For you is it Miyagi-do or Cobra Kai?
Daniel or Johnny?
Robby or Miguel?
Sam or Tory?
Miyagi or Kreese?
Dmitri or Hawk?
Amanda or Carmen?
Daniel's mom or Miguel's granny?
For you is it Miyagi-do or Cobra Kai?
Daniel or Johnny?
Robby or Miguel?
Sam or Tory?
Miyagi or Kreese?
Dmitri or Hawk?
Amanda or Carmen?
Daniel's mom or Miguel's granny?
Other urls found in this thread:
Daniel (as a sensei), Johnny (as a person).
bump you cunts
I forgot the last two:
Miguel's granny
Either, they're both great
Daniel's mom
The only right answers.
Honestly this whole season was pretty good (especially finale fight scenes).
Biggest problem for me was Sam. I think I'd like her more if the actress could actually, you know... be competent in martial arts.
>season 3 ends like Rocky 3
how do you know
>Cobra Kai generals are dead after two weeks and will be gone for another year
the only characters that have grown personality wise are those aligned with cobra kai, daniel is still a little shit and robby only stops being a dick when he accepts his father
kreese is a piece of shit tho
>>Daniel or Johnny?
johnny boy, only a sóiboi would chose daniel,
>Robby or Miguel?
miguel all the way, robby has no personality
>Sam or Tory?
this is a tough one, tory is superior but 2nd season sam has a fat ass, so i chose sam
>Miyagi or Kreese?
miyagi, kreese has the right mindset though too bad he has no talent at karate
>Dmitri or Hawk?
>Amanda or Carmen?
>Daniel's mom or Miguel's granny?
neither, old people sucks
>Dmitri or Hawk?
>Amanda or Carmen?
amanda has a great body but carmen
Amanda is also a based wife
literally my only interest in this is finding peyton list hot
is it worth watchign for that?
Yes. She is tall and leggy in the show
she will cheat daniel with johnny
daniel isnt spending time with her and she said johnny was handsome in season 1
her white tits looks so delicious in this one, shes using yoga pants the entire time
cheers i'll watch the season she isn't in just to understand whats going on
It is a fun and comfy kino, you'll enjoy it pal
good choice, it feels like a 90s show, no preachy shit, just entertainment,
When did you notice that you like men?
Why does Yea Forums prefer Miguel to Robby? He's just a dabbing zoomer and probably does the floss too
Robby's actor is so shit, Miguel is based and you actually sympathise with him
Miguel is based
Is that show good? Is it comedy only? This tory girl makes me want to watch it
>Brumacion completa
>Gran Cula
>labio partidi
Fucking kek
How old were you the first time someone else ejaculated in your ass?
Miguel died a virgin.
It's an entertaining and, at times, touching show. Tory is based too, but she's only in season 2
I hope Miguel is ok bros, I teared up when Johnny was listening to his voicemail
yea she is
>tfw no tall leggy qt to mix sparring and sex with
Same here bro. ;_;
Miguel is a nice guy. Robbie is an asshole.
Tory is clearly a huge whore and probably fucked him dozens of times
Are people unironically choosing Sam over Tory or are they just trolling? Sam is literally the reason everyone's life this season was basically ruined.
>Dumps Miguel because of he got upset when she showed up to a party with another guy after ghosting Miguel, using the excuse she was grounded AT THE FUCKING PARTY
>Does literally nothing to stand up to her dickhead father who shits on Miguel for literally no reason when he is actually a hard working and sweet kid.
>Falsely accuses Tory of a crime because her stupid ass rich mom leaves her wallet out and it gets lifted
>Doesn't want anything to do with Miguel until she realizes Tory is with him and then IMMEDIATELY starts pining for him again.
>Tory has only ever defended herself from Sam's bullshit and helped Miguel get over his beta as fuck desperation oneitis while simultaneously putting out more AND being a member of CK so her and Miguel can be together in peace without that overbearing hypocrite LaRusso fucking things up
>Sam continually escalates the conflict with Tory who never did anything more than tease and poke fun at her for being a moron...which she is.
