginable that even the most normalfag redditor would hold up as 'good'
come on man

You asked me to name some good movies and I did. Why are you surprised that good movies are universally liked?

>make movie for $15M
>$200M worth of people watch it
>"wow people love this film"
>make movie for $150M
>$200M worth of people watch it
>"wow people didn't care for this film"

Because it was a sequel to the Director's Cut of Blade Runner. Most of the audience ended up being Gen X-ers that were nostalgic for the entirely different Theatrical Release, and the themes Ridley Scott wanted the movie(s) to have aren't very palatable for any randos walking in wanting to watch a flick. The 3hr runtime also only served to exacerbate those points.

Why did they do this?

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Tbqh Avengers had more feelz and scene-porn than 2049, they just went by too fast.

because it looks way more nasty? luv was supposed to be a super-humanly strong killing machine, one punch to the back of the neck obliterated his spine and skull, the way he's laying and the noises he make were eerie as shit and surprising as well - do you genuinely not prefer the post version?

So is Deckard a replicant or not?

>Video Game Iconography
>Dishonest Cinematography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
>Barking indefinite hipster score
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
>Post-Capeshit inversions
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
These are the eight cancers of neo-capeshit, 2049 indulges all of them repeatedly, its fans are proof of its disease. Watch better movies than post-marvel junk, IMDB.

The question isn't if he was a replicant
It's if he was a replican


Then what's with the unicorn?

It sloppy, last minute. They could have done it with practical effects, just get the actor to arch their upper back or something more elaborate.

Attached: watch?v=X4c6wAJVMO8 00.02.39-00.02.49.webm (960x540, 1.05M)

He is in the movies (proven indisputably by Gaff's unicorn origami) but he isn't in the book.

So Deckard is a replicant and the chick at the end of 2049 is his kid with the other replicant chick and that's why she is special?

It only takes one replicant parent to be special brainlet.

There was a thread yesterday about how most of the posters here watch all their media at 2x speed because of their autism.

So there is your answer.


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Where did I say that it didn't?

You tried.

This got movie of the year, and nothing will change that. Cope harder please.

I tried what?

so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

I meant to imply that he is not confirmed to be a replicant.

>ah ah you are not brainlet like us! cope!

It was too good unironically

Imagine believing this.

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So I don’t consider myself a normie but I don’t honestly don’t know how the normies didn’t like it. It’s faster paced than the original and has gud graphicz

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My normie friends liked it


Yeah, sometimes you can be too smart for the majority, you know?

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What's there to like. Its a long boring dishonest movie.

I don't think it does matter lol. Why did he need the names of some good movies? Was he going to watch them?

>k can get stabbed
>but k can also break through solid concrete
Doesn't make sense.
>joi can project anyway from this little gadget even when its in his coat pocket
>joi doesn't physically exist but photons can reflect off of the projection somehow
Can we admit that the "science" part of sci-fi fell apart right here? This is magic, it doesn't physically work within the realm of the natural world.

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>k can get stabbed
>but k can also break through solid concrete
>Doesn't make sense.
Lmao what kind of retard logic is this? That's like saying a truck can't get damaged if it can go through a building

they should have introduced new colors into the physical universe we occupy. amateurs.

I watched it opening night and everyone loved it in a packed cinema. Obviously they are Blade Runner fans for seeing it so quickly, but at the end even normie looking girls and their boyfriends were tearing up. Also people clapped when the credits started, the first and only time I've ever seen it happen in a cinema (in the UK)

lol is this copypasta or are people here really like this?

how the hell is THIS the point where your suspension of disbelief broke?

>colonizing other planets is cool
>flying cars? no problem there
>artificial human clone slaves? makes sense.
>holograms!? ok, now you've gone too far!!!

What exactly is there to cry about in this film?

A truck gets damaged doing that, what kind of retarded analogy are you trying to say? Flesh can't be simultaneously soft enough to bleed but hard enough to crash through a solid concrete wall without even a single bruise.
Also apparently replicants can move at the speed of light. Webm related, K disappears within 1 single frame, sideways. This is physically impossible because to move you have to apply force, but moving at the speed of light requires an impossible amount of force. Not only that, he falls to the ground which is dictated by gravity. He's like some goddamn superhero, this is capeshit-lite.

