Is this the appropriate reaction to an emotional breakup scene?
Is this the appropriate reaction to an emotional breakup scene?
Everyone who goes to this pub should be sterilized.
This is going to become a thing in bongland now isn't it? Faggots going to a bar to gush over popular culture. Of course it is, we have to copy all of America's cancer culture.
non of them even realise wtf they are watching
half of them cheered when Missandei said Dracarys because they thought that mean she was going to be saved, retards
That black dude is obviously trying to fuck lol
Why are you mad? Jamal fucked your mother/sister?
yeah, with a hammer.
Why does the black have a ring through his nose? Is he a cow?
Yes :(
>implying these 30 year olds are ever going to have children
She's already touching his shoulder, I'd say it's a done deal. Homeboy getting some liberal art hoe pusy tonight
>alpha poo in the back saluting
People in groups behave differentl than they would alone or in smaller gatherings. Sometimes their inhibitions melt away, especially if their exaggerated behavior is rewarded - doubly so when they're on camera or have a chance to go viral.
Why the fuck are they reacting like that to that scene? Holy shit
I'm really surprised that an angry incel doesn't do a school shooting there. Why are you so mad to people enjoying?
Is the black haired girl at the front throwing fingers the same as the really chubby looking one from a few years ago?
>flipping off the tv and swearing in public
god what a bunch of repulsive attention whores
Have sex incel
>not drawing the cutie with the green hair
Of course fags will all flock to the hambeast.....
I heard Bessie wanted money to stay there, that's why she was told to fuck off. Anyone can confirm?
Calm down user, not everything is about race. It's just funny and relatable that the guy follows and does things the girl likes.
>making obscene gesture to a TV screen.
do white people really do this ?
I've got a bottle of 60% vodka and an old rag, where do I aim it?
back row to freak everyone out?
right side to block the exit?
or right in these faggots faces?
Sometimes I imagine being at Burlington bar and fucking one of the ladies at the front in the ass while she reacts to Game of Thrones.
Women were a mistake.
>white people
Many Americans in general.
Guy on the right looks a bit like Jorah
You can now enjoy the Burlington Bar reactions in 360!
What time to be alive!
Even these fuckers' reactions got bad this season.
I mean even worse than it was.
>pound of makeup
>drawn on roastie eyebrows
>nose ring
yeah that's going to be a hard pass from me
that entire scene with brienne and jaime hooking up were made for these uggos
Always uses too much makeup.
Thing is that it actually sounds like fun.
I mean go with a couple friends to a bar and enjoy a show you like with other people , it doesnt sound bad.
Then you see those videos people post and you want that pub to catch on fire with all the doors locked.
real talk
Why do women say rape is bad if all it takes is one night and a drive home to the good old apartment for a nice fuck. And you never see them again. Why can’t I just get with it? but nooooooo.
lmao that TV is tiny
what a bunch of fucking losers
Where's Bessie?
>Arya: It's not me
>Jamie: I'm a hateful person
>Based chad bar owner, making a bank from youtube and drinks by stepping on this creatures backs
I’m not the same species as these people. There’s such a high iq gap they may as well be niggers.
Have sex
Please tell this girl isn't arabic, I can't go through having another boner crush on another arab girl.
Why does that green haired bitch always have that fan? Why does she need a prop to watch TV?
Bessie is gone, she fought with some of the front row 'girl(s)'
>Hey, girls, am I fitting in yet?
>Am I?
>Pls gib pussy
wtf is going on?
this is neat desu
I've never reacted to anything like this in my life.
Jaime rejected Big Brienne and the audience didn't care for it
My God damn sides.
is that whiz khalifa?
I don't remember this scene.
they fucked right? then he didn't want to marry her?
söi overdose
The only time dracarys has ever been said is by Dany, when she's setting some fucker on fire. It's Pavlovian conditioning. A dog hears a bell, thinks it means dinner time, and salivates. Dumbs thots hear dracarys, think it's dragon fire time, salivate, get angry when the condition isn't fulfilled.
I hate normal people so fucking much.
>so fat that her dress rips
>Arya rejects Gendry
>Jaime rejects Brienne
So how did they react to arya doing that to Gendry?
>that black guy who copies their reactions to find a way to flirt with some 5/10 white girl
It’s like watching a mirror
They cheered
>they should be mad this single scene ruins brienne completely, and jaime almost as bad
>instead they are mad it didnt end like a romcom
nuke this particular location please
Can somebody acquire me the green haired ones instagram.
I hate standards that are doubled
>monkey see monkey do
I've never actually watched the Burlington bar reaction videos, would you recommend it for a laugh? I just want to be entertained.
Gendry and Brienne should fuck
They just make me depressed.
