
old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for the rape.

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Let's save /ourgirl/ lads

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fuck Reddit Queen let her die


>"Fuck I love being eaten by you Sandor Clegane!" groaned Dany, and then she began to suck the head of this chicken head into her mouth, which she swallowed with a mouthful of cum. The chicken head quickly became full of her spit as Dany had to swallow it all down.

>"Fuck me Sandor Clegane!" Dany said, but she got her ass kicked

Jesus Christ Dany, I knew you were a kinky nephew-fucker but I had no idea you were this much of a little slut. I guess You do like them taller don't you?

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No way fag, she's just beginning her descent into madness and its the cutest Dany's been in years.

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>tfw redditards watch dany targshit die

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thank you Lord Kojima for this bountiful harvest

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Our prince is finally here

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>"Fuck me Sandor Clegane!" Dany said, but she got her ass kicked

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>"Dany I'm just getting my cock off the side of my head. You know who I want your cock to go to?" asked Sandor Clegane.
this is the best one.



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cant for the normies to realize that tyrion said nothing about the wildfire when she blows up the entire city

>"Chicken" which is another word for cock
Is this why AI decided to go this way with it?


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>15 million $ per episode
Where is that money going?

Ding Dong


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Some user requested this

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Sansa Bolton, Lady of Winterfell.
Her Knives Are Sharp.

Threads are going so fast no one will notice me sneaking up behind the Night King.

What exactly is supposed to be attractive about Sandor Clegane?

>"Fuck I love being eaten by you Sandor Clegane!"

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Even AI knows better.

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>Have Sex

Based AI Incel poster.

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>someone taller

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>when she sucks your dick after death

>build ballistas against dragons
>can't aim them down
>dragon just walks up and burns it from the ground
Master tacticians all around.

They're foreshadowing that this is all a Renaissance faire that gets way out of hand when the BELLS go off too early.

The fact he's not a onions drinking faggot.Which is becoming increasingly more rare.

>gets a bj
>kicks her ass
remarkably in-character

Why did you make the thread so early, OP? At least wait until the previous thread hits the bump limit.

Goddammit how has this dumb joke spawned so many priceless memes?

>arya and sansa starring down bran at the end

I fucking lost it.

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This is also why they had to do shortened seasons 7/8 and stop completely after that.

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>When Dany just used Daario as a fuckbuddy for 3 seasons
gross WHORE

at least book Dany had a genuine teenage crush on him and didn't just use him as a piece of meat

How though? Dabid will kill her for shock value...

>SKYNET telling me to become an emotionless sex drone and let my dreams die

Jesus, that's depressing.

Imagine being retarded enough to believe that a bell will turn Dany into "mad queen"

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so cute
not even D&D can ruin my love for her

Masculine, protective, brave

holy fuck


Bald Clegane is actually a WW

Potential new leak

seems better


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how do we stop redditors from stealing our memes, /got/?

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>Imagine being retarded enough to believe that a bell will turn Dany into "mad queen"
Wouldn't put it past D&D after the last 2 episodes

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>walking around in leathers and a chain
at least the show's good for something.

Even then, she still misses Drogo. All the girls have one primary love that they end up losing somehow and obsess over for the next three books

so fucking absurd
why is this allowed?

Book Dany also just came out of a abusive marriage where she was stockholm syndromed and raped constantly, Daario was some suave younger Jorah that swept her off her fit randomly, same with Jon.

I bet Jorah would have tapped that fucking pussy hard if he had just met her randomly out of the blue later down the line instead of them becoming so familiar with each other he gets friendzoned.

When Jon puts a sword through Dany and murders her, will he penetrate her from the front or from the back?

>dany dodges them like a pro
why bros

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>imagine being retarded enough to believe nothing will happen in 33% of the episodes in the final season even though they cut the number of episodes by 40% from the GRRM seasons
>imagine being retarded enough to believe Arya will kill the NK and nothing more will come of it
>imagine being retarded enough to believe cersei will make Dany the underdog at the same time as she becomes the mad queen

>imagine being retarded enough to believe that's not exactly what will happen

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actually i think D&D were offered to do more episodes/seasons by HBO but they wanted to cut it short

This reads like an even more shitty fanfic than the bells thing tbqh

>yfw the episode airs and it turns out nothing is too retarded for D&D

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It's his turn.

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A Welterweight?

