Alright boys it's time to pick your shit.
Alright boys it's time to pick your shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Name: Chadwyll Thundyrcock
Location: Bessie
Allegiance: pleasure
Skill: make sex
Height: tall
Kills: no
Name: Johnny Hardwood
Location: Stormlands
Allegiance: Cercei
Skill: Big Dick
Height: over 6.5 inches
Kills: Dickon Manwoody, Willy Manwoody, Peter and Pecker Manwoody
Name: Azor Ahai
Location: Next Episode
Allegiance: The Light
Height: Taller than Jon
Kills: My daughter but it's for a good cause
Name: Deusex Machinar
Location: King's Landing
Allegiance: House Targaryan
Skill: reviving dragons
Height: taller than u faggot
Kills: all of them
Name: Nilling Kiggers
Location: Stormlands
Allegiance: Europa
Skill: Genocide
Height: Nordic
Kills: Chimps, Baboon, and Apes.
Name: Mulatto Dayne
Location: Starfall
Allegiance: Martell/Dayne (Oberyn fucked my mom then ran off to Essos)
Skill: Magic sword powers (Dawn is Lightbringer)
Height: 6'0"
Kills: myself
Name: My name is not important
Location: moms basement
Allegiance: hot topic
Skill: I just fucking hate this world
Height: 5'6" with boots on
Kills: no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can
>Name: Karl
>Location: Kings Landing
>Allegiance: Neutral
>Skill: Best fucker in westeros
>Height: 5ft 9
>Kills: 2 beggars who roam around my house
Name: Dreadking Skullcrusher
Location: Dreadfort, Deathlands
Allegiance: Death ;)
Skill: Rape and torture ;)
Height: 2.5m
Kills: 6 gorrillion
>Name: No one
>Location: Everywhere
>Allegiance: No one
>Skill: killing birds, men, lords, kings, queens, zombies, dragons, zombie kings, tv shows.....
>Height: 5'5
>Kills: 6 million confirmed, 17 million overall
>Name: Juan Goodmen
>Location: The Eerie
>Allegiance: Ten goodmen
>Skill: Penetration
>Height: 8" x 6.5"
>Kills: All the flowers of high garden
>6 million confirmed
Manuél Sexo
The Fingers
House Arryn
Name: Ramsay BOLTON
Location: Winterfell
Allegiance: The Noble House of Bolton
Skill: Fighting shirtless, guerrilla warfare, sex
Height: Definitely not 5'8"
Kills: Tansy, Ironborn, Theon Greyjoy, Old bitch, Sansa's vagina, Stannis, Dad, Mom, infant brother, self (indirectly)
Name: Joe Shekelberg
Location: Iron Bank
Allegiance: Money
Skill: making your wallet dissapear
Height: 5'11"
Kills: 6 gorillion
>>Location: Everywhere
You mean "Lurking around..."
Location: Some inn in butfuck nowhere
Allegiance: Whomever
Skill: Having big milkers
Height: 5ft7
Kills: One, granpapa choked in meh big tits
Name: Vince Larkin
Location: Lerner Airfield
Allegiance: U.S. Marshal
Skill: Thesaurus Boy
Height: 6'2"
Kills: If necessary
cringe and bluepilled
>not calling yourself Dickon, a common name in canon
You two dropped the fucking ball
Name: Junterra Norkulk
Location: Dorne
Alligence: Himself
Skill: Sucking his own cock
Height: 5'5"
Kills: Three lumbar vertibrae
big if true
you just know the rewrote it due to twitter butthurt
mad queen dany was her destiny
Name: Incel
Location: Flea Bottom
Allegiance: NSDAP
Skill: not having sex
Height: manlet
Kills: 0
nah they filmed multiple endings so im sure they switched to the one that would cause the least butt hurt
Name: Pablo
Location: Aztlan
Allegiance: La Raza
Skill: Boxing, picking crops, organized crime
Height: 5'5
Kills: 63
but if they dont take King's Landing this epsiode how do we get our 2 and a half hours of C L E G A N E B O W L?
Name: OP
Location: basement
Allegiance: /got/
Skill: faggot
Height: 5' 11"
Kills: self
Name: Radmure
Location: The Twins
Allegiance: Tully
Skill: Shooting down dragons, bedding ceremonies, catapults, the fish-slapping dance
Height: 6'1
Kills: 69
Name: Jon Snow
Location: Wherever the plot demands it
Allegiance: da norf
Skill: The most gormless looking Jesus expy this side of the wall
Height: 5 and 3/4 microns
Kills: A kid who's parent's got raped, some dickbag, a blue grandpa, boltonbois, my aunt's pussy, my aunt's claim to the Iron Throne.
Location: who cares, I'll teleport somewhere else next scene
Allegiance: Dan
Skill: subverting expectations
Height: 188cm
Kills: all of them, just no main characters
House Tanner: "I could piss in any gutter and soak five of you."
Name: Ser Dick Frey
Location: Riverlands, The Twins
Allegiance: House Frey, House Lannister
Skill: Incest
Height: 4'9"
Kills: Starks
Name: Salsa Stark
Location: Winterfell
Allegiance: the NORF
Skill: +10 INT for each rape
Height: 6'10"
Kills: Crazy Aunt, the King, my husband's girlfriend, any previous character development, half of my brother's army, and my ex-husband but only because my brother let me
I can't seem to find it but she did literally say 6 million in one interview or fan q&a.
Yes Masie is /ourgirl/
We have to compile a list of all of the stupid inconsistent and nonsensical plot points of the last 4 seasons.
For example, one such inconsistency is the fact that Cersei hired Bronn to murder Tyrion and Jaime, yet when Tyrion literally shows up at the gates of King's Landing, and then ventures even closer to the battlements to converse with Cersei, nothing of consequence happens to him.
Or, the characterization of Cersei in that she is ruthless, but only when whoever is her enemy doesn't have plot armor anymore.
Or, for example how we are shown that almost all the Unsullied are wiped out, how we witness, and is made a big plot point of episode 3, that the Dothraki are pretty much wiped out. This is Dany's core army, and yet the next episode "only 50%" of her army was destroyed somehow, and we have a token Dothraki """commander""" in the room and a few unsullied as proof. But oh wait, there's more, in the preview we literally see thousands of Unsullied outside King's Landing.
Nevermind the fact that it was made a plot point in the previous episode that Grey Worm knew he was condemning most of the unsullied to die outside the barrier at Winterfell when he collapsed the conveniently only bridge past it, and we see the unsullied all fighting after that, and then soon after there's no more fighting because they're all wiped out and the army of the dead stands still at the barrier.
I mean honestly, we could probably write at least 20+ pages of this kind of shit, a few pages per episode. It would just be nice to see all of these illogical elements come together in one place as a testament to how poor the quality of writing is.