No. They're not funny. If anything, they're cringy.
it's ok to be jealous and insecure user
where is bessie and why is there a trashy looking nigger in her seat
only for hate-watching
literally why single moms happen
>This is going to become a thing in bongland now isn't it? Faggots going to a bar to gush over popular culture. Of course it is, we have to copy all of America's cancer culture.
This is in chicago fuck wit
The way they act like it didnt just happen after they do it as well
why are brits so cringe? are they even human?
every single woman there is most certainly on the pill
holy shit it's so obvious they only do it for attention
no, anyone that cares and watched these whores and SJWs should be sterilized
is that the house from orgazmo?
they're not brits. They're Amerifats
Reported for advertising
nah i'm not american
He knows. I think it's the same guy in every one of these threads who pretends those freaks are Brits.
Why the fuck are you watching people have ott reactions for the camera while watching GoT? Just ignore it for fucks sake if it bothers you that much
Lmao! These guys look ugly af!
Isn't this the part where you tell /pol/ to get out despite being the first and only one to bring up politics?
Where did she go?
She's not in any of the new episodes.
The future of cinema is that the audience will be recorded in the theater and must give their own performance
i'm physically cringing
>American deflecting
pathetic and obsessed. It's in the states you utter retard
>mocking a child to own the poltards
I didn't even see him the first time I watched it cause it was so dark lol
i'm a volcel that hasn't fucked in 6+ years
i haven't been wronged by women. on the contrary, i've absolutely shattered the hearts of all the women i've dated
society has not wronged me. i eat healthy and exercise regularly. I just don't care about sex and i am happier single.
real incels are a menace. they are a cancer to their internets and they have violent ideologies.
go have sex. it's really not that hard. people are generally dumb as shit and easy to manipulate. be confident, be yourself, be nice, and most of all be cool. take a shower. just have sex, retards
>mocking a /pol/smoker to own the /pol/smokers
yes, that's usually how it works
>going to that bar to pickup got female fans.
He is playing a very dangerous game but he is the only man over there doing it right.
children are acceptable, they'll grow up to be right-wing terrorists anyways
murder all maga hat kids, they're not even human. this is for freedom and justice
Is just women being women, you wouldnt get mad a dog for chasing his tail?.
whos the green haired qt?
I feel a personal responsibility to not have sex until it's a committed relationship because it's proven that it's damaging to women for their entire lives.
>implying discord tranny has any rights to be alive.
>this is the target audience for most movies and shows nowadays
Just fuck my shit into pieces.
yea but DOGS LIKE ME
>see this image in almost every thread on Yea Forums
>It’s now edited as if they have it loaded and ready for spam
Take your meds. This is even worse then sneed posting.
Why would you need to ask? Are you autistic or something?
got some sauce on that bessie?
These people are so fucking fake it hurts to watch.
these same dumb cunts are back again? wewwww
no way this is bessie. did she get a skin lightening treatment, nose job, change her hair color, and lose 40 lbs?
found the dicklet
If you pay attention, you can see the erratic and hypocritical mind of women at work during this scene. They think Gendry is cute and the proposal is cute and are super excited about the marriage because they are women. but then they also cheer and feel empowered because she refuses him. No matter the scenario, the woman is always 100% in the right at all times, no matter what decision she makes.
Is she the goth landwhale?
yeah. there is no way that webm is her. unless she is using so much makeup most of the time that it's a borderline race change when she removes it.
These women self inserted into Brienne and then we're butthurt when Chad left
Wouldnt doubt it, and I bet she blamed muhsoginy when they told her to fuck off.
*holds up spork*
So randumb!
I'd self insert into Brienne if you know what I mean
Kill yourself incel
you identify as a mannish woman?
Same. everyone here was making fun of Jamie for getting together with her. but imagine the super chads that their union would create. all 6'2"+ with iron jaws.
It's just cause they know they're on camera
>Arya rejects Gendry
>reeee muh female empowerment women should stay in the kitchen
>Jamie rejects Brienne
>based Jamie
jesus is her entire existence based around game of fucking thrones? why do i get the feeling she hasn't even read the books
I'm not sure how much of swordsmanship is genetic but I imagine their child would be the GOAT
I got bad news for you
Both of these scenes make sense if you aren't autistic.
>Arya knows she would never be happy living the life of a noble lady despite how much she cares for Gendry
>Jaime knows that he has to resolve things with his sister so he emotionally detaches himself from Brienne to get the job done, and make it easier for her to let him go if he doesn't return
Rich people have always looked at marriage and having children as a kind of horse breeding. Maybe thats part of whats wrong with the world today, the idea that relationships should be started on the basis of a kind of hallmark card puppy love sentiment, rather than logic and reason.
>GOT crisis actor @houseburlington
Are these damn people serious
I believe most of them have penis.
Assuming that Jamie trains him, it would basically be a blonde, more graceful/skilled version of the hound. maybe not quite Arthur Dayne tier but would absolutely mog 99.9% of people.
