Endgame Thor was the best Thor we ever seen

Endgame Thor was the best Thor we ever seen.

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He accomplished nothing the entire film. Was the but of every joke. Rhodey casually talked shit to him. As did Rocket. Clint told him to either shut the fuck up or fly his fat ass to the red skull himself. He didnt even help with getting the stones as rocket did all the work. Then in the end he did nothing but get his ass kicked the entire time while Cap outshined him eith his own weapon and Cap Marvel out did him power wise. He was a fucking joke

based and redpilled

Don't listen to this autist.

I thought he was the most entertaining part about the film.


Nah. Terrible make-up aside, Hemsworth simply doesn't have a comedic talent to pull something like this off.

Yeah. The Dark Elves. I remember them. Jane Foster. The Aether. Now THAT was an adventure.

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How much beer would it take to get Thor drunk?

Dude has diabetes and heart problems now, cut him some slack

i was fine with all of it except him doing nothing to thanos when he should be a top category hitter but they used his slump to nerf him. in the comic this is primarily based off, he's named the highest card in the marvel heroes hand yet he got jobbed. the only other thing that i didn't like was him giving up the crown. he's fine to go on a trip with the guardians but thor giving up his crown is odd. what we should have gotten

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Npc detected

Okay I don't usually watch capeshit but my brother wanted to go to the cinema.
Movie was alright.

But what the FUCK was this guy's problem? Hurdur wipe out half the galaxy lol. Was he an incel?

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Bottomless tank, can drink indefinitely until he falls asleep.

That wasn’t actually the Thor we know in the comic version war. It was just some dude who picked up his hammer while the actual Thor was out of commission for reasons I forget

Redditor detected.

His planet got destroyed because it was over populated and people killed themselves over resources. He thinks he’s on a mission with divine purpose because he’s an egomaniac.

Brainlets ask why he didn’t just double up on resources, but that’s because they don’t get the character. Thanos is all about being willing to make sacrifices.

how did they put the aether back into jane?

cap absorbed the aether then rape her.

I kinda like that they made him fat and hairy but why did they make him so weak and the but of every joke?

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I loved it when he let out that bestial YAAAAARG

>Chris Evans

Chris Hemsworth fidgeting, doing an awkward drunk routine and being out-acted by pretty much everyone else there was absolutely not the best part of the flick


You mean the Thor who gave away Asgard to black people?

people have said this to me a few times but my point is that eric masterson (the dude being thor) was using the powers of thor, the strength, speed, durability etc. so my point is he's like an identical stand in physically, but it's his character and personality that are different.

Autistic powerlevelfags cant handle a character who isnt blasting shit every 10s

a black slave trader

eric masterson is a porn star why did you make me look that up

And then got his face beat in?

rofl, had to be done

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Did you pay any attention? Faux Valkyrie became the queen of Asgard and symbolically the queen of Scandinavia.
The cucked Scandinavians would welcome it I bet, but that's a topic for another discussion.

Shame they didn't allow Thor to keep his power scale from Infinity War. They did the same with Tony I noticed, 1 shotted by Thor by accident then smacked away by Thanos before taking a few more hits from the latter and twatted again (as he takes the stones). It felt so good to see him do well against Thanos as a last stand in Infinity War but they kind of did away with these two in Endgame's final conflict. Mind you, Thor can take on fully powered Surtur in the comics so he's still not there yet.

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no I mean she is literally a slave trader in thor 3


OK, sorry.

More dead family, your grace?

So he is basically nuts? Any advanced civilization will eventually stop breeding like rabbits and just play videogames all day. We are already seeing this in Japan.


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Yes, trying to put logic to his actions is pointless because at the end of the day he's just a maniac who thinks you can kill half the population with zero repercussions and people will just deal with it.


Well they did just deal with it for years.

It would've been fucking amazing if he had some kind of winged helmet to complete the look. (not the original one from the first film)

not very well though

No big loss, since clearly Asgard was about to face the same fate as IRL Scandinavia and have actuall ethnic Asgardians replaced by black colonizers.
Black "asgardians" are clearly not his people, how can they be?

Yeah, Endgame destroyed what IW did for Thor. And Thanos too.

Endgame Thor was concocted because the Russos wrote themselves into a corner and couldn't have Thor being Thanos easily in the third act. Thor from Ragnarok/Infinity War was better and his "wacky" scenes didn't go on for twice as long as they needed to.

