Cast them

Cast them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

based boomer

What did they mean by this?

Can Asians handle the bantz?

Holy shit its the living version of the Norfener meme

why is that retarded facial surgery golem attention whoring on camera?

Lucy Liu as the mongolian chick and Bryan Cranston and the bald guy.

Scarlett Johansson for both

Reminder that this happened in the UK. Truly a disgusting people.

Asian lady: Ching Chong
White guy: Bing Bong

Wasn't this on Germany? I think it even happened couple of times with her.

No, the UK

if i were him and go up and give her a kissy on the cheeky

It was Germany. Pretty based of them desu.


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Yeah, Berlin is in the UK now you fucking nigger

Nothing wrong with this. Mukbang streamers not named Joey are the worst.

You mean they're both part of the New European Caliphate.

There were people coming up and doing this to her constantly

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that g*rman

>Norf FC has entered the chat

i would say based but what are these boomers doing to racially abuse muslims and niggers in public? can only pick on lone female chinks?

Based and Jihad pilled

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utterly based

They are too busy buying up all the land in your country.

This thread was made because of the Samurai nigger thread where people rightfully pointed out how retarded the movie is.

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>Pretty based of them desu.
If they were making fun of niggers, yes, that would be based. But making fun of people that are better than you is just embarrassing. And lauding such actions as "based" is just pure cringe. Stay butthurt, you chimp.

so this is the master race huh

Shes better just because she has little squinty gook eyes?

asians are great, fuck niggers

No she's better because her skin is paler

lol this happened 4 times to her now. just yesterday I think someone smacked her camera and she cried like a little noodle whore to get thousands of dollars of donations from her beta cuck white knights
I'm also an immigrant living in germany and it's fucking hilarious how people only gave a shit because she's a moderately attractive chink.

I was expecting her to eat some live bugs or something

If I were there I would fucking slaughter these subhuman Britboomers Thinks theys big men doing that, meanwhile their daughters are getting raped by dunecoons lmao

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>I'm also an immigrant living in germany
Where you originally from Mehmet?


i'm from romania and azerbaijan


Name of that slant eyed streamer?

>lol this happened 4 times to her now. just yesterday I think someone smacked her camera and she cried like a little noodle whore to get thousands of dollars of donations from her beta cuck white knights
Where can I watch the full vid?

She's a ethot recording for some instagram or vlog, she deserves to be mocked.

>being an unironic thot white knight
How's the castity cage.


>samurai chimp movie thread is BTFO
>suddenly this thread pops up

somone post the Britain Pub webm please

>Hahahaha let's belittle a defenseless Asian woman hahaha so fhanny
>*goes back home to watch niggers run trains on his wife and daughter*

It's wonderful thanks for asking :D

why are german women so much nicer than german "men"

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>nooooo, don't do this to my waifu pls pls here, I increased my patreon pledge to the second tier, I swear next month i'll ask month and i'll be able to afford first tier!

stay salty my yellow friend

They were probably pissed off that she was streaming or whatever. Believe it or not, people get pissed off at being filmed or photographed in public.

Damn, look at the way he defend her on the internet, she'll probably get laid with him now, how can I compete.

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every time

do i need to show you average IQ scores or income you brainlet mayo nigger or actual nigger?

>probably pissed off that she was streaming
nah they went out of their way to racially abuse her. That's just normal white trash behavior

Holy moley, I don't know euros were based

slanted eyes are beautiful

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>Europeans harassing some Asian qt
>while niggers flood their land
Nice priorities, retards.

She probably got wet
Women love being treated like shit

And yes I just had sex thanks for asking


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A bug's life bitch

As often as I can

Yes I can imagine they would not want their goblin forms exposed. Maybe they should crawl back under their bridges.

someone point me in the direction of that samurai nigger thread please

>subhuman honkeynigger defends his chimpanzee behavior
Mayocide soon cracker

Cast them

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what is her facial expression conveying?

Says the boomer cuckolds that rally to defend their nigger samurai.

Mel Gibson plays everyone except the main girl who is played by Keanu

Link me the stream bros.


lol those racist bugmen wouldn't dare try this shit with a black dude.

One blessing from Yurostan's insane hate crime laws is that these assholes's lives will hopefully be ruined.

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So true.

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you're assuming hate crime laws extend to privileged asian asians instead of "asian" asians

shut the fuck up ching chong

>shut the fuck up ching chong

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Funny how it seems...

What happened to white men?
Why would you take offense on behalf of a race not your own? Where's your pride?

no they aren't lol. Euros get away with spouting insanely racist shit on TV.

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IRL streamers are so fucking obnoxious.

Are her eyes not slanted though? How is it racist? It's just banter.

No one gives a shit about chinks, btw.

>racially abuse
Are you Asian or just a cuck to gooks?

Could be malformed clones of one sickly, alien-eyed subhuman. No distinction, no beauty; abominations.

>say one bad word about mama merkel's per niggers and get sent to jail
>can basically lynch innocent Chinese guys and get away with it
>installs racial inferiority complex in Asian women and makes them race mix
What's wrong with wh*toids?

white nationalists care more about asian women than their own race.

why do you care, white trash?

>On the internet, defends not only a woman, but a woman belonging to a nonwhite race
You're literally an adversary to Western society. Kill yourself

incredibly rude to do shit to a lone asian girl whos enjoying your shit country full of rapefugees.

Germans suck, glad they are getting replaced.

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Incredibly rude to your ancestors to defend and cuckishly obsess over a people and culture to which you do not belong

You are literally not human. Fuck off Bugmen.

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ugly bitch crying and you throwing money at her?

>le master race face

w-what happened to the sixth one?

>be an obnoxious cunt, blasting music and walking while looking at your phone
Bitch deserved to be smacked.