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burn them all

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Fake and gay

The bells are much more funny.

dude, like one or two people accused reddit of stealing memes. And then like 50 of you faggots started making a mockery of it. Probably insecure reddit crossposters. But the point is, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

>abusive marriage
Khal Drogo wasn't abusive

That's called real life, people are like that. People never forget their first love, or whatever was the closest thing to love to them. They constantly try to recapture that person in other people only to be let down every time because they never learn their mistakes and why the first relationship failed in the first place.


>Raped women, children, and men
>Raped a 14yo girl while she sat their and cried and profusely bled
>Did this for months


Can’t they at least ask Jon if he’d be ok with marrying his aunt?

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kek, we all know what the real leaks are

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Book Dany wasn't raped user

He was. Dany doesn't see it as abuse because we are reading from her unreliable perspective. The age difference and the power balance here really shows Drogo taking advantage of a vulnerable child

Are we the new twilight?

>suddenly the scorpions are useless

the relationship failed because he fucking died you retard

>Randomly mixing one guy on horseback at a time in infantry formations

These dumb fucks deserve to lose, fuck dragons.

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who could he have played

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>dude what if the 14 year old consents


Age difference wasn't that big in the books either.

nth for Stannis

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>No electrical cord on the chainsaw

>Khaleesi...come closer
>The horseniggers...the dothraki...I tried to make sure that all of those subhumans died in the charge...
>But *coughs up blood*
>But I think a few may have survived...I'm so sorry Khaleesi...please make sure they are all dead for me
>Please...and the castrated niggers too, please check that none of them are alive...this is my last wish, my Khaleesi...
>The Westerosi Man's burden Khaleesi....
>The natural hierarchy...
*looks at camera*
>the darkies from the summer isles, the shitskins of essos, the chinks from yi ti, it's our duty to send them back across the narrow sea
>And if we can't Then they shall dangle from the weirwood tree. The night of steel is near
>my queen, we will have every coon in this continent dead or deported by the end of this war and may the old gods decapitate that sheboon Missandei if I'm right
>goodbye Khaleesi.... and may the seven bless the Andals and the first men

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>fuck dragons

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did you see the battle of the bastards? everyone will just haphazardly charge and it will be EPIC

>it’s another Sansa sees Lothor Brune for four seconds and waxes poetic about the Hound for the rest of the chapter chapter

he's gonna stab her in the back and she's gonna say "arghhh save me drogon"

based webm, fuck missandei and this retarded love story no one cares about


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Stockholm syndrome you absolute nutter.

Not him, but its pretty clearly rape, she never wanted it until it just became the norm, ie: Rape.
He was clearly talking in general.

dany should've just had other main characters riding viserion and rhaegal all along, their plot armor would've protected them

For a while I really thought it was some low effort fanficfag's attempt, but this is actually dumb enough to be Dabid's work.

He's 30, she's 14.

dont the books describe him rawing her so hard that she couldnt sleep due to the pain

literally the only acknowledgement the goblin got for killing the fucking NIGHT KING and ending the ARMY OF THE DEAD was a toast by daenerys

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Maybe don't bring your american prudishness into it?

HBO was willing to pay; D&D were out


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She only really consented the first time. He took her sobbing and bleeding for the months to follow.

>dragon armor
Was about to post about that, the final scene in the promo made that very obvious

How is Jaime going to get to King's Landing in time for it to matter if he only left after word of the destruction of Dany's fleet (again) reached Winterfell?

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During their first night together he made her cum buckets. She was bleeding because her legs were chafing from spending all day on the horse.

>that's a big difference
okay reddit


No? She wanted it in the books.

No she had more offscreen

Everything important in that show happened off screen.

That was the point of episode 4

Fake spanish shit

Thank whichever user discovered this bot

Wasn't that from the leather saddle?

>season 8 trailer music foreshadowed the bells

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Not American. 14 year olds are not grown women you absolute nonce. If they have sex, they ought to be having it with teenagers close in age to them, not with grown adults twice their age.

That's really not that big of a difference. People 10 years apart get married constantly and ironically they seem to be happier marriages than people who are closer in age.

Now 30/14 is a bit much, but 34/18 is not.

Why would anyone care that Arya is an invincible ninja assassin? They don't have time, they have to discuss how they're going to deal with the single enemy that if they kill the war ends who also happens to be someone Arya hates. Why would it come up?

westeros is just inverted united kingdom and ireland
they are not big ass continents, it's a small world

this is 100% canon btw

u wot
Shame Westeros doesn't have an age of consent then?
Also it's legal in Spain and probably some caliphate.