They made him a pathetic loser who's only lesson was that instead of doing the right thing it's okay to just do what you want to do. They should have given us punished Thor instead who learns to move on from the losses of Asgard and his parents and lead his people but that of course would stop him from appearing in the next Quippers of the Galaxy movie

>”Hey Peggy, did I tell you about the time I went to your funeral, bore your dead-rotting corpse out of the church and afterwards I fucked your grand-niece? Good times.”

Wtf I love Captain America now

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The GOTG team is pretty well balanced in terms of characters. I don't really want Chris Pratt and Chris Hemsworth to spend the next movie trying to out-retard each other

>Haha I LOVED how Thor played fortnite and sat in his room all day, mommy telling him responsibilities don't matter was also hella freakin' epic!

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I disagree. Thor could've singlehandedly killed thanos and saved the universe in infinity war but his thirst for revenge made him want to see thanos suffer before killing him which ended up costing the lives of trillions of people.

It makes sense for him to spiral into a depression after killing thanos finally because he believes there is nothing that can fix the snap and that he is to blame.

haha yea.

He should have been a nihilist instead, guilty and hopeless after having to destroy Asgard, failing to stop Thanos, and failing to undo the snap. Instead he decided to become a fat neet

Yeah to be honest I would've enjoyed this better than how pathetic he comes across in some scenes.

>being surprised a Jewish production company makes a movie portraying a White God in poor light

His "daughters" were kidnapped from other planets. So yes he was.

They also missed a major opportunity to have him becoming unworthy of wielding the hammer as character development, they could have easily had Hela just fuck the hammer up rather than destroy it in ragnarok and have his scenes in Endgame culminate in him trying to lift the hammer one last time and succeeding. They could have even had it fall from his hands after killing Thanos and have him try to call it back from Earth every once in a while

Why do Nordics think they're white again?

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>One group lived in a climate perfect for farming and living in general
>One group lived in snowhell
Your picture also shows the nordic as being whiter so try again retard

Yesssssss me likes

How the fuck did he even remain worthy when he became a selfish asshole with no real regard for his people, which is exactly what lost him the hammer in the first Thor movie?

Marvel isn't very consistent when It comes to worthiness with mjolnir I mean even Hela was apparently worthy of wielding it at some point

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In the MCU the whole "worthy" thing only happened when odin put the spell on the hammer in the first movie, which all happened well after the Hela stuff.

I knew this fat thor thing was a fucking mistake. You god damn obese fatties should never EVER be represented unless you're the first to die. Fucking hell. Thors not even American what the fuck was mahvel thinking.


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Oh my mistake

>shows hellenics and germanics as separate
>doesn't know writers from Alexanders time mention blondes being present among northern tribes of macedon

>cucked scandanavians
>doing better than America and basically every other part of the world on every measure of worth except economic (still doing just fine on that front to my knowledge though) and military
Shit man somebody cuck me already if that's what it gets you.

A fat neet is a nihilist user.

>I live in a universe where a talking racoon is often the best part of an ensemble cape-cast and is most people's favorite Avenger

Not that I'm complaining, Rocket was usually the best part of the mid-aughts Guardians comics too.

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Being worthy isn't about being nice, it's about conviction.

>Not only becomes based, but offloads the job of micromanaging a fishing village to some slut before going on space adventures
>Will probably get his crown back when he gets tired of fucking alien whores (Gamora)

No, Ragnarok Thor was and Ragnarok is the most kino film in the MCU. It blows my mind that the most comedic MCU film is also the heaviest at the same time.


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The Russo brothers wanted to know how far they could push Thor, and they pushed to far. If Chris Hemsworth is tired of playing the same Thor, Marvel should just let him go, not bend over backward to please him

>imagine actually believing this

How are these three always so aesthetic?

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Thor had his day in Infinity War, he stole the show in that, I was fine with him taking a backseat to Captain America this time around, who got fuckall last movie.

He was the only good part of the movie, genuinely charming desu

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>He accomplished nothing in the entire film

He killed Thanos literally in the first 10 minutes of the movie. Entertained the audience more than any other Avenger. And sure he wasn't the one to kill Thanos in the finale, but that doesn't mean he did nothing. Stop with this kneejerk "I made something up xD" shitposts. At least make it funny or clever.