>back left still looks like shit
what happened to the 6th girl

Honestly I hate chinks but I would fucking rip into this faggot if I saw this shit. This middle age faggot is literally picking on someone for no reason, how fucking moronic would you have to do to be that overtly racist to someone you've never met?

Germany brought the islamic crisis on themselves, they are done for.

mayocide soon

You're overreacting. These men were polaks picking on another foreigner who looked out of place and vulnerable. It has nothing to do with racism or Germany inherently except that it's actually much less politically correct than the US.

sensitive faggot, holy shit.

Why even get on the internet?

She seemed pretty relaxed about it. I don't think chinks are precious faggots about racial stuff the way niggers, pakis, spics and kikes are.

Fuck off kike.


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>I-I'll call him a kike, that'll prove I'm not a whiny, non-white defending cuck!
Why are you here?

they definitely are they just dont chimp out as much because of relatively higher iq and inhibition (than everyone else you listed but kikes)

The plastic lady isn't going to have sex with you, faggot

Race has nothing to do with it, if it was a nigger doing the same shit I would have the same reaction.

Sure you would, weeb faggot.

What if it was an Asian making fun of a white person?

>I would defend them even if they were a nigger
Did you grow up without a father, or are you from California?

Same shit, gooks are fucking trash bugmen. But noone deserves to be disrespected like that.

How so?

Is the Asian cute?

>not about race!

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You sound like the faggot who waste his money to this twitch thot.

asians are more passive aggressive than confrontational

>reading comprehension

If a nigger was doing the racist shit I would have the same reaction, lynch the blackie and not look back.

have sex with asian women incels

>f-fuck hooks
>please be nice though!!!!!

I don't even know who this chink is or what platform she's on.

>It has nothing to do with racism
but it was...

Why do you keep using made up terms?

The funniest thing about this webm are all the yellow fever faggots that get buttblasted about it. Lowest of the low.

>t. messi

Idris Elba, both of them.

Look at her disgusting moon-face, slant-eyed, insect self. Asians turn my fucking stomach. There are countless white men who would line up to date this vomit inducing insect. What the fuck is the appeal? Asians are the most unattractive race by a vast margin. There is no disputing this.

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All terms are made up terms.

holy shit what the fuck is wrong with Asian people

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The fuck? did she just put a Nazi sticker to the sides of the camera and started streaming?

>letting nigs and Arabs ruin your country
>better focus everything on some korean bitch


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It's hilarious that "white nationalists" get so butt blasted about chink hate. I saw someone post a stormfront article about some white figure skater that insulted a chink figure skater. The "white nationalist" virgins were talking shit about whites in favor of the chink. It's just illogical, all of it. I'm glad im not white because it seems like everyone of them has a mental illness of self hate.

TrannyEra thread about this clip has 50 pages.

Why are non-whites so disgusting?

If he eat frog arm. He can regrow arm just like frog too.

Why do you think this random citizen has any control over his nation's governance, and why do you think he can't/doesn't do this to other races besides the sole incident depicted here?

Japs and chinks and gooks feel comfortable doing that in their own countries which were and are stabilized by the threat of American military force; it's their way of showing some measure of rebellion from the de facto order. You won't find them making fun of themselves like this because they see their own kind as normal of course.

It's a counter to white peoples putrid behavior, like in the webm

>seething bugman

>Asian people

fuck off nigger


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>Germany brought the islamic crisis on themselves

The Germans caused the Iraq War which in turn created ISIS which in turn fomented the refugee crisis? The Germans killed Ghaddafi and opened up Sub-Sahara Africa to Europe?

>old white german cucks do this to a defenseless asian woman
>meanwhile their wives are raped by jamal and muhammed

>t. buttblasted yellow fever cuck

That ugly creature you're defending will never have blasphemous interracial sex with you

The germans cucked themselves by literally cheering when Merkel changed policy in order to accommodate them. Germany clapped while their culture and civilization died.

Can't handle the bantz

>muh prescious waifu!
lmao faggot

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fuck off nigger

lmao seethe, virgin

Ah yeah, just like how all of England voted for Brexit

This is legit boomer power and zoomers can't handle it.

White do you hate whites?

I don't understand what people are even arguing about in this topic. These fellows are obviously racist, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Does German people right now overwhelmingly support refugees in their country or not?

fuck off nigger, only races who have achieved anything of technological or cultural significance are allowed itt

Why don't you post a poll or something, you seem obssessed about Germans and know them better than anyone.

>nooo asians are our equals!! just look at my favorite anime!!!
kek fucking nerd

>lol this happened 4 times to her now

Is this a situation where the first time it happened to her went viral and now people are doing it to her specifically to piss her off? I can't fathom this shit happening to someone four times completely randomly.

>It's already begun

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There's tons of videos with 100s of germans standing outside the train station while they came in, why would I need a poll? It's a rhetorical question lol.

lil nigger can't stop replying, did one of my ancestors lynch yours or something?

>mayoskins defending other mayoskins acting like chimps
lmao you wh*toids are something else
but just remember
you're numbers are fading :)
lmao gook rekt

You can't fathom European people making fun of a little Asian lady who's staring at her selfie stick in public?

>hundreds of Germans
lmao noice, truly they represent a nation of 80 million or so

Why do you regard non-whites with anything but natural contempt?

>lil virgin still coping

holy shit what is wrong with asians

there are also videos with tens of thousands of people eagerly cheering for stalin/any other communist dictator, all people loved communism.

I don't regard other non-whites with contempt, just niggers and kikes.

Based Janny purging sneedposters.mp4

>mixed blood shitter
So obvious.

You could take the blackest heart of darkness nigger in history and make them "pale" with the amount of makeup on her face.

You've shifted your position so many times none of it has any weight