How dated is it?

How dated is it?

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still fucking great

pretty dated

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It's dated, but in a charming way. If you were alive most of the 90s you'll find it comfy.

no one believes in aliens anymore

Just enough to increase the nostalgia factor.

Why dose it matter? If zoomers see old technology their brain freez or something?

show would have ended at the second episode if he had a smartphone

I recommended it to my brother (I'm 30, he's 26) and he couldn't watch it because of the way they filmed driving in cars back in the day with the moving background from inside the car, he said that bothered him too much. Since, you know, that happens ALL the time in the show.

In short, yes, their brains freeze.

One of the most underrated episodes

>he has problem with this:

user pls do the right thing and kill that monkey, he just pretend to have soul.

Smartphone cameras made everything disappear. Except black people and muslims.

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Depends on what you mean by "dated." It's very much of the 90s in terms of its attitudes and some of its production, but in terms of its pacing and ambition it was in the vanguard of its time and in that respect feels rather contemporary in a lot of ways. If there's something in particular that distinguishes it from contemporary television, it's in its episodic format (even if it's still around in procedural shows and stuff like Black Mirror it's undoubtedly less popular of a structure now than it was 25 years ago).

Of course technology has also changed, and many of the pretenses in various plots wouldn't work today the way they did in the show, but I don't think that makes the show harder to comprehend.

Anyone who actually cares about movies or shows being "dated" is a fucking idiot. Who cares if it's a product of its time as long as it is good?

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It holds up fine. They didn't rely on references that a modern viewer would fail to get or anything.

What seasons are worth watching?

It being 'dated' is part of the appeal.

This. How would it have been any different with a modern phone? This is a piss poor example from a zoomer.

My smartphone camera still can’t take a decent picture of the moon.

in the first season there's a scene where someone shoots heavy machine gun and the cases flying out from the ejector still has the bullets in them.
cringed a bit.

True enough but also this . For example, Pixar movies generally hold up better than Dreamworks stuff because Dreamworks humor tends to rely more on then current pop culture references. The Shrek series in particular.

criminally underrated for its humor amongst 18-30 crowd

I love. Clyde Bruckman final repose. and only plot essential after season 7 op, once they switch leads youll know.

doesn't matter. still top comfy

It's still great, also despite most people thinking they are shit I greatly enjoyed the 2 new season, it was peak conspiracy kino, especially the "Dr. They" episode.

Most people agree the first five seasons are the best, with season 3 being the peak. There are highlights after season 5 but the show in general loses a lot of steam. The revival is better left ignored.

Fair, but I'd argue that films which rely on contemporary pop culture references hurt the movie upon release not just years in the future. Topical shit is always kinda cringe whether you get it or not

yes lost art of forehead sweat is great.
beep boop booop

>”Scully, I’m telling you, the government monitors every piece of information you create. Every email, every phone call, even your mail isn’t safe. The government spies on all of its citizens illegally, they’ll tell you it’s to stop radicals, murderers and terrorists, but really it’s for the purposes of controlling dissenting information within the population at large. Information is the new battleground Scully, and it’s already been fought over and lost.”

Pretty dated

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Do people even know what dates is. Just because the X Files has older technology doesn’t make it dated.

Dated is when it’s crammed full of whatever trendy shit was going on at the time that it’s comedic to watch. Think of shit like Beverly Hills 90210 or Miami Vice for ‘80s

At this point "dated" just means "older thing I didn't like but I'm too stupid to articulate why"

this. the newer seasons will be more dated with their topical subject matter in the years to come over the first seasons.

Just started watching this
Only a few times 90s current culture is mentioned or relevant
The tech isn't really crazy old, but it would really take off the weight off the show
>would you look at that Scully, I just found this article on Wikileaks, incredible.

anything that doesn't have smartphones in it feels dated, they've changed civilization more than anything else in quite awhile

The X-Files does have some dated clunkers. Mostly episodes that deal with early to mid 90s internet and hacker culture. They’re few and far between though.

Yeah but those episodes are fun because of how silly and dated they are. Early internet shit is always good for a laugh

X Files main storyline is dated as shit. Because all the crap he talked about being a conspiracy is openly known now

The cops episode is forever kino

Indeed. a good example:
Star Wars (1977) or LOTR is timeless and transcends time, echoing forever.
The Last Jedi (2018) already looks like it was made to capture all the worst ideas of current year clown world nonsense.

unironically still more realistic than today's hacking shown in movies and series.

That is no moon

Vancouver locations are just plain comfier and more fitting altogether for the tone of the series. Aged fantastic.
Better than California seasons by far. I don't even give a shit about having better guest stars. Tone too quirky. Aged poorly.

Only at s3 but only the chemtrail and mkultra/public manipulation episode comes to mind

Funny how in the new series, they ignored this completely and made Mulder (a hardcore OG conspiracy theorist) use a fucking smartphone with apps and shit. Wouldn't want to upset the normie audience by making the main character redpilled about our panopticon world I guess.

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It’s kind of crazy how influential X-Files was when you think about it. So many procedural dramas that followed like CSI, NCIS, Bones, Criminal Minds, etc. all owe a huge debt to it.

This new World War II movie is dated and shit because we know who wins the war

>Mulder you should stop using that Internet, it melts your brain
More prophetic than dated

>it's a Mulder finds ANOTHER bug in his apartment episode

Honestly they dropped the ball so much with the new seasons. I wanted to see a jaded Mulder going around to UFO conventions to sell his story as a wannabe whistleblower and see people laugh at him after the whole 2012 thing didn't happen. And then see him slowly sucked back in instead of back at his old position at the FBI after like 2 episodes.

Still holds up.

>people laugh at him after the whole 2012 thing didn't happen
Similar thing happened to Daniel back in 1994.

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