Because he was bad at sex and she wasn’t used to it. She hides her discomfort from him until she works up the courage to ask him to do things differently (let her be on top etc)

WWYD if you were Sansa?

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someone posted a excerpt from the books a couple of threads ago
tldr it was drogo fucking her doggystyle whilst she cried into her pillow due to the pain , for nights on end

I haven't once ever posted this, but this is the most appropriate time to ever.

Have Sex.

Something just hit me rewatching the awful Bronn scene from ep 4.

None of this makes any fucking sense.

Why would Cersei send Bronn of all people to assassinate the two people in the world he's least likely to assassinate? At first I thought it was bad writing, but then I realized it must be something more. Why wouldn't she just have killed Tyrion when they met alone after the truce? It can't just be random, they've written Cersei into a diabolic genius and taken away all of Tyrion's smarts.

Or have they. And then it hit me.

The crossbow.

The crossbow Tyrion used to kill their father and destroy the Lannister's legacy is a signal. Cersei sent Bronn up North with it as a secret message for the next stage of their plan. She knew Bronn would never kill Tyrion or Jaime, and no one would think twice about an assassin having a weapon if he got caught. Except it's not a weapon, it's a signal carried by an unwitting assassin where a raven can't fly.

And what happens next? Their fleet gets caught by giant crossbows and only Missandei is caught on the skiff and Tyrion isn't.

I must cope post.

and the hound calling the NK a horned fucker, fuck this show

shit on him

>Yet every night, some time before the dawn, Drogo would come to her tent and wake her in the dark, to ride her as relentlessly as he rode his stallion. He always took her from behind, Dothraki fashion, for which Dany was grateful; that way her lord husband could not see the tears that wet her face, and she could use her pillow to muffle her cries of pain. When he was done, he would close his eyes and begin to snore softly and Dany would lie beside him, her body bruised and sore, hurting too much for sleep.

"bad at sex"
yes because hes savage horsenigger rapist that treats women like onaholes

Nigger this is not real...
Noneed to get emotional of some teenager who got married to a no mongol in the books about medival like magical fairy land you complete retard.

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the reddit

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how the fuck does dany have like an unlimited supply of unsullied? She got like 6k of them when she started, she has to have like 1-2k by now? what the fuck

Yes, but because shes ultimately fine with him on their first night in the books, where as in the show it's most obviously rape, retards like view the entire relationship as consensual. Her life was hell and her sex life was all the worse until she forced drogo to let her take the lead and be on top.

>not being a paedophile is reddit
ahah kill yourself nonce

It's because you develop physically and mentally a lot when you're in your teenage years. During the younger teenage years, you're basically a retarded child that knows nothing of the world, easy to be taken advantage of, manipulated, coerced into doing things, really not mentally developed. By the end of the teenage years you're thinking more like an adult, can actually reason and decide properly on things by thinking them through, and can give consent better.

More like you just don't see the beauty of rape Bran and have poor reading skills.

What the fuck is this retarded faggotry bullshit? Jon can't fucking tell the difference between wildfire (which is GREEN) and dragonfire (which is RED)? And this is how they force the "DUDE MAD QUEEN LMAO" plot?
Why the fuck is Tyrion talking about not wanting to betray Dany at the start of the episode, if he's just going to betray her for Cersei at the end?
Why the FUUUUUUUCK is Tyrion on fucking Cersei's fucking side?
This is retarded. Get this fake fucking news out of my face.

me on the right

imagine the taste

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Targaryen always rule under incest

Based perverted old shitstain
Why are those books filled with fetishes, Martin smdh.

Post the
>And when she cried out, it was not always in pain
part in the very next paragraph

>Arya: I don't need anyone else just my family ;)

Yes, Arya's story is definitely of a girl who never had to rely on other people. It's not like she's only alive because tons of people (Syrio, Yoren, the actress, Beric, etc.) helped her in return for nothing, risked their lives for her, or even sacrificed themselves to save her.

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GRRM wanted 13 season, HBO 10 at least, D&D wanted 7 seasons... They agreed for 8 after negotations. HBO has tons of money from GOT, no reason for them to end it, they could milk it and milk.