>Sam gets pissed face drunk trying to show up Tory and kisses Miguel in front of Tory like a catty ass bitch would do
>Sam is such a POS she passes out drunk at Johnny's house, causing her dad to promptly responds by committing felony assault, breaking and entering, and vandalism against Johnny who is laughably the closest thing to a functioning adult in this entire story.
>Tory finally says enough and calls her out and then tears her apart in front of the entire school
>Sam ends the fight but has to go to the hospital with broken bones and stitches
>Tory is literally at the gym training 4 hours after the fight enraged that, oh btw, Sam's asspained cheated on boytoy cripples Miguel after losing to him...again.
Sam is for twinks and low test onions drinking numales. Tory is the woman you marry and impregnate.
What is so based about him
>choosing Sam over this
Faggots. The fucking lot of you.
>>Sam is such a POS she passes out drunk at Johnny's house, causing her dad to promptly responds by committing felony assault, breaking and entering, and vandalism against Johnny who is laughably the closest thing to a functioning adult in this entire story.
made me laugh
>For you is it Miyagi-do or Cobra Kai?
Cobra Kai
>Daniel or Johnny?
Johnny. Daniel had his day in the movies
>Robby or Miguel?
Miguel. Though props for Robby being a teenage Bane
>Sam or Tory?
Neither. Moon makes my peepee tingle
>Miyagi or Kreese?
>Dmitri or Hawk?
Hawk. Autists got to support each other
>Amanda or Carmen?
>Daniel's mom or Miguel's granny?
Granny. Will never choose a thot
It is my favorite show right now and I'm not trolling. It's perfectly paced, shot, and edited. The acting, especially from the leads, is surprisingly good. It's really plugged into the life of young kids struggling with their transition into adulthood and has some surprisingly mature themes (it's pretty redpilled for a show produced by kikes). My son is 12 and I'm going to make him watch it because I think it would be a great teaching tool, especially when contrasted the shit young teens are force fed nowadays.
Daniel’s wife
He's relatable. This is literally a story of Miguel going from being a beta loser to a beta winner to an actual winner to tragedy.
>tfw no based user dad to make me watch cobra kai
And that's after spending the entire season trying and FAILING to provoke Johnny to a fight. Fuck LaRusso. Fuck Sam. Cobra Kai never dies.
>got has more shills therefore my shilling is ok
silly shill that's not how it works
Why do you autists constantly insist on ruining comfy cobra kai threads? This anti-shilling is way more obnoxious than any actual shilling is.
>What are you doing in the kitchen at this hour, Robby? Looking for a midnight snack?
It’s just interesting that you never post these types of things in GOT threads
>shilling a show that has already been renewed
For what purpose? I want you to watch it because I think it would be good for you all. Literally.
This and Better Call Saul ironically enough are the only shows that make me avoid Yea Forums cuz I don't want them spoiled.
I miss when Cobra Kai was just about teaching kids not to be pussies instead of some le evil bad man shit.
post more please
What has Kreese done that's evil? Being hard on the kids to the point they see when they DO see red they know how to deal with it? Putting your enemies down so they don't try to re-engage and escalate...which is EXACTLY what happened to Miguel? That's the beauty of this show. It isn't black and white. There are legitimately credible points to every point of view. Kreese is evil...but if Miguel had listened to Kreese instead of Johnny he'd be normal and healthy instead of fighting for his life in a hospital bed.
He’s relatable and doesn’t sacrifice his morals he way Robby does
100% based
I'm only one man that is too much bullshit for me to deal with. And besides I haven't even done much this year I've been busy. Just this thread and a thread a couple nights ago. I seriously doubt anybody else uses my OC.
Fuck you, I read that in her voice.
Almost every bad thing that has happened in the show can be indirectly traced to Kreese teaching Johnny to be an asshole.
And he shows up in the season to lie, threaten, assault a teenager (although that pussy Demetri deserved it) and manipulate whoever he can. He's a pathetic shell of a man who is only good at fighting, and even then, gets his ass kicked and his philosophy dismissed by Miyagi.
