Men who don't get enough pussy kill people

>men who don't get enough pussy kill people

is he right?

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how much is enough?

Dubs decides who I target in my elliot rodgering and how i do it.
I'm not a borger so nogunz

imagine being a virgin

I don't have to

incels are a menace a to society

I guess we'll find out :D

So I suppose this explains why blacks kill eachother so much.

Didnt Bundy get a lot of women?

Imagine being a 32 year old virgin.

Just one more year

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Too little and too much is bad

He's not wrong. Lack of affection and alienation make murder much more easy even if its just yourself.

With the exception of the Vegas shooter, yes he is right. Hughley is part of that black community that is constantly on let’s hate whitey mode. But that same community is very aware of male/female dynamics. The most glaringly obvious fucking point they make is that if a guy is getting his dick wet by a hot thot, chances are he won’t go on a shooting spree.

I’m surprised the media hasn’t made a big deal about his comments since he pretty much admitted he buys hookers for his autistic (asbergers?) adult son.

What a cool dad

>admitted he buys hookers for his autistic (asbergers?) adult son.
Best dad ever.

>he's a handsome cat, he just don't know how to talk

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Yes he did but there are always exceptions. But if I had a choice I’d pick a population where the men are satisfied sexually rather than the madness we have now. Also see

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haha yeah imagine that, that would be so weird lol

>he buys hookers for his autistic (asbergers?) adult son.
I had my parents honest to god suggest that.
I didnt come by to talk to them for months.
Why am i such a fucking letdown

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blacks hate gays and this is widely known. media will never call them out on it

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looks like a homosexual

>tfw had sex multiple times
>it's all been paid

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Where did he say that? Sauce please.

Eh, the sex itself isn't really the key, it's being connected to society and having a reason to give a shit about improving yourself/your surroundings. A wife/girlfriend is a really, really easy way to do it, and, failing that, regular sexual contact will at least take the pain off their anomie.

>tfw hate condoms because can't feel a damn thing

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btw, that's the face I make when I cum. this is my after face

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>hates fags
>has the largest community of low key faggots
what did they mean by this? also just go to any escort pages that list trannies in the south and it's NOTHING but black trannies

>he's a handsome cat, he just don't know how to talk
Literally the problem most incels have. Unlike the gay scene, straight men can’t just message a girl and ask if they want to fuck. They either need to be extremely attractive or be rich. Hookers would level the playing field for men. But knowing this country, weed will be legalized on a federal level before prostitution is decriminalized outside of Nevada.

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>middle of the night
>suddenly, hear knock on the door
>"police, open up please"
>good evening sir, we'd like to ask you a few questions
>we're investigating a claim from your neighbour stating you have a low pussy count, could you clarify that for me while my colleagues check the appartment

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When you are touched by another person it releases Oxytocin. The love hormone they call it. Even if you pay for it, it will make you feel better. Hell even paying a stripper for a lap dance will help you get out of a rut.

If you're over the age of 15 and haven't kissed a girl yet, chances are you're a fucking loser. If you haven't lost your virginity by 17, you might as well turn faggot, because women will know you're a virgin just by looking at you and they won't give you the time of day. Imagine in the age of social media and thot praise you can't find ONE (1) women to have sex with you. Needless to say, it's pathetic. You can't even be considered a man at that point.

>ted bundy didnt get enough pussy
>scott peterson didnt get enough pussy

What's the hormone that makes you think logically and feel clarity of thought or regret after you bust a nut