Jesus I feel like I'm reading one of those coma messages telling you to wake up from your dream, what the fuck AI.

i honestly wish we could gas all showfags

Grab my hand, user! There's still hope for you, you can move on Reddit!

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they had to do it that way to avoid spoilers
some autist literally traveled long way to record tower of joy duel
there were also autists with drones taking videos


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She grown them in little pots.

Why didn't they just kill Tyrion? Pointless since season 4



Nothing autistic in that. You could milk big shekels with those spoilers.

For whom does the bell toll?

The bells will trigger Cersei since bells soundtracked her literal defining scene as a character on the show and are only a very vague Dothraki reference for Dany

dont most women cum when being raped anyway
its a "natural reaction"

>It's because you develop physically and mentally a lot when you're in your teenage years. During the younger teenage years, you're basically a retarded child that knows nothing of the world, easy to be taken advantage of, manipulated, coerced into doing things, really not mentally developed. By the end of the teenage years you're thinking more like an adult, can actually reason and decide properly on things by thinking them through, and can give consent better.

I agree with that, but the age difference itself isn't bad. I mean Drogo clearly rapes her, but it's also a medieval society where the woman has to do what she can for her husband in most cases. The problem with Drogo is again, he's a rapist and abuser. Rather than just you two being consensual and having common understanding and having sex that way (like Marge wanted with Renly for a child since he was gay), there wouldn't be a single problem in it, which is how the Show tries to portray it largely and everyone throws a fit about how she wasn't raped.

Where's this programme?

Bold move letting Raimi write this scene.

She had 8k. By all logic she should no more than a couple thousands at best.

ding ding ding

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Its because it leaked. You can guarantee they switched the ending to Tyrion betraying her because all the Danyfags were made, despite her being completely justified.

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>mfw taking this picture

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agreed but this seems a whole lot better in general

>The fat coward character gets a happy ending and faces no repercussions for his oath breaking

Sam's ending feels like one of the rare things this season that will actually be in the books too.

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They do that because she ends up loving him and that gives most people cognitive dissonance because
>how can she love a man who raped her?
Because rape is seen as the worst that can happen to you. Which it isn't.

>khal drogo was a rapist because he didn't perform six hours of cunnilingus before respectfully asking dany for affirmative consent


>film multiple endings
>leak some
>ditch the ones that cause most butthurt

>they all cause butthurt

i hope this doesnt happen,reads like a fanfic

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Anyone playing got mods for Crusaders kings 2 can say if there is a version with the Night King as a playable ruler out there?

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>Fatcel btfo

Buddy i think you got the wrong thread, the leather thread is 2 pages down...

khal drogo WAS a rapist because he was a dothraki
its what they do

No, Drogo is a rapist because:
>Did Dany want to have sex? No
>Did Drogo force himself on her anyway? Yes

*aaaauuggghhss in ice*

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why does arya and tyrion have no problem with jon taking all the credit?

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>Umm actually it's a happy ending and Danny doesn't go mad!!
Do people seriously believe this? This is the biggest kneejerk "spoiler" I've ever read.

King Jon incest harem when

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wait what is the bell spoiler?

No it doesn't at all. We went from something that could actually make sense if you used the books as context to figure out things to a complete botchery that makes little to no sense even more so. It's somehow beyond baffling and the sheer incompetence and how the leaks keep getting worse and worse.
It may not be the worst thing, but its pretty fucking bad. Also that was kind of the point that we all said she had stockholm syndrome.

Ramsay Snow avenged the red wedding

He did in the books tho. More or less. Dany consented anyway, the rape was made up.

Thanks very much.

who is "we?"

Dany's gonna go batshit because of bells, ding ding ding

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Or you know the Dothraki are notorious rapers of women and children, which Dany is both.

You can't rape your wife (^:
And she never said 'no' how was he suppoused to understand what she wanted

did they kill walder frey and roose bolton?

Tyrion jumped into the water bro, not a skiff

Lannisters do in fact shit gold

The Golden Company is led by Connington and Strickland. Connington will recognize "Jon Snow" as the true Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar, and that is why he will betray Cersei.

Fake Aegon is actually a bastard named Jon that Connington was propping up for the throne before he recognizes the real Aegon. Fake Aegon's twin brother(Darkstar) is the Prince of Dorne. I don't think I need to tell you who the parents of these two are, you can already guess. They will help the real Aegon(Azor Ahai) kill the Mad Queen.

This is the Dorne endgame.