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This. And while Thor has always been capable of killing when it’s necessary, the first ten minutes of this film made him a fucking murderer.

He murdered a defenseless man who was offering no resistance. That’s not how Thor operates. Just killing a guy, even Thanos, in a fit of anger and grief, would have been perfectly in character for him 6 movies ago, but behavior like that was why Odin stripped him of his power in the first place.

White (2/3) Gods

imagine he gains a nickname "Bor"
and takes after his grandfather

It's a shame Odin and literally almost everyone he's ever known or cared about for 1500 years is dead. Luckily that had no influence at all on said actions.

He got Kino hair that it

>Endgame Thor was the best Thor we ever seen.
Slit your wrists and drown yourself in the cheese whiz that spurts out

They tried to tell a PTSD story with him and one that mirrored the comics but it didn't go so well. Him being able to actually summon Mjolnir after talking to mom was supposed to be a huge moment. And if they played up the fact that he couldn't actually summon his weapon before that it may have been.

But he hands leadership off to an asgardian nigger, capitulates to an asinine human as captain and runs off to be a space merc. Its complete shit handling of the character.

Thor and Iron Man. Cap always looked like a faggot.

Thor was easily the worst part of the movie and was annoying as shit in every scene.

I unironically thought of bobby posting the moment I saw this in theaters

I mean, it was just some backwater village in.... Finland I want to say

He was obviously second fiddle to the tony and steve show, trying to play up the conflict of the character rather than the plot device.
The performance is hit or miss but its not a bad idea to make the character into something other than a musclebound powerhouse.
In the end he makes Rocket shine much more than any other character, with the real loser of the entire movie being Banner.
But really, Infinity War Thor>Endgame Thor. I liked the concept more than the execution, while the reverse is true for IW.

Sounds like he became a nihilist to me user

Odin force goes to the ruler of Asgard so that dark skinned orc is now the most powerful being in the marvel universe

>mfw imagining Valkyrie's eyes glowing while she rides me

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endgame thor was there to show the difference between the types of people who post on this board and capekino, and the real human beings that inhabit society. the 'fat thor' character was essentially a statement to the audience that hates strong female characters like captain marvel that they should go outside, exercise, and have sex.

Not how it works in the MCU.

How about "NO"

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>Entertained the audience more than any other Avenger
Sorry I didn't know we were talking about Antman

typical Merchant propaganda against comfy NEETs.

can't let the wagecattle slack off :)

precisely, wagecattle doing what they want is "bad".

you're a wagecattle :)

On an open field. On a Fucking Open Field NED...

That part was funny as fuck though

He killed the thanos that was actually successful, now stfu

>Thor has a great arc in IW.
>Thor loses and is just a broken mess.
>Thor never really recovers.
>Thor's still fat in at the final battle
>Thor gives Asgard to another drunk and stops being king.

It's almost like he is going to continue to be in movies and grow, while end game was a send off for Tony and Steve and completed their arcs

Vegeta should have killed thanos, he never gets a win

> killed Thanos while CAPTAIN MARVEL THE BEAUTIFUL GODDESS held him down immobile and did all the work
wow what an amazing contribution

and then he got his ass kicked repeatedly by Thanos
(who can't even hurt Ms Marvel with a full force punch to the face without augmenting himself with the infinity stones)

If power scaling is all you care about then does that mean captain marvel is your favorite character? Seriously fuck off, these movies are meant for entertainment and Thor was one of the most entertaining characters in the movie regardless of what he contributed in the plot




Doesn't him stealing Mjolnir from where he goes back in time completely fuck up everything for the original Thor in that timeline?

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Considering that Thor was always so shit that they just turned into full clown in a third movie, I guess it's right. Still a shit character though.

>film has been out on blu-ray for over a year
>posting a camrip of the scene

Attached: interesting.webm (400x300, 441K)

Cap puts it back at the end

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I missed that, I only saw him with the infinity stones.

It doesn't matter. Time is still fucked regardless because Loki stealing the stone never got rectified, nor did killing a past verison of Thanos before he could even get the stones and do what he did to cause the problem to begin with. Among other things.

>Endgame Thor
You mean 1000 years old boomer?

didn't it create an alternative timeline?