JOHNNY is the asshole? No. You're an idiot.
LaRusso has gotten a pass for more assholeish and down right criminal behavior than anyone.
Jesus, I bet you like shit like HIMYM.
Yeah, LaRusso is also an asshole. That's obvious. Let's not pretend Johnny is innocent, tough. He ate too many Kreese's Pieces as a child and it affected him all his life. In his behavior, relationships, emotional maturity, and reactions to stress.
It's also worth noting that both Johnny and Daniel are at their best when they're getting along, so maybe things are more complicated than some meme video would have you believe.
>That's obvious. Let's not pretend Johnny is innocent, tough.
No one said that retard. Miyagi didn't give two fucks about doing the right thing which is exactly why he trained Daniel to do whatever the fuck he wants and feel like he's right for doing it. This a theme that is consistently explored in all of the movies and the show itself. Johnny, while clearly troubled, is not a bad person for being troubled.
Isn't the show going to be free starting in September? You have to watch ads, but you don't have to deal with Youtube Red
This came up in my youtube recommendation and made me think of Yea Forums
You anons are the best around
>Isn't the show going to be free starting in September? You have to watch ads, but you don't have to deal with Youtube Red
It's free right now both cost and ad free.
>No one said that retard.
You did. You said he was an asshole and a criminal.
I never thought I'd meet someone who didn't understand the movie Karate Kid.
>Johnny, while clearly troubled, is not a bad person for being troubled.
I do agree with this, though. Asshole doesn't mean bad person.
I replied to my own post. Nevermind, I'm dumber than you.
How do I become based like stingray with a nice gf
cobra kai has more interesting characters
sam and robby are boring as fuck. dmitri seems to be the only interesting character on the miyagi-do side
daniel-san gets injured and johnny takes over miyagi-do
this is my prediction
so he is making fun of the 1980s manchild? nice
he's what a basement dweller looks and acts like from the perspective of a normie
Jaden Smith was the best Karate Kid tho.
Kata's are complete wastes of time so I am biased against anything that has them
>Dmitri or Hawk?
The idea that that complete wet blanket faggot Dmitri ever beats based Hawkman in a fight makes me not want to watch the last few episodes of season 2.
I've said this before but every single person from Miyagi-Do that we know anything about is a cunt
>Sam (manipulative and causes 90% of the problems in season 2)
>Robby (backstabbing spinebreaker)
>Black Fat (sneak attacks his opponent with a weapon)
>Demitri (a complete irredeemable cunt)
>Daniel (preaches never striking first but tries to provoke conflict so he can stick it to his highschool bully)
They're all terrible. The only one that isn't is the asian kid. Daniel took the teachings of Miyagi-Do (karate is for self defence) and perverted it into his own retarded teachings. He and his students follow the letter of the rules, bit not the spirit. They won't strike first, but they'll provoke conflict so they can justify their violence. Cobra Kai has it's problems but at least Johnny is trying to fix them (or he was anyway), while Miyagi-Do is led by someone who completely bastardised his wise master's teachings and sees nothing wrong with that
I'd like to make a toast... to Eli Moskowitz!
Oh. I'm sorry, some of you might know him as... Hawk.
But underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever type of Maniac Panic he dumps his hair, he's still good Eli. My binary brother.
Well, he was my binary brother. You now what he is now? A REAL zero.
Anyway, without further ado...
and most important...
>there are people out there that think Hawk isn't justified in crucifying this faggot
Lord I hope Hawk whoops his ass in a rematch in season 3.
He really is the most hatable character in the show.
he won't, miyagi-do has full plot armor especially now that kresse owns the cobras
Hes such a little dickweed. The fact that hes not actually gay makes it even worse for once because he has no reason to act like such a faggot.
Well maybe hawk will win but get his arm permanently disabled or something. Seems to be the way things are going.
The guy that plays him has his own website where he advertises himself
Is this video biased on purpose?
>Kreese's Pieces
hard, I wanna fuck Sam tho
Daniels mum