Why didn’t arya die if all it takes is NK’s touch?

why didn’t arya die if all it takes is NK’s touch?

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He has to invoke the spell on a weaker host.

this. arya was stronger than him from the start. the staredown didnt work

feminism agenda called for it

Babies =/= adults

he is the host.

you just spent more time thinking about it than d&d did


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Arya is already dead.

that ritual was performed in the stone circle.

have sex.

dude chicks don't like being called babes

Most based post I've read all year.

When was it established that he can kill with a touch?

why are little girls some of the deadliest fighters in the world

because Arya is Azor Ahai

He spent less time. When does the NK ever kill someone with a touch? He touched a baby, and touched Bran, and neither died.

This is the answer for every single thing in this show for the last seasons.
Normal swords shatter when touch a regular white walker. Being strangled by the night king should do a bit more than just hurt.

NK in episode 6

Why would a ward against swords hurt a person?


But the scene with Craster's son established that his touch does have an effect on the living. Either turning them into another white walker like the girls at the keep implied, or simply making a wight.

He wasn't killing the baby, but supposedly transforming him. And he didn't actually touch Bran directly.

this 2bh.
It was fucking embarrassing seeing all the fan theories about littlefinger/jamie being azor ahai, when DnD never really gave shit about how it ends

Don't think that's a ward against swords, or is he vulnerable to everything else?
Also, it shattered very much like ice. It seems to me that everything he touches instantly freezes.

Or how did Arya survive such a great shock? She must have been able to deal with it. Who knows how she'll react when Dany sets sail north for Dragonstone?

With this book, Jorah seems to have had more leeway in dealing with Dany's ambitions than any other character before him. Jorah may only have a fleeting connection with the Night King, but he does have a much clearer view of how to deal with the threat. Jorah's decision to send Arya north to the North, at this incredibly early point in his journey, gives him a sense of power over a threat much bigger.

At the same time, Jorah is given a chance to reflect on how he will handle what follows. It's the sort of story that will take him far beyond the Wall, yet will also take him out of the Westerosi society he finds himself trapped in.In this way, Jorah is the same person. When we read all of this, it makes Jorah the same person, he's the same God, and they're the same God. It's that simple.

You know, Jorah is very much like David in terms of the relationship to the people. He has these wonders who keep calling, "Where has David gone? He's been here, he's been here."

Jorah is just like that. People who have heard him call these things and wonder, "Where's David?"

We saw that in the beginning of the series, with the people of Winterfell. This guy wants to know, "Where has David gone?" Well, when this man went back to King's Landing and asked for help finding David, that is who He is. He knows who He is.

And it's just that simple.

Then how can they wear armor? It's a magical ward. Everything about the white walkers is magical.

she was was wearing frost resist gear

if the night king was so easy to kill then why didn't they just kill him in the past? building the wall must ahve been a lot more difficult and probably killed as many workers as the army of the dead killed people at the battle of winterfell. the first men were fucking stupid for not knowing how to drop daggers

>why didn't they just kill him in the past?
Arya was not born then

How did she reach him when he was surrounded by his army, including his elite white walkers?

Why did killing the Night King wipe out his whole army, when there were more of his kind there with him?

How could the Night King no-sell dragon fire, and if he could do that, why was he so vulnerable to Valyrian steel?

What the hell was Bran doing with his time during the battle, when he wasn't telling anyone what his crows saw, or having them carry messages or anything?

How did Arya stab right through his armor when she was being held up by the throat and couldn't put the strength of her body behind the attack, but could only push it feebly with the strength of her scrawny girl arm?

Why did he just stand there and look at her instead of immediately whipping her into the ground to kill her in case there was more to this attack, which had already gotten farther past his defenses than he would have expected, and which therefore should have deeply concerned him?

What is the point of this whole game if you just win when you catch the golden snitch?

Wasn't it narratively unsatisfying to decisively deal with the ice zombie threat that was built up for the better part of a decade in a single battle, where it suddenly turns out to be fairly manageable?

that's like if i asked why medieval peasants didn't institute socialism across europe and you told me that it was because stalin hadn't been born yet
so D&D-tier reasoning, you're probably right as far as the writers are concerned

Thes responses are mailed in harder than the episode writing

plot and vagina armor

Dragon was already dead you fucking retard

She would have died on impact. Just calculate the amount of energy required to launch a human body 20m in the air and having all that energy stopped by a hand to the neck vertebra. She should have instantly ragdolled the moment he grabbed her based on physics and anatomy alone, no need for magic.

The Night King could easily have used his other hand to stop Arya, if he wasn't holding the Starbucks cup in it.

gotta keep warm in the winter bro a warm one from 'bucks is the best way


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What's worse, this or West World?

us for trusting them

That battle could have been a lot cheaper and just as tense, if they'd just respected the rule that the white walkers attack in a snowstorm.

West World is at least trying to go for something. They may give up in later seasons but season 2 was very ambitious. This is just poorly written fantasy tropes failing to deliver on the promised climax.
I say "promised" but really when I remember that this show was sold to HBO execs as 'lord of the rings meets the sopranos' or 'the sopranos in middle-earth' or something like that it really seems like we're getting the 'finale that was promised:' a shallow amalgam of the surface elements of the sopranos (messed up families vying for power) and the tolkien mythos (a fantasy world with dragons and a deep history)

>lord of the rings meets the sopranos' or 'the sopranos in middle-earth'
kind of funny now that almost everything now is described as "game of thrones meets x"

Onion rings ending coming right up!

This this this so much this, it's literally a method of execution also known as hanging, what were they thinking?

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so the Night King is Phil Leotardo?

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"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" --Sandor "The Hound" Clegane

audibly kek'd at the filename

1,000 face god gave arya super human abilities

"Seems like the NK forgot about his powers" -d&d