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We the people.
Pretty sure the books have an internal monologue with her fearing what was about to happen with Drogo and her trying to be strong and just take it, to be the Dragon.


>No it doesn't at all. We went from something that could actually make sense if you used the books as context to figure out things to a complete botchery that makes little to no sense even more so. It's somehow beyond baffling and the sheer incompetence and how the leaks keep getting worse and worse.

the bell thing is pretty retarded . I would rather have this

14 year olds can't consent

The show has Dany explicitly say that she was raped, but also has Dany say that she loved Drogo and misses him. Drogo was her rapist but also her loving husband. It does cause cognitive dissonance but both are true, and both books and show have this in common

even more likely to get caught. out swimming eurons ships?

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Khal Drogo is a rapist because he didn't perform six hours of cunnilingus before respectfully asking dany for affirmative consent. He's also a pedophile because he didn't show up to the premiere of season four of Sons of Anarchy and rape the girl.

Also: I think Joffrey has been completely abused before this very moment when he makes his second son and his second son's daughter. A woman who was raped by the second Tyrion Lannister (who isn't actually Tyrion). A woman who was raped by Ramsay Bolton and who was raped himself. And now, a woman who was raped by her husband's sister (who is actually her husband, after all) in the most disgusting way possible. How can you tell? Do you know what the fuck is going in her head? She has this idea that she must do this for her husband. How could this be anything less than a massive betrayal?

>14 year olds can't consent
They can in Germany

a chad

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shut up you lil bitch, you were barely discriminated against in the show

If this is actually how the episode goes... this season might have a chance at some sliver of redemption. This sounds infinitely (can't stress that enough) better than the other leak. This won't make up for the Night King debacle, but it would certainly help the season not go out completely in the gutter.. I hope this is how the episode progresses.

if these jews were standing in front of you right now with those smug looks on their faces what would you say to them

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And Spain. And your local caliphate doesn't have an age of consent and the concept of marital rape doesn't exist.


sharia law isnt active outside of Essos

No it doesn't. Explain to me how Jon could ever possibly fall for this attempt at deception. How in the hell could literally anyone mistake wildfire and dragon fire?

you guys shoulda hired a writer

The bell thing makes sense assuming its from Cersei's point of view and it makes sense considering in the books Dothraki wore bells and it likely triggers Dany and where her life started to go to shit. Both of those make way more sense than TYRION LANNISTER CONSPIRING WITH FUCKING CERSEI LANNISTER.

That makes no fucking sense. Now instead of a Dany who has basically been betrayed, losing loved ones left and right, losing children, and in general just wanted to be a little girl again playing in front of a red door and lemon tree with her brother, and her letting emotions and rage finally out. That's more tragic and better characterization than, oops Jon is color blind and did a big oopsie thanks to master manipulators tyrion and cersei, just as keikaku.

I'd just spit on them.

Enjoy your bells

Bran earlier in the episode: "I don't *want* anymore"

Tyrion and Varys later in the episode

Tyrion (talking about Jon Snow): "He doesn't want the throne. That's why he bent the knee."

Varys: "Have you considered that the best ruler might be someone who doesn't want to rule?"

^I interpret this as D&D foreshadowing that Bran becomes King in the end, but trying to set up Jon as a Red Herring.


That feel when the same leakers who leaked legit information about Episodes 1-4 also leaked that Bran would become King in the end.

That feel when we won't get our Stannis wins or Euron wins ending or something similar.

Well...at least we aren't getting a Yas Kween ending.

Is anyone else convinced that Bran becoming King in the end is legit?

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Why take on something you didn't want to finish?

>who are you again? I forgot

>per episode
how are the contracts written? Some of the GOT episodes this season are almost long enough to be split into two episodes, do they get more money for an 80 minute episode vs a 50 minute one? Or is it strictly "per episode"?
talktotransformer.com has been the greatest thing to happen to this board in ages

>14 year olds can't consent

Well they can actually, its just not legal outside of the vast majority of countries, Germany, Spain, Albania, etc. they're all at 14, so its legal there.

Drogo was really gentle during their first time having sex constantly asking her for approval to go further. By the end of it she had rolling orgasms

holy fuck their egos would implode


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Look how horny Daenerys looks when Drogo says he's going to burn Westeros to the ground and put their son on the throne. Does this look like a rape victim to you? Does this look like stockholm syndrome to you?

