Gladiator (2000)

Gladiator (2000)
Troy (2004)
Alexander (2004) Ultimate Cut is a must
Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Director's Cut is a must
Master & Commander(2003)
300 (2006)

r8 them

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There are older and better historical epics. Also from your list troy is the best.

Someone needs to get laid

Master & Commander
Kingdom of Heaven

In that order


Troy DC is shit. They removed the rhythmic drums from the duel and put in orchestral music instead. Totally ruins the tension.

I'd give Gladiator a 6/10. The rest are 4/10.

Kingdom of Heaven
Master & Commander

1. Master and Commander
2. Gladiator
3. Kingdom of Heaven
Power Gap
4. 300
5. Troy
6. Alexander

300 is kind of hard to compare to the rest because ther others (except maybe Troy) actually attempt to be somewhat realistic and dramatic while 300 is just a stylized macho action fest. Still, 300 was fun and unique for it's time. Troy had good moments but was overall felt too "hollywood" and like a generic action blockbuster. Alexander had a few kino as fuck scenes but was way too long and I found a lot of ot extremely boring.

Master and Commander is based as fuck and so is Gladiator. Its almost a tie for me. Kingdom of Heaven is great, super underrated movie but has a few problems

though when I think about it Alexander = Kingdom of Heaven. All the homo shit and the narrating gets on my nerves.

Is Troy good? I saw it 10 or 12 years ago and disliked it

I find the Directors Cut fixes much of the problems the theatrical version is awful, the only problem both have is Orlando Bloom was a miscaste

The Last Samurai >>>

fuck, omura was so based

Attached: thelastsamurai2003720p-42.jpg (491x422, 35K)

I watched Alexander yesterday with 2 friends from university. It was somewhat annoying how they kept going a decade back or forward, although I do understand that a chronological order might have been a bit of a drag early on. The film didn't make a whole lot of sense though, literally letters in English in a fake Greek alphabet you sometimes see Greek restaurants using.

Gladiator > everything else
As a Greek I dislike how those movies that are based in our history are not accurate at all so I enjoy watching movies about Roman history instead because I don't care if there are accurate or not.

I will never understand those movies and I'm not even joking,

I love Anthony Hopkins but his part was completely unnecessary.

Yes it seemed a bit redundant to have him occasionally narrate stuff. This film would have really benefited from being around 1,5 hours shorter or maybe longer but with a few sequels.

Gladiator and M&C are the only good ones.

It's not good. Take a too many liberties with the original story and is a generic summer blockbuster. Normies love it but if you are actually like the medieval/ancient war movie genre you will be disappointed.

Last samurai is kino af. Fuck anyone who says otherwise

poast feet.
(unless fat)

Let’s fuck

A bit of a contradictory post considering Last Samurai takes just as many liberties.

Gladiator is literally history capeshit for subhuman-level retards, Troy and Kingdom of Heaven are fine

Are you into naked men?

Who isn't?

>Gladiator is literally history capeshit for subhuman-level retards
well Greek Mythology is capeshit.
The greek pantheon is the MCU of the ancient world.

300 > *

>My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Commander of the Armies of the North. General of the Felix Legions. Loyal servant to the true Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife – and I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

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Gladiator (2000)
Troy (2004) Director's Cut
300 (2006)
Master & Commander(2003)
Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Director's Cut
Alexander (2004) Ultimate Cut

Yeah Gladiator isn't accurate at all either, that can be excused though because it isn't really trying to be

What other medieval/antiquity themed war movies are there with that kind of budget?

Wait so the women can’t understand these movies meme is true?

The Oddessy starring Armand Assante tbqh

bootlicker starter pack/10


I know but like I said I don't care about it being not accurate because it's not my Greek history so I am fine with it.

gay faggot

where's king arthur 2004?

I'm not a guy but nice try.

In the trash where it belongs

Malaka you have a point. They were working on making a movie about the battle of Thermopylae before 300 came out based on the book Gates of Fire. It got shelved after that. It would’ve been amazing

Name one(1) better Roman movie than Gladiator

based and miniseries pilled


I’d rate Alexander higher if it wasn’t for the gay shit. Totally unnecessary and Stone ruined it. One of my favorite stories to read about growing up and that’s what we get.

Master and Commander/Gladiator
Kingdom of Heaven DC

Did you just Google it or you're Greek yourself? Also I had no idea about this, I'm usual very skeptical when I hear that Americans or any other foreigner is planning to do a movie based on Greek history or mythology.

Also had the best soundtrack

Ellino-Amerikanos from Samos..
Check it out brother it’s the best and I’ve read many from our history

>Alexander is a must
>3 hour and 30 minute run time

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is 300 2 kino?

>the only problem both have is Orlando Bloom was a miscaste

how so? i thought he plays the little hateable bitch pretty well in troy

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Ok, I'll check it out then!

>Master & Commander (2003)

>Troy (2004)

>Alexander (2004) Ultimate Cut

>Gladiator (2000)

>Kingdom of Heaven (2005) Director's Cut

>300 (2006)

If you don't agree with this order you are a brainlet.

this is the brainlietest of brainlet ratings ive ever seen in my life of not being as big as brainlet as you

even beowulf is better than that trash

>Master & Commander(2003)
>throw the rest in the bin

>The Last Samurai
It's cheesy good, but it's definitely good

Eh, I'm probably being too harsh. Most of the others are also cheesy good. Except Alexander. Oliver Stone is a hack.

Do you know any sites where i could watch movies for free?

I sure hope you're talking about the good beowulf and not that other beowulf, because if you're talking about THAT beowulf, then beowulf, you and me got beowulf.

Attached: wulf.jpg (728x409, 164K)

The soundtrack is truly wonderful.

Agree 100%, maybe not the score, but 100% from best to worst. Idk how people can take commercial shit like 300 is and even compare it to rest of these movies.

>He even has a fake sounding "roman" name
>sounds like some kind of goddamn warhammer space marine
>"It's a joke name, sir"
>"Like, uh, Sillius Soddus. Or Biggus Dickus."

Master & Commander
Kingdom of Heaven

How can you rate 300 over anything?

Which of the roman movies from a couple of years ago was the surprisingly-good one? It was either The Eagle or Centurion. I'm 99% sure one of them sucked and one was kino, but I can't for the life of me remember which was which.

>modern Greece
>modern """Greeks"""
Stavros, enough larping

I kinda liked Centurion. I don't think I've seen The Eagle.

Master and commander
Kingdom of heaven


Pearl Harbor

Its sequel

Garrett Hedlund (^

Eva Green mommy

Of course we don't watch cinema for historical accuracy, but I loved how Stone's Alexander explored the Hellenic world from a cultural standpoint. It wasn't just a war flick.

last samurai > gladiator = troy >> braveheart >> alexander > master and commander >> 300

didnt watch kingdom of heaven