>Watching English movies with English subtitles

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is good for me to learn the english grammar

it helps me because english isn't my main language and some actors are hard to comprehend

My elderly parents watch TV with closed captions always on. I cant stand the distraction on anything but the news.

I want to make sure I catch every word. Sometimes actors mumble or inflect oddly.

Why is she so smug?

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I do it all the time. Very rarely does entertainment have my full attention so it's handy to catch bits I may not have heard.

wouldn't you?

yes, yes i do. also i love tay and she is mine and we're gonna have tons of beautiful blue eyed babies. this post is immune to everything.



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I have bad hearing

>Sometimes actors mumble or inflect oddly.
*Cough* Nic Cage *Cough*

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I do it because I'm ESL but i'm so good now I can watch movies without subtitles.

>Watching English movies

I do this, and believe me when I tell you that you will understand movies 100% better. Besides, is your brain too small to read and watch at the same time?


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She is mine but I will clone her and share. Soon every woman will be Tay and everyone can revel in her radiant beauty.

Depends on the movie for me. Recently watch LOTR and decided it was best to watch it with subs.

>He checks his phone constantly when watching a movie at home

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nice try.

cause she knows how many people fap to her

You can be Tay too.

i used to spam this pic on /k/. glad to still see it around

People fap to you, are you smug?

ok u got me taytay

>He looks up spoilers to movies/shows he watches because he's so impatient
did you spam this one too?

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Would Taylor Swift have sex with me? White 5’11 muscular twink here.

Sorry, Tay only has sex with #654321 and nothing else.

Depends on your dick size. She's a size queen.

of course i did.

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i used to spam pic related on /pol/. niggas would fall from my bait every single time

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I have a crooked 4" erect uncircumcised penis, would she kick it?

Maybe if the damn audio directors didn't make all the music and effects so fucking loud but all the dialogue quiet as a whisper. I always have to keep adjusting the audio up and down duRing the movie and then still barely understand what they're saying, especially when they're talking during action with loud music. Learn how to better already, it's your job.


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You accidentally posted an image instead of a download link.

>watching english films with japanese subtitles

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I just read the subtitles in notepad without the film.
The mind can give shape to accompanying images far better than a cameraman could ever hope to capture.

I would be if there were millions of them

this, also i can't sometimes make which word they said because there are several that are pronounced in a similar way in english.

only time I did this was with The VVitch because I couldn't understand a damn thing they were mumbling

i often do this when the show in question has a lot of made up names (like Thrones and Star Trek) just so I’m not one of those idiots who can’t spell Cersei’s name correctly

based taytay

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Why did you hide the file location? Like what are you afraid will happen to your taytay folder?

his computer name might be his real name or something

she's got a banker for a dad

I’m 7 inches when maximally hard, but I almost never get more than a half chub so it’s more like 6.5 inches