Hell no. She wanted the big mongol D

Drogo in the books is like 19 or perhaps even 17. He's really, really young.

I know you're shitposting, but no. That didn't happen at all.


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Happened in the books.


>didn't read the books, wants to comment on them
who would do this? only a sociopath

and now this is fucking fanfiction

>overcame that they're related

Yes it did. They ride out to the plains int he middle of nowhere and during the sex as he feels her up he keeps asking her "no?" to see if it's ok to go further. In the books it wasn't rape at all, it was one of the things that really pissed off bookreaders in season 1 cause they had TURNED it into rape.

Yeah, I'll take the bells over this fanfic shit

Khal Drogo was 32 years old in the books, Dany was 14, just about to turn 15. He dies at 33, or damn close to it.

>I will not die a nigger!
Absolute pottery! Otto and Ben would be proud.

so uh what happened to edmure tully

I thought he was mid-20s. The whole thing with GRRM and age is retarded and ahistorical though, I mostly ignore that shit and pretend he was more reasonable
>Brienne is 16
>the Hound is 22
>Jon Snow is 14 fucking years old
Yeah no

TV Jorah is way more attractive than he's supposed to be in the books. And Dany's only 16-18 at most by ADWD so the age gap is pretty large as well.

>saving cleganebowl for the very last episode
the only way it could be more DABID is if they subvert our expectations and don't have it

But did he rape her after? I don't remember anymore.

>He was younger than she'd thought, no more than thirty.
- Daenerys I, A Game of Thrones

It tolls for thee

GRRM stated that Westeros was comparably the size of South America

Were the tits prosthetic too? They look bigger than usual but the nips arent engorged.

He stood her up then and pulled her close to remove the last of her silks. The night air was chilly on her bare skin. She shivered, and gooseflesh covered her arms and legs. She was afraid of what would come next, but for a while nothing happened. Khal Drogo sat with his legs crossed, looking at her, drinking in her body with his eyes.After a while he began to touch her. Lightly at first, then harder. She could sense the fierce strength in his hands, but he never hurt her. He held her hand in his own and brushed her fingers, one by one. He ran a hand gently down her leg. He stroked her face, tracing the curve of her ears, running a finger gently around her mouth. He put both hands in her hair and combed it with his fingers. He turned her around, massaged her shoulders, slid a knuckle down the path of her spine.It seemed as if hours passed before his hands finally went to her breasts. He stroked the soft skin underneath until it tingled. He circled her nipples with his thumbs, pinched them between thumb and forefinger, then began to pull at her, very lightly at first, then more insistently, until her nipples stiffened and began to ache.
He stopped then, and drew her down onto his lap. Dany was flushed and breathless, her heart fluttering in her chest. He cupped her face in his huge hands and looked into his eyes. “No?” he said, and she knew it was a question.She took his hand and moved it down to the wetness between her thighs. “Yes,” she whispered as she put his finger inside her.

Daenerys II


the leak where the hound leaves the main narrative and builds a house in the woods was the most kino one though


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kek, i feel bad for anyone who believes this bullshit is real, DING DONG

No he didn't. She ended up being kind of charmed by him cause he was very handsome, strong and gentle. The fact that he had tried to learn her language also softened her towards him so as he felt her up she let him do more and more and eventually actually wanted him to fuck her.

Wow sounds shit

They fucked and he wasn’t as gentle about it. I don’t personally think it was rape because she seems more upset about the culture shock/injuries from riding/language barrier than about sex, but I guess it could be read that way. Either way, they eventually have a pretty healthy sexual relationship

if it is i would love for you guys to spam reddit telling them how horrible it is

Should have been six million and two

You forgot that part where Sansa was in the house, pregnant with his child

That's the only word Khal Drogo knew at the time. She even asks him if he actually knows Common, and he just says No.

You know why he only knows the word No, because its what all his rape victims kept saying.

Kek, Why is this a meme?

>you guys to spam reddit
go back

Eh, it doesn't suit now that the show is building up to "one final battle before they all ride off into the sunset".

so why is this version worse?

The fact some 50 year old wrote this shit still cracks me up. No way he would get away with it today.

>not remembering drogo said no again right after that when asked if he knew common

He literally has no idea what he's even saying.

nope. I just love normie tears

Dothraki using small, gentle bells suddenly making Daenerys go insane when she hears the loud, thunderous bells of the city (I guess they quickly rebuilt the Great Sept?) is fucking stupid. Tyrion conspiring with Cersei is fucking stupid.