The only real time travel thing I couldn't 'TURN YOUR BRAIN OFF LOL' for was when Cap went back in time to return the infinity stones and decided to live out his life with Peggy, what happened to the original Steve in the timeline he went back to?

fuck off to reddit nigger

Are they literally and unironically used "boomer" meme to make a joke? I mean, could your movie get any lower at this point?
Interesting how it wasn't "cringe" to normies like anyone else trying to use "memes" in their products. I guess mouse can literally shit on their audience and they'll think it's chocolate rain.

>Thor the boomer
>not Thor: Chad of Thunder

Yes. But it doesn't explain how Captain America remained in the main timeline when he went back in time and altered it in a way that would cause an alternate timeline.

They seem to imply he's in the main timeline, but that makes no sense.




>chad of tunder
>got mocked and replaced by ugly black dyke
top kek

Alt timeline is created whenever a stone is taken away by a person doing one of those time jumps. If you go back in time, and grab the tesseract to throw it into the ocean, apparently it doesn't change a thing. I know it makes no sense but that's the movie's explanation. As for stones being taken away and to a different point in time by traveling through Stark's time machine portal thing, all the damage that's caused as a result gets rectified when someone goes back and puts the stone back in its place. It makes no fucking sense, because it doesn't explain what happened in the OG timeline when Thanos destroyed the stones. Did it create a bunch of dark timelines when that happened? One for each stone that was destroyed? Will these be permanent, etc?

The Steve thing makes even lesser sense. There's one timeline once he returns the stones to their place (how the fuck does he even manage this with Vision, the Red Stone, the Tesseract, and the souls stone?). But in this timeline there's an old Steve Rogers and a young Steve Rogers overlapping for decades, and this is supposed to be happening during the 5 minutes that the Endgame Captain America is missing. Basically Captain America cucked himself and chilled at his home while 9/11 happened, all his friends got butchered, and his alzheimer-afflicted wife's corpse got lowered into the ground by his younger self whom he was cucking this whole time. Also no one at Shield or any other spy agency ever tried looking into Peggy Carter's husband and Captain America somehow resisted the urge to try and interfere with 9/11 and his buddies being fucked with.

It's one of the worst retcons in media history.

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maybe he did something different? In the new timeline

What? There is no new timeline. It's one. The only ones that got created by the stones being ganked were restored by him. There's only one timeline and the stretch of time in that timeline during which the Avengers do all their shit has two overlapping Steve Rogers until the end of Endgame. It's the same guy but there's two of him since he takes a 5 minute detour at the end of Endgame. Total bullshit.

It's like Trunks from Dragon Ball Z

>Chad of Thunder
This is Thor until Endgame 5 years skip.

Did anyone else feel Thanos' personality felt different in Endgame? Like he was more of a villain than a reluctant villain

Yeah near the end they turned him from having logical goals to "lol kill everything fuck u", just your average hack writing

> if I just call it power scaling then I don't need to defend myself with an argument
and all he was was comedic relief you dumb faggot
is like you're tying your ego to thors performance and you refuse to accept that End Game was Thors worst movie
no scaling required he was weaker and a weaker character from infinity wars to end game
you're just retarded

Well they dealt with it after interrupting his breakfast and slicing off his head

Technically he fucked his OWN grand niece.

they did them great. Now post the next 3 mains of the MCU :(

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Is he not able to have kids, who does Thanos have sex with?

He also sucked because all his fighting was just DBZ "punch really hard" shit. The way he used all the different stones when fighting in infinity war was really interesting and fun. In End Game he was just a strong-guy for all the heroes to beat up on.

Oh yeah, I was confused by that as well. We got a really cool fight scene out of it, but it didn't make sense that Thanos, without the infinity stones, could hold his own against Thor with his axe. And it was a three against one fight too. I just attributed that to Thor being out of shape for 5 years though

Well, movie Thanos is actually a bitch compared to comic Thanos.

Comic Thanos could have beaten the entire good-guy army without the gauntlet. Movie Thanos was reeling from being punched by Captain America.

Thanks just wants to please death. Maybe in the MCU he is trying to stop Galactus. But he should've just killed all Americans because they consume 25x the resources

>Ragnarok is the most kino film in the MCU
so much this

hopkins playing odin as all alzheimery in that scene is such a good choice


>Now post the next 3 mains of the MCU


Maybe rethink your life