>strange racial obsession
please return to
Being a rich person, you would know, right?
based poo doing his best to fit in with white culture but deep down he knows this is the most degenerate shit and he can't wait to get back to his home country
They're thinking the same thing about us with their limited knowledge of Yea Forums(nel) through /pol/ and Yea Forums happenings. Funny thing is they don't know that those boards have no major bearing on the site as a whole other than public perception.
You're as retarded as that Britbong (or guy larping as one).
Reread what he says, hes saying Britian copies Americsn culture, which is actually true to an extent.
As for whether or not he's baiting is another story entirely.
Show me a mega-wealthy person and 90% of the time they will be married to a model/another mega-wealthy person/a super chad. The only time that they aren't is seemingly when they are also autistic, like zuckerberg. you don't need to be rich to know that.
Genetic lineage blown the fuck out by facts AND logic
Every one of you who resolves to hate women is essentially pushing your potential girlfriends into my arms.
>potential girlfriends
No, he fucked my ex girlfriend.
do you guys react like that? this was my face this whole season, i just don't give a shit about anything i just want it to be over
this is how I've reacted to seasons 5-8
Strongest reaction I had was calling Dany a retard and doing a facepalm when she somehow got surprised by Euron's fleet and then did a suicide dive on a straight line directly into his ballista's.
fuck me that was years ago
what was this hambeast named? something-snorlax right?
For indians anything on tv is just pure entertainment, they don't give a shit if it's bad as long as it's entertaining it's good with them.
>neon hair
>shotgun blast of makeup
>100 accessories
>bad teeth
she's a 5/10 at best without the smoke and mirrors.
oh well, i knew it was pokemon based, thx user
>bad teeth
How can you tell? is there a better picture?
The best video of that moment will always be the one being taken by a steretypical Stacey looking at her with disgust.
am i jaded for thinking she purposely dyed her hair neon green (can be seen in dark room) and made herself stickout as much as possible so she'll get most of the attention.
She probably killed the titty monster girl so that her jugs wouldn't distract viewers away from her.
>then did a suicide dive on a straight line directly into his ballista's
Why did she fly down and not even burn one of his ships? Wasn't she in position to do that?
>she dyed her hair green for attention!
No shit, captain obvious.
>It's called mirroring, works wonders on retarded women
I swear GoT retardation and 'Fuck Drumpf' have gotten me more pussy in the last 3 years than alcohol and money combine
The smart move was to either fly high enough that you can do a vertical dive directly onto their fleet since they can't aim straight up, or fly around behind them where the ballista's shots are obscured by their sails. She opted for diving directly through their line of sight. and miraculously she wasn't hit, then instead of capitalizing on her luck she decides to turn while they are all reloading. It was surprisingly retarded, even for D&D.
No she moved th L.A for work so she couldn't be there anymore.
Why did they completely ignore the nigger?
Pol doesn't support Trump anymore because he loves Israel and gives them lots of money. Only r/theDonald and Facebook boomers still like Trump.
Based black man getting the pussy
Which one of you was this
I really want to punch this bitch's throat
I fucking hate normalfags
Here is the full Video
Doesn't have the kino stacey angle of the scene.
literally this
>everyone in the bar watching on that tiny ass tv screen
20 million views is not enough $$$$$ to afford a decent 55'' TV fucking jew bar
The best is when Miss Sunday says “draycarus” and the freaks in the bar really think the dragon is coming so they start to cheer and are so happy and then it slowly dawns on them what’s about to happen
>green hair touches him and says something
you're embarrassing either way tranny
>not taking the child-free pill
wtf that dude is more beta than the star wars s o y dude
that guy you feel you can mock, the black dude got the most "ok there i knowledged you, now stop being gay to get with me" touch in history
oh boy
what is bill gates doing there?
She got kicked out actually. All the stories are painting it like she was leaving on her terms, but unfortunately I know a guy who works there, and he confirmed it. She was basically a gigantic (pun intended) bitch who tried to get everyone to do as she said regarding the episodes and always had to be center of attention. Eventually everyone got sick of her shit and told her to fuck off, so she tried to hit one of the staff, he handled it really well - didn't attack back or anything knowing he/the bar would cop a law suit, and they banned her.
Based. Are you a nigger as well or white?
Who is the guy in the middle and how do I get him to be my bf?
bartender here, she blew the bar owner's kid.
She was the worst, she'd hog the joint everytime and blow the smoke out going 'dracaaarys' and the girls had to pretend to find it super funny, she wanted to start a D&D table to play GoT (she wanted to be Dany) and she wanted the kid she blew to be Khal Drogo so he'd rape her
i thought truman capote died
what an absolute lad
fuck GoT
getting laid by pretending to like it is its only value now
More liberal cringe webms plz