What are some good body horrors

I've never watched one

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that's what she gets for not having the decency to kill something before she eats it

I'm tired of subjected myself to this anxiety inducing fuel.

even killing it, it would still stick to shit and move around. It's like lizard tails after they fall off.

She's chinese, isn't it? It's always the chinese.


those squeals

Based octopus.

the thing (1982) should be your intro into body horror imo-- it's slow and the body horror is sparse, but it's a pretty great film and the practical effects are genuinely cool

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This is a fucken video

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Just like my chinese cartoon porn!


>makes another one of these threads
Your ass must be really in pain, op.

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Imagine cumming right in that big eye hole while the squid keeps it open



That is so fucking narly.

He looks fucking fantastic with his new teeth

?? I posted this after seeing it on normiebook

Really? Looks unnatural. Like a robot who is supposed to resemble a human, but you can tell it isn't human.

why am i not surprised?

you can hear people laughing off camera


Nearly all the movies by David Cronenberg really

he should have the decency to shave all that disgusting shit off of his face for the surgeon for fuck sake

This desu


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yeah no shit
I'm going to let you in on a big secret, she wasn't actually worried either and it's fucking classic for Chinese girls to act super whiny


would killing the octopus help?

District 9 has some good body horror elements, as does Black Swan

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What happens in black swan?

Do you guys think this procedure is worth it? On the one hand, having a beautiful smile is priceless. On the other hand, having these things drop out and needing to be replaced sounds like a nightmare. Maybe braces and veneers are better.

Natalie Portman's descent into insanity includes delusions about her body transforming.

Naked Blood

I think it counts.

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That's a fake octopus. I can tell from having eaten many living octopuses in my time

Whats going on here?

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Society is THE body horror kino

Is that Emma Stone?

It's pretty mild from what I remember, but there were scenes done with practical effects that involved nat's body unnaturally contorting and elongating

Well, it's really hard to say… but there are probably some really decent ones. I've heard good ones about being dragged for a day and a half (it happened to me – it's really not that common).

I could just look forward to walking through a cemetery and seeing a dead body hanging from a tree behind an embankment. But I usually watch more videos on YouTube. I guess one of the biggest mistakes people make with body horror videos (not always the right movie or gore porn videos… usually just bad ones). is to think it's normal. In fact, it's really, really bad. Like, really crappy.

Body Horror video and gore porn are all just bad.

No, seriously, just… No.

I've got a video on YouTube that features a man playing a video game all day (so not really that common) and his stomach gets sore and hurts. You shouldn't watch it – it's very bad!

braces >>> veneers >>> doing nothing >>>>> implants
implants should be last ditch when youre missing a tooth or something like that
having all your teeth implants like that can lead to some serious fucked up shit
just know that teeth have nerves in them for a reason. this is why veneers are so good, it saves the core.

What is this?

how the hell does boogie still have fans? he's honestly a piece of shit and I would think most people should have realized this already.

Seriously why does he keep such disgusting facial hair?
His old goatee looked fine and not gross.

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How you fucking faggot?

>having all your teeth implants like that can lead to some serious fucked up shit
What is the reason for the nerves?
Just curious as I want to protect my teeth.

i've had an eye tooth implant for 7 years. no issues yet

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Why has no one mentioned this yet? its the best one by far, nothing even comes close.

You could maybe count Eraserhead too

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Just like one of my japanese woodblock prints

Always brush your teeth, at least 2 times per day, use dental floss and please stop drinking sugary beverages or drink less of them

doom patrol

>t. Steve-o

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bitch why the fuck did you put an octopus on your face

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OP is a faggot as per usual and didn't start a thread to discuss body horror but a clandestine anti Chinese thread full of non film related pathos and rhetoric.

She was going to tear the thing at the end

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liar. multiple of octopus is octopii


Why do chinks lack so much empathy?

OP here and I literally do not care if she's Chinese

You should, bug boy.

I second this

checked and also kino

OP here disregard my previous post I literally can not sucking nigger dicks

No one has mentioned The Blob yet.

i literally will never watch this show. what happens, why is girl face melting

It would be extremely painful

why does chinese sound so revolting