Attached: teleports_behind_you.webm (1920x796, 2.57M)

Tears in Rain I guess

It's way too long.
Did it really need to be 3 hours long?

that capeshit is 3 hours

>Also apparently replicants can move at the speed of light. Webm related, K disappears within 1 single frame, sideways.
>moving past the end of that frame fast enough to not be picked up by a 1/48th shutter takes lightspeed
high iq post

>cut out resistance subplot
>cut out deckard/child plot
>cut out muh memory bullshit
>cut out wallace
>cut out joi
>cut out rachael
Bam, that's how you make a gritty neo-noir sci-fi. None of this "cinematic universe" crap without any originality or heart.

>cut out wallace
I completely forgot about this part. What was the point?

Too long
Scenes linger without dialogue or anything happening to keep the general public’s 2 second attention span
Main character doesn’t have much charisma due to him being slightly robotic.
R-rated sci-fi movie

It was brilliant

>None of this "cinematic universe" crap
>not even close to what the phrase means
good "boomer" posting

Cringe. This is the only reason Yea Forumsedditors here love it, to feel superior to "normies".

>capeshit bad because quips
>Bladerunner 2049 bad because no quips
Retire yourself.

He moves but also reacts within 1 frame. He's responding to the sound of the gunshot (speed of sound), but is already gone at that point. So at the minimum he's reacting and moving faster than the speed of sound, which would cause a sonic boom. 24fps is 41ms/frame, which would be captured at 1/48th as a blur. But the shot is clearly edited, not consecutive, and is masked by the glitching hologram. It's a retarded shot, basically just "lets do something cool", probably brain damage from wanting to emulate capeshit.

Partially because it was made to appeal, radically, to a niche audience. The producers and Villeneuve knew that they weren't going to recoup their budget, so they really heightened the themes of isolation, artificial love/comfort, and loss of any real father figures that most 17-30+ year-old boys/men believe they can relate to. These aren't themes that play well to a mass audience, because most people prefer to have some kind of distraction from any heavy drama in their film/theater experience--the precedent was set during Shakespeare's time, where he and other playwrights knew they were making stuff for two crowds--the nobles and the masses. So they put in heavy drama focused on title and status and power-struggles for the nobles, and goofy, vulgar, quippy comic relief characters for the commoners. This pattern continues today.

2049 doesn't really follow that formula in the strictest sense, though to say it doesn't pander is misleading--again, I'm certain Denis knew what kind of people would flock to this movie.

It's one of my personal favorites of the past ten years, mainly because of how it addresses the theme of lonely people trying to find companionship with technology, and vice versa--K/JOI, the Lt. when she flirts with K, I'd even say Luv/Wallace. Everyone in this movie so desperately wants to be loved, and they'll go to great lengths to try and achieve that, even if they know it's something temporary or artificial. I think that's something that we as a society are genuinely going to have to--and are already starting to--grapple with as companionship tech becomes more advanced.

That's my take on it, at least. Maybe I'm over-intellectualizing. I enjoy the film, though. And I wish more people could too.

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>Dude just cut everything

>The producers and Villeneuve knew that they weren't going to recoup their budget, so they really heightened the themes of isolation, artificial love/comfort, and loss of any real father figures
So it really is /reddit9k/ the movie? No wonder I don't like it.

>wanted to go see it but only had my sister to go with
>heard there was a sex scene so I decided not to see it in IMAX becuase I thought the sex scene would have been to cringy

>mfw Watched later 4k bluray and was pissed that the sex scene was so short and there wasn't any even nudity

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Replicants moving insanely fast has been a thing since the original. Right in the very first scene with Leon, and then later in the movie Pris turns extremely quickly.

>Villeneuve knew that they weren't going to recoup their budget
>people keep giving him money

I didn't like it because the plot is nonsensical and they really just wanted to buy out the shell of the Blade Runner IP so they could stuff whatever they wanted inside and parade it around for what turned out to be a bad business venture.


It was the sequel/reboot of a major sci-fi franchise. If you think producers aren't going to shovel a shitload of money into the furnace and ignore any potential roadblocks, then you've never heard of
>John Carter
>Jupiter Ascending
>The Mortal Engines
>The first goddamn Blade Runner

What was John Carter are reboot or sequel of?

The original was never really popular!

it was ugly and stupid

So why make a sequel?

Visually interesting but wasn't a story that needed to be told and lacked the underlying philosophical questions of the original