Both are retarded enough to be real with D&D running the show.

okay that's disgusting

>Dany: Drogo, I don't want to have sex with you, I'm leaving
>Drogo: Ok, lol bye

She was raped. Deal with it

I'm completely convinced of this.
They got every other leak right. And everything in the episode points towards this.

>Bran gets to sit in the Iron Throne reliving Sansa's rape until the end of days.
>When he gets bored, maybe he'll warg into a Boar in the past and kill Bobby B

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season 7 memes - SHANSHA PLEASE
season 8 memes - COUGH COUCH

it seems that /got/ loves scenes when their favorite characters are at their lowest points.

This isn't the reason the show was cut short, the show runners want out, D&D realize that GoT have made them a hot commodity and want to write and run other movies and shows to make more money then they would running GoT. As it stands now they're guaranteed work at disney.

But the last "no?" is made as a question. He knows what he's doing and asked consent. She herself took his finger and put it inside her.
God, i wish that was me.

You mean Arya in the house, pregnant with the next NK.

>Both are retarded enough to be real with D&D running the show.

Yup, with D&D you always should expect the worst.

Per episode cut. If there are 8 episodes in the season you get paid for 8. If you filmed 40 hours of work one season, but 20 hours the next, but you appear in more episode in the second season, you'll get more pay.

>ditches her title to get impregnated by a burn victim
Based Salsa

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If a conversation has to be had about whether something is rape or not, it's probably rape. Even if it's not rape, but close enough to rape that it could be mistaken as rape, it's not a good look.

D&D are gonna be the m night shyamalan of today. They'll get big projects thrown at them one after another due to their succes with GoT and it will take 10 years of shitty movies before everyone realises they were hacks all along.



sometimes you fuck someone and aren’t completely down but you do it anyway. that doesn’t make them a rapist but nuance is dead i guess

i feel raped by your post

*smirks your path*

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i think the bell leak has more potential for memes otherwise the new leak posted above is better

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Nah, by that defination every sexual act is rape. Because you can always question it, even if it's not so. You're fucked in the head and will die alone if thats your reasoning.


Based Tim Alen.

If I hear any more words come pouring out of your cunt mouth, I'm going to have to eat every fucking chicken in this room. Oh. Well, well fucking thanks. Are you gonna cum? Come for me. Cum already. Do it in my mouth. Make me cum in your cunt mouth. You know I don't have any money when it comes to taking money from other women, so I think I would like to take advantage of that. No, really, I can do that. And we could make our way up to The Bazaar for quite a few different things to drink. But, um, I guess I'll just take my clothes off… Yeah, do you want me to keep them on, or are you just going to be totally naked? Because the less I have to think about my clothes, the better I'll be able to get your cock. Yeah? [moans] Yes… do it in my mouth. I'm about to say something sweet and seductive… You want me to make you cum? I can take a little longer

>looks like people aren't happy with how we wrapped up the show Dabid
>what right do they have to criticize us, I bet they haven't even tried to write a reward winning tv show
>neither have we


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So the great sept has been rebuilt?!

Dany wasn't out having a one night stand

rumoured leak is that bells play while Dany has a meltdown and orders her forces to go crazy



the RAPE Sansa the rape

I wouldn't be surprised if they simply forgot that the Sept was destroyed in season 6. Tyrion seems to be completely unaware of this considering his "you're not a monster" comments to Cersei.

Qyburn magic hells bells

Leave where lol


Muh where do whores go.
Blame Grrm for that

god that still makes me mad

they make all this pomp about the people rebelling and how violating the sacred laws gets you killed, but then you do the literal setting version of 9/11 was an inside job except if it killed all the political and cultural opponents of George bush too, oh and instead of the twin towers it was the Vatican

FUCK that makes me mad, it's even an interesting idea to show her desperation but it should be a movement from one kind of trouble to another, not the end of problems altogether. FUCK

How is that even biologically possible? How much collagen is in her skin?

oh yes

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Watermark your memes with swastikas

Having seen my fair share of true and fake leaks over the years, honestly it’s shit that sounds unbelievable like the bells that often ends up being true. That sort of “can’t make this shit up” sort of shit. It doesn’t sound like someone who wrote a fanfic would write. It just sounds somewhat bizarre and I guess we have to wait for the episode to understand it