I guess I'm not autistic enough to see the difference

what's wrong with the way sonic looks in the movie? he looks the exact same as the cartoons I watched like 30 years ago when I actually cared about sonic...when I was 2 yo.

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Other urls found in this thread:




could be a lot better

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Honestly I don't know why everyone is losing their shit about this trailer.
Sure it looks bad, it looks like it came out 10 years ago, the humor is terrible and Jim Carrey looks like a washed-up sad clown now... but it's a kid movie. It doesn't look better or worse to me than the live action versions of the Smurfs, Garfield or the Chipmunks (and those got a million sequels).

Sonic on the left looks like a guy in a sonic furry suit waiting to rape you

>Cartoonishly big eyes
>Cartoonishly skinny legs
>Cartoonishly large head and hands compared with the body
seriously that's better to you?
if you want a cartoon, just watch the cartoon.

Nigga you have eye problems. Even fucking calls movie sanic shit.

yeah i dont get it either he looks fine get over it you retarded autists

kinda looks like a who straight from whoville.

reddit bandwagoned on it so of course Yea Forums users had to follow in suit. when the movie is actually out or when the new reveal is out. Yea Forums will act like the original was better and most likely reddit will follow suit after that

I just imagine ever single faggot complaining about how sonic looks is just a Chris Chan clone.

Attached: SonichuOriginal.jpg (248x382, 19K)

the design was bad on purpose, the internet is posting memes about it, articles are written about it, and they're now changing the design because the internet demands it. now that's M A R K E T I N G

the complaints I've mostly seen are autistic with the details. literally getting angry with the color of the arms.

Just make an animated movie at that point, why even bother with the live action nonsense.

What's bad about it? since it looks like a spitting image of the original, if you're not looking at it through autism goggles.

Sega does what nintendon't


Additional content is up

Nintendid it first and way better

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Left is the film, right is what some a(r/u)tist photoshopped the next day

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This. It doesn't take long at all to create a fucked up CGI character for a trailer. Anyone who believes they'll casually effect an entire redesign of a CG character in a full movie because of Internet backlash is an idiot. They probably got the idea from the publicity generated by Will Smith as the genie in Aladdin

>cartoonish sonic looks better
they look practically the same, except the one on the right is likely retarded with those massive hands, and that head and malnourished. the left is a the chad of blue anthropomorphic hedgehogs.

Cast was passable. Plot and script was down right terrible as fuck.

you must be high key lonely

Objectively wrong.

wrong, there is nothing wrong with the current one.

>spitting image of the original
nigga u blind. the design gets a lot of hate BECAUSE it doesn't look like the original video game Sonic design. whether the movie Sonic design is good or not i honestly don't give a fuck about

ok, point out the differences since you're autistic enough to see them.

They tried to give him a more realistic look with less cartoony proportions (well realistic for a video game character of a speedy blue hedgehog) since it's a live action film. They did that before with other characters. Why is everyone so anal about this one? Don't kids like it?

If they are going for a more realistic aproach they should have embrace it completely and do something like this abomination here

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how the fuck did you beat me by less than a minute??

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look at the eyes you blind retard. compare it to the OP pic.

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yeah those are big unrealistic cartoon eyes. you know all cartoons have bigger eyes than their IRL counterpart.

this hundo p

Not Pikachu, and Pikachu actually looks good because they didn't redesign him.

>he looks the exact same as the cartoons I watched like 30 years ago when I actually cared about sonic

This sentence fragment alone proves you have autism. Face-blindness, watching the Sonic cartoon, it's all there.

Would you, Yea Forums?

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based ipadposting furfag

Pikachu's eyeballs don't look bigger than his head. and they aren't connected on the bottom like some unnatural creature from another planet.
Also Pikachu isn't cartoonish in the anime.
there is a difference between cartoon and animation. animation can look realistic, but cartoons generally don't. one key factor difference is the eyes. Look at the eyes on bugs bunny for instance, these are this kinds of eye're you are requesting on a create that's supposed to exist in reality.

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I understand not liking the design but going full autistic screech about it was pretty pathetic.
Movie is going to be trash either way.

>cared about sonic when I was literally 2
>never thought about it since the cartoon except for Chris Chan tier fanbase.

If you made a movie that made bugs bunny meet real people you would keep his cartoony design no matter what, even if it would look "weird"

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space jam says hello zoom-zoom

Not the user you are replying to but Pikachu's issues and those of the other Pokemon are elsewhere
I just don't get why even bother with "realism" when the original designs were stylized to create appeal. You are always just taking away from it.

Then you're just plain retarded. A simple image search would reveal that he's had a consistent look all throughout the cartoons and games over the years, and that it's a drastic difference than what the movie trailer presented.

Bugs bunny is meant to be a cartoon though, sonic is a sort of action movie more like transformers. They'r trying to find a balance with realism. Sonic looks basically the same. and eyes connected on the bottom would scare everyone away that wasn't an autist like you.

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you mean that movie where all the toons kept their exact same designs in the real world?


yes that’s the one, with Michael Jordans

There is no balance with realism with someone like Sonic, you take his normal design and add fur, plain and simple, changing the design leads to this because it will always look weird if its not the original.
Its why Transformers, and Chipmunks don't look good in live action.


looks like this

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I just ran out of fucks to give for sonic when I found better shit. it's a blue anthropomorphic animal with spikey hair, thats all I know about sonic. this movie's sonic meets those criteria. I don't give a fuck about gloves, I don't give a fuck about the color of the arms, I don't give a fuck about the eyes.

yeah, I have the VHS in my basement.. I don't understand why your post seems to be arguing the fact that Bugs was portrayed exactly as he has always been even when mixed in with real life actors?

transformers looked better in live action, and the chipmunks were literally chipmunks.

>Its why Transformers, and Chipmunks don't look good in live action.
But they make bank, that's the point. How many sequels and spin-offs do those 2 franchises have?

They looked bad and weird the same way Sonic does.
Characters that need redesigns to be live action should never get live action materiel.

hi Chris Chan

>Low quality bait

None of the complaints are aout glove or arm color.. it's about taking a cartoony looking character and turning him into this humanoid freak. I mean if you look at a picture of cartoon pikachu next to detective pikachu from the movie and it looks like a great adaptation. Do the same for sonic and it's like what the fuck? This isn't some subjective opinion, they are literally changing the design because they realized it looks bad.

noOOOOooooOOOO my only weakness!!!

I wasn’t who you were arguing with. and I didn’t read any of the posts preceding the one I responded to. I just wanted to be snarky and condescending.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
seriously though, go watch Space Jam. it’s a fun quality romp for the whole fambly

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how do the transformers look bad and weird you autistic dweeb?

They look like a mess of CGI and metal

it’s called a squeakquel

Well because sonic isn't that popular with kids. It has been in life support for a while but its fandom is uber autistic, without even talling about Chris chan, and mantains it. Obviously the only people who care are those freaks.

refer to

Space Jam was literally my jam as a kid and every new bit of news I hear about the reboot/sequel breaks my heart

that's because pikachu actually looks like an animal that could exist IRL in the anime.

Holy fuck you newfag autist that post was obviously mocking CWC and his sonic boom debacle

you're reaching a lot

Not really convincing argument how did you expect them to pull it off, stop motion? Also, you don't think the transformers in the cartoon were made of metal? what were they made of then? I'm not autistic to know this shit.

you're all Chris Chan clones complaining about the same shit. the way sonic looks. I hope they update the vidya games so this is soni'cs new look

Make them look like they did in that transformers game people liked or just make an animated movie?
Cartoon characters and live action since the dawn of time have never been a good mix, the only thing worse is when you have a human character on set with them and they hog the spotlight.

>space jam was my jam
you should be a potter.

shitposting aside, it was actually a pretty damn good movie. I haven’t seen it in years though but I bet it still holds up.
and I’m not a furry, but I would for Lola.

lmao ok, and the other 10+ pokemon already shown? they all look like real life animals? there's no excuse.

>a fat rodent isn't realistic.

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Oh so this was never a serious discussion to begin with. touche

I just googled Transformers game this is the first thing that popped up. so they do look like the game.

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>Well because sonic isn't that popular with kids
Man they should release that movie directly in special daycare centers for autismos then. I can't imagine an adult buying a ticket to see a fucking Sonic movie unless he's accompanying his 8 year old kid.

>a fat rodent with bright yellow fur and unpractically long and narrow ears with a lightning bolt tail isn't realistic

What about a 3 headed dodo bird?

This game fucking sucked

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>I would for Lola
Everyone who has seen the movie has felt that way at one point or another.

>no mustache luigi
what for?

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formerly feeding seeded


Added stuff

I’m glad I’m not alone.
I remember seeing a picture here years ago of a guys room who had a whole pile of Lola plushies and he said something like “guess what I’m doing tonight?”

here's what sonic should have looked like in the new movie, you fuckers wouldn't ever be satisfied anyway they might as well just put a guy in costume. . youtube.com/watch?v=BXfEAflhSqk

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if they were bred in captivity then yes. we can get yellow mice through selective breeding.

That actually looks like it had more effort put into it than his final design.

I'll see your sonic cringe and counter with this. Don't click play until you're truly ready, kid,

No he fucking doesn't faggot

>cherrypicking for the second time in a row while ignoring the real meat of the post

guess we're done?

You're a fucking dumbass what kids grew up with Sonic? Us you fucking idiot if you didn't play Sonic 1-3 as a kid like me you're a plain uncultured faggot.

The trailer overall looked fine and I enjoyed Jim Carrey back to his usual humor. Even this movie looks better than that trash you mentioned.

>spikey hair
>anthropomorphic animal

checks all the boxes for me.

are you even trying? lol

not him but the soundtracks for 1-3 and sonic and knuckles are still top tier vidya music.

That was gay

How old are you, honestly?

I don't have to try when sonic fans are involved. this thread is going to last a while. buckle up bucko.

those eyes are fucking terrifying

>You're a fucking dumbass what kids grew up with Sonic? Us
Yeah, I played with a toy clock that made animal sounds too. Boy I can't wait for the movie adaptation. Will be there opening night. I hope they get all the details right because adult me still cares so much about it now.

old enough to have had a youtube account when this was posted youtube.com/watch?v=frQ3LvbQ0AE. only those with the link can get to this video now, and it's been in my likes for almost a decade and a half, it's the first one in there.

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WOW dudeyou must be almost 18 years old nice

my first computer was a DOS

Since when did you have to be a sonic autist to find the movie design kinda shit? It just looks like a hairy man goblin and is further testament that Sonic should have died in the 90's.

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its worth watching just for her

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kek is this OC?

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I don't have a single fuck to give. If you do, you're Chris-chan.

>trying to adapt a blue cartoon hedgehog to live action
>looks weird because its a blue cartoon hedgehog against real enviornments and actors
The biggest overreaction of the of the decade. Even the "fixed" designs look terrible because its a fucking blue cartoon hedgehog.

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I'm content as now I have fap materials for months and months :^)

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And that’s a good thing

Nigger you mocking the see n' say

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Post every single one of your sonics
do it now

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